Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9678: The rout of the giant bull

At this critical moment, Lin Feng displayed another powerful secret skill, which was the upgraded version of Jing Hua Ying's Jing Hua Shui Yue.

Mirrored Flowers, for individuals.

Through the Looking Glass, for the collective.

Although the effect will be weakened accordingly, in reality, it is still extremely heaven-defying.

after all.

Effective for so many people.

Being able to protect everyone is pretty good.

Mirror Flower, Water Moon gives everyone a part of the effect of Mirror Flower Shadow.

So when the terrifying attack came down, about 70 to 80% of the attack was blocked by Jing Hua Shui Yue.

The remaining 20 to 30% of the attacks continued to blast away at the rest of the people, but at this time, the defense methods of the strongest heavenly group monks played a huge role. Everyone used the defensive light shield constructed by magical powers or magic weapons. Although they were destroyed, some weaker members even vomited blood from the shock, but no one was injured in the attack just now. This can be regarded as a blessing among misfortunes. If it were not for Jinghua Shuiyue's resistance, I don't know how many lives would have been lost. People were going to die from the horrific attack just now.


This mirror flower, water moon, also rebounded almost 60% of its power. Although this 60% power was scattered to deal with six people, because the previous attack was too terrifying, even if everyone only withstood the peak period An attack with 10% of the power is also an extremely extraordinary attack.

The tyrannical attack struck hard at the giant bull, wild boar king and others, and all six powerful men were blown away.

The giant bull and the blood pig king were injured more and more.

The other four powerful men were also injured and vomited blood.

Everyone had a clear division of labor, and Shi Long and others still killed the Blood Pig King and other five powerful men.

Lin Feng and the Great Wilderness Sirius King continued to deal with the giant bull.

Ju Niu never thought that Lin Feng could use a similar method again. What's even more outrageous is that the method used later was a group method. Although the counterattack was far less powerful than the first time, this group method was Protected everyone.

Let Lin Feng and the others suffer no big losses.

The people on Lin Feng's side can then fight back, which is the more fatal thing.


At this time, under the urging of the Great Wilderness Sirius King, the two diamond circles with different attributes finally completed the fusion.

This fusion state does not last too long. Although it does not last long, its power is unimaginable.

It is enough to kill gods and immortals, which is terrifying.

I saw that under the urging of the Great Wilderness Sirius King, the diamond circle, which had doubled in size after the fusion, vibrated with extremely terrifying fluctuations.

The two forces of yin and yang surround the diamond circle. The two forces of yin and yang seem to have the power to shatter the world.

The real **** blocks and kills the god.


With an extremely violent roaring sound, the diamond circle once again blasted towards the giant bull. This was the first time it attacked the giant bull after the fusion of the diamond circle. The current situation of the giant bull was actually not very ideal. First, he was injured one after another, and then he was rebounded twice by Lin Feng's Mirror Flower Shadow and Mirror Flower Water Moon. These two injuries were the most serious injuries to him. Of course, he should not forget another thing, that is , in order to activate the secret technique of condensing the six-color light ball, the giant bull, the blood pig king and others burned the essence of blood one after another.

This is an extremely harmful method to the body.

Generally speaking, no one would use this method unless absolutely necessary. Ju Niu and others used it, but it didn't even cause much damage to Lin Feng and others.

As for them, their combat effectiveness has been further weakened due to the consumption of essence and blood.

Therefore, at this moment, there is actually a relatively large gap between the giant bull's state and his peak state.

The attack power contained in the fused Vajra Circle exceeds any previous attack.

Under the circumstances, the Vajra Circle is now definitely showing its murderous intent.

The giant bull also realized this. When he saw the diamond circle heading towards him, the giant bull opened its mouth and spit out a purple hammer. The purple hammer was surrounded by purple thunder and lightning. It looked like an extremely powerful treasure at first glance.

The giant bull wants to rely on this treasure to resist the diamond circle.

"Huh 1.

At this time, Lin Feng snorted coldly.

Of course, Lin Feng would not let the giant bull succeed. He once again controlled the ancient weapons formation and quickly strangled the magic hammer offered by the giant bull.

The ancient weapons formation showed great power at this time.

Directly intercepted the hammer.

All of a sudden, there is no obstacle to the diamond circle.

The giant bull roared and cursed Lin Feng angrily, "You little beast ruined my big job."

The giant bull had to shake its huge horns to deal with the two-in-one Vajra Circle. The Vajra Circle collided hard with the giant bull's horns. As of now, regardless of whether the giant bull would be knocked down, the Vajra Circle would definitely be knocked down. But this time, the giant bull was knocked down, but the Vajra Circle was not knocked away. From this point, we can see how powerful the Vajra Circle became when the two merged into one.

The power contained in the diamond circle has reached an unpredictable level. The damage to the giant bull is not only the damage to his body, but also the serious damage to the soul of the giant bull.

This point was also mentioned by the Great Wilderness Sirius King to Lin Feng before.

Under the urging of the Great Wilderness Sirius King, the Vajra Circle continued to attack the giant bull. The Vajra Circle once again blasted the giant bull fiercely.

The giant bull had just stood up when it was hit hard by the diamond circle. This blow still collided with the horns of the bull, and the giant bull was knocked down again.

After releasing more than a dozen attacks in a row, the giant bull was already dizzy.

Finally, facing a new round of attacks, before the giant bull had time to collide with it with its horns, the diamond ring had already hit the giant bull's head hard.

This blow was so terrifying that it directly shocked the giant bull's head. Although the giant bull's skull was not shattered, the power formed by the diamond circle caused unimaginable damage to the giant bull's soul.

"hinder…". The giant bull screamed, and he roared angrily, "Damn it, **** it, you actually hurt me so badly, I won't let you go, the roar of the Ox King 1."

The giant bull roared loudly and spat out a river of stars from its mouth. The river of stars came towards Lin Feng and the Great Wilderness Sirius King. Lin Feng quickly took action and withstood the power of the river of stars.

But the huge mana surged out of the giant bull's body, trapping the Blood Pig King and others, tearing the void apart and trying to escape.

"Leave me alone."

Lin Feng snorted coldly, and saw that the dust tail thread of Tianji Fairy Dust quickly lengthened, and suddenly wrapped around the giant bull, blood pig king and other five powerful men.

The rest of the people were adding mana to the Tianji Fairy Dust. Together with Lin Feng, they wanted to forcefully drag out the giant bull and others who had escaped into the void. (End of chapter)

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