Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 3655: Stress condition

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The sperm and blood in Leopard Blue burned too quickly.

He can clearly feel that his own strength is no longer climbing.

It won't take long before it will continue to weaken.

Therefore, we must make a quick decision to suppress the captain of the Xiaoyao Army.

Otherwise, once the opponent is aware of the decline in his combat effectiveness, there is bound to be danger.

"Your power is beyond my imagination."

Leopard Blue smashed all the formations, and faced Fang Chen.

However, he smiled coldly.

"However, next, the battle should be over. Your realm, after all, is too low. Even if your swordsmanship is delicate, it can't make up the gap in the realm.

Leopard blue drank low, and he once again exhibited the devil-swallowing hand.

This time.

A terrible devouring aura, constantly spinning in the void, forming a terrible vortex.

In the vortex, a magnificent palm is rapidly condensing and forming.

"Hand of devouring the devil."

Leopard Blue roared.

This time, he poured all the power into the devouring hands.

The power has been increased by at least 30%, and there is also a power bonus to burn sperm and blood.

He believed that even in the face of the seventh-order saint, he was fearless.


He controlled the hand that swallowed the demon, carrying infinite power, covering down towards Fang Chen.

Around the battlefield, the men of the sky and moon were cheering.

They seem to have seen the scene where the commander of the Xiaoyao army was killed.

"Huh, how is a fourth-order Saint Emperor compared to Lord Leopard?"

"That is, this kind of thing, can actually become the commander-in-chief of the Xiaoyao Army, which is simply a big joke."

"I especially want to know that if the Xiaoyao Army knows, if the commander appointed by Hou Ye is killed by Lord Leopard, I don't know what will happen?"

Everyone laughed loudly.

It seems that war is not worth mentioning in their eyes.

"A desperate blow?"

Fang Chen murmured.

He naturally felt the strong killing intention of Leopard Blue, and the trembling breath of demon in the Vortex of Void.


None of this matters.

"Although the devouring hand is strong, you have not exerted its full power."

in contrast.

Because the blood of swallowing the demon is too thin, it causes Leopard Blue to cast it almost forcibly when casting the hand of swallowing the devil, which consumes him too much.

This consumption will even form a counterattack.

and so.

In Fang Chen's view, this is actually a secret technique that hurts yourself first and then hurts others.

Boom Boom Boom!

The swallowing hand swooped down, and the clear sky was instantly shaken by the dark clouds.

Between the world and the earth, there was turmoil.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by the devouring hand.

"Invincible swordsmanship."

This time, Fang Chen did not evade himself, but chose to resist hard.

Only hard resistance can accelerate the counterattack and hit Leopard Blue in one fell swoop.

"Invincible swordplay, kill."

This is the sword with the strongest killing breath after re-enlightenment.

This sword is called the sword of killing.

Moreover, it is also the sword with the strongest attack power in the invincible sword art.

call out!

Fang Chen held the sword in his hand and slammed it out.

In an instant.

In the void, the swords of the heavens condensed into an extremely magnificent sword shadow.

This sword shadow, under the control of Fang Chen, stabs fiercely at the hand of swallowing the devil.


Once the devouring hand grasped the gigantic sword shadow, Leopard Lan sneered. "Useless, in front of my devouring hand, you are a clown.

In this regard, Fang Chen disagreed.

He pointed to Leopard Blue's chest.

The latter seemed to realize something and looked down sharply.


Leopard exclaimed, his heart turbulent.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the gigantic sword shadow suddenly skyrocketed, sending out an invincible sword gas, forcibly tearing the hand that swallowed the demon, and then slammed into Leopard Blue.

At this time, Leopard Blue received a strong backlash.

When the hand that swallowed the demon was torn, Leopard was desperate.

"Do not."

Leopard blue roared angrily.

He cannot accept reality.

"Damn it."

Although he was very angry, he just wanted to escape at the moment.

Because, forcibly exerting the hand of swallowing the devil, and burning the essence and blood, he has been subjected to a powerful counterattack, and now almost loses his combat power.

Leopard Blue is very annoyed, the other party actually tempted himself, causing his own turmoil.

Give the other party an opportunity.

"When I recover, it will be when you die."


Leopard Blue still gave up the fight, decisively withdrew from the war circle, wanted to leave this place.


Fang Chen had already prepared, how could he let him go.

"Want to go?"

Fang Chen smiled coldly.

Using the sword as a guide, he cut a sword towards the void.

Suddenly, on the route of Leopard Blue's escape, a wall of sword gas was condensed and blocked.


Unexpectedly, Leopard's body directly hit the Jianqi wind wall.


After hitting the ground, the leopard's blue teeth were cracking, but he had no time to take care of them, and immediately escaped again.


At this time.

Fang Chen's wrists jittered, and complicated patterns struck in all directions.


As his whispering voice spread, the world was suddenly shrouded in a huge formation.

"what happened?"

This sudden change made the many onlookers of the Moon and Moon Army somewhat stunned.

They were also immersed in the joy of Leopard Blue suppressing the commander of the Xiaoyao Army. Why did such a change happen?

"How can it be?"

Someone exclaimed.

They rubbed their eyes vigorously, and couldn't believe it, Master Leopard Blue, who exhibited the devil's hand, actually fled.

"What's wrong with Master Leopard Blue?"

"God, is Lord Leopard defeated?"

"That guy defeated Master Leopard Blue?"

At this time.

Someone finally reacted, and they fled wildly.

But it was too late.

The formation is complete, trapping them all in it.

The men and women of the Tianyue Army headed by Leopard Blue were completely gloomy.


At the forefront of the formation, Leopard Blue coughed up blood.

He attacked the formation frantically, but to no avail.

"Damn, if the hand that devoured the demon was engulfed, how could the area formation method trap me?"

Leopard blue roared angrily.

However, he was greeted with an invincible sword spirit.

call out!

Leopard Blue dodges desperately, but others don't have such good luck.

Anyone who was struck by Jian Qi died one after another.


Fang Chen did not have any compassion in the face of swallowing demons.

He opened the ring.

In a moment.

Those who are weak are almost extinct.

"Lin Chen."

At this time.

Standing in the pool of blood, the embarrassed Leopard Blue stared at Fang Chen.

"The two armies are at war, don't cut them."

Leopard blue said hoarsely, "You killed so many of us, should you let me go?"

"Ha ha?"

Fang Chen chuckled.

By this time, Leopard Blue was so naive as to let himself go.

"Let you leave, and then wait to be endlessly pursued by your Tianyue Army?" Fang Chen asked back.


Leopard Lan said in a deep voice, "This is the territory of the Tianyue Army. If you dare to kill us, you will surely cause a great battle between the two governments.

Leopard blue shrugged.

"You let me go, and since then, our two governments will form an alliance and never betray, how?"

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