Immortal and Demon Cultivation

Chapter 710 Three Armies

Chapter 710 Three Armies

In order not to be noticed by the Demon Cult, Qian Kunzi took great pains to fight against the Demon Cult this time.

The disciples of the righteous sects were divided into three groups. Judging from the number of people secretly integrated and assembled by each faction, there were a total of 24,000 to 25,000 people. The number was not large, but all of them were disciples in the flying realm.

Among them, Cangyun Sect mobilized 3,000 disciples, Jiaye Temple mobilized 2,000 disciples, Piaomiao Pavilion mobilized 2,000 female disciples, and Xuantian Sect, as the main sect, mobilized the most disciples, about 4,000 disciples, almost emptied half of Xuantian Sect's disciples.

The four major sects mobilized a total of 11,000 people, and the remaining 13,000 to 14,000 people were composed of hundreds of small and medium-sized sects. This small sect dispatched 30 to 50 people, and that small sect dispatched 70 to 80 people. Medium-sized sects, such as Ziwei Sect, Langya Xianzong, Qixingguan, etc., all dispatched about 300 to 400 people.

It is worth mentioning that the Buddhist sect seems to be very interested in fighting against the demon sect this time. Those monks and nuns who only know how to meditate and chant scriptures all day long are really serious this time. Although the head of the nunnery Jixiang Temple, who used to be inactive in doing anything, did not personally go out this time, as many as four nuns with the character "Xuan" in the nunnery were dispatched. They also contacted powerful nunnery temples in the world, such as the Jishi Temple in Langya Mountain and the Yaoshi Temple in Zhongyuan, all of which were elite. The generation of nun Xuanhui, the master of Jishi Temple, also came in person.

In this 25,000-man team, the number of monks and nuns almost accounted for 40%, which was rare in the previous fight against the demon sect.

Because monks rarely commit murder, unless the demon sect raises troops to attack, these monks and nuns will gather disciples to fight to the death.

These monks and nuns rarely participated in such active attacks before. Even if they participated, they just sent some disciples to deal with it casually.

Qian Kunzi had not expected that this time, Buddhism would actually take real action. Judging from the list of assemblies reported, almost all the young leaders of Buddhism were dispatched, and some old monks and nuns who had not been out for a long time also came out.

This made Qian Kunzi ecstatic.

With the Buddhists standing in front, his last worries were dispelled. So many elites from various sects gathered together, and they would prosper together and suffer together. Everyone would definitely not let Xuan Tianzong alone to bite the hard bone.

Good people! Buddhism is full of good people!

This is Qian Kunzi's evaluation of the Buddhist monks and nuns in recent times.

Among the three righteous armies, the southern army is naturally headed by Cang Yunmen. The combat power of this route is extraordinary, and almost all the righteous factions in Bashu, Hunan, Jiangxi and even Lingnan are included. There are nearly 8,000 people, and there are nearly 100 masters of the elder generation.

The commanders were the Grand Elder of Cangyun Sect, Taoist Yunhe, the Abbot of Jishi Temple, Master Xuanhui, the Master Qingchan of Jinguang Temple, and Fairy Ziyu, the head of Ziwei Sect.

The southern anti-demon coalition took the old route taken by Ye Xiaochuan and his team, bypassing the northern edge of the Ten Thousand Mountains in southern Xinjiang. In order to avoid the eyes of the Five Poison Sect in the north of Qiming Mountain and the Dead Marsh, they would choose to pass through the northwest of Qiming Mountain before entering the Dead Marsh, and reach Qiuci City from the uninhabited Jinsha Valley.

The northern army was mainly composed of Jiaye Temple and Piaomiao Pavilion. There were almost no other small and medium-sized sects in the righteous way. The main reason was that Piaomiao Pavilion was full of female disciples. If more than 2,000 beautiful fairies were dispatched at once, it would become a big laughing stock if a few lechers appeared in other sects.

Jiaye Temple was full of monks. Monks who drank meat and drank wine like Jiese were unique in Jiaye Temple, so they were not afraid of any scandals.

