Immortal and Demon Cultivation

Chapter 5971 You Lost

Ye Xiaochuan has always kept in mind the teachings Situ Feng gave him about the law of wind when he was young.

In the past, he often faced storms at Longmen Inn, and even rushed into the storm to feel the rhythm of the wind.

Over the years, he believed that he had understood the law of wind to a very high level, and no one in the world understood wind better than himself.

However, there has never been an obvious breakthrough in his wind law.

Ye Xiaochuan once thought that he had reached the third level of wind element without knowing it.

After all, Situ Feng left him only a few words about the third level of wind law.

Wangqinghai met Xiaofeng, and with Xiaofeng's help, Ye Xiaochuan finally broke through the shackles of many years.

He finally understood what Situ Feng said about wind coming from the two qi of yin and yang, and the combination of speed and slowness.

Wind is everywhere.

Wind, the traces left in space and time when yin and yang fluctuate.

Wind corresponds to time and space.

Ye Xiaochuan realized this only when he could actually arrange the realm of wind.

If it weren't for Xiaofeng's help, he might never be able to comprehend it in his lifetime.

After all, who can connect wind to space and time?

Through the changes in the wind, Ye Xiaochuan can already feel the existence and operation of time and space in the realm of wind.

This feeling is completely different from before.

In the past, Ye Xiaochuan used to fight with others, integrating the laws of the wind system and the laws of the sword. He used fast swords, pursuing the idea that all magical powers in the world could be broken, but fast swords could not be broken.

He always believed that as long as he was fast enough, he could kill anyone with a higher level of cultivation than himself.

After he was able to activate the realm of wind, he realized that speed was only for mortals.

In front of the god who owns the domain, the speed that you are proud of will become worthless.

These three masters and uncles of the Virtue generation have never passed the final step in cultivation and law.

They have never felt the power of the domain and do not know how powerful it is.

If they knew how terrifying the field was, they wouldn't have gone head-to-head with Ye Xiaochuan.

Hundreds of years of fame may be lost today to this young man, Ye Xiaochuan.

The peripheral fighting has ended, from the melee during robbery to now the battle between gentlemen.

The ownership of the Pluto flag and whether Ye Xiaochuan can leave depends on Ye Xiaochuan and San

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One foot of a great uncle.

After people on both sides saw the countless sword shadows slowly falling from the sky, they all felt a powerful force filling the air. They all began to quickly retreat and withdraw from the fighting circle.

The old woman and the haggard old man did not take action, only the emaciated old man was fighting with Ye Xiaochuan.

It's not accurate either, because after Ye Xiaochuan vibrated the demon's wings, his whole person disappeared from the sky.

Now only the thin old man was facing the dense sword shadows.

The falling speed of these sword shadows is very slow, like a goose feather falling from the sky.

However, the expression of the thin old man became more and more solemn.

His spiritual consciousness covers every inch of space within a hundred feet. As long as Ye Xiaochuan launches an attack, he can sense and lock it immediately.

However, the sword shadows falling from the sky had slowly slipped from in front of him, and his consciousness still could not find any trace of Ye Xiaochuan.

The strangest thing is that these sword shadows are soft, said to be sword energy, and the speed is too slow, said to be the condensation of spiritual power, but there is no fluctuation in spiritual power.

It's like an illusion that doesn't exist in the first place, or a phantom that appears in everyone's eyes.

The thin old man swung his long sword, and passed through several falling sword shadows in front of him like lightning.

The powerful sword energy swept out and disappeared from sight.

He thought that this sword energy could break or scatter the sword shadow. The strange thing was that the sword shadow was like a water column, and it was indeed broken countless times by the sword energy. However, the broken sword shadow did not disappear, but quickly split and grew. Sword shadow.

The thin old man frowned and said: "Xiaochuan, what kind of magical power is this? You have the ability to come out and fight with this old man!"

Ye Xiaochuan's voice sounded slowly: "Uncle Master, you lose."

The sound was illusory and ethereal, and all the powerful people present could sense where the sound was coming from.

"Lost? What do you mean? Brat, you created an illusion and didn't even make a single move, so you said I lost?

