Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9707: The Queen of Charm is also a pitiful person

"Kill 1.

Lin Feng and the Charming Queen shouted loudly, and used powerful magic weapons to strangle the dense tentacles. Although they did not know what the monster was that attacked them, Lin Feng and the Charming Queen would not spoil each other. .

The monster's combat power was also extremely powerful, but Lin Feng and Charming Queen were too powerful. The monster's countless tentacles were cut off by their magic weapons. Lin Feng originally wanted to keep the monster and then subdue it. , when the time comes, there will be another powerful being under his command.

But the Charming Queen didn't have this idea. Before Lin Feng could speak, she had directly strangled the monster's true form with her sword. Lin Feng extracted the monster's origin and put it away.

Then, Lin Feng sat down on the ground.

He was so exhausted.

Lin Feng wanted to enter the time and space to repair it, but with Queen Charming by his side, Lin Feng did not do so because Lin Feng did not want to expose time and space to people like Queen Charming. Although they were allies for the time being, then There is no way around it.

Lin Feng would not cooperate with Queen Charming if there was a second option.

Moreover, Lin Feng believed that Queen Charming would never cooperate with him.

Queen Charming found a place to sit cross-legged, quickly swallowed a few pills, and then began to heal her injuries.

She seemed not to be on guard against Lin Feng at all.

But Lin Feng knew how could this woman not be guarded against him. The Charming Queen must have some spiritual thoughts to pay attention to Lin Feng, if Lin Feng dared to do anything unscrupulous.

When the time comes, Queen Charm will wake up.

Lin Feng has no such idea for the time being. Even if it is only a temporary alliance, Lin Feng will abide by the alliance contract.

Lin Feng also quickly sat cross-legged to heal his injuries.

Due to his physical condition, the protection of the Jianmu Tree, and the fact that his injuries were not too serious, Lin Feng quickly recovered as before.

But the situation of the Queen of Charm is not good. She lost a lot of life source, plus she was injured one after another, and her soul was hurt by the consciousness that shattered the origin of the universe. In addition, she also suffered a certain degree of backlash, and her recovery speed will not be fast. of.

"Aunt, no, no, please spare me, please spare me...".

Suddenly, Lin Feng heard the begging voice of the Charming Queen.

He opened his eyes and looked at Queen Charming.

Then they saw that the Charming Queen still had her eyes closed tightly and was still in seclusion, but she kept muttering things like asking her aunt to spare her. Her beautiful face was full of fear and pleading, and she looked quite... For the pitiful look.

Seeing Queen Charming like this, Lin Feng couldn't help but frown slightly. It seemed that Queen Charming was not only severely brainwashed, she was probably abused by her aunt, Water Spirit Fairy, when she was a child. Otherwise, she wouldn't show such an expression. Come.

As the saying goes, poor people must be hateful.

This Water Spirit Fairy has probably become the inner demon of the Charming Queen.

Therefore, Lin Feng felt that it was not easy for the Charming Queen to break through the Yuyuan realm. After all, if she wanted to achieve such a breakthrough, she had to have no distracting thoughts in her heart. However, a deep demonic barrier had already formed in the Charming Queen's heart.

Unless Water Spirit Fairy is killed.

Once Water Spirit Fairy dies, the demonic barrier in Queen Charming's heart will disappear, and there may be a possibility of a breakthrough in the future.

But then again.

Water Spirit Fairy is a terrifying existence at the level of leaping into the sea. Although she has physical problems and is no longer at her peak combat power, she is still one of the most powerful existences in the four universes. In addition to those unimaginably ancient existences, as well as super giants such as Ye Xuan An existence of the same level can compete with this water spirit fairy. Who can compete with it? It would be difficult to kill a strong person of this level.

Therefore, the life of this Charming Queen is destined to be a very miserable life.

"Ah 1. Suddenly, Queen Charming let out a cry of pain. Her expression became extremely painful, even slightly distorted.

Seeing the Charming Queen like this, Lin Feng's eyes couldn't help but condense slightly.

Because the current appearance of the Charming Queen looks very much like someone who has gone crazy.

She had been acting wrong before and had been begging her aunt to spare her. This meant that she had developed demonic thoughts while in seclusion, but Lin Feng felt that with the strength of the Charming Queen, she still could not suppress these demonic thoughts. What's the problem.

Who would have thought that she failed to suppress it, which also led to the rampant growth of Queen Charm's evil thoughts, directly leading to the current situation where Queen Charm has gone crazy.

Of course, the fact that the Charming Queen has reached this point is not only related to the demonic thoughts.

It has something to do with her own injuries.

When a person's body is injured, it is also when a person's willpower is at its weakest.

At this time, it is always easy for some bad things to happen.

Like this time, that's it.

"Aunt, spare me, Aunt, spare me."

The Queen of Charm begged in horror. Now she had opened her eyes, but those eyes were full of fear, and the energy in her body was completely chaotic.


There is a hint that it will break through the Charming Queen's body and explode directly.

This situation is really scary enough. Lin Feng has also heard that some monks have gone crazy and cannot control the magic power in their bodies.

Eventually, the body explodes.

No bones remain.

Lin Feng's expression was gloomy. He actually didn't care. Queen Charming might have died. Anyway, he had no responsibility and no need to blame himself.

But Lin Feng thought about it and decided to help a group of Charming Queens, mainly because they would need the Charming Queen's help later to escape from the black hole in the universe.

Otherwise, it will not be easy to escape.

Lin Feng quickly came to the side of the Charming Queen. He reached out and touched the Charming Queen's body. He was shocked because the Charming Queen's body was so cold. There was no temperature at all. It had almost reached minus one degree. To the extent of ten thousand degrees, that is to say, she is a special race and is extremely powerful.

If it had been anyone else, he would have turned into an ice sculpture long ago.

Lin Feng quickly used the sky fire to cover the Charming Queen's body, hoping to bring some warmth to her body.

Lin Feng's operation did have a certain effect. The Charming Queen, who was originally lost because of her obsession, seemed to wake up and saw Lin Feng beside her.

"Help me...", Queen Charming seemed to be grasping a life-saving straw.

"I don't know if I can save you. I can only say that I will try my best," Lin Feng said.

"You can save me, I will teach you 1." Queen Charm said, she seemed to have a battle between heaven and man, and then made a major decision.

After making this decision, she directly threw Lin Feng down. (End of chapter)

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