Immortal and Demon Cultivation

Chapter 5717: Chaos in the World

Time passes and stars change.

Autumn comes east, and most of the world is covered in silver and snow.

The New Year is just around the corner, but the entire continent has fallen into depression, and there is no longer the joy that the Spring Festival should have.

It has been more than three months since Niangzi Pass was lost. The entire land of Shanxi and Hebei, parts of Lu and Guanzhong have been trampled by the heavenly storm army.

Although the Storm Legion attacked not many large cities, villages and small towns suffered catastrophe.

In just a few months, the Storm Group was like a black torrent of death.

Everywhere he passed was filled with death.

According to statistics, in just a few months, tens of thousands of villages and towns have been looted and destroyed.

Because the Storm Legion moved too quickly, millions of people who had no time to move were either killed or captured.

More than half of them are women's soldiers and child soldiers.

These heavenly beings are very picky eaters, and if they are old and taste bad, they will be killed directly.

Almost all the people they brought back to serve as food rations were young people or children.

In addition, many granaries were robbed, and people south of the Huangyan River left their hometowns and retreated south.

The Central Plains, known as the granary of the world, has ten houses and nine empty houses, and large tracts of fertile farmland have been abandoned.

The imperial court tightened the food supply, and those refugees who fled their hometowns simply did not have enough to eat or clothing to wear.

The breach of Niangziguan also triggered a series of economic disasters.

Prices are soaring and inflation is very serious.

It's not bad in Shu, Xiang, and Lingnan, which are close to the south.

One tael of silver can only buy a white-faced steamed bun in Fengyang Mansion, let alone in the north.

Starving people can be seen everywhere on the ancient roads, and the tragedy of exchanging children for food is happening all the time.

The whole world fell into a huge panic.

In this environment, the people who occupied the Piaomiao Peak of Tianshan Mountain for more than two months

The Second Emperor finally felt that the time was ripe.

On New Year's Eve, they mobilized 70,000 people and arrived at the Holy Mountain from Piaomiao Pavilion in just one hour.

On the top of the sacred mountain, the battle flag of heaven was erected.

But so what?

The cultivators stationed in the human world on the line between Qinling Mountain and Tianyu Mountain saw that it was a foregone conclusion and could only acquiesce.

Since then, all the western gates of the human world, except Yumen Pass, have been occupied by heaven.

In the increasingly passive environment of the world, there is no good news.

Yujizi has been in seclusion for nearly half a year, and there is no news at all.

Ye Xiaochuan was trapped in another world and did not come back.

The entire world of human cultivation is in disarray at the moment.

It has to be said that Tuoba Yu is worthy of being a hero of his generation.

During the months when Ye Xiaochuan lost contact with Yujizi in seclusion, if he hadn't been trying his best to maintain the balance of the world of cultivation, I'm afraid the world of cultivation would have been in chaos.

At the beginning of last month, the Western Region and Southern Xinjiang had run out of food. Tuoba Yu secretly went to the Middle Earth and held a private meeting with Master Kong Yuan, Guan Shaoqin, Li Xuanyin, Gu Jianchi, Miao Fa Xiaoni, Nu'e Shao Siming and other senior human officials.

As soon as the food problem was alleviated, there was news of disintegration from Gui Xuanzong.

So Tuoba Yu rushed to Poison Dragon Valley without stopping to stabilize the situation in Ghost Xuanzong.

Wang Keke and Long Tianshan were not able to convince the public, Qin's concubine had no relationship, and Ye Xiaochuan had no son. No one would buy it based on the true disciple Dugu Changfeng alone.

Ye Xiaochuan has been missing for several months, and rumors have spread. Some people say that he is dead and will never come back.

Guixuanzong only has more than 30,000 red-clothed direct descendants, and the remaining hundreds of thousands of people have all defected in the past year or so.

Ye Xiaochuan live

So, they were naturally willing to follow Ye Xiaochuan.

