Immortal and Demon Cultivation

Chapter 433 Mo Xiaoti

Chapter 433 Mo Xiaoti

Ye Xiaochuan was very happy to accept everyone's blessings, but why was the little apprentice sister Yang Shijiu next to him more excited than himself? Look at her rosy face, shining eyes, and shaking arms, as if it was not him who would go on stage to fight, but her.

As a middle-aged referee walked onto the stage, Ye Xiaochuan knew it was his turn to appear.

He finally looked around, and saw familiar faces everywhere. Suddenly he saw the master with his hands behind his back on the outside of the crowd. From a distance, the master did not seem as old as before, but on the master's cheeks, there seemed to be some vicissitudes of life.

Ye Xiaochuan saw the master's eyes, waved and shouted: "Master, your disciple will not let you down!"

The drunk Taoist raised his wine gourd and waved, but still did not speak.

Yun Qiyou stood silently beside Ning Xiangruo and other female disciples, and Ye Xiaochuan also saw her.

When their eyes met, Ye Xiaochuan suddenly grinned at Yun Qiyou, revealing two white teeth.

Damn kid, his nose and eyes were swollen but he still laughed so obscenely.

Jiesexing was not seen in the crowd. He had already started to collect money, only bets from the disciples of the Demon Sect. This was the boss's order. He would take as much as he could. He would make a fortune in this wave.

Unfortunately, he could not do it alone. After collecting bets for a long time, he only received bets from less than ten people, a total of 530 taels.

The crowd surrounded the ring, and Ye Xiaochuan had to use his body skills to jump over the heads of the crowd and land steadily on the ring.

Before the cheers came out, there was a sigh of laughter. Most of the voices came from the disciples of the Demon Sect. A good young man, in such an important competition, had two panda eyes and bruises on his face when he came on stage. It seemed that he had been severely injured before the fight started. It would be strange if he didn't make a few jokes.

After the sigh, there were a few cheers from the disciples of Cangyun Sect, which were made by Zhu Changshui and others.

Ye Xiaochuan was generous, thinking, why didn't you shout earlier, and wait until the people of the Demon Cult finished making fun of you, are you cheering for my body movement just now, or for the Demon Cult's sighing and making fun of me just now? No brain means no brain. I heard that idiocy is a disease that is contagious. It seems that I have to stay away from these idiots in the future, lest I become an idiot after a long time.

After Ye Xiaochuan came on stage, a soft white light flew out from the Demon Cult camp. Above the white light stood a woman in a white skirt. The clothes were very strange. There was no sleeve on her left arm, revealing her ivory-like skin arm and fragrant shoulders.

"Beautiful lady!"

Ye Xiaochuan's heart skipped a beat, thinking that the Hehuan Sect was full of handsome men and beautiful women. It seemed that this rumor was not groundless. Yu Linglong was very beautiful, and this Mo Xiaoti was not bad either. She was of above average appearance and looked only about 18 or 19 years old. She had prominent willow eyebrows, an oval face, pearly teeth, red lips and a small nose.

"What a pity, what a pity that she is a female disciple of the Hehuan Sect! She must have an immoral private life like her senior sister Yu Linglong."

Someone on the stage sighed secretly in his heart. This guy said whatever he thought, saying: "The girl is so beautiful, why did she join the notorious Hehuan Sect? What a pity!"

Mo Xiaoti smiled, and suddenly she was like a willow in the breeze, full of charm. Even Ye Xiaochuan smelled a very faint but soul-stirring fragrance coming from the opposite side.

The disciples of the Demon Sect have already started to curse: "You stinky fake tooth hero, are you interested in Fairy Mo?"

"Ye Xiaochuan, if you like beautiful women, why don't you join our Holy Sect? The Hehuan Sect is full of beautiful women, and the art of love in the bedroom is very wonderful. I guarantee that you will be in ecstasy!"

The vulgar voices came one after another, and the disciples of the righteous path in the south cursed again and again, especially some thin-skinned female disciples, who were already blushing with shame at the dirty words.

Ye Xiaochuan didn't blush. Although he looked inelegant now, his face covered up his embarrassment well.

He stood carelessly on the stage, staring at Mo Xiaoti, who was three meters away, with his eyes sparkling. He stared at Mo Xiaoti's exposed left shoulder and left arm, perfectly interpreting what the opposite of a gentleman looks like.

Mo Xiaoti chuckled again, and her laughter was moving. Ye Xiaochuan felt his bones softened when he was swept by the green waves in her eyes.

He said with a smile: "Fairy Mo, don't worry, I, Ye Xiaochuan, never hit a woman. I will show mercy later."

Mo Xiaoti said with a smile: "I didn't expect that Young Master Ye still has such a heart of compassion for women. Then I would like to thank Young Master Ye first!"

Gu Pan'er was mad, Yang Shijiu was mad, Gu Jianchi looked helpless, Zhao Wuji covered his cheek with his hand...

What kind of person is Ye Xiaochuan? How could the disciples of Cangyun Sect not know? He is only sixteen years old, his penis is not fully developed yet, but he has already started to tease his senior sisters and junior sisters in Cangyun Sect, and his reputation for lust is the best in Cangyun.

I thought that after these six months of experience in the human world, his mind would be firmer and more mature, but as soon as he got on the stage, he was thrown a little seductive look by Mo Xiaoti, and this guy lost his soul. How can he fight?

Yang Shijiu shouted: "Senior brother! Don't be fooled by her charm!"

Her voice could not be heard on the ring at all in the countless noisy voices around.

Ye Xiaochuan crossed his arms and began to chat with Mo Xiaoti on the ring, seemingly without any intention of fighting.

At this moment, the face of Yu Jizi, the head of Cangyun Sect under Yubi, had turned black, and the entire Cangyun Sect was almost lost by this kid.

Fairy Yimiao was extremely proud now and said to Yu Jizi: "Fellow Taoist Yu Jizi, is the disciple on the ninth stage your Cangyun's? It seems that this young hero is going to lose in this match."

Yu Jizi said calmly: "He is still young. He is only sixteen years old this year. He should be the youngest among the five hundred disciples of Cangyun Sect in this year's fighting. The young man's character still needs to be tempered for a few years, but your It’s probably not easy for a female disciple to win the sword in his hand.”

Fairy Yimiao took another look at Ye Xiaochuan who seemed to be fascinated by the sky on the No. 9 ring in the distance, and said with a smile: "Oh, really, I want to see this sixteen-year-old young swordsman. How capable you are of defeating my disciples, but if you lose before you even draw your sword, you will become a laughing stock!"

Ten arenas, the other nine arenas have already started fighting, but only the ninth arena still does not look like it has started, and it has already caused a lot of booing around.

While Ye Xiaochuan was still chatting with the beautiful woman, suddenly, a thin white light struck Ye Xiaochuan at lightning speed.

Ye Xiaochuan was unprepared and didn't even notice the thin line of white light flashing towards him. None of the surrounding disciples noticed this either. Only the disciples and elders with advanced cultivation seemed to vaguely see a thin line of white light. Lines of white light shot towards Ye Xiaochuan from the side.

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