Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9676: The invincible giant bull

The other side.

Lin Feng continued to control the ancient weapons array to attack the giant bull.

Under Lin Feng's control, the ancient weapon array became more and more powerful, and the attacks it fired rained down on the giant bull.

In the previous blow, the soul of the giant bull seemed to have been damaged to a certain extent. Now Lin Feng felt like beating the drowned dog, but Lin Feng also knew that even if the giant bull was injured, the damage would not be enough to cause fatal damage to the giant bull. Therefore, he still had to Be more careful.

Therefore, when attacking the giant bull, Lin Feng kept a certain distance from the giant bull to prevent him from getting too close to the giant bull and being successfully attacked by the giant bull, which would be bad.

Various attacks hit the giant bull, causing the giant bull to scream in pain.

The giant bull roared angrily, "Damn it! All of you deserve death. I will cut you into pieces with thousands of knives."


After the words fell, an extremely terrifying aura suddenly surged out of the giant bull's body. This aura was shocking.

The body of the giant bull has also undergone tremendous changes.

Just a crackling sound was heard coming from the body of the giant bull. The bones, flesh and blood all over his body seemed to be changing, as if he was about to complete an unprecedented transformation.

This situation caused Lin Feng and others' expressions to change slightly. They were well-informed and could easily tell at a glance that this giant bull was likely to change its form.

Some special beings do have the ability to change their forms.

This ability is called evolution by monks.

Generally, beings with this ability have extremely noble bloodlines, and the foundation that allows them to change their forms is their own bloodline.

These bloodlines are mysterious and extraordinary.



With a flash of light, the giant bull completed its evolution. His hair changed from normal brown hair to golden hair, and his body doubled in size.

The power contained within the body is even more terrifying.

The defensive power he has mastered has also become stronger.

When the giant bull breathed, there were even bursts of thunder that echoed through the sky.

Every move he makes now contains the power of Tao.

"So strong 1. After feeling the current state of the giant bull, Lin Feng's pupils couldn't help but shrink slightly. The current giant bull is indeed too terrifying, but so what, no matter how powerful this guy is, he can't shake Lin Feng. heart of.

"Boom 1. The ancient weapon array's attack came down again. This time, the giant bull did not dodge and allowed the ancient weapon array's attack to hit him.

next moment.

The attack of the ancient weapon formation hit the giant bull hard, and something unbelievable and unacceptable happened.

After the giant bull's body withstood the attack of the ancient weapon formation, nothing happened at all.

Lin Feng couldn't believe his eyes.

This defense is too abnormal.

It is really unimaginable what kind of attack can withstand such a terrible defense.

"Boom! Boom 1.

The giant bull then sprayed out two energy light **** and blasted them towards Lin Feng and the Great Wilderness Sirius King.

The energy ball seemed to contain the power to destroy time and space, and it quickly blasted towards the two of them. After feeling the terror of the energy light ball, Lin Feng's expression suddenly changed. This energy light ball was so powerful that even Lin Feng might not be able to withstand the energy light ball's offensive. Lin Feng did not dare to hesitate and used all his strength. A large array of ancient weapons was activated to deal with the energy ball, but wherever the energy ball passed, everything in its path was blown away, including the powerful magic weapons Lin Feng had sacrificed.

All the magic weapons were knocked away.

The energy ball continued to blast towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng quickly used methods such as indestructible and rock-hard to resist the power of this energy light ball. Although the power of this energy light ball has dropped a lot, Lin Feng was still blown away after resisting the attack of this energy light ball. .

He felt as if his whole body was about to fall apart. This feeling was really terrible. The giant bull that had completed its evolution had its combat power soared to an appalling level.

The Great Wilderness Sirius King's condition was no better than Lin Feng's. His face turned very pale as he resisted the opponent's attack.


Lin Feng and the Great Wilderness Sirius King took action quickly and activated the Diamond Circle at the same time.

Both diamond circles flew quickly towards the giant bull.

The giant bull sneered again and again, "Humble ants, I have evolved into the body of a golden giant bull. In my opinion, your methods are nothing but trivial tricks.

The giant bull shook its horns again.

Two loud bangs were heard.

It's like the sound of gold and iron clashing.

The two diamond circles were directly pushed out by the giant bull.

This time, the Diamond Circle failed to have any impact on the giant bull.

Boom boom!

The giant bull once again spewed out a ball of energy and blasted it towards Lin Feng and the Great Wilderness Sirius King. This time the ball of energy was even more terrifying than the previous one.

Lin Feng cast the Illusion Spell, his body became illusory, and he avoided the terrifying blow of the giant bull, but the Great Wilderness Sirius King did not have such good luck.

He was blown away, bleeding from all his orifices, and extremely miserable.

Seeing how miserable the Great Wilderness Sirius King was, Lin Feng's expression changed drastically. Whether the Great Wilderness Sirius King could deal with the giant bull was the key to it. The Great Wilderness Sirius King was now seriously injured. The situation was extremely bad. Lin Feng quickly flew over. Next to the Great Wilderness Sirius King, he helped the Great Wilderness Sirius King up and asked, "Senior, how are you?".

The Great Wilderness Sirius King said, "I can't die yet, but this giant bull is too terrifying. We may not be able to deal with him."

Lin Feng asked, "Should the Diamond Circle be in a stronger state?"

The Great Wilderness Sirius King said, "Yes, through secret techniques, the Vajra Circle can be temporarily fused, and during the short-term fusion, the power can explode several times, reaching the ultimate peak."

Lin Feng said, "Then let's make a last-ditch effort. If it doesn't work, we'll withdraw 1.

'good/. The Great Wilderness Sirius King gritted his teeth.

He summoned the two diamond circles back, and then began to chant the spell to perform this ultimate killing move.

The giant bull said in a cold voice, "Despicable ants, stop struggling fearlessly. Your fate has already been determined. Go and die."

The giant bull opened its mouth and sprayed out a ball of energy light again. Since Lin Feng and the Great Wilderness Sirius King had merged together, the giant bull only sprayed out a ball of energy light this time. Since only one ball of energy light was sprayed out, the giant bull's The power is also concentrated and exerted together.

Therefore, the power of this energy light ball has become more terrifying.

When this energy ball flew out, the world seemed to be shattered.

Feeling the fluctuations contained in the energy light ball, everyone felt a sense of horror. They felt that they were like ants in front of the energy light ball. (End of chapter)

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