After Ye Xiaochuan died, the situation was different.

Amid rumors, thousands of Guixuanzong disciples conspired to seize power and rebel.

Although Tuoba Yu focused on the overall situation and stabilized the situation, many people left Guixuanzong after this incident.

In just one month, the number of Gui Xuan Sect disciples dropped from 140,000 at its peak to 90,000.

At least 50,000 disciples left Poison Dragon Valley and went to the West Sea to join the main force of the Demon Sect.

Moreover, the rate of disciple loss has only slowed down, not completely stopped.

Dozens or hundreds of disciples still choose to leave every day.

The last time Nangong Bat tried to eat the main force of Nanhai's casual cultivators, he failed.

Recently, the five ethnic groups in southern Xinjiang have begun to take action.

Once again, in the name of the demon god of Southern Xinjiang, he ordered the five tribes of Southern Xinjiang to surrender.

However, he was severely rejected by Gesang, the great wizard of the Miao ethnic group.

Nangong Bat became furious and immediately sent out the goddess.

The two sides fought near Tianhuo Dong.

Because Gu Jianchi promptly dispatched 30,000 righteous disciples to support him, Nangong Bat was forced to retreat.

In that battle, thousands of wizards from the five tribes in southern Xinjiang were killed. Of course, many of the nuns from the Goddess Cult also died in the battle.

Both sides suffered losses.

However, Nangong Bat seems to be determined to take the five tribes of Southern Xinjiang under his command.

Ye Xiaochuan has not come back yet, causing chaos within Gui Xuanzong. There is no way to worry about the Goddess Cult.

This is an excellent opportunity for Nangong Bat.

Nangong Bat is planning a new round of attack.

Time passes day by day.

It's March in the blink of an eye.

As the ice and snow gradually melted, Heaven's offensive began again


Anwenxiu has begun to send out the Storm Legion, which has been dormant for several months, to attack again.

The main force of the army has also begun to mobilize in a targeted manner.

The past few months have been the greatest disaster for the human world in six thousand years.

In the Middle Earth alone, the number of people who died of starvation and disease reached tens of millions.

Plagues were rampant, food and medicine were in short supply, and in many places, people in a village or a city of tens of thousands died of starvation and disease.

In this situation, rebellions broke out in many places.

On the seventh day of March, the two emperors took the opportunity to issue a heavenly manifesto, telling the people on earth that they were acting on behalf of heaven, and as long as they became obedient citizens of heaven, they would be blessed by heaven.

At the end of the manifesto, it was to form a vassal army.

In just half a month, the number of vassal armies controlled by heaven reached a huge number of millions.

They acted as the vanguard of heaven and began to harass the cities on earth.

Zhao Zian knew that the situation was over, and had decided to abandon Yumen Pass and began to retreat to the south.

Against this background, Nangong Fu's second wave of attacks on the five tribes in southern Xinjiang also arrived as expected.

On the nineteenth day of March, southern Xinjiang, Ten Thousand Mountains.

Tianhuo Dong.

Gesang looked at the handwritten letter from Nangong Fu sent by the messenger of the Goddess Cult, and his expression was very serious.

Nangong Fu only gave Gesang two options. One was that all wizards of the five tribes in Southern Xinjiang would submit to the Goddess Cult, recognize and be loyal to Nangong Fu, the god of the southern territory.

Second, if they did not pledge allegiance to Nangong Fu, the five tribes in Southern Xinjiang and the four major families in Xiangxi would immediately withdraw from the Shiwan Mountains, otherwise they would suffer a devastating blow from the Goddess Cult.

After reading Nangong Fu's handwritten letter, Gesang said to the visitor: "Fairy Fengyue, go back and tell Nangong Fu that the five tribes in Southern Xinjiang and the four major corpse-driving families will only obey the orders of the Pluto Flag and will never obey the orders of others.

If Nangong Fu wants to fight, the five tribes in Southern Xinjiang will accompany him to the end."

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