Even if I am a powerful Xumi warrior, I cannot be defeated without even using a single move. They say you are now the number one young disciple in the world and the descendant of the Wood God. Let me see what you are capable of! "

"All right……"


Ye Xiaochuan's voice sounded again.

Immediately, the sword shadows that filled the entire space suddenly stopped falling.

At this moment, the whole world seemed to be shaken.

Immediately afterwards, the skinny old man's body swayed and he seemed to be a little unsteady on his feet.

The sword shadows all over the sky suddenly disappeared, forming whirlwinds.

Dense wind whirlpools filled the front, back, left, right, and bottom of the emaciated old man... There were so many of them, at least tens of thousands.

The skinny old man's body was still shaking slightly, as if there was an invisible mysterious force attacking him, and he was trying hard to stabilize his body.

Huh... accompanied by a sharp wind howl.

The body of the thin old man fell rapidly.

The skinny old man shouted loudly, and Haoran's true energy burst out of his body. The powerful force shattered hundreds of wind whirlpools around him.


The thin old man gnashed his teeth and said these two words.

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Xiaochuan appeared at a high position above the thin old man's head without any warning.

Ye Xiaochuan pressed down the edgeless sword in his hand, and countless cyclones spun rapidly at the same time, making a harsh sound.

Then, the whole space became blurred.

There was no shattering, just blurry.

It was like a breath gently blown at the mirror in winter.

The thin old man saw Ye Xiaochuan appear, went up against the sky, and stabbed with a sword.

The surging sword intent condensed into a huge sword of air.

However, a strange scene happened.

The terrifying giant sword only flew upwards for about a hundred feet, and was deviated by a mysterious force, as if it was swept into a storm.

However, there was no storm around, only those small cyclones.


The huge sword of air, which was flying around like a headless fly, broke into countless pieces in a few breaths, and then disappeared from everyone's sight.

Ye Xiaochuan's eyes fixed, and he rushed down from the sky.

His speed seemed to be much faster than lightning.

As soon as he saw him rushing down, Ye Xiaochuan had already arrived in front of the thin old man.


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The sword stabbed at the thin old man's face.

At this moment, the thin old man had locked Ye Xiaochuan's body with his spiritual sense.

He was not afraid that this kid would run away again.

However, when he was about to use his sword to block, a strange force came from all directions, and his body seemed to be grabbed by countless hands.

His left foot was pulled back, and his head was pulled to the left...

His body was immediately unstable.

But these pulling forces were not enough to completely control the thin old man.

He sensed that Ye Xiaochuan was stabbing with his sword, and relied on his own powerful strength to break free from the strange pulling force.

Seeing that the two swords were about to touch each other, suddenly, Ye Xiaochuan actually retracted the Wufeng sword like lightning.

At the same time, he had already arrived behind the thin old man and stabbed out with his sword again.

The thin old man swung the immortal sword backhand to block.

At the moment when the two swords were about to touch, Ye Xiaochuan returned the sword again and appeared at the side of the thin old man, and also stabbed out with a sword.

The thin old man swung the sword to defend, and it was the same as before. When he felt that the two immortal swords were only a hair's distance apart, Ye Xiaochuan withdrew the sword without a sharp edge.

Ye Xiaochuan stabbed hundreds of swords from different directions in a very short time.

The thin old man also swung hundreds of swords.

However, the two swords never collided.

Every time, Ye Xiaochuan chose to return the sword at the critical moment.

The people watching the battle around looked at each other.

They had all seen the fights between the Xumi strongmen, and the scene was terrible.

However, this fight seemed very strange.

There was no sound at all, not because of the terrible scene, but because of the terrible silence.

Only about five or six breaths had passed, and the cyclone around slowed down its rotation speed, and Ye Xiaochuan was suspended in front of the thin old man.

The thin old man was pale and had an ugly expression.

"Is this... the realm of law?"

"Well, I call it the realm of wind."

The thin old man looked dejected, put away his sword, and said hoarsely: "I lost. I have practiced hard for more than 600 years and thought I was invincible. I didn't expect to be defeated by my disciple's sword today. Xiaochuan, I believe now that you are the savior who can save the three realms."

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