Chapter 33 Sky Fox

Ye Xiaochuan was a bitch, but after being slapped by two beautiful women, he immediately became honest.

As for Yun Qiyou, she didn't want to stay in a crowded place. There were five people in Siguoya at the moment, which made her feel very uncomfortable, so she said "boring person", then jumped into the air and transformed into A white light disappeared into the night.

After Yun Qiyou left, Lu Changfeng said: "Junior sister Pan'er, who is this woman?"

Gu Pan'er said: "She is my disciple, Uncle Jingshui, Junior Sister Yunqi Youyun."

Chang Xiaoman and Lu Changfeng were both shocked.

Chang Xiaoman said: "Ah! So she is Ling Bing Fairy Yun Qiyou!"

Lu Changfeng held a folding fan and said: "There are rumors in the world that Fairy Ling Bing is not only unfathomable in her Taoism, but her appearance is also unparalleled in the world. When I saw her today, not to mention her cultivation of Taoism, but in terms of appearance alone, she is indeed well-deserved. ”

Chang Xiaoman reached out and pinched his senior brother secretly, and said angrily: "You stinky men only like a beautiful skin, but you are still a cultivator, so superficial!"

Lu Changfeng smiled and did not dare to answer.

Without Yun Qiyou by his side, Ye Xiaochuan didn't dare to be presumptuous. After all, with Yun Qiyou by his side, Gu Pan'er would not do anything to him. But as soon as Yun Qiyou left, the situation was reversed, and Gu Pan'er was angered. Gu Pan'er would not have killed him, so he would give himself a little She can definitely learn the lessons of blood.

Seeing Ye Xiaochuan's evasive eyes, Gu Pan'er said, "How could Yun Qiyou be thinking about Guoyao in the back mountain in the middle of the night, and why did she beat you into a pig's head?"

Ye Xiaochuan ignored Gu Pan'er lazily. Besides, he really didn't dare to joke about Yun Qiyou's name. He just mentioned Yun Qiyou in a vague way, and was slapped by Yun Qiyou in public. If he kept talking nonsense, When the words reached Yun Qiyou's ears, even if he could save his life, he would probably be paralyzed.

He said to Gu Pan'er: "I made her angry tonight and was beaten a few times by her. Do you want me to take care of it? You should leave quickly. This is Siguoya, the forbidden area of ​​Cangyunmen. It's not the place like you." It's time for someone with a delicate body to come. Come on, I'm going to sleep!"

Gu Pan'er hummed: "Weren't you very talkative just now? Why are you so timid now? What did you say just now, that I was obsessed with you? That I was stalking you?"

Ye Xiaochuan said hurriedly: "Misunderstanding, this is all a misunderstanding. Whoever I asked to stay for these three months has resentment in my heart, so I was just talking nonsense... Don't come here... Ah! Stop slapping me in the face! Help! !”

Gu Pan'er punched and kicked Ye Xiaochuan. Lu Changfeng and Chang Xiaoman couldn't hold back, and they beat Ye Xiaochuan for nearly half an hour. Only then did Gu Pan'er calm down his anger and talk to Lu and Chang. Left Siguo Cliff.

Seeing Gu Pan'er and others leaving, Ye Xiaochuan felt relieved. He got up with a curse and spat out a mouthful of blood. When he saw that the three of them had flown away, he pretended to be furious.

He yelled: "Gu Pan'er, fortunately you run fast, fortunately you have the strength in numbers! Otherwise, I would have broken the precedent of not hitting women tonight!"

In fact, he only suffered some superficial injuries. Neither Yun Qiyou nor Gu Pan'er used their true power when they beat him. In addition, he is different from the past. The sea of ​​meridians in his body is wide and his true energy is abundant. What he suffered tonight All these punches and kicks were just skin injuries and did not damage the internal organs. After a few days of rest, the blood stasis and swelling would be reduced and everything would be fine.

The bruises and redness on my face have been difficult to get rid of in the past few days.

After Gu Pan'er beat Ye Xiaochuan, all the depression of the past three months seemed to be released, and he was in a very good mood.

Chang Xiaoman and Lu Changfeng asked the young man named Ye Xiaochuan on Siguo Cliff how he offended her.

Gu Pan'er briefly and concisely told the story about three months ago, when Ye Xiaochuan sneaked into his room secretly to steal his personal accessories, and then told countless Cangyun disciples in the Discipline Academy that the toad wanted to eat swan meat.

After listening, Lu Changfeng said: "It turns out that boy is really a prodigal. If I had known this, I would have taught him a lesson for you just now."

Ye Xiaochuan suffered a terrible disaster tonight. He was shocked and angry. He vowed that he must practice hard and one day surpass Gu Pan'er in cultivation. He would beat her until she was full of teeth and kneel down to beg for mercy.

At dawn, he sat cross-legged and meditated, circulating the true energy in his body through his meridians for two days. The pain on his body was greatly relieved, but the swollen nose and eyes were not relieved much for a while.

After meditating, he was not tired, so he worked hard and took out the Bladeless Divine Sword from his arms. With a thought, the Bladeless Divine Sword immediately flashed with green light, and the three-foot ancient clumsy sword body appeared.

Now he wants to understand one thing. Yun Qiyou didn't actually want to beat him last night, but to help him improve his body and footwork. In the more than hour-long fight with Yun Qiyou, his invisible phantom body Yun Qiyou's technique advanced by leaps and bounds. From the beginning, Yun Qiyou caught him with just a few moves. In the end, using Yun Qiyou's Taoist skills, he used the Sky Spider's Silk Hand, and it took almost a stick of incense to capture him.

From this point of view, Ye Xiaochuan guessed that Yun Qiyou was not good at expressing his inner emotions, so he gave himself more combat experience by fighting with him. As for not being caught once, he was punched by her. It's just a rough and arrogant method used by Yun Qiyou who is not good at communicating with others, but Yun Qiyou's intention is good.

But the situation was different when he met Gu Paner later. Gu Paner punched and kicked him. Although she didn't use her true energy, it was obvious that she was venting her anger on him, so Ye Xiaochuan hated Gu Paner to the core.

Jianghu affairs, Jianghu affairs.

He didn't plan to report the matter to the Discipline Institute and let Uncle Yunhe punish Gu Paner according to the sect rules. He wanted to take revenge himself.

So he held the Wufeng Divine Sword and racked his brains to think about what other powerful sword techniques in the classics on the stone wall were suitable for his current practice.

February 27, early morning.

Cangyun Mountain Samsara Peak, back mountain, valley, towering trees.

Early in the morning, the back mountain was shrouded in smoke, the morning breeze was gentle, and birds chirped from time to time, crisp and pleasant.

Xiaochi habitually said goodbye to Grandpa Monkey King, went to Siguo Cliff to play with Brother Xiaochuan, and ate some of Brother Xiaochuan's food by the way.

Just after leaving the tree hole, two white lights suddenly appeared in the sky, and fell into the valley behind the Samsara Peak like lightning, and in the blink of an eye, they reached the branches of the towering tree.

The two lights turned into two young and beautiful women, one in white clothes, extremely soft and charming, with skin as soft as a baby's, eyes flowing, and a hint of softness in her gestures.

Xiao Chi looked closely and immediately said happily: "Mother, you are back!"

The soft and charming woman in white clothes was the woman who gave Ye Xiaochuan his name fifteen years ago.

In front of this woman, the drunk Taoist of Cangyun Sect had to respectfully call her senior, who was the only remaining nine-tailed fox in the world!

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