Immortal and Demon Cultivation

Chapter 741 Tianwen's Junior Sister

Chapter 741 Tianwen's Junior Sister

The more skilled you are, the more courageous you are. Ye Xiaochuan shook his robe, calmed down his heart that was about to jump to his throat, pretended to be calm, and walked down the sand dune with three steps and three steps.

He felt that he was the most legendary figure in the righteous way for thousands of years. Yesterday, he roamed in the big mouth of the ancient beast Zhulong in the desert, and now he was walking among the countless masters of the Demon Sect.

Who dares to say that this great saint is greedy for life and afraid of death? Who dares to say that this great saint is as timid as a mouse? Beat him to death.

He walked around the sand valley and passed by many disciples of the Demon Sect, but no one paid attention to him.

Ye Xiaochuan saw a little girl. He liked beautiful girls the most, so he walked over.

The little girl didn't look very old, at most sixteen or seventeen years old, with beautiful eyes. She should be a woman with Hu people's blood. The characteristics of Hu people are more obvious than Tianwen. It is estimated that either her father is a Hu people or her mother is a Hu people. She is half Hu people and half Han people, so her hair is black, her eyes are blue, and her nose is much higher than that of Han women.

This little girl has long black hair and is trying to bite a piece of naan. Because she can't make a fire, the naan is very hard. The little girl can only break the naan bit by bit and soak it in clear water for a while before eating.

Ye Xiaochuan was very touched. He always judged people very accurately. This little girl didn't look like a wicked witch. She was innocent and innocent. She should be a kind-hearted little girl.

But God knows if she can survive this battle between good and evil.

Different beliefs lead to opposition. No one can tell whether the belief of the righteous way is right or the belief of the demon sect is right.

I remembered that when I was in the vanguard camp some time ago, I saw a group of demon sect disciples walking into a small town. The people in the town were not afraid of the demon sect disciples like the people in the Middle Earth. Instead, they were very warm and entertained. After eating in a mutton soup shop, the merchant said he would not charge money. As a result, the demon sect disciples persuaded the skinny Hu merchant to give silver.

This is very different from the scene that Ye Xiaochuan imagined of the demon sect monsters oppressing mortals.

The damn war is just a bargaining chip for high-level people to play against each other. Qian Kunzi wanted to keep a piece of iron plate that had been rusted for many years, so he didn't hesitate to fill it with countless lives.

In fact, Ye Xiaochuan also knew that his head master uncle didn't care about human lives. As long as the benefits were big enough, he didn't care even if many people died, and he didn't care even if more than half of the Cangyunmen disciples were buried forever in the desert.

Ye Xiaochuan couldn't understand why these people were fighting for a piece of black iron order. He thought it was wrong, including his uncle, the head of the sect.

But what could he do? He was just a young disciple of Cangyun Sect who had no say. Anyone could bully him, even Sun Yao could squat on his head and shit, so he couldn't change anything.

The little girl with blue eyes saw Ye Xiaochuan standing in front of her and looking at her for a while, so she said, "Have you finished your food? I can share some naan with you."

As she said that, she took out a big naan from her bag and handed it to Ye Xiaochuan.

What a kind little girl.

Ye Xiaochuan looked around, so he sat next to the little girl, took the naan, and said, "You give me naan to eat, and I will give you delicious food."

His Qiankun bag was never short of snacks, and there were a lot of big and small bags. In the past, it was snacks for him and Wangcai for one or two months. During this period of time in the desert, they didn't eat much, so there were still a lot left.

Beef jerky, osmanthus cake, poria cake, mung bean cake, peanuts in shell, fried spiced peanuts...

The little girl lived in the Western Regions and was young. She had never been to the Middle Earth. She had never seen so many delicious foods. Her saliva immediately flowed down.

She blinked her big blue eyes and said, "So many delicious foods, are they all for me?"

Ye Xiaochuan smiled and said, "Of course. I don't know if I can survive this battle with the righteous path. If I die, these things will be wasted if they are not eaten. You can take them all."

The little girl immediately shouted happily, but seemed to consider that the master said that she could not speak loudly here, so she quickly covered her mouth again.

She threw away the hard naan and picked up a piece of mung bean cake and stuffed it into her mouth. It seemed that it was the first time she had eaten such delicious food, and her eyes were shining.

Then he picked up a piece of red date cake...

Ye Xiaochuan looked at the little girl's mouth full of food and asked, "Where are you from?"

The little girl ate while mumbling, "Fengqi Mountain."

Ye Xiaochuan was stunned. Fengqi Mountain? It seems that Tianwen is also from there. He followed the Qingmu Patriarch to learn Taoism in Fengqi Mountain for thirty years and settled down in the Holy Temple in the past ten years.

He said, "Do you know Miss Tianwen?"

The little girl nodded and said, "I have heard of her, but I have never seen her. When I was accepted as a disciple by the master, the seventh sister was already the deputy flag master of the Qingmu Banner."

"Seventh sister?"

Ye Xiaochuan's heart skipped a beat. This little girl turned out to be a disciple of the Qingmu Patriarch. The Qingmu Patriarch has dozens of disciples, and it is said that Tianwen is the seventh.

He said, "I can't tell that you are the disciple of Senior Qingmu."

The little girl said, "I am the most useless. You are wearing the clothes of Qingmu Banner. Are you a subordinate of the seventh senior sister?"

Ye Xiaochuan nodded and said, "Yes, I saw her not long ago."

Ye Xiaochuan used some snacks to find out a lot of things from this unsuspecting little girl.

There are a thousand demon sect disciples around this sand valley. There are three ambush points of this scale, all to the west of the temple, about five or six hundred miles away from the temple.

The little girl asked Ye Xiaochuan what his name was. Ye Xiaochuan said that his name was Rolling Knife Meat, which made the little girl chuckle and seemed to think that this name was very interesting.

But Ye Xiaochuan did not ask the little girl what her name was. He was afraid that this naive little girl would die in his hands in the melee.

The little girl was talented. At a young age, she was already a master of the initial stage of the Yuanshen realm, but her experience was far less than that of her seventh senior sister Tianwen. This was her first time out of Fengqi Mountain. She was eager to go to the temple to worship the holy fire, and fantasized that one day she could become the one who guarded the holy fire like the seventh senior sister.

She was full of curiosity about all beautiful things. While eating snacks, she asked Ye Xiaochuan all kinds of strange questions.

"Why is this sweet-scented osmanthus cake so delicious? Did you make it yourself?"

"I bought it."

"Where did you buy it? Can the shop tell me? I'll buy it later. And this Ruyi cake is also super delicious. I want to buy more! Oh, I don't have much money. These delicious things must be very expensive, right? What should I do!"

Looking at the distressed look on the little girl's face, Ye Xiaochuan suddenly felt that she was very similar to his former sister Xiaochi, who was simple-minded and naive.

But now Xiaochi has been with Baili Yuan for ten years and has become a street bully, taking bribes and gambling, which makes Ye Xiaochuan very depressed.

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