Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9668: The giant bull is coming

"Sword 1 is so fast. Lin Feng was surprised.

"Young Master, be careful. 1. Everyone exclaimed and wanted to help Lin Feng resist for a while, but it was too late.

That terrifying sword struck directly on Lin Feng's neck.

But a shocking scene occurred.

As powerful as the top-notch sword that cut iron as much as clay, it struck at Lin Feng's neck, but did not immediately cut off Lin Feng's head.

The main reason is that Lin Feng's physical body is too strong. Of course, just being physically strong is not enough, because if the magic weapon is powerful enough, it can destroy any level of powerful physical body. Don't forget, Lin Feng has also cultivated the adamantium to be indestructible and as solid as a rock. When the sword came to kill, such as magic immunity and other defensive magical powers, Lin Feng also used these methods one after another.

Therefore, that terrifying sword was blocked by Lin Feng with his pure body.

Of course, another thing cannot be ignored, that is, when destroying Lin Feng's defensive mask, this sword has consumed a lot of energy.

When it hit Lin Feng's neck, its power had actually weakened a lot.

Of course, even so, Lin Feng's abnormally powerful defense cannot be ignored.

At this time, Lin Feng had already opened his big hand and grabbed the sword directly.

There was a click.

Lin Feng grabbed the sword in his hand. The sword was too powerful. It sent out terrifying sword energy and slashed towards Lin Feng. However, Lin Feng sneered. He caught him in his hand and wanted to use the sword energy. Injuring him was simply a dream. Lin Feng directly shattered the sword energy. Then Lin Feng summoned the sky-swallowing jar. This treasure could swallow all kinds of treasures in the world, forcibly severing the connection between the treasures and their masters, and temporarily destroying the sword. Suppression in the sky-swallowing jar is the best choice.

Lin Feng played dense sealing runes, and all of those sealing runes were imprinted on the sword, temporarily suppressing the sword, and then Lin Feng stuffed the sword directly into the sky-swallowing jar.

At this moment, the sword suddenly became completely honest.

Lin Feng then put the sky-swallowing jar away.

However, the Spider King suddenly became angry. He lost control of his sword and was so angry that he roared again and again, "Boy, you dare to accept my warranty, you deserve to die, give it to me, give it to me." I killed these guys1.

Seeing that the king was angry, more and more spider monsters swarmed up and attacked Lin Feng and the others' defensive light shield outside as if life-threatening.

Lin Feng and the others' defensive shields outside were injured by the sword before and were severely damaged. Therefore, under the impact of a large number of spider monsters, Lin Feng and the others' defensive shields outside could not hold up and were completely destroyed by these spider monsters. Of course, these spider monsters also paid a heavy price. A large number of spider monsters were strangled by Lin Feng and others. However, at this time, after Lin Feng and others lost the protection of the defensive mask, they had to face these spider monsters directly.

Under the fierce and fearless attacks of these spider monsters, Lin Feng and the others were in danger one after another.

Several people were scratched by the spider monster that broke through, and they were almost dragged away by the spider monster. Fortunately, Lin Feng and the others had quick eyesight and quick hands, and snatched the poisoned person back. The poisoned person quickly swallowed the pill, and then added The treatment with the life force of Shanglin Fengjianmu's sapling allowed them to resolve the nerve poison, but their combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

As for those spider monsters, it seems that they are endless, and more spider monsters are still coming.

The expressions of Lin Feng and others were extremely solemn. The situation was getting worse and worse, but Beibei hadn't succeeded yet, which was more troublesome. Fortunately, at this time, Beibei finally reached the place where Poison Ancestor and others were. After Beibei appeared from the void, he quickly sprayed out a seven-color beam of light and killed the spider web that entangled Poison Ancestor and others. Bei's seven-color beam of light is very powerful. Those spider webs are extremely tough, but they can't withstand the seven-color beam of light that Beibei sprays out. Soon Beibei rescued Du Zu and others. Du Zu Shang He was able to move, but the others were asleep, and they were all sent into his special space by Beibei.

Beibei looked at the other people, then sprayed out seven-color beams of light, heading towards the spider webs that entangled hundreds of other people. This little guy was so kind, and seemed to want to kill the other trapped people. The people here were also rescued and left together.

"My little ancestor, those spider monsters are coming! Let's run quickly." The Poison Ancestor shouted in horror when he saw the spider monsters rushing toward them.

Beibei screamed, meaning to let Poison Ancestor help resist for a while, and he would be able to rescue everyone soon.

Poison Ancestor felt bitter in his heart and said, "I am really convinced by your ancestor."

Although he said this, Poison Ancestor did not dare to hesitate. He quickly took out his magic weapon and fought with the spider monsters that came up to kill them. Fortunately, there were not too many spider monsters to kill them, so they were temporarily killed. Poison Ancestor resisted, while Beibei successfully rescued everyone and then brought those people into his small space.

At this time, more and more spider monsters were coming, and Poison Ancestor couldn't support it anymore. Seeing that the sharp claws of a spider monster were about to pierce Poison Ancestor's body, Poison Ancestor screamed in fear, but at this time Beibei used the power of seven colors to wrap up Poison Ancestor, and instantly disappeared without a trace. Poison Ancestor also dodged this extremely dangerous blow.

When Beibei and the others appeared again, they had already joined Lin Feng and others.

"Let's go, break out 1.

Lin Feng said in a deep voice, the ancient weapons formation was sacrificed by Lin Feng. Under the control of Lin Feng's Tomb of Soldiers, the ancient weapons formation exerted great power, constantly strangling the surrounding spider monsters.

The power of the other people's magic weapons has also been greatly increased.

Lin Feng and others showed great power and started to kill outside. Although the spider monsters were still coming in an endless stream, they were unable to resist the footsteps of Lin Feng and others. At this time, the Spider King took action again, each one with huge monsters. The energy light ball hit Lin Feng and the others, its power was shocking.

Lin Feng quickly said to Shi Long, "Shi Long, you come to resist the Spider King's attack1.

"Good 1." Shilong responded. He specializes in resisting the terrifying attacks released by the Spider King.

Shilong is the pinnacle of combat power on Lin Feng's side.

When Shilong continued to resist the Spider King's attacks, Lin Feng and others' breakout speed slowed down significantly.

After breaking through for half an hour, they still hadn't broken out, but the spider monster corpses on the ground were already piled up like a mountain.


At this time, something terrible happened. Terrifying auras came from a distance, and then Lin Feng and the others saw terrifying beings with extremely terrifying arrogance flying quickly from a distance.

The leader was the giant bull that Lin Feng and the others had encountered before. (End of chapter)

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