Immortal and Demon Cultivation

Chapter 760 Awkward atmosphere

Chapter 760 Awkward atmosphere

There are a total of 25 huge stone pillars at the entrance of Xuanhuo Hall, implying the number of heaven. The so-called Dayan Tianshu, 25, is exactly this meaning. 25 is the sum of the yang numbers one, three, five, seven, and nine.

Ye Xiaochuan hid behind a big pillar and was sneaking into Xuanhuo Hall. Suddenly, he felt a chill in his heart. Before he could turn his head, his collar was grabbed by someone. The man was very strong and pulled his feet off the ground.

He was about to resist, but immediately gave up the struggle. A faint fragrance came from behind him, which was very familiar.

Tianwen carried Ye Xiaochuan to the north of the entrance of the hall, threw Ye Xiaochuan, and sandwiched Ye Xiaochuan between himself and the stone pillar in a wall-dong posture. Poor Ye Xiaochuan could only laugh dryly.

Tianwen seemed very angry, and whispered: "Who told you to come back? You are so brave! If we are discovered, we will all be finished!"

Ye Xiaochuan looked at Tianwen's eyes, which were only less than five or six inches away. The veil that was blown up when Tianwen spoke angrily was lifted on Ye Xiaochuan's cheek, which was a little itchy.

Ye Xiaochuan laughed dryly: "I don't want to either. I came to save Baili Yuan. She is my friend. Now she is captured by your demon sect. I must come to save her!"

Tianwen snorted: "You have a good relationship with Baili Yuan. In order to save her, you dare to go deep into the dragon's den and the tiger's lair alone."

Ye Xiaochuan said: "You can't say that. You are also my friend. If you were captured, I would come to save you."

Tianwen was stunned. The two of them suddenly stopped talking and remained motionless in the posture of a woman's wall dong. The atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward. Looking at the postures of the two, it seemed that there was some unspeakable ambiguity.

After a long time, Ye Xiaochuan suddenly said something for no reason, breaking the awkwardness.

He said almost without thinking: "If you want me to kiss you, can I lift your veil? It's not convenient to do it through the veil."


As soon as he finished speaking, Tianwen hit him on the back of his head.

Tianwen took a few steps back and said: "Sooner or later, you will die because of your stinky mouth."

Ye Xiaochuan touched the back of his head and didn't think he was wrong. The atmosphere just now could indeed arouse the hormones in the human body, making Ye Xiaochuan almost forget where he was just now.

After he realized what was happening, he asked, "Tell me where Baili Yuan is imprisoned now, I will rescue her myself, no need to bother you. After rescuing her, I will leave quietly and will never cause you any trouble."

Tian Wen said, "Baili Yuan is imprisoned in the Xuanhuo Altar. Her master is Fairy Liubo. No one dares to touch her easily. The righteous people have already invaded the outer perimeter of the temple. You should leave quickly."

Ye Xiaochuan was reluctant to leave and said, "I am familiar with the Xuanhuo Altar. Is it the lava cave where Senior Miao is imprisoned? I will go down to rescue him myself."

Tian Wen said, "You go down? Can you get out of that maze?"

Ye Xiaochuan said, "You underestimated me again, didn't you? The Nine Palace Flying Star Formation is nothing in my eyes. In fact, as early as the first time you took me through the maze, I had already seen through the maze. I can save myself. You just need to tell me where the entrance to the Xuanhuo Altar is. "

Tian Wen said: "You think it's so easy. There are at least six elders guarding the entrance to the Xuanhuo Altar. Fortunately, I found it in time. If you had slipped into the temple just now, you would have died without a complete body."

Ye Xiaochuan was shocked. He just looked into the Xuanhuo Temple. In the hall, except for the two stone statues of the Netherworld Mother and the Kaitian Demon God, he didn't see anyone else. I didn't expect that the righteous way had come, and the Demon Cult actually sent many elders to guard the entrance and exit of the Xuanhuo Altar. It can be seen that the Xuanhuo Altar is important to the Demon Cult.

Where is Baili Yuan?

In a small stone cave, the immortal rope tied her body, and the eight meridians in her body were also sealed. She couldn't move at all. Only her eyes were spinning in the dark stone cave.

It had been several hours, and no matter how she attacked, the blocked meridians were still tightly locked, and she was very depressed.

She thought that the four major sects of the righteous way should have attacked the Demon Cult Temple by now. She wondered if they could attack the Xuanhuo Altar and rescue her. Otherwise, with her own strength, she would never be able to escape.

Did she really let her master exchange her Bi Hai Liu Bo Skirt with Mo Jiu Kui? If it got out, would she still want her beautiful face?

A lifetime of fame, a lifetime of fame!

Suddenly, there was a slight sound of footsteps in the silent surroundings, from far to near.

Baili Yuan couldn't speak yet, and she was trying to attract the Demon Cult disciple to come closer. Maybe she could use a beauty trick to make the approaching Demon Cult disciple let her go. This woman was still very careful about her figure and appearance.

There is an extremely huge space under the Xuanhuo Temple, and the Xuanhuo Altar is only a small part of it. There are also countless tunnels and caves, forming a huge underground world, which even connects to the Black Stone Mountain more than ten miles away.

Fairy Liuyun, who was walking in the tunnel with a torch, suddenly heard the sound of a mouse grinding its teeth in the dark. She didn't pay attention at first and continued to move forward, because according to the time given to her by Tianwen, the righteous and the demon sect should have fought on the temple at this time.

According to the plan, after the fight between the righteous and the demon sect, she took the opportunity to escape and create an illusion for the demon sect that she was rescued by the righteous disciples to prevent Tianwen from being affected.

After walking for some distance, the annoying sound of grinding teeth became even clearer, and the squeaking sound was annoying.

Fairy Liuyun gradually discovered that this was probably not the sound of mice grinding their teeth. With Zhulong, a greedy snake, how could there be mice around?

So she held a torch and followed the sound, and soon found a beautiful woman tied with a rice dumpling in a small, pitch-black cave.

Fairy Liuyun looked around and was very surprised, and said: "Little girl, who are you playing a bondage game with? Why are you alone here? In this kind of scene, there should be an old man with a twisted mentality. It’s better to hold a small leather whip and a small candle in your right hand. How can you play alone?”

Bailiyuan stared at the beautiful woman who appeared in front of her. She thought she was a male disciple of the Demon Cult, and planned to use her beauty trap to seduce her. But in the end, a middle-aged woman in her thirties came in. This woman was still seduced. Shit.

She turned her head in disappointment and did not look at Liu Yun. Liu Yun had no interest in her. Now she had to find a way to escape quickly. Meeting her precious son was the top priority.

Just as she was about to leave, she suddenly turned her head and reached out to grab it in the air. A blue light flew from Baili Yuan's body to her hand.

Fairy Liuyun only glanced at it and said, "Dragon tooth? Why is it on your body?"

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