Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9636: heir of blood

"Have you felt that suffocating aura emanating from the deep place below the Nine Death Cliff?" The Queen of Chaos looked at Lin Feng and said.

Lin Feng nodded.

That kind of aura didn't seem to be emitted deliberately.

But it's ridiculously strong.

For monks, especially for top experts, the impact on willpower is extremely severe.

The stronger the monk, the more he knows what this aura means.

Most people really don’t dare to move forward.

Otherwise, it is really possible to end up in a situation of death.

Lin Feng collected the Book of the Dead.

The high-level dark attribute energy absorbed by the Book of the Dead is almost enough.

Next, just let the undead army evolve.

It is estimated that the evolution will be completed soon.

Lin Feng looked at the Queen of Chaos and said, "Since we have decided to venture into it, we need to take care of each other during the meeting and not make any mistakes, otherwise it will not be good for us."

The Queen of Chaos smiled and said, "Brother Lin, you are quite careful. Don't worry, sister, I am waiting for you to knock on the door, and I will never trick you."

Lin Feng had a dark look on his face. He didn't know what the Queen of Chaos was thinking every day. She wanted to let me barge in. It would be nice if I didn't tear down your door.

The two of them did not stay outside.

They walked directly inside. When they reached the Nine Death Cliff, they looked towards the deep place below. Looking down, under the Nine Death Cliff, it was pitch black and nothing could be seen, but the gloomy atmosphere became more and more... It was so terrifying that Lin Feng felt like his heart was pounding.

However, Lin Feng felt vaguely excited in his heart, because the opportunities in such an extremely dangerous place may be unimaginable.

Lin Feng and the Queen of Chaos looked at each other, and they both said in unison, "Let's go."

They flew down quickly.

In the ears, the wind howled, and a cold breath quickly filled the air. It seemed that there was some kind of ghost-like existence lying in the ears of Lin Feng and others, blowing the wind. This feeling was really bad enough. In their minds, There were also screams, and if you listened carefully, it sounded like millions of innocent souls were screaming.

This contains extremely powerful spiritual attack techniques. Lin Feng has not yet discovered what exactly this spiritual attack technique is released from.

But this kind of mental attack technique still has a relatively large impact on monks.

Fortunately, Lin Feng and the Queen of Chaos were extremely powerful and successfully overcame this mental influence. If they had been replaced by monks with slightly lower strength, they would have been greatly affected.

The two successfully landed at the bottom.

At the bottom of the valley, there are some skeletons scattered around. Most of them have decayed. It is difficult to find out what era these skeletons belong to.

He probably came here to look for opportunities in the past.

But in the end it was lost here.

"Where to go?", the Queen of Chaos looked at Lin Feng and asked.

Lin Feng carefully selected it, pointed in a direction, and said, "Let's go here, I feel that this is the direction we want to go."

So the two of them walked in the direction pointed by Lin Feng.

The two of them were actually very careful.

He has been using his spiritual thoughts to explore the surrounding situation, but since the suppression of spiritual thoughts here is quite serious, Lin Feng's spiritual thoughts can probably only explore the surrounding position of more than a hundred meters, but for Lin Feng, this is enough .

"Hey, could that thing be...". At this moment, the Queen of Chaos seemed to notice something, and she walked quickly in one direction.

Lin Feng followed closely behind. Soon after, the Queen of Chaos stopped in front of a boulder, and she walked around behind the boulder.

Lin Feng also moved over and saw a purple dagger stuck sideways behind the boulder.

The dagger looked very ancient and simple in shape. At first glance, it was not an ordinary dagger.

The Queen of Chaos obviously knew this dagger. After getting the dagger, she looked at it over and over, her beautiful face filled with joy from the bottom of her heart.

It seemed like this baby made her extremely satisfied.

Lin Feng asked, "Is this dagger special?".

The Queen of Chaos said, "That's natural. The origin of this dagger is not simple. This dagger is called the Purple Sky Dagger. It is a sword left by Fairy Ziyun Yue, a powerful person in the old era. This sword is not only a powerful weapon. The magic weapon is also a token. If you are lucky, you may be able to use this token to find the cave where Fairy Ziyunyue left her! That Fairy Ziyunyue is quite an extraordinary person. She is the most outstanding among the female cultivators. She is a top-notch person with earth-shattering cultivation. If I can gain her inheritance, I will definitely advance by leaps and bounds in the future.

The Queen of Chaos is very powerful, but to be honest, she shouldn't have any hope of reaching the leap realm.

It takes some big opportunity to change her destiny.

And this Fairy Ziyun Yue's cave may be the opportunity that can change the fate of the Queen of Chaos.

So this Queen of Chaos is really happy

Lin Feng congratulated the Queen of Chaos. This was her opportunity, and Lin Feng would not be jealous. Besides, Fairy Ziyun Yue is a woman, and her inheritance of the Taoism may also be suitable for women. The inheritance may not be of much use to Lin Feng.

The Queen of Chaos said, "Brother Lin, it seems that you are really my lucky star. Sister, I like you more and more. Are you really not considering cutting in?"

Lin Feng was almost stunned by the intrusive topic of the Queen of Chaos.

He said, "It's impossible to barge in, but if you want to be my confidante, I won't refuse a beautiful and powerful woman like you."

"Irregular 1. The Queen of Chaos curled her lips.

Lin Fengxin said that this woman is really capable of double standards.

She... teases... herself.

Just as a matter of course.

If you say a few words yourself, it's not serious.

But Lin Feng didn't reason with this woman. He was asking for trouble by trying to reason with her.

"You're here, you're here, Heir of Blood, you are finally here..." Suddenly, at this moment, Lin Feng felt as if he heard a voice. That voice sounded extremely vague and vague. I know where it came from.

But the owner of that voice seemed to have been waiting for Lin Feng to come here.

This surprised Lin Feng. Could it be that there were some amazing opportunities waiting for him here? This made Lin Feng's spirit suddenly lifted.

For him, this was an extremely surprising thing.

"What? Did you find anything?". The Queen of Chaos on the side noticed the change in Lin Feng's expression and asked in surprise.

Lin Feng said, "It seems like something is calling me, it should be deep inside.

This made the Queen of Chaos very experienced, and she couldn't help but sigh that Lin Feng was really a person with great luck.

The two continued to walk deeper, and not long after, they saw a pool in front of them. Because it was pitch black, they couldn't see clearly what was going on in the depths of the pool.

‘This water pool is a little weird, it seems that the power of confining flight permeates it, and it is not only confining flight, but also suppressing cultivation very powerfully/, the Queen of Chaos said in a solemn voice.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "There is a unique Tao here1"

The Queen of Chaos pointed in a direction deep into the pool and said in surprise, "What is that? It seems to be floating out from the depths of the pool...". (End of chapter)

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