Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 595: Counterattack

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Rumble ...

The two fists of Elder Gu Soul Gate are too powerful. Even if Fang Chen is in the distance, he can perceive the strong and extreme breath.

However, when Fang Chen injected his aura into the intermediate puppet, the intermediate puppet immediately became larger.

Hissing ...

In the gaze of the Elder Soul Gate, this intermediate puppet directly hit the two fists with a speed invisible to the naked eye.

Intermediate puppets can resist the full blow of the low-level martial arts in the spirit vortex realm. The two fists of the elders of the ancient soul gate can't break the intermediate puppets at all.


After seeing the puppet resisting his fist, the elder of the ancient soul gate roared, and a wild breath emerged from his whole body, directly converging into his fist, and then burst out.

This punch was the full blow of Elder Gushunmen. He wanted to smash this intermediate puppet.

At this time, when he saw the intermediate puppet not far away, Soul Jade's face changed greatly, "It is an intermediate puppet."

However, it was a bit surprising, because the intermediate puppets can only be used once, and will be scrapped completely after one time.

"Huh, I'm going to see how you can resist the elder's attack next." Soul Jade sneered.


The deafening voice came directly from the intermediate puppets, and when the puppets resisted the strongest blow from the elder of the Ancient Soul Gate, their bodies exploded.

However, it was at this time that Fang Chen appeared quietly behind the elder of the Ancient Soul Gate, holding in his hand the mysterious knife obtained at the auction.

After seeing Fang Chen's actions, Lu Lianxue's eyes showed a terrible breath, and his enchanting breath rose instantly.

She forcibly exhibited the strongest charm magical power, that is, she wanted to trap the Elder of the Ancient Soul Gate.

Elder Gu Soul Gate was about to continue to kill Fang Chen when he was smashing the puppet, but at this time, his mind was blank.

"damn it."

Elder Guhunmen roared, trying to break free from the charm.

Thump ...

Elder Gu Soul Gate was furious, Lu Lianxue's delicate body kept shaking, and a spit of blood was spit out directly from her mouth, but she was desperately demonstrating the charm of magic and giving Fang Chen time.

Thump ...

Elder Gu Soul Gate had just awakened from the breath of charm, and he heard a throbbing sound. The next moment he felt the pain in his mind that was so painful.


Elder Gu Soulgate's soul was trembling. He held his head in his hands, and he roared upward.


Fang Chen's body was instantly sent to Zhen Fei by the Elder of the Ancient Soul Gate, and the knife inserted into the head of the Elder Soul Gate was also instantly withdrawn.

The soul of Elder Gu Soul Gate, like Fang Chen, was also in the late orange stage. After being stabbed by a knife, he felt his soul dissipate.

He let out a roar in the sky and tried to stop the soul from dissipating, but he was shocked to find that Fang Chen had just stabbed himself with the mysterious knife.


Fang Chen's strength did not reach the spirit vortex realm, so urged the knife, can not instantly kill the soul of the late orange level.

But Rao is so. Elder Soul Gate's soul was hit hard and his breath was extremely weak.

Elder Gu Soul Gate held his head in both hands and shouted miserably, he shouted loudly: "Soul Jade, run away."

Suffering such a heavy blow, Elder Guhunmen couldn't even take care of himself, let alone soul jade.

After he roared, he punched a punch towards Fang Chen. While Fang Chen was avoiding the fist, he jumped forward, leapt into the sky, and then escaped.

Fang Chen wanted to chase down the elder Guhunmen, but was stopped by Lu Lianxue.

"Don't chase, the triple warrior in Lingxuan Realm, even if injured, the speed is not comparable to ours." Lu Lianxue said.

Fang Chen nodded, his eyes turned to Soul Jade, who was about to escape.

At this moment, Fang Chen, squinting at Soul Jade, his intermediate puppets who had been bidding hard from the auction house, was so wasted here.

Fang Chen's heart is full of killing intentions.

"Soul Jade." Fang Chen shouted loudly.

Soul Jade's face was dignified, her figure flashed, and she fled directly into the distance.

"Can you escape?"

Fang Chen snorted and took out the Xingyin sword in his hand. The perfect magic sword of magic was directly displayed. Countless magic swords were shot directly at Soul Jade.

Fang Chen, who condenses nine real qis, is not afraid of even the warriors with a heavy body in the spirit vortex realm.

"Damn ..."

Soul Jade, who was fleeing, desperately resisted Fang Chen ’s attacks, but when he was exposed to these attacks, he was shocked to find that he could not resist them.

"Your strength?"

Soul jade is full of shock, Fang Chen's strength is beyond his expectations.

"Fang Chen, stop." Soul Jade roared loudly.

Originally, I wanted to kill Fang Chen, but I did not expect that the elders of the three layers of Lingxuan Realm all escaped seriously. Fang Chen's strength is comparable to that of Lingxuan Realm.

"Now I finally know that I'm afraid?" Fang Chen's eyes were scarlet, looking down on Soul Jade, coldly.

"Fang Chen, I am a disciple of Ancient Soul Gate. You can't kill me, otherwise Ancient Soul Gate will not let you go." Soul Jade's heart was horrified and he roared loudly.

Fang Chen heard the words and chuckled. So far, Soul Jade is threatening herself.

