Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9705: The consciousness of the cosmic black hole

Broken black holes formed when the universe collapses are relatively rare, because generally, it is difficult to see the universe collapse.

After all, the secret laws of the universe are still quite powerful. In addition, the universe itself has extremely powerful repair capabilities. This is just like the human body. After being injured, it can complete self-repair, but some people recover slowly, and some people It's just that the recovery is faster. People like Lin Feng who have mastered the immortal bloodline are the ones who recover the fastest. If the universe is compared to a person, then Lin Feng is almost the same, standing at the top of self-repair. figure.

Of course, although the collapse of the universe is rare, it is not impossible.

When reincarnation changes, the universe will actually collapse on a large scale, or even iterate. The old universe dies and a new universe is born. In the new universe, everything is new, full of hope, and thriving. .

To the ancient being who controls it all behind the scenes.

This prosperous world is also a world they are happy to see, because rebirth means weakness and easy control. They can control everything and even change the trend of many things in endless long years.

Therefore, it can be seen that the number of times the universe collapsed is actually very few.

And not every universe collapse creates a powerful black hole.

Even if a black hole is really formed, who knows where it is. The probability of it being hidden in the starry sky world is probably the highest. After all, the starry sky world is boundless and is very suitable for the celestial movement of black holes.

Therefore, the probability that Lin Feng and the others would encounter a black hole formed when the universe collapsed was almost zero.

But still here, Lin Feng was almost speechless when he encountered such a black hole.

The Devil's Abyss is indeed the place where the Edge of the Universe section is located.

There are always some weird and evil things happening in this place.

After Lin Feng was swallowed by the black hole, he felt that his body was being torn apart bit by bit. Lin Feng had entered the starry sky world more than once and had seen some black holes, but the black holes that Lin Feng saw were nothing compared to the black hole in front of him. What, although those black holes can also pull the movement of celestial bodies, and can also swallow endless living beings, undead souls, and everything else, the threat to the extremely powerful is very small.

Furthermore, those black holes are dead silent places.

But it was different here. Lin Feng felt an extremely ancient consciousness, which made Lin Feng feel a little creepy.

The black hole gave birth to consciousness, and it was not as simple as a simple black hole. In other words, the swallowing of Lin Feng and Queen Charming was not an accident, but a planned and premeditated swallowing.


At this moment, in the black hole of the universe, terrifying power boiled, like terrifying mystical laws, blasting towards Lin Feng and Queen Charming.

The surrounding time and space are distorted, and the power that tears everything apart is still constantly affecting Lin Feng and Queen Charming, greatly hindering their actions.

However, the other attacks released here were not hindered. On the contrary, they even seemed to be blessed by the black hole in the universe, and their power became more powerful. For Lin Feng and Queen Charming, this was an extremely bad situation.

Lin Feng had to quickly take action to resist the attack caused by the black hole in the universe.


The two sides collided fiercely, and the terrifying force knocked Lin Feng away. Lin Feng was so shaken that his energy and blood rolled, and his whole body seemed to be falling apart.

"So strong 1. Lin Feng was horrified. It was just the power of the secret of the law, but it was incredibly powerful. It was indeed an attack born from the black hole of the universe. It was really shocking.

The Charming Queen on the other side showed terrifying combat power, directly destroying the secret laws that were heading towards her. Lin Feng smacked his tongue, this woman, after being hit so hard, is still so powerful, she is really perverted.

Not only his personality is abnormal, but his strength is also abnormal.

Neither of them dared to stay in the black hole, and wanted to rush outside, but a deep voice came from the depths of the endless darkness, "You can't escape, you will be swallowed by me."

As the voice fell, more terrifying devouring power surged out, pulling Lin Feng and Charming Queen into a deeper position.

As they continued to fall, Lin Feng and Queen Charming were suppressed more and more severely.

Their mana has been suppressed, their speed has been suppressed, their spiritual thoughts have been suppressed, their reactions have been suppressed...

Everything about them has been suppressed, which has also led to their combat effectiveness being continuously weakened.

What's even more terrifying is that from above, densely packed esoteric laws are falling down.

Much more than the previous batch.

Just now it was just a taster, but now it's a real appetizer.

Seeing the densely packed secret laws, Lin Feng felt his scalp numb. How could he resist it? He quickly activated the defensive magic weapon.

Lin Feng's defensive magic weapon constructed a powerful defense system, protecting Lin Feng within it.

And Lin Feng did not sit still and continued to use his magical powers to resist the suppression of those arcane laws in order to reduce the pressure those arcane laws put on the defensive magic weapons. But even so, those arcane laws bombarded the defensive light shield outside Lin Feng, still making The defensive light shield outside Lin Feng kept trembling. This situation was not good. Lin Feng felt that it would not be long before the defense system constructed by the defensive magic weapon would be destroyed.

As for the Charming Queen, she is quite miserable at this moment. She does not have as many defensive magic weapons as Lin Feng, so she can only choose to resist the dense secret laws. Due to injuries and suppressed strength, her combat power has dropped significantly. , it was quite difficult to resist, but there was no problem for the time being, but at this moment, the ancient consciousness deep in the black hole of the universe launched an attack on the Queen of Charm.

This is a soul attack, intangible and qualityless.

The Queen of Charm had already noticed it and fought hard, but her energy was stretched too much. Although she fought hard, she could only mobilize part of her soul power to resist the consciousness deep in the black hole of the universe.

This also led to her resistance, which was ultimately unsuccessful.

"Ah 1.

Queen Charm screamed in agony.

It was at this time that more and more secret laws were suppressed. Queen Charming had no time to resist, and was blown away by the secret laws, covered in blood.


At the same time, a terrifying killing light burst out from the depths of the black hole in the universe, heading towards the Charming Queen, as if it wanted to cut the Charming Queen into two pieces. (End of chapter)

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