Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 4107: Cooperation?

There are nine regions in the dragon roaming world. Fang Chen once visited the purple dragon region and became the ninth consecration of the purple dragon family.

Originally planned to learn more about the situation of a lower dragon world, but who knew that the appearance of the hunting gate completely disrupted his plan, and he was sucked into the hunting world in a daze.

However, this was a blessing in disguise. Not only did he meet Senior Brother Jiu, but he also visited the Palace of Good Fortune. This was definitely a great opportunity for him.

Today, he has returned strongly, not only has his own realm reached the Intermediate Supreme Realm, but there are also five high-level Beastmasters, a top-level Beastmaster, and this lineup has the strength to sweep the dragon world.

However, Fang Chen is still low-key, he plans to come step by step, first occupy the Purple Dragon Region, and then go to occupy other regions.

"Of course I am interested." Musen Beastmaster prefers to be lively, and there is a place to fight, naturally he is indispensable.

"Master, do you have any plans?" Hanxin Beast King asked.

Leihuo Beast King also looked at Fang Chen and said: "With our current strength, it shouldn't be a problem to win this little dragon world."

Fang Chen said his thoughts, and several beast kings nodded one after another, "Okay, let's start."

In the following time, Fang Chen traveled all over the Purple Dragon Region. Although it was destroyed by the assassin organization and the Purple Dragon family and the Moko family were destroyed, many people still survived.

After many inquiries, I learned that the Zilong clan leader is still alive, and there are several strong people on the Moko clan that have survived.

It is said that these two forces have secretly recruited troops and wanted to rebuild the family, thus occupying the Zilong region again. It is said that the Moko family has already taken the lead in this matter, and there are not many opportunities left to the Zilong family. .

"Go and meet someone."

On this day, after Fang Chen returned from inquiring about the news, he took the Thunder Fire Beast King and others straight to the Purple Dragon Mountain Range.

This mountain range is located hundreds of miles outside the former Zilong City. In front of the mountain stream deep in the mountain range, all the survivors of the Zilong family are hidden here. The head of the Zilong patriarch stands with his hands holding his hands and his face is full of sorrow. , Beside him is the first offering.

"Patriarch." The first worship called.

The patriarch of Zilong shook his head and sighed: "Could it be that my Zilong family is destined to perish?"

"Patriarch, we still have the power to fight." The First Envoy said in a deep voice: "We can't give up if we don't have to be a last resort. Besides, the Moko family has just found a top supreme."

The news they heard was that the Moko family found a top supreme to help them rebuild and clear the obstacles on the road.

You know, in a small place like Zilongyu, the top supreme can definitely sweep everything, which is a very serious blow to the Zilong family.

"If it doesn't work, you can fight it." The first worshipper said, many people from the purple dragon family behind him were also angry.

As the patriarch of the Zilong family, he is more concerned about letting the race continue and then fighting for the Zilong Territory. Now they are facing the crisis of extermination.

When the patriarch Zilong was hesitant, footsteps came from a distance.

The members of the Zilong clan instantly entered a state of alert, and the patriarch of Zilong and the first enshrined body also shed terrifying power, ready to fight at any time.

"Who?" Patriarch Zilong shouted angrily.


Fang Chen grinned and walked over.

"Patriarch Zilong, long time no see, don't come here unharmed."

After seeing Fang Chen, the patriarch of Zilong was stunned, but he soon reacted, "Is it you? Fang worship?"

The first worship relaxed, and he was also very curious that the ninth worship was still alive.

"Yes, I didn't die by chance at the beginning." Fang Chen smiled and said. Generally speaking, the Zilong family was pretty good to him, so this time, he chose to stand on the side of the Zilong family.

"How did you survive?" Patriarch Zilong asked curiously.

But Fang Chen did not intend to entangle on this issue, and directly stated his intentions, "I heard that the Zilong family has encountered difficulties, and specially came to help solve the difficulties."

As soon as this remark came out, the first worship shook his head, apparently only a ninth worship, it could not help the Zilong family at all.

"I appreciate the kindness of Fang worship, but our opponent is too strong..." Patriarch Zilong said helplessly.

Fang Chen waved his hand, interrupted the words of the Zilong patriarch, and continued: "As far as I know, the Moko family has found a top supreme, and the Zilong family should have no chance of winning."

Patriarch Zilong nodded.

"So, if I say, I can help the Zilong family to tide over the difficulties?"


The purple dragon patriarch and the first worshipper looked at Fang Chen suspiciously, and the latter continued: "I won’t go around the corner, just say it, I want to dominate the dragon world. This purple dragon region is just the first step, why I came here Looking for the Zilong family, I just want you to manage the Zilong domain on my behalf."

As soon as these words came out, the patriarch of Zilong and the first worshiper were directly stunned.

"Huh, you're not ashamed." The first worship is a little annoyed, and an intermediate supreme dare to say such arrogant things?

"Fang Jifen, you don't seem to understand the current situation." Zilong Patriarch also said.

Everyone in the Zilong family sighed, thinking that Fang Chen was here to help them, but who would know that there was a neurosis.

"I'm alone, so naturally I can't, but what about adding them?"

The moment Fang Chen's voice fell, the Thunder Fire Beast King was headed, and the five high-ranking Beast Kings came together, standing quietly behind him.


This scene is very visually stunning.


The patriarch of Zilong and the first worshipper were stunned.

"How? Am I qualified?" Fang Chen shrugged and grinned.

After a long time.

Patriarch Zilong swallowed, and hurriedly said: "Fang worship, no, Mr. Fang, why are you?"

The first worship also hurriedly apologized to Fang Chen, "Mr. Fang, I was too arrogant before, I hope you don't mind."

Fang Chen waved his hand and said, "Now, can we talk about cooperation?"

What's a joke, five high-level beastmasters, one top-level beastmaster, this lineup can kill the Moko family in minutes, even if they find the top-level supreme realm powerhouse, it will not help.

There was a stormy sea in everyone's hearts. It is really unimaginable, how did one of the worshipers of the Zilong family find such a powerful thug?

This is too dreamy, right?

However, shocked and shocked, the patriarch Zilong calmed down and listened to Fang Chen's thoughts.

"How does Mr. Fang want to cooperate? As long as it can help our Zilong family tide over the difficulties, any kind of cooperation can be agreed." The Zilong clan chief said.

"Our cooperation is very simple. I will take action to destroy the Moko family and suppress all the forces of the Purple Dragon Realm, large and small. After that, your Zilong family will take over and rebuild the Purple Dragon Realm, but you have to take orders. Me." Fang Chen said.

It is impossible for him to manage the nine domains by himself, so it is most convenient to find a spokesperson for each domain.

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