Immortal and Demon Cultivation

Chapter 5617 Genius Idea

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Human heart and human nature are the most vulnerable to the test.

As the saying goes, put yourself in someone else's shoes. They always compare their own hearts with others' hearts.

If their own hearts are black, they stubbornly believe that other people's hearts are also black.

Especially when it comes to some interests, the ugliest side of human heart and human nature will be completely exposed.

Ye Xiaochuan really doesn't know which of the nine gates is the gate of life, but those young disciples of the righteous and evil don't believe it.

They think that Ye Xiaochuan doesn't say it just to take the treasure of the wood god for himself.

Ye Xiaochuan has long solved the secret of the suicide map, but has been studying it privately and has not shared it with everyone. This is ironclad evidence.

If it were more than ten years ago, Ye Xiaochuan would still defend himself with his personality.

Now he is too lazy to defend himself.

The level is different, the vision is different, and the pattern is naturally different.

These young masters of the righteous and evil left by him, each of them got a magic weapon but are still not satisfied.

Along the way, they did not contribute anything to the treasure hunt, and it was almost all Ye Xiaochuan's credit.

But they did not feel any gratitude towards Ye Xiaochuan.

Over the years, Ye Xiaochuan has experienced countless hardships and has long seen through people's hearts and human nature.

Talking to these people is just a waste of precious time, and at the same time it also lowers his own style.

He ignored the doubts of these people and came to the front of the Youquan Pagoda under the protection of two close male bodyguards.

Each tower door is exactly the same, and there is no difference between them from the naked eye.

The way the tower door opens is very special. Unlike the common door, it is not pushed open. The tower door is lifted up and hidden above the pagoda.

The inside of the Youquan Pagoda is dark, and you can vaguely see behind each tower door that there is a black vortex that is slowly rotating, like a space channel stained black by ink.

After carefully observing each of the tower doors, Ye Xiaochuan concluded that the space inside the pagoda was probably much larger than what the naked eye saw.

Miao Shoumu came over and said, "Xiaochuan, did you see anything?"

Ye Xiaochuan shook his head slightly and said, "It seems that if you want to find the way out, you have to start with the suicide map."

Miao Shoumu said, "Since you have opened the pagoda door, it is only a matter of time to find the way out.

These people are too noisy, do you want me to help you shut them up?"

Miao Shoumu listened to the doubts of this group of people about Ye Xiaochuan, and he was very dissatisfied.

Ye Xiaochuan didn't need to ask, he took the initiative to speak first.

Ye Xiaochuan looked around and smiled, "Then I'll trouble you."

After Miao Shoumu got a positive answer, he immediately pulled a face and pointed at everyone and shouted, "Why are you arguing? Who do you think you are? I have given each of you a magic weapon, and you are still not satisfied?

If anyone makes noise again, I will not only take back the magic weapon, but also beat him out!"

His words immediately made those guys who were dissatisfied with Ye Xiaochuan quiet down.

No one dared to say a bad word about Ye Xiaochuan.

Selfishness is human nature.

Greed fears the same human nature.

They know that Ye Xiaochuan has a good temper and is a good old man, so they can be unrestrained in their words.

But Si La Si La is not a human, but a fox demon with great means.

They don't expect Si La Si La to have any mercy on them.

Without the disturbance of outsiders, Ye Xiaochuan can calm down and study the Youquan Pagoda.

On how to enter the Youquan Pagoda, there are only two sentences in the suicide map.

Nine gates stop under the Jiuyou Tower, nine gates stop and eight gates die.

Eight gates of undead spirits, one gate of life, one gate of life turns into smoke and turns into a lonely lamp.

The key to finding the gate of life is hidden in these four verses.

Not only Ye Xiaochuan was staring at the verses of the Seeking Death Map in a daze, but the treasure hunters who were suppressed by Miao Shoumu were also scratching their heads and thinking.

Ye Xiaochuan always felt that something was strange, but he couldn't tell.

His consciousness entered the sea of ​​souls and asked the several weapon spirits who were quarreling inside.

Xiaofeng and Xiaoguang have not been with the Wood God for a long time, and they don't know the secrets of the Wood God.

Xiaokong, as the weapon spirit of the Sky-breaking Divine Spear, is the life-long magic weapon of the Wood God.

Ye Xiaochuan felt that Xiaokong might know some secrets.

After all, the Sky-breaking Divine Spear appeared many times in the Seeking Death Map.

Xiaokong said, "Don't ask me. When Mu Xiaozi was setting up the Xuanxu Realm, he directly sealed me in the broken air. I have no idea what he did here."

Ye Xiaochuan said, "What about the Youquan Pagoda! Since this thing is the magic weapon of the Wood God, and you have followed the Wood God for many years, has the Wood God never taken you into the pagoda?"

Xiaokong nodded his head and said, "I have been into the Youquan Pagoda several times."

Ye Xiaochuan immediately asked, "Since you have been in it many times, you should know where the life gate is."

Xiaokong shook his head and said, "The Youquan Pagoda is a heavenly treasure. The nine gates are exactly the same. Not only does it gather the universe, but it can also change at will. The life gate I once entered does not mean that it is still the life gate now.

It's a pity that Mengpo has returned to the underworld.

The Youquan Pagoda originally came from the underworld. Mengpo may know more information."

Ye Xiaochuan frowned and murmured in his heart, "It turns out that the nine gates can change."

Ye Xiaochuan looked up at the sky and took in the huge pagoda.

The pagoda has nine gates and nine floors.

Is there any connection between them?

While thinking, the voices of Xiao Qi and Gui Yatou came to his ears.

Ye Xiaochuan knew with his butt that these two little girls were causing trouble again.

Recovering his mind, he turned around and saw that Xiao Qi and Gui Yatou had gathered dozens of treasure hunters together.

Xiao Qi shouted: "Xiao Gui'er and I have exhausted countless brain cells and finally thought of a way to crack the nine doors.

We now have dozens of people, and there are only nine doors. We can be divided into nine groups, three or five people in a group, and each group will enter one of the doors by drawing lots!

I know that people who choose the wrong one will definitely die, but for the treasure of the God of Wood, it is worth dying!

Everyone has a one in nine chance! Isn't this idea of ​​Xiao Gui and I genius?"

It is indeed genius. Only these two troublemakers can get along with this unethical method of killing one hundred enemies and hurting eight hundred of themselves.

Everyone thought they had cracked the mystery of the nine doors.

It turned out that they wanted everyone to form a group to go to the tower to give up their heads.

Everyone dispersed with curses.

The little ghost shouted: "Don't go, what a good opportunity, I can divide you into groups!"

Sun Yao shouted sarcastically: "Okay, then you and Xiao Qi go in first."

The two girls shook their heads immediately.

Xiao Qi said: "I won't go in! I'm only 78 years old this year, and I'm still a virgin. I want to get married and have children, but I don't want to die here!"

The ghost girl said: "I won't go in either! I also want to get married and have children! Although we won't go in, you can, just you, I remember your name is Sun Yao!

You and that Japanese woman have been married for decades, and you haven't even laid an egg.

I guess you and your wife must be infertile! You choose a door to go in first, anyway, you have been sterilized, and it's nothing to regret if you die!"

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