Immortal and Demon Cultivation

Chapter 5712 Big Head likes this?

Xu Kai is dead.

All his sons, including two grandsons, died in Niangziguan.

The Xu family is gone.

On the third day after His Majesty's decree was conveyed, he died in the camp in the rear.

When he died, he only said four words.

"Ashamed of the emperor's favor!"

Xu Kai's deputy Yue Sizhan was responsible for commanding the battle of Niangziguan.

As a member of the Tiandao Alliance, Yue Sizhan is an out-and-out young hawk general.

He didn't want to give up on Niangzi Pass, but the situation was over and it would be futile to continue fighting. .??.

Yue Sizhan could only choose to retreat.

Eight million sergeants, tens of millions of civilians, and a huge amount of food and supplies can be withdrawn if they want to.

First, the reserves in the rear will advance first and then retreat.

Then there are food and grass supplies.

The unusual movements of the Niangziguan army were immediately detected by the heavenly scouts.

An Wenxiu finally breathed a sigh of relief when he received the news that the Niangziguan army began to retreat westward.

He didn't laugh out loud, he just smiled feeling the pressure on his shoulders.

After several days of hard fighting, his troops suffered heavy losses, with casualties exceeding 200,000.

No matter how many skeleton soldiers and bull-headed horses died, he would not feel distressed.

However, in order to capture Chengtian Cliff, he sent out a large number of giant legions and madman legions.

These were the main battle legions of the Heaven Realm. The casualties were so heavy that he could not bear them.

Phantom's order was quickly conveyed.

The order was just eight words: "Food and grass are the most important thing, don't pursue poor invaders."

Phantom could see more clearly. Since the defenders of Niangzi Pass chose to withdraw to the west instead of to the east toward the capital, it meant that the other party had seen that the heavenly army wanted to enter the pass to grab food.

If we fight with them at this time, we may cause the human soldiers to fight against each other.

Therefore, the phantom asked An Wenxiu not to excessively pursue the human soldiers retreating westward.

On the tenth day after An Wenxiu launched his attack, the last position on Chengtian Cliff was captured by Tianjie soldiers.


The war flag of heaven was planted at the highest point of Niangzi Pass.

Niangziguan was lost, and the world was shocked.

The people north of the Yellow River evacuated southward with their families and families overnight.

Some people who were unwilling to leave fled into the Taihang Mountains with a sense of luck.

The entire northern border was in chaos.

According to post-war statistics, since the Battle of Niangziguan began last year, human losses have exceeded 12 million.

The battle losses in Heaven exceeded one million.

Statistically speaking, the world wins.

But in terms of results, it was a disastrous failure.

Xu Kailai must be responsible for the fall of Niangziguan.

Among the 12 million soldiers lost, at least 5 million died outside the customs.

At the beginning of the war, Xu Kai chose the strategy of defending in layers, mobilizing elite troops to defend in various cities outside the pass.

As a result, under several rounds of bombardment by the Celestial Destruction Legion, nothing was left.

Only six to seven million soldiers actually died on the Niangziguan defense line.

If Xu Kai, like Shanhaiguan coach Li Xianjing, had withdrawn all his troops to the pass from the beginning, Niangziguan would have five million more elite soldiers. Even if it persisted for another year, it would not be a problem.

It was precisely because of Xu Kai's initial strategic mistakes that the Niangziguan war was in a passive situation from the beginning.

Finally, after nearly a year of hard battle with the Celestial Legion, the defense line was breached by Celestial Realm.

Of course, An Wenxiu would not let the eight million defenders retreat safely.

After capturing Chengtian Cliff, he immediately ordered giant warriors and madman warriors to clean up and collect the mountains of corpses.

Let the six-legged beast riders of the Storm Legion outside the pass have a feast on the corpse mountain.

Then they sent 200,000 beast riders to hunt down the human soldiers retreating westward along the way.

The middle earth on earth has become purgatory.

Wherever the celestial beast rides, blood flows like a river.

These beast riders even captured many human beings in order to eat fresh food.

At the same time, An Wenxiu sent a large army eastward and stationed in Linshan, a hundred miles away from the capital. .??.

The main force went south to grab food.

If there is no food, the captured human people will be used as rations.

The world is in chaos, and all the people are migrating south desperately.

This chaotic situation lasted for more than a month.

When heavy snow fell in the north, An Wenxiu withdrew his troops and gathered near Niangziguan, waiting for the spring of next year before launching a major military operation.

More than two months have passed in the human world, but for Ye Xiaochuan and Yun Qiyou, only an hour has passed.

The time difference between the human world and heaven is even greater, making them unable to feel the rapid flow of time in the outside world.

Little did he know that the human lady that Ye Xiaochuan had longed for had been lost for a month.

After a moment of tenderness with Yun Qiyou who had recovered his memory, Ye Xiaochuan excused himself to meditate and rest, while Yuanshen slipped into the Six Paths of Reincarnation to find Mu Shen for help.

By the way, let me ask you the purpose of the treasures left by Wood God.

As soon as I entered the reincarnation diagram, I was immediately shocked.

Only two figures were seen, playing Go on the edge of the Samsara Pond.

One is a wood god, and there is an old man with white beard and white hair.

Ye Xiaochuan asked: "Dad, who is this?"

Mu Shen smiled and said: "Why, you sucked it in and you forgot about it so quickly?"

Ye Xiaochuan's heart moved and he looked at the old man in surprise.

"Lord of Heaven?"

The old man with white beard did not speak and seemed not to hear Ye Xiaochuan's voice.

Ye Xiaochuan's temper flared up in a moment.

Doesn't this old man understand the situation?

\u003eThis is his territory, who are you turning your face to?

He has now refined the Samsara Diagram, and the space of the Samsara Diagram belongs to his domain.

Here, Ye Xiaochuan is a god. As long as he has a thought, he can completely destroy this clone of the Lord of Heaven.

He said: "I say, Heaven, are you not convinced? You have come here, why are you pretending? Get up!"

The Lord of Heaven still did not react.

Ye Xiaochuan was furious, and when he was about to take action, the God of Wood stopped him.

Said: "Boy, it has been played into a brain by the Nightmare Beast. Now it is just a ball of pure energy."

Ye Xiaochuan was stunned, looked up and down, and said: "Energy body? How can I play chess with you?"

The God of Wood stretched out his hand and waved lightly, and the Lord of Heaven, who originally looked like an old grandfather, immediately dissipated and turned into a ball of luminous body.

Ye Xiaochuan could feel the terrifying power contained in this ball of luminous body.

I couldn't help but be secretly surprised.

A clone of the Lord of Heaven has the strength of the Xumi realm.

How strong is its original body?

If it fights with others, it can easily separate dozens or hundreds of clones. Who can be its opponent?

Wood God said: "I was bored, so I condensed this energy and transformed into a human form to play Go with me.

You came at the right time. His energy is a tonic. If you absorb it, it will be of great benefit to your cultivation."

Ye Xiaochuan's heart was moved.

Although he hated soul-searching, he was very happy to devour the clone of the Lord of Heaven to strengthen himself.

He asked: "Dad, it was fine when I sucked it in. What did Big Head do to it?"

Wood God said with a look of evil taste: "You don't want to know, it's too disgusting!"

Ye Xiaochuan shuddered...

The picture that was not suitable for children appeared in his mind.

"No way, Big Head likes this?"

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