Immortal and Demon Cultivation

Chapter 500 What are your thoughts on the true Dharma?

Chapter 500: Where is the true Dharma experience?

Ye Xiaochuan didn't understand why Yun Qiyou was so crazy. How could he suddenly say that he was a liar? He thought about it and realized that he had recited it correctly, word for word.

Yun Qiyou dropped a stack of paper manuscripts recording sword techniques in his hand on the desk, and said, "These are all what you learned in Si Guo Ya?"

Ye Xiaochuan nodded and said: "Yes, it's still the same. What do you mean?"

Yun Qiyou said: "These are all the essence of the cultivation formulas for sword techniques, body techniques, fists and kicks, etc."

Ye Xiaochuan nodded again and said, "Yes. That's right."

Yun Qiyou said: "Where are the formulas for the true method? There are no formulas for the true method, only the formulas for supernatural powers. You once told me half-jokingly at the beginning that the reason why your cultivation level improved so quickly was because you were on the cliff. The senior patriarch left some insights on practicing the true method of Yin-Yang, Qiankun Dao. Where is the cultivation experience of that patriarch? Last night, you only told the master master that you learned the sword skills and body skills on the stone wall, and gained an understanding of the true method. I didn’t mention it, so why are you not a liar?”

If there is any cultivation experience, it is the Mysterious Dao Chapter in the second volume of the Book of Heaven.

Ye Xiaochuan adopted Situ Feng's suggestion last night. It is better not to reveal to anyone that he possesses the Heavenly Book and the magic. Otherwise, countless greedy people who covet the Heavenly Book and the magic will definitely come to rob him. At that time, he will be too dangerous. .

No one said anything until his own cultivation was unable to protect himself.

If he hadn't used the Anti-Liangyi Sword Formation yesterday, which aroused the head master's uncle and others to suspect the three halls of interrogation, he wouldn't have even handed over these magical sword skills.

Facing Yun Qiyou's forceful questioning, Ye Xiaochuan put on an attitude like a dead pig that is not afraid of boiling water, and said: "Yes, I didn't hand it in because I didn't think it was necessary. The so-called true Dharma experience is actually the Yin-Yang Universe. Is it necessary for me to recite the formula of the True Dharma for you in Cangyun? If you think you have nothing to do, just write the formula of the True Dharma of Yin Yang, Qian Kun, and give it to the Master Master. you."

Ye Xiaochuan stood up from the chair, twisted his butt and reached the bedside. He lay down on the bed with a thud and said, "I want to take a nap for a while. Call me after dinner."

Yun Qiyou really had no way to deal with this little scoundrel. Although she knew that the true Dharma experience concealed by Ye Xiaochuan could never be as simple as the original text of the true Dharma of Yin-Yang, Qiankun Dao, but there was nothing she could do if this kid didn't tell him.

It seems that when this guy was in the study last night, he already wanted to hide his true Dharma experience, so last night he kept telling the head master about the magical sword skills and skillfully changed the topic to these powerful things. Supernatural Sword Technique.

At that time, the master uncle and the elders were all in extreme excitement and joy, and everyone ignored this.

Yun Qiyou saw that Ye Xiaochuan was really lying on the bed and starting to sleep. It was not good to hear that a man and a woman were alone in the same room, so she sorted out all the papers and prepared to go back to her room to read slowly.

When Ye Xiaochuan saw this, he immediately jumped up and shouted: "Senior Brother said that there is a heavy reward. When Uncle Tianhei, the head master, comes back, I will personally hand it over to him. If you want to see it, it's right here Take a look, or make a copy for yourself."

Yun Qiyou was itching with hatred, but in the final analysis, the credit was always Ye Xiaochuan's, so she sat down again. Seeing that the sky was getting dark, she lit the butter candle on the desk and started reading carefully. Every text in the sword art.

She has a photographic memory, and she transcribed these words by hand. She only read each technique roughly twice before firmly remembering it in her mind.

After the battle at Duantianya is over, he can go back to Cangyun to retreat for three to five years, and he will definitely be able to achieve something by practicing his spiritual practice in the realm of spiritual tranquility.

Ye Xiaochuan was in a good mood today. Although he was forced to face the wall and was not allowed to go out, so he could not watch the exciting competition on Duantian Cliff, but he was still very happy to see Yun Qiyou deflated in front of him.

There are seven competitions today, one more than yesterday. Yesterday's competition lasted until sunset. What's more, after today's competition ends, the third round promotion list and opponent players will be posted. It is expected to be later today.

The sky outside gradually dimmed, and the Cangyun Sect troops had not returned yet. Yun Qiyou was reading the words eagerly. Ye Xiaochuan was bored alone. He remembered that he asked Situ Feng to teach him the Kunlun Kung Fu yesterday, so he Bring your mind to your spiritual consciousness.

Said: "Senior Situ, I heard that you will disappear soon. I feel that now is the time to start learning your skills. Let me tell you first, in fact, it is not that I really want to learn, but you once said, kill There is a very powerful evil spirit sealed in the Chenshen Sword. This seal is getting weaker and weaker, so let me seal it again. You also know that my cultivation level is just that, and I don’t know anything about the sealing technique. I still have time. "Hurry up and pass them on to me. I want to learn all the sealing techniques, formation techniques, beast control techniques, and Kunlun's true method."

This is a good reason, and Situ Feng has no excuse to refuse.

In his eyes, there was no such thing as a sect distinction. The stronger Ye Xiaochuan's power, the more likely it would be to seal Zhan Chen again.

Although the overall strength of the Kunlun Sect in the past was not as good as that of the Shushan Sect, it was able to compete with Shushan for tens of thousands of years. It was also unique and it would be beneficial for Ye Xiaochuan to learn it.

Situ Feng said: "Don't worry, you are my Situ's successor, so you will not take these magical skills into the coffin. When I turn to ashes, my memory will merge with your memory. Then you can learn whatever you want, so I don't have to waste my breath now."

Ye Xiaochuan thought this was the truth. He was already out of breath from reciting those magical books just now. If the weak Situ Feng passed on all the skills he had learned to him, he would probably be exhausted before he finished.

When the sky outside was completely dark and the stars jumped out, there was a noisy sound outside the door. Needless to say, it must be that the battle on the Broken Sky Cliff today was over, and the Cangyun disciples came back one after another.

Ye Xiaochuan jumped off the bed and opened the door. Suddenly, he was stunned and saw Gu Paner, who was a few rooms away, also opened the door.

Ye Xiaochuan was surprised and asked, "Senior Sister Gu, you didn't go out today either?"

Gu Pan'er certainly didn't go to Duan Tian Cliff, and Su Qin was also in the room. The injuries from yesterday's fight were a bit serious, and the true energy consumption was also relatively large. The two of them spent the whole day in seclusion in the room to practice and quickly recover their vitality to cope with tomorrow's fierce battle.

Gu Pan'er saw Ye Xiaochuan and was about to speak when she saw Yun Qiyou in white clothes walking out of the room behind Ye Xiaochuan. It seemed that the two of them had been locked in the room all day and didn't come out.

She froze and said, "Senior Sister Yun, why are you in Ye Xiaochuan's room? And the door is closed, what are you doing?"

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