Immortal and Demon Cultivation

Chapter 718 The same person?

Chapter 718 The same person?

Ye Xiaochuan could no longer stay in this cave. He originally thought he could stay here for about a month, but today he was discovered by the Qin brothers and Ye Xiaochuan had to be sent away.

Fairy Liuyun was very reluctant to part with her. She always had an inexplicable feeling of closeness to Hoo Rou. Now that Ho Dao Rou was about to leave, she seemed a little reluctant to let go.

Blood is thicker than water. No matter how many years pass, the blood connection will always be unbreakable.

Reluctant to leave, Fairy Liuyun knew very well that since Hu Daoru was a disciple of the right path, he would definitely be in big trouble if he continued to stay here. Not only would he be in trouble, Tian Wen would also be implicated.

She had one final request, saying: "Tianwen, can you step aside for a moment so that Hoo Daorou and I can have a few final words."

Tianwen nodded and said, "Okay, I'll arrange for him to leave. I'll be back in half an hour."

Tianwen took a deep look at Ye Xiaochuan and Fairy Liuyun, then turned and left the cave.

After she left, Ye Xiaochuan said somewhat depressedly: "Senior Miao, there is no feast that lasts forever. Just like you, I was captured by Tianwen. I don't belong to this place. You saw it just now. I have already asked Tianwen begged her to let you go, but she didn't agree, and I couldn't do anything about it. Let's just say goodbye. If you are let out in the future, I will probably fight each other again. Don't worry, I will keep you in my thoughts. For the sake of our acquaintance, I will let you live!"

Until now, Ye Xiaochuan felt that Senior Miao was worshiped by an elder of the Demon Sect. As the saying goes, good and evil are not mutually exclusive. If they meet again in the future, they will probably have to use the magic weapon in their hands to decide the outcome. They will never be able to be together like now. Chat without any scruples.

Fairy Liuyun giggled non-stop and said, "I just like the self-confidence of this kid like you. I'll take note of your words. Don't regret it then."

Ye Xiaochuan patted his chest and said, "I've been telling lies since I was a child. I never tell lies. By the way, Senior Miao, what do you want to say to me after you put Tian Wen away?"

Fairy Liuyun said: "You are practicing the Swift Wind Sword Intent?"

Ye Xiaochuan said: "Yes, you can see it? I am very powerful."

Fairy Liuyun nodded and said: "The depth of the Gale Sword Intent cultivation is indeed enough to defy the heavens. How old are you? Judging from your cultivation, it seems that you have reached the second level of swordsmanship?"

When it came to this question, Ye Xiaochuan immediately became proud and said: "I am twenty-six years old this year, and I am a genius. Although that Tianwen is very powerful, in fact, if we really fight, she is not my opponent. That Qin brother, In fact, a single person is just okay, but two people working together are a bit difficult to deal with, but under my powerful sword intent, the two brothers will not be my opponents!"

"Twenty-six years old..."

Fairy Liuyun suddenly looked sad. Her son was also twenty-six years old this year.

She said: "Hu Daorou, since you are a young disciple of the Xuantian Sect and you know the Qin family brothers, you must have participated in the Duantian Cliff fight ten years ago, right?"

Ye Xiaochuan did not point out that he was not a disciple of the Xuantian Sect, but just nodded and said: "Yes, I participated in the Duantian Cliff Fight ten years ago. Why does Senior Miao ask this?"

Fairy Liuyun said: "Are you familiar with Ye Xiaochuan from Cangyun Sect?"

Ye Xiaochuan's heart skipped a beat, and he was extremely surprised.

How could Senior Miao still know his own name after being locked up in a cave for more than twenty years? Could it be that he has become famous all over the world and is powerful in the world? My heart immediately began to feel intoxicated.

He said: "Ye Xiaochuan? We know him, very well, but not just in an ordinary way. We often drink and chat together. Senior Miao, do you know him?"

There was a hint of joy in Fairy Liuyun's eyes, but she slowly shook her head and said: "I don't know him, I just heard someone mention his name. I heard that the magic weapon in his hand is a very powerful wind magic weapon. He should also have the Swift Wind Sword Intent, so I just asked casually, how does he compare to you?"

Ye Xiaochuan blinked his mouth and said with a smile: "Ye Xiaochuan is a first-class genius among the younger generation of disciples today. Not only does he grow like a jade tree in the wind, he is handsome and suave, but his cultivation is also unfathomable. Compared with him, he is He is the brightest star in the sky, and I am a humble ant. Every time I see him, I feel deeply inferior. I think I am the most powerful person in the world, but in front of him, I am nothing. I always wonder, since God allowed me to appear in this world, why did he also allow the almost perfect Ye Xiaochuan to appear? I will only obey one person in my life, and that is Ye Xiaochuan..."

Fairy Liuyun was of course happy when she heard someone praising her son, but when she heard it, she felt that it was a bit unreliable.

She couldn't help but said: "Are you talking about the same person as I am talking about? I said it was Ye Xiaochuan, a disciple of Taoist Qingfeng of Cangyun Sect. Who is this person you are talking about?"

Ye Xiaochuan said: "Of course it's the same person. I'm really familiar with him."

Fairy Liuyun said: "Why did I hear Tianwen say that Ye Xiaochuan is greedy for money and lust, greedy for life and afraid of death, and has poor cultivation. Ten years ago, her meridians were all severed..."

"Rumors, these are rumors! How can you believe what Tian Wen says? Ye Xiaochuan is a righteous young hero, and Tian Wen is a demon sect witch. Naturally, it is impossible to say good things about a righteous young hero. It must be slander and slander in every possible way."

Ye Xiaochuan was so angry that her teeth itched. This Tianwen lied to her ten years ago, defeated her in the ring, and stole her blood and soul essence. Now she is shameless and talks bad about her behind her back. This woman has a black heart! Don't fall into my hands in the future...

Xuanhuotan, the Qin brothers just arrived at Xuanhuotan, and Tianwen walked in from the back.

Qin Ying said: "Tianwen, there is no one else here, shouldn't you explain why Ye Xiaochuan is in the cave where Liuyun is? And wearing your Qingmu Banner's clothes?"

Tianwen didn't intend to tell the two that Fairy Liuyun and Ye Xiaochuan were mother and son. The fewer people who knew this secret, the better.

She said: "Ten years ago, on the Duantian Cliff ring, I couldn't beat Ye Xiaochuan. You should understand this, right?"

The Qin brothers nodded. At that time, Ye Xiaochuan had already activated the Beidou Zhushen Sword Formation. Seeing that Tianwen was about to lose, Ye Xiaochuan suddenly lost. This matter has always been a mystery.

Tian Wendao: "He let me go on purpose, so I owe him a favor. This time, I went out with Zhulong to deal with the righteous disciples, and I saved him from Zhulong's mouth. This is considered a favor, and we have no grudges from now on. I have been very busy recently and have no time to take care of him, so I locked him up in the lava cave. I didn't expect you two brothers to see him. I hope you don't spread this matter."

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