Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 3646: The storm ended

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After all, Ye Long is younger than Li Shu, and the gap is too big.


Li Shunai is a general in the military palace and has been fighting life and death on the battlefield.

This also created his iron-blooded means.

Knowing that the matter was exposed, directly attacked Ye Long and bombarded it.

Afterwards, all responsibilities can be pushed down to Ye Long.

Anyway, he had just arrived at the military palace, and he was the deputy commander, without any supporters.

On the other hand, I am deeply entrenched in the military palace. Many generals secretly support themselves. As long as there is a step, they can perfectly resolve this danger.

Of course, the most important thing is.

There is no proof of death.

"Well, if I saw your true face earlier, I wouldn't be with you."

Li Shu said coldly.

In this move, even Fang Chen was shocked.

Unexpectedly, his allies said to betray.

He glanced at many generals and saw the subtle changes on their faces.

When the alliance with Li Shu was so miserable, they had to consider it for themselves, and also weigh the pros and cons.

Simply put, their hearts were shaken.

The deputy commander's eyes flickered and said coldly: "Li Shu, you're really good at this trick."

"I do not understand what you are saying."

Li Shu shook his head, showing an innocent look.

"You Helan team is framed and want to investigate the truth, I can understand your mood, so I am willing to cooperate with your investigation."

"Vice Commander Ye Long is the executor. Someone behind him must be instructing him. In any case, this person must be pulled out. Our military palace does not allow such vile villains to provoke such separation."

Li Shu's righteous indignation is filled with ordinary ignorance, and he has tended to his side.

It is a pity that Fang Chen and the Heilan clan had already been prepared.

"Li Shu, don't you admit it?"

The deputy head was aggressive.

"Is this interesting?"

He pointed to the corpse on the ground and sneered: "Deputy Commander Ye Long is newly appointed. What ability does he have to mobilize other warfare groups, and what is his ability to kill the war group in our military palace?"

"Why? Don't believe me?"

Li Shu frowned, very unhappy.

"If you don't believe it, you can see Hou Ye."

"Ha ha."

Fang Chen chuckled and pulled out something from his arms again.

It was a wooden stick the size of a thumb, but when the object came out, everyone's face suddenly changed.

They stared dumbfounded at the stick in Fang Chen's hand.

"Now, what else do you have to say?"

Lightning strike wood.

In the vast military palace, only General Li Shu owns it.

He once publicly showed it to everyone.

In the previous life, Fang Chen had also been struck by lightning and used it.

So, he knew everything about lightning strikes.

"This was discovered at the origin."

Everyone looked at Li Shu strangely.

The latter is still forced to calm down.

"A piece of lightning strikes wood, what can you prove?"

Li Shu waved his hand and disdained, "Although I only have lightning strike wood in the military palace, but how many people have lightning strike wood in the territory of the large Xiaoyao Prefecture? Perhaps it is the vice commander Ye Long who colluded with the outside and harmed the military palace What about people? "

Anyway, I didn't admit to biting and blamed all the blame on Ye Long.

Li Shu does not believe that they really dare to convict themselves.

Moreover, he is a general of the veteran of the military palace, and he is only qualified to move himself if he is free.

"Still quibbling?"

Without waiting for the deputy commander to speak, the rest of the Heiran clan was already furious.

"Dare to frame me the Heilan War Group, if you don't give us a statement today, don't even think about going."

The voice fell, and there were several members of the Heiran War Group, Thunder shot.

A terrible breath was released on their bodies, their feet stomped, and several people were suspended in mid-air. Behind them, a black butterfly phantom appeared.


An angry roar came, and several people joined forces to encircle Li Shu.


Li Shu was furious and shot back.

He entered the battle circle, his hands constantly blasted out, resisting attacks from all directions.

The deputy head looked at Fang Chen and asked with eyes.

The latter motioned him to be restless.


After fighting for more than ten moves, it came to an abrupt halt.


Li Shu, who was fighting, was forced to retreat by several people, and his clothes ripped and something fell out.


A black stick of charcoal fell to the ground.

"This is ... lightning strikes wood."

Someone recognized the burnt black stick.

And Fang Chen is also quick-witted and quickly put it away.

"Return me."

Li Shu said angrily.

Under the eyes of all eyes, Fang Chen spliced ​​the picked up lightning strike wood with the lightning strike wood obtained before.

What is shocking is that after the two lightning strikes are spliced ​​together, no trace of splicing can be seen at all.

What does this mean?

"It really is you."

The deputy commander's eyes were sharp and cold.

The lightning striking wood obtained by the commander from the starting place was completely cut from the piece of lightning striking wood on Li Shu's body, and the traces were exactly the same.

The evidence is as strong as a mountain.

"What else do you want to say?"

The deputy head stepped forward, and his momentum was like a rainbow.

The other generals were very surprised.

Some generals who had made good relations with Li Shu saw this situation and shook their heads one after another, quietly retreating, fearing that they would be involved in Li Shu.

Li Shu's face was fierce and he stared at Fang Chen fiercely, hoping to smash it into pieces.

"Damn shit."

Li Shu became furious and wanted to kill Fang Chen.


The Heilan regiment had already prepared for thousands of people to form battle fronts, trapping Li Shu in it.

"Li Shu has cruelly wounded his compatriots in the military palace. He is a terrible criminal.

Seeing that someone was eager to move, Fang Chen added, "If anyone dares to plead, he will be regarded as the same party."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was quiet.

they know.

After today, the military palace will be completely in the hands of the commander.


Li Shu slapped his eyes, and he could not care so much, leaving Qingshan without worrying about burning wood.

As long as they can escape from this place and save their lives, there will be opportunities for revenge in the future.

"You're dead."


Although the Helan regiment has a group of thorns, their fighting power is also very powerful.

Especially their 1000-person battle formation, once formed, even saints, it is difficult to escape.

In a blink of an eye, Li Shu was bruised all over.


The deputy head personally shot and suppressed Li Shu.

A palm shattered Li Shu's head.

A generation of owls fell.

I'm afraid he never dreamed that he would die in the hands of the Heilan clan that he always regarded as a thorn and wanted to get rid of it.

Li Shu died, framed the storm and came to an end.

After this incident, Fang Chen had the absolute say in the military palace.

The Heilan clan also chose to stand on his side.

"Finally solved."

Fang Chen shook his head.

He didn't want these trivial things to waste his time.

The top priority is to enter the battlefield and kill the enemy in exchange for devouring blood.

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