Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 4060: Ada News

"Boss, give me pointers," the little mouse suggested.

After all, Fang Chen's attainments in martial arts have reached a level that is difficult for ordinary people to understand. His guidance has an absolutely great effect on future generations.


After hearing Master's words, Luo Xiao also looked at Fang Chen with expectation.

"Qin Yu, the reason why you can fight Luo Xiao is entirely due to the blood of the White Tiger." Fang Chen looked at his three disciples and said with a smile: "However, this is also your advantage. You are pregnant with the ancient super deity White Tiger The pure bloodline of the future, the future achievements are unlimited, and must be used well."

"However... I can't completely rely on it. I must go out of my own way. I will bring you some files about the ancient beast White Tiger later."

After briefly talking about Qin Yu's question, Fang Chen turned to look at Luo Xiao.

In fact, if there is not such a white tiger bloodline as Qin Yu, Luo Xiao is definitely the most suitable candidate.

After five years of teaching by the five brothers, Luo Xiao can grow to this level. Needless to say, his talent is absolutely nothing, especially the five projections he finally exhibited. Although the combination process is somewhat rough, the overall In other words, let Fang Chen shine.

This is a killer tool developed by his five good brothers, and it is indeed very strong.

"Your five masters are different monsters, and their magical powers are different. Your killer has condensed the ghost of the five masters, but there are some flaws in the process of fusion."

Fang Chen commented: "There is a special relationship between their races. Although you can forcibly merge, if you change the method, first merge in pairs and then merge together, so the speed will be faster and the power will be more. Strong."

The fusion speed of the five phantoms represents their attack power.

Moreover, master matchups are constantly changing, and if you can save fusion time, you can definitely defeat the enemy first.

The following time, Fang Chen explained in detail the pros and cons of this killer tool to Luo Xiao and the Qiongshan Five Masters, and also personally demonstrated it.

Let the five brothers work together to try to resolve them and find the flaws.

Not to mention that after a few hours of research, Fang Chen was really in it, found many loopholes, and improved one by one.

To stop the night, Fang Chen stopped commenting.

At this time, Luo Xiao has already entered the state of epiphany, and the Qiongshan Five Fighters nodded constantly, feeling full of gains.

"Thank you boss for your advice."

Originally, Luo Xiao was instructed, but I did not expect the Qiongshan Five Masters to benefit a lot. They glanced at the disciples and simply sat beside Luo Xiao, surrounded them, and began to practice, believing him.

"Let's go."

Seeing this, Fang Chen took his four disciples and left quietly.

He has no worries. Some people dare to make trouble. This is a holy place for the human race. It gathers the top human races. Looking at the world, no one dares to come here, and no one can come here.

After returning to your own courtyard.

Fang Chen sat on the stone bench, and the four disciples lined up, staring at him.

"Do you have any doubts about spiritual practice, please ask me." Fang Chen said, it won't take long before he will leave the chaotic world and go to the world.

I don't know how long it will take to return.

Before leaving, he prepared to seriously teach his four disciples, at least after he left, they could grow up quickly.

"Master, I have a question." As a master brother, Tianxin asked the first question.

Kang Jiu and Qin Yu also raised a lot of questions. Only Lin Zhan had been listening carefully and felt that he had benefited a lot.


Time passed bit by bit, and in a flash, more than ten years passed.

During this period, Fang Chen has been teaching four disciples, and the strong like Lengxian are also retreating. The big chaotic world is prosperous, and the heavens have been transformed.

The brand-new chaotic world already has a shadow of the original world. The spirits of the world are recovering. There are more and more practitioners, and one after another the genius emerges. This also makes the overall strength of the chaotic world advance by leaps and bounds.

Seeing this scene, Fang Chen was very happy.

One day, Fang Chen was giving a public lecture on the Holy Island. Suddenly he heard that Yu Pei flashed, and immediately his face changed, and he left everyone behind. His body flickered and disappeared on the Holy Island.

The next moment, he came to the battleship on the chaotic battlefield.

"What is it?" Fang Chen asked hurriedly while looking at Ada on the battleship.

Just now, Ada sent a message to him, saying that something happened, so he hurried over.

"Master, I feel a breath of Hydra tissue." A Da said.

Hearing the words, Fang Chen's face changed greatly, frowning: "What's going on? Isn't all the Hydra's mark on the battleship and the White Emperor's mark erased?"

It stands to reason that Baiyun Realm is so far away from Chaos Realm, it is impossible to find Chaos Realm.

As for the Hydra organization, members die at any time, and it is impossible to mobilize elite revenge because of the death of a certain member.

So, what happened to the Hydra tissue sensed by Ada?

"Master, you don’t have to worry. I was a member of the Hydra organization before. I was extremely sensitive to the breath of the Hydra organization. The breath I just sensed passed away in a flash. It should be a member of a Hydra organization. , Driving a warship, traveling through the world, accidentally passing by here, I was caught by the barrier wall, and I caught the breath." A Da said.


Fang Chen did not relax, it was a matter of great importance, and he must not be careless.

If it is really as good as Ada said, once there are other circumstances that expose Chaos Realm to the eyes of the powerful in the Three Thousand Avenue Realm, then all beings in Chaos Realm are in danger.

In his mind, he was quickly thinking about how to deal with it.

"While driving this warship and entering the gap between the world, can you still come back?" Fang Chen asked.

Ah Da nodded, "Driving a warship, you can freely travel through the world, as long as you have coordinates, you won't get lost."

Those who are lost in the gaps of the world are most likely to encounter a series of situations such as space-time storms, or the destruction of battleships.

"Okay, you are now driving a warship, and accompany me into the world to take a look." Fang Chen said.

He wanted to go in and see what happened.

"Master, the battleship needs energy to start up, but we don't have enough energy now." A Dadao.

Originally, there were a lot of energy spar, but for a hundred years, Ada was not only erasing the mark, but also repairing the damage on the battleship, resulting in the loss of energy spar.

"I'm looking for the energy spar. You are responsible for inspecting the warship and leaving in a day." Fang Chen said quietly and left.

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