"Go to hell."

Fang Chen snorted, and the overwhelming breath directly locked the Soul Jade, and then the magical sword technique was displayed, and countless magic swords directly pierced the Soul Jade.

The latter did not even have the power to resist, and was directly killed by Fang Chen.

When Soul Jade's body fell to the ground softly, his eyes widened and he couldn't be reconciled.

"Fang Chen, let's go quickly." Lu Lianxue was a little worried. After all, Fang Chen killed the disciple of Ancient Soul Gate. Once he was known by Ancient Soul Gate, he would be furious.

Fang Chen didn't pay attention to Lu Lianxue, but looked at his eyes far away, Shen said: "After watching the bustle for so long, hasn't it appeared yet?"

Fang Chen's words just fell, four figures appeared in the void, and the four super guards of Huang Quanmen appeared.

"Fang Chen, I have to say that you are really a genius, and you can actually hurt the three warriors in the Lingxuan Realm with your own strength. It really makes me stunned." The fourth son grinned.

"It's really not easy to have a mid-level puppet and a knife that devours the soul," Lao Sandao said.

"However, the intermediate puppet is a one-time use, you have already used it, and that knife, your strength can not urge the full power of the knife, so in front of the four of us, you will definitely die." Lao Erdao.

Finally, the boss looked at Fang Chen coldly and said, "You killed the fifth?"

When the four people showed up, Fang Chen sensed the breath of Huang Quanmen, and when he heard the boss, Fang Chen said with a deep voice: "If you are talking about the super protector underground in the vein, it was indeed I killed."

"Boy, dare to kill our brother. It's not a pity that you die a hundred times." The second child shouted angrily.

The four super law protectors are all the warriors who condensed the limits of the real world. They were lucky and did not die, and they were seriously injured. After years of baptism, they finally fully recovered to the peak.

If it was before, Fang Chen might be afraid, but now, Fang Chen is not afraid.

"Is the four of you here to die?" Fang Chen grinned and said sensibly.

Lu Lianxue stood aside quietly, ready to release the charm of charm at any time to help Fang Chen.

After the battle just now, Fang Chen has reached an incredible height in Lu Lianxue's heart.

Nine Dao Qiqi warriors, with their own strength, repelled the three warriors in the Lingxuan Realm. If this kind of thing is said, there will be a stir.

"I'm afraid you are the one who died?"

Fang Chen shook his head slightly and said, "Four people, let's go together."

The four heard the words and were completely irritated by Fang Chen. The fourth elder said to the boss: "Boss, go together and kill this kid."

The boss nodded and said in a cold voice: "Dare to shoot our Huangquanmen guardian, you will definitely die."

Wow ...

The boss's words just fell, and the four super guardians instantly launched a fierce attack, encircling Fang Chen in the middle.

Before that, they had come here long ago, hidden in the dark, and saw Fang Chen repelling the triple warrior in the Lingxuan Realm, even killing Soul Jade.

However, the four super guardians believe that Fang Chen repels the spirit warrior triple warrior because of intermediate puppets and knives.

And killing Soul Jade is nothing, they can do it.

They concluded that Fang Chen could not urge the full power of the knife, so the four talents appeared and were ready to kill Fang Chen.

Facing the attack of four people, Fang Chen's face did not change color.

The Xingyin sword waved in his hand, and the golden giant sword was suspended in the sky above his head. The strong sword momentum merged into the golden giant sword.

Suddenly, within the golden heart of Fang Chen, a trace of invisible breath came into the Fa phase.

At this moment, a brilliant breath erupted in Fang Chen's Fa phase, which was directly integrated into the Xingyin sword.

Magic swordsmanship, combined with the magical magic swordsmanship, in addition to the metamorphosis to the ultimate golden golden sword, as well as a renewed sword momentum.

Fang Chen's fighting power has reached the top.

Thump ...

The first to attack Fang Chen was the fourth son, his fist carrying a breath of destruction, blasting towards Fang Chen.

"court death."

With a thump, Fang Chen's Xingyin sword penetrated directly into the fourth son's body, leaving no room for the fourth son.


Between the electric light and the flint, the old four died, and the other three super protector eyes were scarlet and furious.

"Kill him and avenge the fourth." The boss roared angrily, and the three teamed up to launch a brutal attack.


Fang Chen's voice just fell, and Xingyin Jian slammed into the body of the third son.

The third child widened his eyes and looked at Fang Chen in horror. Eventually his life was completely dissipated, and the body fell to the ground softly.

"How can it be?"

At this time, the boss and the second son finally realized something, their complexion changed greatly, and there was fear in their hearts.

Fang Chen's strength is too strong, so strong that they have no room to fight back.

"Next, it's your turn." Fang Chen turned his head and looked at the boss and the second son with a cold voice.

The boss and the second look at each other, the figure flashes, and they want to escape.

Thump ...

Fang Chen's wrist flicked, and Xingyin Sword instantly blasted out, carrying a powerful and extremely powerful sword, and stab directly to the boss and the second son.

Regardless of how the boss and the second son fled, it was impossible to avoid the attack of the Xingyin sword. With a thump, after the Xingyin sword pierced into the body of the second son, he directly carried the body of the second son into the body of the boss. <

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