Immortal and Demon Cultivation

Chapter 632 The Disappearing Bronze Sword

Chapter 632 The disappeared bronze sword

In the past three years, Ye Xiaochuan has actually spent most of his time with women, training in the human world with Baili Yuan, being together for a few months, and staying in a cave with Xuan Ying for two full years, but after all, he is not Understand women.

Character determines a person's destiny. This sentence is not an exaggeration. Ye Xiaochuan's character has been unruly since he was a child. He likes to be free, like the wind, like a bird, like a fish, and does not like to be restricted by others. Whether it was the Master's Chun Chun teachings or the Cangyun Sect's strict rules, he basically didn't take them to heart over the years. He made repeated mistakes and copied the rules many times, but he still never tired of it.

This kind of character was inherited from his mother Liuyun, which also caused him to be very vague about the feelings between men and women. He is already eighteen years old, and he is still ignorant about feelings. He likes beautiful girls and likes lordosis. However, over the years, he has actually taken some physical and verbal advantage.

This is true for Du Chun, and it is true for other women. Just a prank-like naughty mentality.

As for whether he likes the other person, and whether he is naked and squirming on the bed like Sun Yao and Mei Hezi in Boulder City, that is not a consideration for him.

He didn't understand Yun Qiyou's heart, he didn't even understand his own heart.

However, he did have a different emotion for Yun Qiyou than other women. This feeling was very subtle, but at the moment, he didn't know that this was the feeling of love in the legend.

He was really happy to see Yun Qiyou today, but he was also very happy to compete with Wangcai for food. He has a pair of peach blossom eyes that are designed to seduce women, but he knows nothing about feelings. This is one of his failures as a human being. at.

He didn't want to think about Wu Feng and Zhan Chen's curse for thousands of years all day long. He didn't want to think about bad things, so he was very happy. Maybe one day, he will begin to understand what his heart really cares about, and maybe that will be the beginning of his life's sorrow.

After eating half of the roast rabbit that he took from Wangcai's mouth, only the bones were left. When he was bored, he began to meditate and practice, preparing to continue repairing the meridians in the body.

As a result, as soon as his spiritual consciousness entered his body, he was shocked.

He remembered very clearly that there were at least 140 or 50 meridians in his body that had not been repaired. How come his meridians were completely restored at this moment?

Thinking that it was my illusion, that I was dreaming, I twisted my arm so hard that tears of pain fell down.

"What happened? Who repaired these meridians in my body?"

After Ye Xiaochuan confirmed that this was not a dream, he turned his attention to the question of who could repair his meridians.

When he woke up in the afternoon, he was very happy to see Yun Qiyou in front of him. He didn't have time to check the internal condition of his body. Ye Xiaochuan could be sure that when he woke up in the afternoon, the meridians in his body had been completely repaired. .

Could it be Yun Qiyou?

Ye Xiaochuan quickly rejected this idea. If Yun Qiyou had this ability, he would not have sent himself to Xuan Ying for torture and abuse two years ago.

The things that happened in the past two days were too bizarre. First, he was chased by a strange sword, and now the meridians in his body are intact again after a good sleep. He always felt that this experience was somewhat familiar.

Then I thought about it, I was on the same cliff three years ago. At that time, I was possessed by a demon, and my meridians were interrupted by spiritual energy. Didn't I suddenly recover after just sleeping on it? I always thought it was a dream, but now it happened again.

No matter how stupid Ye Xiaochuan is, he will not continue to pretend to be an idiot. If he doesn't understand that his meridians heal by himself, he will have trouble sleeping and eating.

This was so similar to what happened three years ago. While he was happy that he had returned to his peak state, he began to think about the two sudden repairs of small meridians three years ago and now, and what was the inevitable connection between them.

Although he was not as smart as Yun Qiyou, he was not a fool either. He soon found several things in common.

First, they are all on the cliff.

Second, I slept for a long time, and nothing seemed to happen when I woke up.

Third, they are all related to the fairy sword.

After sleeping for a while after his meridians were severed three years ago, not only did he recover, but the edge of Wufengjian also extended. Later, I heard Situ Feng said that it was his own blood that formed a blood contract with Wufengjian unintentionally.

This time it seems to have something to do with the fairy sword magic weapon, the rusty and crumbling bronze sword.

But after searching the entire Siguo Cliff, there was no trace of the bronze sword.

"Could it be that after that strange sword repaired my meridians through spiritual power, it flew away again? After everything was done, it went away and hid its merit and fame? Is there such a kind-hearted fairy sword in the world?"

Ye Xiaochuan would rather believe that he was being chased by a strange sword than believe that a sword would kindly save people and then fly away.

"No, is it Yun Qiyou who lied to me? She stole my peerless sword while I was asleep?"

But on second thought, it was wrong. Yun Qiyou wanted to blackmail him, but he did it in front of him, and he would not do anything secretly.

Ye Xiaochuan did not give up, climbed up and lit seven or eight torches, illuminating Siguo Cliff as bright as day, and then began to search every corner of Siguo Cliff bit by bit, sweeping away the snow on the cliff platform outside. Clean, but still haven't found the whereabouts of the bronze sword.

Then, he flew down the cliff and went into the valley. After searching for several hours, he still couldn't find the bronze sword in the valley at dawn.

When Ye Xiaochuan flew back to Siguo Cliff, Wangcai was still sleeping soundly. He suddenly remembered that this guy should know where the bronze sword went!

He woke up Wangcai, which made Uncle Wangcai very angry. He was sleeping, eating delicious roast chicken in his dream, and was woken up by his little master. He was really angry.

Ye Xiaochuan didn't care about the inner thoughts of this fat bird and said: "Wangcai, have you seen where the bronze sword went? It's the green bronze sword that chased me. It was taken away. Or did he fly away by himself? Or was he eaten by you?"

Wangcai really remembered the bronze sword. It was very smart and full of intelligence. It immediately became energetic and was no longer angry with Ye Xiaochuan for waking it up so early in the morning.

It flapped its wings and jumped around, looking like a sheep having an epileptic fit. It bumped into Ye Xiaochuan from time to time. Seeing that Ye Xiaochuan didn't respond, it rolled its eyes, holding a small branch in its beak, and stretched out its two wings to hold it. Then the fat bird lay on the ground and stuck out its little tongue, pretending to be dead. When he saw that the branch was still there, he spit out a ball of fire and burned the branch to ashes. .

It took Ye Xiaochuan a long time to figure out some clues. He shouted: "Did you burn my sword into molten copper? Give me back my sword!"

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