Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 4063: Do you want to swallow it alone?

Although the sword mark man is a supreme realm powerhouse, in Fang Chen's perception, he is just a newcomer to the supreme realm, and his strength may not even be stronger than the two people in the White Emperor Palace.

In the next year, Fang Chen came up with a countermeasure.

He also wanted to know, what is the inheritance of that mysterious strongman in the mouth of the Heavenly Sword King?

He even suspected that this mysterious strong man was most likely a sage in the chaos world.


In the blink of an eye, the man with the knife mark came to the boundary wall, holding a weapon, slashing fiercely on the boundary wall, and then using the mark to sink into it.

"As long as you kill him..."

The Heavenly Sword King uttered a miserable cry. He traveled across the stars, encountered a major enemy, and was seriously injured. He thought that after receiving the inheritance of that one, he would be able to regain his peak strength, but now, he is calculated by his most proud disciple. Full of hatred.

At this moment, he just wanted the knife mark man to die.

"He has entered the ruins?" Fang Chen asked with cold eyes.

"Hahaha... he can't get in."

The Heavenly Sword King is a little crazy, the inheritance of that strong man is not something ordinary people can get, even if he has his mark, he can't enter it, because...

To enter the ruins, a drop of blood is needed.

"Do you have blood?" Fang Chen asked.

The Heavenly Sword King nodded, his eyes full of killing intent, "You kill him, and I will offer blood, otherwise, even if I die, the blood will be destroyed."


Soon, Fang Chen reached an agreement with the Heavenly Sword King. He let Ah Da control the battleship and tried to erase the mark of the Hydra organization, but he chased it out.

When he came to the boundary wall, he suddenly found that the mark flickered, and he saw endless darkness at a glance. He didn't hesitate to dive into the darkness.


Fang Chen felt dark in front of him, and then he realized that he had come to an independent space, surrounded by vague and creeping spaces. Needless to think about it, this was the center of the boundary wall.

In front, a man with knife marks stood in front of a palace.


There was a deafening voice, and even if the knife-mark man tried his best to attack, he could not break the defense of the palace.

"Damn it."

The knife-mark man gritted his teeth, wishing to turn around and go back now and kill the master.


However, at this moment, he discovered Fang Chen's breath and turned his head abruptly, his death eyes locked it, "You are looking for death."

As the words fell, the sword-mark man burst out of supreme power and fought fiercely with Fang Chen. The latter easily evaded his ultimate move, which surprised him a bit.

"It's interesting, no wonder you dare to enter the world gap." The knife mark man's mouth turned up, revealing a weird smile, "If I didn't guess wrong, you should be a person in this boundary, come over and die, otherwise If you do, I will destroy this world."

Hearing this, Fang Chen's face was gloomy.

"Want to destroy my hometown, have you asked me?"

In the next instant, Fang Chen urged the ultimate power in his body, and the gray power surrounded him. He clenched his fists and fought fiercely with the sword-scarred man.

At the thirteenth level of the Holy Realm, he became more brave as he fought, and his fighting power was not weaker than that of the sword-mark man.

After a fierce battle, the knife-scarred man also felt Fang Chen's hardship. After a collision, the knife-scarred man stepped back, stabilized his figure, and said coldly: "Boy, are you really trying to force me?"

Needless to think about it, it must be the Heavenly Sword King who hates him and let this guy obstruct him.

"What about forcing you?" Fang Chen said.

"Believe it or not, I will take action now to destroy this world?" The knife-mark man threatened.

How could Fang Chen give him this opportunity? Anyway, this is the space within the boundary wall. It takes a certain amount of time for the knife-mark man to go out. During this period, Fang Chen is enough to do a lot of things.


Fang Chen drank low, and once again fought fiercely with the knife mark man.

However, the knife mark man seemed unwilling to entangle Fang Chen, he was thinking about the inheritance in the palace, after all, the Heavenly Sword King was not dead, and there might be some moths with him.

Moreover, the more fiercely fighting with Fang Chen, the more unfathomable the opponent felt.

It gave him a very strange feeling that the other party was obviously not in the Supreme Realm, but he did not give much relief to him. Such a powerful force reminded him a lot.

Generally speaking, only the top forces in the three thousand realms of the Great Dao can create this enchanting genius.

Moreover, daring to send this genius into the world gap is enough to show the courage of this force.

He was a little worried, if such a big movement led to the forces behind Fang Chen, then it would be doomed.

Therefore, before he knew Fang Chen's futility and reality, the knife-scarred man was still a little jealous. He wanted to suppress it as quickly as possible, but as time went on, he was shocked to find that he was unconsciously in Downwind.

He is even more anxious, and if this continues, he will lose.

"How could this be?"

The knife-mark man was stunned, and the Heavenly Sword King was tricked by him, but he did not expect that he would be done badly by a stinky hairy boy in the end.


After a collision, the knife-mark man clearly felt that the ultimate force invaded his body, causing his internal organs to roll, and his body was a little unbearable. Fortunately, he spent a lot of supreme power in time to barely stabilize his figure.


At this time, he had to stop.

If the fight continues, even if he can win, it will be a tragic victory, which will affect his inheritance of the mysterious powerhouse.

There are no absolute allies or absolute enemies in the world. Everything is because of interests.

"We can cooperate." The Daohen man backed down. "You and I will explore the inheritance together and accept it together. How about?"

Seeing that Fang Chen did not make a statement, the man with the knife mark continued: "After I get the inheritance, I will travel through the gaps of the world at the fastest speed, and I will never be able to return when I leave here. It is for your life and the space behind you. , Will not cause any impact."

"As for the Heavenly Sword King, you don't have to worry. I wanted to kill him a long time ago. After the inheritance is obtained, I will kill him personally, and then refine it into a dead man and give it to you."

A high-ranking supreme deadman is definitely attractive enough.

The knife mark man has given enough sincerity. He believes that if Fang Chen is a smart person, he will never refuse.


He too underestimated Fang Chen's determination to protect his hometown.

I saw that the latter shrugged and said, "But, I don't want to share the inheritance with you."

As soon as these words were said, the face of the man with the knife mark changed suddenly, and he said solemnly: "What? Do you want to swallow it alone?"

He finally took advantage of the Heavenly Sword King, how could he hand over the inheritance he found? Cooperating with it has already given way a lot, and it is absolutely impossible for him to withdraw completely.

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