This road of the demon-fighting coalition also took the same road that they had taken to explore the wilderness earlier. After all, it was tested in practice and was very safe. They went from the Mobei wilderness to the northwest, avoiding all the forces of the demon sect in the northeast, such as the Hehuan Sect, the Yinling Sect, and the Xuehun Sect, which were all in the northeast but had not reached the Mobei wilderness. The northern route of the demon-fighting coalition could bypass the sphere of influence of these major demon sects and go directly to the back of the Savage Holy Temple.

Of course, this would make the journey long, and it was the route with the longest detour among the three armies.

The number of the demon-fighting coalition in the middle route was the largest among the three routes. The righteous leaders were all here, with 4,000 disciples of the Xuantian Sect as the main force, and 6,000 to 7,000 disciples of other righteous paths, with a total number of more than 10,000. This was the main force for the offensive. Once the righteous path was exposed, even if it did not reach the pre-positioned top position, it could only change from stealth to strong attack.

There are two big obstacles on the road to the Savage Temple. The first obstacle is the Shura Sect, 3,000 miles east of the temple. This is a force that cannot be underestimated. The second obstacle is the Black Stone Mountain, more than ten miles east of the temple. That is the headquarters of the Demon Sect, the largest sect of the Demon Cult.

Stealth may be able to avoid the Shura Sect's sphere of influence, but it is definitely impossible to avoid the Black Stone Mountain. The central route is to attack the headquarters of the Demon Cult in the Black Stone Mountain.

According to the plan, after the central route attacked the Black Stone Mountain to attract the main force of the Demon Cult, the demon-fighting coalition forces in the south and north routes would go back to the two sides of the temple from the north and south directions and launch an attack on the five elements flag of the temple. They will definitely break through the defense of the five elements flag in one fell swoop, destroy the ancestral temple, and extinguish its holy fire.

In fact, everyone knows that it is absolutely impossible to destroy the Demon Cult with only 24,000 people on a long-distance raid, but no one said anything.

Qian Kunzi's goal is to fight with the Demon Sect. As long as he fights in the Savage Temple, Xuan Tianzong's reputation will be unparalleled. After all, in thousands of years, only the righteous coalition attacked the gate of the temple four thousand years ago. If his plan succeeds this time, Xuan Tianzong will be the great hero who fights against demons in the eyes of the world. This battle will be recorded in the history of the righteous path forever like the battle four thousand years ago, and will still be praised by future generations thousands of years later.

Yu Jizi's goal is to fight with the Demon Sect. He is not prepared to fight to the death with the Demon Sect in the Savage Temple.

There is a saying in the world that the one who knows you best is not your friend, but your enemy.

Yu Jizi knows what kind of person Tuoba Yu is. If Tuoba Yu knows about this in advance, he will definitely use his tricks against him. The main battlefield must be in Kunlun Mountain, not in the Demon Sect Temple.

If Tuoba Yu was not the leader of the Demon Cult, Yu Jizi would definitely not carry out this plan. Whether it was Yi Miao Fairy, Chen Xuanjia, Ghost Sword Demon King, or Old Man Mo Lin, they did not have Tuoba Yu's courage. Moreover, Black Stone Mountain was the lair of the Heavenly Demon Sect, and Tuoba Yu would not let the war lead to his lair. Therefore, Yu Jizi was very sure that Xuantian Sect would be seriously injured this time. After this battle, it would no longer be possible to ride on the head of Cangyun Sect.

Yu Jizi even deduced that if the reinforcements were not returned in time, Tuoba Yu would probably attack Piaomiao Pavilion in Tianshan. After all, if the Demon Cult wanted to take over the Middle Earth, it could not avoid Xuantian Sect and Piaomiao Pavilion. Now was a great opportunity, how could it be easily let go?

Yu Jizi had always been wary of Guan Shaoqin. If he could use the Demon Cult's hand to hit Piaomiao Pavilion again this time, it would be even better.

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