Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 4075: Face back

In the past few days, Fang Chen has been carefully watching some files brought by Ziyou, and basically has a new understanding of the dragon world.

Although this realm, in the world gap, is considered a relatively remote and wild place, and the martial arts civilization is backward, it is not comparable to the current chaotic realm.

At least, the rules of heaven here are perfect, and the practice system is also very orderly. As long as the talent is outstanding, it is only a matter of time before stepping into the Supreme Realm. However, for the people in the Chaos Realm, the Supreme Realm is the ultimate goal of countless people's struggle.

Even some people have been poor for their entire lives.

Of course, since Fang Chen became the master of the chaos world, the rules of heaven have gradually improved, and the chaos world has also begun to recover, and he is walking towards the original road.

If all goes well, the future Chaos Realm will inevitably become the core of the Three Thousand Great Dao Realm, and become the holy place of practice that countless powerful people dream of.

Of course, for Fang Chen now, everything is still too far away, and the top priority is to improve his strength as soon as possible. Only when his strength is strong can he shelter the Chaos Realm.

The thoughts in his mind gradually disappeared, and there was a clamor from outside the courtyard.

The voice was loud, and many people came, and it seemed that someone deliberately did it.

"Purple Eyes?"

A cold light flashed in Fang Chen's eyes. The last time he attacked himself for no reason, this time he was pushing behind him again?


The gate of the courtyard opened, and Fang Chen stood with his hands in his hands, walking out from inside blankly.

Suddenly, the noise stopped abruptly, and everyone's eyes fell on him. Some people's eyes were full of envy, others were full of jealousy.

Of course, more people are angry.

"You are the ninth guest of the Zilong family?"

Standing at the forefront, who was also the loudest one who just shouted, asked coldly.

"Yes, it's me." Fang Chen was calm and composed, not at all intimidated by the aura of these people.

"Huh, what qualifications do you have to be the ninth guest of the Purple Dragon Family?" This person smiled contemptuously, with a mocking look in his eyes, "If you know you, you should obediently exit the Purple Dragon Family and never step into the Purple Dragon Realm. Otherwise, ..."

"Otherwise, what?" Fang Chen asked.


This person was exuding terrible black power, and at the same time, a black crescent moon appeared above his head, and the whole person was like demonized.

"Otherwise, you die."

The devilish sound reverberated in the sky, and everyone felt that the sky was enveloped by a black meniscus, and the temperature of the surrounding air dropped sharply, giving people a chance to suffocate and breathe hard.

Everyone backed away, stabilized their figures, and continued to watch the battle.

"Old Hei shot, he is dead."

"Lao Hei has always been a strong competitor of Ke Qing. He had the best chance. Who would have thought that he would be taken first by a foreign guy."

"This guy doesn't know good or bad, no one can blame others if he died."

When the man called Old Hei was fighting with Fang Chen, Zi You saw something was wrong and hurriedly left to call the Great Elder.

At the same time, in the dark corner, Elder Mu, Zimu and others are sitting on the mountain watching tigers fight.

"I think this kid can't survive the Lao Hei level." Zimu is still quite confident in Lao He's strength.

"Zimu, you can't make a conclusion prematurely, and you can't despise any enemy. Only by knowing the details of the opponent can you knock a stick to death." Elder Mu taught.

"Elder Mu taught that." Zimu nodded, a crazy look in his eyes.

Boom boom boom!

The battle was on the verge, and the old black displayed all his fascination and fought with Fang Chen, but the latter just slammed the old black into the air.


The deafening sound echoed in the air, and Old Hei's body slammed on the ground fiercely.

"what happened?"

Everyone exclaimed, originally thinking that the old black could crush the opponent, but who would have thought that the old black would be defeated by the opponent with one punch?

Is this too exaggerated?

Everyone thought it was an illusion, and they rubbed their eyes vigorously, and found that the scene in front of them had not changed. In their hearts, there was a stormy sea. Those who had originally cursed fiercely shrank their necks subconsciously and retreated into the crowd.

Their strength is not as good as Lao Hei, even Lao He is defeated, they don't think that they can beat Fang Chen.

"you wanna die."

Old Hei got up from the ground, full of demonic energy, rushing into the sky with anger, ready to shoot again.

However, Fang Chen's pair of iron fists were still greeted him this time.

This time, Fang Chen used the ultimate power in his body, the power of a punch, enough to open the mountain and break the mountain.


Lao Hei was just a mid-level supreme, unable to withstand the power of this fist at all. Like a lightning strike, his body flew out directly and fainted.

"Keqing's most powerful competitor? But that's all."

Fang Chen returned to the courtyard gate, slapped the dirt on his clothes, and grinned.

Afterwards, he raised his head and glanced at everyone.

"I don't care what you are here for. From now on, I will take all your challenges." Fang Chen sternly said: "This time I will not hurt people, but next time, I will never show mercy."

As soon as these words came out, the troublemakers backed away.

Old Hei was crushed and hit everyone's hearts deeply, and they were terrified.

"Is there no one to challenge?" Fang Chen asked, "If that's the case, then don't bother me, or you won't blame me for being polite."


At this moment, a cold voice came from the side, everyone turned their heads and looked around, and they suddenly discovered that it was the eighth Keqing Old Mr. Gongyang.

"Old Mr. Ram." everyone respectfully said.

Mr. Gongyang laughed as he walked, "I heard that the Ninth Keqing is very capable. I saw it today and he was well-known, but..."

He turned around and said coldly: "This is the Zilong family, not where you went wild."

Fang Chen said nothing, he wanted to see what the so-called Eighth Keqing wanted to do.

"You have to challenge me?"

"Challenge?" Mr. Ram despised, "Are you worthy?"

"Since you don't challenge, you won't be forgiven." Fang Chen turned around and closed the door.


Everyone was stunned. This is the famously violent eighth Ke Qing Gongyang old gentleman. He is so innocent, he is looking for death.


They found that Mr. Gongyang's expression instantly became gloomy, and his left hand was accumulating energy, and his palm smashed the gate of the courtyard where Fang Chen was.

After the shattered sawdust fell, Fang Chen's back was in sight.

His footsteps stopped abruptly, he slowly turned around, looked directly at Mr. Ram, and asked: "You don't challenge me, but you deliberately destroy my courtyard. What does this mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything, it's just itching for a while." Mr. Gongyang sneered, not giving Fang Chen any face.

"If your hands are itchy, you can go crazy with other Keqing, come to me to vent, when I'm so bullied?"

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