Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9652: The stars are falling

Lord Xinghe is definitely a scum among scum, a scum among scum. Lin Feng is quite shameless about this person's character.

If you don't get it, you will destroy it.

What a perverted character

But there is no denying that the power of Lord Galaxy is indeed at a cross-era level. After all, he is now a boss-level existence even among the surviving forces of the old era.

If his power comes down, then it is quite possible to rescue Zhentian Goddess and the team leader.

Lin Feng naturally did not want to let go of the True Sky Goddess and the team leader. He told everyone to ignore the Galaxy God and continue to attack the True Sky Goddess and the team leader.

Zhentian Goddess was defeated by the team leader and was blown away. The main reason was that Zhentian Goddess used the ultimate sword skill many times in a row, which consumed a huge amount of money on herself. Now she can no longer continue to use this skill. Combined with a series of reasons such as the long-term consumption, the burning of a large amount of origin, etc., the current situation of the Zhentian Goddess is quite bad.

As for the squad leader, the situation is not much better. After all, there is still a big gap between the strength of the Zhentian Goddess.

Just as Lin Feng and the others were about to wipe out their attack, a twisted vortex suddenly appeared in the void.

This twisted vortex exuded a heart-stopping power, and this twisted vortex swallowed up all attacks in an instant.


Goddess Zhentian shouted loudly, not daring to hesitate, as if grasping the last life-saving straw, she quickly rushed towards the twisted vortex.

The squad leader followed closely and rushed towards the twisted vortex.

"Kill kill kill 1.

Lin Feng yelled.

He used all his strength to control the ancient weapon array to kill the escaping Zhentian Goddess and the team leader. The peerless killing array also released a devastating attack towards the two of them. Naturally, the strongest heavenly group was not to be outdone and launched a powerful attack. A strong attack attacked them.

"Despicable ants, you are seeking death." Suddenly, a voice containing cold murderous intent came out of the vortex. Lin Feng knew that this was the voice of the Lord of the Galaxy.

Then a galaxy flew out from the twisted whirlpool.

That galaxy is boundless and huge, just like the Milky Way world in the starry sky world of the universe.

The river of stars fell directly downwards.

All kinds of attacks were destroyed, and magic weapons were knocked away.

But it's still not over.

The galaxy continued to suppress Lin Feng and others, seeming to want to wipe out everyone.

The power contained in that galaxy is absolutely shocking.

It was like an ancient sacred mountain being crushed down.

No matter who resisted, under the oppression of the galaxy, they were as small as ants and dogs, unable to compete with the power of the galaxy.

It's really scary.

Worthy of being an existence at the level of a big boss in the old era, this Lord of the Galaxy is definitely a strong man above the leap of a fish, and his strength has reached the point where the stars have changed and the world has changed.

"Use all your strength to activate the defensive formation."

Lin Feng shouted loudly.

Everyone did not dare to hesitate and activated the combined defensive formation.

In fact, many people will never consider defensive formations when setting up such temporary formations. After all, they focus on attack, and the auxiliary formations they arrange are basically auxiliary formations such as fantasy formations. Formation-based.

Defense array! What a complete waste of energy! What a waste of material!

Not useful at all.

But when Lin Feng sets up large formations, he has a habit of arranging some formations regardless of the type.

This time too.

The entire combined formation, coupled with the forbidden blessings of the Death Jedi itself, plus the blessings of Lin Feng and the strongest members of the heavenly group. The power of the defensive formation is quite powerful.

I saw a huge energy mask condensed. The energy mask was suspended in mid-air, protecting everyone. When the pressure of the galaxy came down, the energy mask temporarily withstood the suppression of the galaxy.

However, a disdainful voice came from the whirlpool, "It's like a mantis trying to act like a chariot.

It is still the voice of the Lord of the Galaxy.

Lin Feng felt that the Lord of the Galaxy would not be aimless. He must be extremely confident in the power of this galaxy to say what he just said.

Lin Feng said quickly, "Come to me quickly1.

No one dared to hesitate.

Before the defensive mask was completely destroyed, everyone quickly gathered towards Lin Feng. Dozens of people quickly came to Lin Feng's side. At this time, the defensive mask was destroyed by the galaxy, and the galaxy continued to move towards Lin Feng. He left with the crowd suppressing him.

Many people were shocked that Xinghe was so powerful, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

Being suppressed by the galaxy, the physical body may not be able to bear it and will collapse in an instant.

What a dangerous thing this is

Fortunately, Lin Feng activated the defensive magic weapon he had in time and constructed a second defensive light shield to withstand the power of the galaxy.

Lin Feng's defensive magic weapon was also extremely powerful, and it instantly withstood the oppression of the galaxy.

But something horrifying happened again.

The power of the galaxy is still increasing.

It should be the Lord of the Galaxy, who is still continuing to increase the power of the Galaxy.

Although he is still separated by endless time and space from here, who makes this guy so ridiculously strong?

Even though there is endless time and space, it is still so powerful that it makes people tremble.

As the power of the galaxy continues to increase.

The defensive light shield outside Lin Feng also began to collapse.

"What the hell, Immeasurable Heavenly Lord, I'm afraid you're going to be doomed now, right?" Wuliang Taoist shouted.

The expressions of the others were also solemn. They also tried their best to use their defensive magic weapons to help Lin Feng construct a defense system.

But it didn't work at all.

All defenses are falling apart under the pressure of Xinghe.

Although such an attack will eventually land and it is impossible to kill everyone, many weaker monks, such as those at the Creator level, will most likely die under the pressure of the galaxy, and even some quasi-pioneers who are not that strong. , may die under the oppression of the galaxy.

The most powerful group suffered a serious loss.

This must be prevented from happening.


Finally, the defense system constructed by Lin Feng and the others was completely destroyed.

Xinghe fiercely suppressed Lin Feng and the members of the strongest group.

"Die, die. 1. The squad leader who fled into the whirlpool had a ferocious look on his face.

The beautiful face of the Goddess Zhentian on the side was also full of sneers, as if she was waiting for the scene where Lin Feng and others were killed by Xinghe.

If Lin Feng didn't die, they wouldn't even mind giving Lin Feng a finishing blow at the critical moment. They would definitely cut off Lin Feng's head so that Lin Feng would die without a place to die. (End of chapter)

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