Immortal and Demon Cultivation

Chapter 713 Four-Elephant Flame Array

Chapter 713 Four-Elephant Flame Formation

Fairy Liuyun is a little confused now. Tianwen should not harm her, so why would he bring in someone who is not a Five Elements Flag? The magical power of Rolling Knife Meat that absorbed all the paper just now looks like the Dragon Capture Hand that Xuantian Sect never teaches to others, and is very similar to the Dragon Claw Hand of Cangyun Sect.

Could it be that the guy Tianwen brought in is from Xuantian Sect? Tianwen is also from Xuantian Sect?

Fairy Liuyun thinks this idea is too absurd. Tianwen cannot be a spy of Xuantian Sect.

If you can't figure it out, don't think about it for the time being. Now that the three guys are fighting, her only choice is to use palm power to suck the food box brought by the Qin brothers to her. Sure enough, there is a plate of salt-baked chicken legs in it. The two brothers seem to only know that they love to eat chicken legs, and they always bring them to themselves. They are not as considerate as Tianwen. How can Tianwen bring a few plates of exquisite stir-fried dishes by the way?

Of course, since eating the food of rolling meat for half a month, Fairy Liuyun felt that she had to let Tianwen follow the standard of rolling meat in the future, and stop thinking that she could fool herself with a few plates of salt-baked chicken legs. No matter how delicious the food is, you will get disgusted after eating it for ten years. This must be discussed with Tianwen.

She sat on the rock, grabbed a chicken leg in each hand, biting it, and roared: "Hit him! Rolling meat, you are really a meatball? Hit them! Qin family boy, you two idiots are too slow, this guy is running away!"

She was talking nonsense, and I didn't know who she was cheering for.

The cultivation of the Qin brothers is not what it used to be, and Ye Xiaochuan's cultivation is also not what it used to be. Facing the crazy attack of the two rotating gears, Ye Xiaochuan relied on his weird meatball body to dodge several times, but was eventually pressed into the corner of the cave by the gear magic weapon controlled by the Qin brothers, and was getting farther and farther away from the only exit.

The Qin brothers were members of the Fiery Flag among the Five Elements Flags. They cultivated the Fire Magical Power. Being in the magma land, the Fire Magical Power could be brought into full play. Ye Xiaochuan was different. He cultivated the Wind Magical Power. The most lacking thing in this cave was wind. As the two grew stronger, Ye Xiaochuan immediately felt the crisis.

Originally, he wanted to force his way through the two and get away with it, but now it seemed that it was not going to work. The two gear magic weapons flew from left to right, and Ye Xiaochuan had no way to avoid it. He was about to die under the gear magic weapons.

Fairy Liuyun had already shouted, "He is my personal chef, don't kill him!"

As soon as the voice fell, a flash of green light appeared, and there were two loud bangs. The two gear magic weapons that seemed to have turned into fire wheels seemed to have been severely damaged and flew back towards the Qin brothers.

The faces of the Qin brothers changed drastically at the same time. For so many years, it was the first time that they felt that their magic weapons had lost control and counterattacked themselves. The two of them flashed and avoided the counterattack of the gear magic weapons.

There were two more loud noises, and the two gear magic weapons actually hit the stone wall of the cave, and two big holes were immediately made on the stone wall.




The three shouts of "Awesome" came from three different people. It was the Qin brothers and Fairy Liuyun.

Just now, Ye Xiaochuan used a move to counter-shock two gear magic weapons. This magical power was indeed the pinnacle, and the three people immediately changed their faces.

At this moment, Ye Xiaochuan stood in the corner of the cave, and the sword in his hand emitted a dazzling green light. Although the Qin brothers felt that the immortal sword in this guy's hand seemed to have been seen somewhere, the green light of the sword was too dazzling to be seen clearly, so they did not immediately recognize that this sword was the sword that showed its power on the Broken Sky Cliff ten years ago.

After a brief surprise, the Qin brothers, who were in tune with each other, suddenly shouted at the same time, and the handprints changed rapidly.

Ye Xiaochuan was still wondering what the two guys were doing, when suddenly, he felt that the lava river suddenly became violent.

He suddenly remembered that the two brothers were masters of controlling fire. Wouldn't it be a shame to fight with them in the lava land?

He screamed loudly and turned into a green light to break through the Qin brothers who were blocking the entrance of the cave.

A sudden change!

Two flame beasts suddenly emerged from the lava, which turned out to be a flame unicorn and a flame python. The flame beast roared, and a column of fire sprayed towards Ye Xiaochuan, blocking Ye Xiaochuan's attack again.

The next moment, a flame golden turtle and a flame octopus appeared in the lava river, both of which were not small in size.

But it was strange that the flame golden turtle and the flame octopus were not only circling around the red rock where the Fairy Liuyun was, and had no intention of attacking Ye Xiaochuan.

As soon as the four flame beasts appeared, the momentum in the entire cave suddenly became violent and murderous. Ye Xiaochuan clearly felt that these four flame beasts did not seem to be conjured up by the Qin brothers with their true power, but seemed to be real.

When he saw the layers of light curtains suddenly appearing around the rock where Fairy Liuyun was, his face changed drastically and he said in a lost voice: "Four Symbols Flame Formation?"

He had never heard of this formation before, but in the memory that Situ Feng gave him, there was this formation, which was extremely powerful.

When he was thrown into this cave by Tianwen and left alone, he chatted with Fairy Miao, who once said that she could not leave the big rock because the stone was surrounded by a magic circle.

Ye Xiaochuan never expected that this magic array was actually the ancient strange array, the Four Symbols Fiery Flame Array. With four flame demons as the core of the array, it is extremely powerful. Now that there is magma around, Ye Xiaochuan is very sure that even a peerless master in the realm of heaven and man cannot break this Four Symbols Fiery Flame Array.

When the four demons were summoned, the Qin brothers immediately retreated far away, as if they were also very afraid of these four flame demons.

Immediately, only Ye Xiaochuan and the Fairy Liuyun who was trapped in the magic array were left in the field.

Fairy Liuyun didn't seem to feel anything, and chuckled, "You know the Four Symbols Flame Formation? That's amazing, but now you're in trouble! No matter how high your cultivation is, it's impossible to deal with the Four Symbols Demon Spirit. Who are you? What's your purpose in approaching me?"

Ye Xiaochuan said, "I'm a prisoner like you, who has time to approach you? I didn't expect that this ancient strange formation is still circulated in the Demon Sect..."

As soon as these words came out, Fairy Liuyun and the Qin brothers who were hiding at the entrance of the cave changed their faces slightly.

Fairy Liuyun shouted, "Boy, are you a disciple of the righteous way? I told you that the move you just performed was the Dragon Catching Hand of the Xuantian Sect. It turns out that you are really a disciple of the Xuantian Sect!"

People of the Bright Holy Fire Sect will never call themselves the Demon Sect. Only disciples of the righteous way will call it the Demon Sect.

Ye Xiaochuan just let it slip, and Fairy Liuyun and the Qin brothers immediately discovered that Ye Xiaochuan was not a disciple of the Holy Sect.

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