Immortal and Demon Cultivation

Chapter 665 Good Man Ye Xiaochuan

Chapter 665 Good guy Ye Xiaochuan

Since it was the route set by the head master uncle, it was hard for everyone to say anything. Ye Xiaochuan also shut his mouth knowingly, but he still couldn't figure out why the head master uncle would send so many young elite disciples this time. Going to explore the wilderness is not a decision that a wise man should make.

The place where they slept tonight was already on the outskirts of southern Xinjiang. Gujianchi arranged for several disciples to take turns keeping vigil around to avoid any accidents.

Everyone came in a hurry and did not bring tent sleeping bags for outdoor travel. The insect repellent powder Sun Yao distributed to everyone was of little use. Mosquitoes the size of fingers were buzzing. From time to time, you could hear the sound of slapping your hands, which showed that everyone was afraid of these blood-sucking mosquitoes. Deeply disgusted.

But there were two people, but no mosquitoes came close to them. One was Yun Qiyou who barely spoke along the way, and the other was Ye Xiaochuan who talked the most along the way.

Ning Xiangruo and others discovered this, and the female disciples all crowded towards Yun Qiyou, while the other male disciples crowded towards Ye Xiaochuan, leaving Ye Xiaochuan speechless.

"Junior brother Xiaochuan, do you have some good insect repellent on you? Why do mosquitoes only bite us and not you?"

The person who spoke was Li Wendao, a scum among scum, garbage among scum, and a fighter among garbage. I heard that he had had several spectacular relationships in the past ten years, but none of them lasted two years. How long has it been decided to break up? This has made his reputation in the Cangyun Sect so bad in recent years. His father Li Feiyu is half-dead angry. If Ye Xiaochuan hadn't been occupying Si Guoya's feng shui treasure land, this man who likes to flirt with women would have been killed long ago. His son was sent to labor reform.

Ye Xiaochuan looked at Li Wen with pride, then looked around at the puzzled people around him, and said with a smile: "Do you think this great sage has spent the past eight years thinking about Guo Yaya? There are many mosquitoes in Cangyun Mountain. In order to deal with these mosquitoes, I thought of a good way, that is, not to take a shower and kill them. I haven’t taken a shower in eight years... Hey, why did you run away and vomited? "

The few Cangyun disciples who had been crowding around Ye Xiaochuan just now to avoid mosquitoes were now crawling away like they were avoiding the plague. Qi Feiyuan, who was known to be a germaphobe, actually vomited, really vomited.

Several female disciples around Yun Qiyou actually ran away. They seemed to think that these mosquitoes did not come close to Yun Qiyou for the same reason as Ye Xiaochuan.

It was quiet now. Ye Xiaochuan took out a buckwheat pillow from the Qiankun bag, which smelled of lavender. As a savage who had been living on the cliff for eight years, these wild living materials must be carried close to the person. I found a dry grassy area, and as soon as I put the pillow down, it was snatched away. Without looking, I knew it was Du Chun by smelling the fragrance remaining in the air. Among all the female disciples, she liked to bathe with flower petals, and her body was fragrant.

Too lazy to argue with Du Chun, he took out a pillow and a blanket from the Qiankun bag, fell down and started to sleep.

The others were not in the same mood as Ye Xiaochuan. Almost all of them were sitting cross-legged and meditating, forming an aura around their bodies while practicing so that mosquitoes could not suck their blood.

After sleeping until dawn, Ye Xiaochuan got up and shook his head. The blanket on his body was gone, and the pillow was gone. He turned around and looked for it. Wasn't Gu Pan'er covered with his own blanket? One of his pillows was snatched away by Du Chun, and the other was stolen by someone unknown. It took him a long time to find it under the head of that bastard Chu Tianxing.

It’s okay to rob a beautiful fairy, but you, a grown man, steal your own pillow. Do you really think that this great sage has sympathy for men?

Pulling the pillow from under Chu Tianxing's head, Chu Tianxing's head hit the ground with a pop. Ye Xiaochuan just pretended not to see it, whistling triumphantly to solve the problem of water accumulation in the bladder overnight.

I found the largest tree nearby and turned around to take a look. Good guy, there are quite a few people who are interested in this tree. The roots of the tree have been soaked several times. I don’t know which bastards peed on it. Then Even Ye Xiaochuan couldn't stand the sour smell of urine, so he pinched his nose and walked behind another tree to urinate.

After peeing, I felt so relieved. I shook my head, put on my belt and was about to go back, when I heard a very soft voice coming from the side.

"Junior brother Xiaochuan, did you bring any paper?"

Ye Xiaochuan looked back and saw someone squatting in the grass not far away. Isn't this Su Qin? It seemed that I was acclimated and had a stomachache, so I didn't have any paper on hand.

Ye Xiaochuan always rushes to do good deeds like this. He turned around and shouted loudly: "Who has toilet paper? Senior Brother Su is shitting" after he turned around and couldn't find any toilet paper. No paper! No? Brother Zhao, did you bring the out-of-print erotic book I bought the day before yesterday? Tear out two pages for Brother Su."

Everyone got up and looked at Zhao Wuji, whose face was red.

Half an hour later, everyone set off.

The reason why it took so long to set off was mainly because Su Qin and Zhao Wuji were beating people up. They knocked Ye Xiaochuan down with a heavy blow, and Baili Yuan and others took the time to go up and kick him a few times.

Ye Xiaochuan had been flying high in the sky for an hour with black eyes, but he still couldn't figure out why Su Qin and Zhao Wuji were beating him like crazy? Fortunately, he had already become a man of steel and iron in the past few years. Otherwise, after today's beating, he would definitely not be able to get out of bed for ten days or eight.

He was a little depressed. After he was beaten, he should have fallen to the ground and pretended to be dead. He might have been regarded as a serious patient and sent back to the mountain by his senior brother. It was a mistake. He had such a good opportunity and he didn't think of taking advantage of it at the time. What about for a while?

Chang Xiaoman now ignored Zhao Wuji, and flew alone in the sky with a dark face, controlling the fairy sword. Zhao Wuji was not alone. Li Wendao, Chu Tianxing, Shanxia Zhishu and several other male disciples were intentionally or unintentionally approaching Zhao Wuji, whispering something, with a wretched look on their faces.

Ye Xiaochuan even saw Sun Yao flying side by side with Zhao Wuji.

He was curious, and secretly sped up and flew up to eavesdrop on why the stupid big brother Zhao suddenly became a hot commodity. The distance was a bit far, so he didn't hear it all. He only vaguely heard something about pornographic books... lend it to me for a few days...

This made Ye Xiaochuan a little angry. Brother Zhao was stealing his business. Looking at an honest man, it turned out that he had a lot of tricks in his heart. No wonder he could save a hundred taels of silver in private money under Chang Xiaoman's nose. It was not simple. He underestimated him before.

Ye Xiaochuan still had many pornographic books in his bag, all of which were recommended by the shopkeepers when he bought comic books in Tianshui City and Xifeng City in recent years. Now he found that the opportunity to make a fortune had come. The money he had earned in Duantian Cliff had been almost squandered by him in recent years. Now it was time to find a way to make some extra money.

With the dream of getting rich and becoming well-off, he aimed his second business at Li Wendao and Yamashita Naoshu, who had been pestering Zhao Wuji for a long time without success and seemed very disappointed.

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