Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 4044: The war ended

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When the supreme power of the demon swallowing from the sky was dissipated, everyone looked dull, and their hearts were still filled with endless fear.

Imagine what the consequences would be if the power of the Supreme hit yourself.

After a brief silence, everyone began to worry that if the swallowing demon patriarch could really return, the chaotic world would be in danger.


Fang Chen didn't worry too much about this. He had a detailed understanding of the gaps in the world. It was too dangerous and too vast. If the Supreme Realm entered it, it would be lost and it was difficult to return.

Under the guidance of the Altar of the Holy Land, the Lord of Devouring Patriarch was able to play the supreme power across the air to prevent Fang Chen from slaughtering his ethnic group. His real body could not return at all.

"How could this be?"

The Holy Lord, who was paralyzed on the ground, was completely desperate.

The Supreme Power of the Patriarch can't cause any harm to the other party. How strong is this guy's strength?

Has he stepped into the supreme realm?

Everyone's eyes were on Jin Cancan's token in Fang Chen's hands, and even Fang Chen couldn't help feeling emotion.

The strong man who made this kind of token is definitely the top power of Chaos. After activation, there is a short time of a few seconds to be immune to everything.

Don't underestimate this. If you are playing against an enemy, when he displays a killer skill, if you hit hard, you will be seriously injured even if you don't die, and if you use this, you will be immune to this attack.

As long as you can resist the strongest blow, you can suppress everything.

Unfortunately, this token can only be used once and cannot be used a second time.

Fang Chen put it away, the whole body was breathing, the ultimate power surrounded him, he stepped out and came to the ruins, the altar was completely broken, the Holy Lord fell to the ground weakly, covered with blood, his eyes His eyes were full of horror, but he was helpless.

"Do not……"

He shouted miserably, trying to save the ethnic group and lead the patriarch back, but he couldn't.

"Patriarch ..."

One clan after another died before his eyes, and the entire source world was collapsing. He even felt that his life was also passing away, which meant that the power of the heaven and the earth in the source world was weakening.

Once the power of heaven and earth completely disappears, the source world will completely collapse and return to darkness and nothingness.

By then, everyone here will die.


Fang Chen broke out with a sword, and the holy land was turned into ruins. All the generals died, leaving only the holy lord, still lingering on.


The holy Lord raised his head with difficulty, staring at Fang Chen dyingly, wishing to shatter the corpse into pieces.

"In the beginning, when you swallowed the demon clan and slaughtered my compatriots in Chaos Realm, did you ever expect such a result?" Fang Chen said coldly.

this moment.

All the teams were gathered before the holy place. Leng Xian, Yu Weng and others, whose hearts were agitated, the feats that have not been completed for many generations, were actually completed by Fang Chen today.

The swallowing demon clan does not have the support of the patriarch. With the help of the holy lord alone, it is impossible to step into the thirteenth order of the holy realm.

You know, the thirteenth order of Fang Chen ’s Holy Realm, but the breaking of historical records condenses ten thousand ultimate powers.

Invincible under the supreme.

"Everything is over."

Fang Chen said lightly, the next moment he raised his long sword and slashed hard.

The Lord did not have time to dodge, and disappeared directly.

Along with the death of the Holy Lord, the original land shakes and begins to collapse.


Fang Chen's figure flashed, with a mighty army, left the source world.

Chaos world, chaos battlefield.

This is the closest area to the source world. At this time, many top powers in the chaotic world are closely watching the collapse of the source world.


With the collapse of the origin, the power of the heavenly path of the chaotic world began to invade, guide and absorb the power of the heavenly path of the broken origin, and began to expand the territory, it seemed to annex the origin.

"Swallow, expand."

Fang Chen's eyes are fierce, which is also a trend of space development in itself.

Leng Xian and others were very excited and smiled.

"it's finally over."

When the source world completely collapsed and turned into nothingness, the area of ​​the chaotic world expanded by half, and it swallowed the luck of the source world and the power of heaven.


The heavenly path of the chaotic world has become more complete, and the beams of heaven and earth aura have been re-distributed to nature, rapidly changing the martial arts practice environment.

According to this progress, the chaotic world will be completely repaired, and the heaven and earth will be complete, and the complete practice system of the ancient civilization will also be reproduced.

And martial arts practice will become more and more prosperous, and it will not take long before it is estimated that a supreme realm will be born.

"Hahaha, I finally felt the breath of the age of ancient civilization."

The fisherman was the most excited. The chaotic world was his hometown. It was almost destroyed by the end of the French era. Now not only has the crisis been resolved, but the chaotic world has been completely restored.

Leng Xian's eyes were full of tears, and Fu Jian Supreme appeared in his mind.

"Did you see it? Our chaotic world succeeded."

Others are also yelling excitedly.

Along with the skyrocketing of the aura of heaven and earth, the power of heaven and earth is changing every corner of the chaotic world, and even the battlefield of God's Meteorology is gradually changing.


No one knows that in a corner of the world, the swallowing Demon Clan's face is roaring, he can't wait to return to the original world now, and kill all the people in the chaotic world.

However, he couldn't do it.

Although it has reached that level, it eventually lacks a bit and cannot break through the barriers of world gaps.

"My people, **** ..."

The origin is destroyed, and the Devouring Clan is completely extinct. This is a huge blow to the Swallowing Demon Patriarch.

His body was shaking, and the whole person was in a state of rage.


The swallowing demon patriarch exerted the strongest power and began to attack the surrounding void in a frenzy, and the stars were shot down by them.

Even so, he couldn't vent his anger.

I don't know how long it has been in the past. Suddenly, in a star he shattered, a luxurious spaceship flew out.


There was a cold hum inside the spaceship, apparently very angry at his move.

Along with the cold hum, there was also a dazzling green light, which had directly plunged into his forehead before the Devon Patriarch had responded.

The next moment.

Patriarch Devon was imprisoned in the void, turned into a walking dead, and then sucked away by a beam of light from the spacecraft.

call out!

The luxury spaceship disappeared instantly in the gap of the world, and the dialogue inside the spaceship could be heard faintly.

"Finally got nine together, this time, I will succeed."

"With the strength of my elder brother, I can definitely do it."

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