Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 4095: Choose two from three

What it was like to realize the current Palace of Good Fortune, even the Nine Senior Brother Xiaoyao didn't know. After all, his true body died in battle, leaving only this clone, guarding it here, looking for someone who is destined.

It's been too long, and he has no sense of time anymore. He only remembers the last time someone came here for a trial, 30 million years ago.

As the years passed, Xiaoyao King's clone power was gradually weakening, so he had to sleep for a long time.

But this time when I woke up, I was a little surprised. I didn't expect Fang Chen to pass the test. The most important thing was that he could condense his energy with his own strength.

this means.

He can step into the door of spiritual practice without the teachings of others. Looking at the Palace of Good Fortune, his talent is also extremely excellent.

In the Palace of Good Fortune, the best is mental strength. Most of the practitioners in the palace are spiritual practitioners, and only a few concurrently practice martial arts.

The spiritual practice is the most difficult, especially the cohesion of the mind. This is definitely a natural threshold. Throughout the ages, I don't know how many genius evildoers have been stuck.

Anyone who can gather their minds and master them will surely become spiritual power in the future.

I remember, before the broken world of the Great Mengmeng, the chief disciple of the good fortune palace was the heart and energy he condensed. After finally joining the good fortune palace, under the accumulation of countless spiritual resources, he finally took the last step and became the power of mind. The combat power is second only to the Lord of Good Fortune.

Of course, these memories are too far away.

The Hongmeng world was greatly shattered, and the big brother seemed to be dead.

Thinking of this, Xiaoyao Wang's expression was slightly dim, and many of his brothers were dead. What is the meaning of his life?

"Senior Brother Nine, what's wrong with you?" Fang Chen asked Xiaoyao Wang's expression a little lonely.

Xiaoyao King shook his head vigorously and laughed at himself, "I have lived for endless years, from the world of Hongmeng to the present, life and death have already been set aside. The reason why this clone of mine still exists is to find the palace of good fortune, so There can be no distractions."

Even if all the brothers died, even if the Lord of Good Fortune fell, as long as he still breathed in, the Palace of Good Fortune was there.


A halo emerged from Xiaoyao King’s body, a terrifying heart power, shaking all over him, Fang Chen couldn’t help but stepped back when he saw it. He could clearly feel that the heart power in Senior Brother Nine was much stronger than him. .

"Is this the strength of Senior Brother Nine?"

Fang Chen's heart was shocked. In contrast, his mental strength was equivalent to a human infant state, while the mental strength of Senior Brother Nine was like a mature man, not a grade at all.

"Little Junior Brother."

After a long time, the strength of Xiaoyao King's body gradually dissipated, his face was ruddy, and he looked at Fang Chen with a smile, "I have been sleeping for so many years, and my head is a little rusty. The conversation with you just now made me feel. I have another breakthrough in mental strength, and I have to thank you for speaking of it."

"Brother Nine..."

As soon as Fang Chen wanted to speak, he was interrupted by King Xiaoyao. The latter said, "Externally, don't expose yourself as a disciple of the Good Fortune Palace. Otherwise, it will bring death."

Moreover, he said that Fang Chen is only a beginner disciple, and needs to go through layers of tests before he can become an official disciple.

Once you become an official disciple, you will be given a lot of resources accordingly.

"Okay, I have told you everything I should say about the Good Fortune Palace. As for the specifics, you will know in the future. You become a beginner disciple and deserve to be bestowed by the sect. However, due to the current situation of the Good Fortune Palace, I can't contact other people in the sect, and my own practice resources are also limited, so there is not much I can give you."

Talk about it.

Senior Brother Xiaoyao Wang waved his hand, and suddenly an illusory picture appeared in the air. On top of that picture, there were three things.

"You can choose two of these three things. Of course, if you don't need them, I will convert them into spiritual liquid at the market price for you."

Essence liquid is the currency of the once-Hongmeng world, and all practitioners will use Essence liquid in their transactions.

Moreover, the spiritual fluid has another function, which is to assist in cultivation. Although the Harmony World is broken, the Three Thousand Realms of the Great Dao are still derived from the Harmony World. The common currency is still the spiritual fluid, but the spiritual fluid has become scarcer and even more rare. Precious.

Fang Chen also had a certain understanding of this before.

"This first one is an axe." Xiaoyao Wang introduced the three treasures to Fang Chen separately. The first of them was a blood-red axe. It looked very ordinary, but Fang Chen could feel it when he tried his best. To the slightest extraordinary, even vaguely can feel a summoning power from the axe.

"I believe you have also discovered that there is mental strength inside the axe, which can correspond to our own mental strength." Xiaoyao Wang said, "This is also the precious thing about this axe. It is called the Kaitian Axe, which was once a part of our good fortune palace. The axe used by an elder-level powerhouse, he used his own power to split a planet with one axe, so it was called the sky-opening axe."

"Of course, the axe has long lost its spirituality, but for us spiritual practitioners, it is extremely rare. As long as we can fully awaken the inner mental power of the axe and merge with our own mental power, then the grade of the axe will also be restored. , You can sweep the Supreme Realm."

Hearing this, Fang Chen's heart was shaken.

With one axe, you can sweep the Supreme Realm. Isn't this axe too bad?

Moreover, the axe contains mystical mental power, which fits the spiritual practitioner very well, so even if he made a decision, he chose this axe.

"Okay, have a vision."

Later, King Xiaoyao introduced the second treasure to Fang Chen. This is a blood-red iron plate with complex patterns engraved on it. It is a piece of defensive equipment. "This blood-red iron plate is called a blood coagulation plate. It has a defensive effect. Very strong, if you use it now, you can withstand a full blow from the top Supreme Realm powerhouse."

Moreover, the reason why it is called the coagulation disk is that injecting your own blood into the iron disk can quickly condense the blood into the essence, and then feed it back into your body, so that you can be linked with the coagulation disk, which is endless and endless. Continuously provide defensive capabilities.

"Do you choose?"

After introducing the coagulation tray, Xiaoyao Wang asked.

Of the three treasures, you can only choose two of them. If you choose the coagulation tray, you cannot choose the third one.

Fang Chen wanted it very much, but he hesitated for a moment, and said, "Senior Brother Jiu, you can introduce me the third treasure first."

After listening, it is not too late for him to make a decision.

Xiaoyao Wang glanced at Fang Chen appreciatively, and said: "This third treasure is not a treasure in the strict sense, but a promise."

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