Immortal and Demon Cultivation

Chapter 800 Evacuation

Chapter 800 Evacuation

The reason why Qiankunzi did not delay in leaving this earth city and returning to the Middle Earth was because he wanted to give it a last try. He had no other choice now. The death of those young disciples would make the Xuantian Sect and the Cangyun Sect have to fight against each other in the next hundred years. The competition is absolutely at a disadvantage. How easy is it to find qualified and high-income Xuantian Sect from young children?

It seems that the thousands of young disciples who died have not reached the realm of controlling the sky, and are just weak mortals, but these young children have the effect of affecting the whole body.

For example, now that Zhengdao has withdrawn its troops and Xuantian Sect disciples have returned to the Holy Mountain, the first thing to do is to revitalize the mountain gate. All the houses and palaces on the Holy Mountain have been burned to the ground by the Demon Sect disciples, and they need to be repaired. In less than ten years, it will be very difficult. Difficult to repair. During this period of time, most disciples of Xuantian Sect did not have a good cultivation environment, and their cultivation progress would not be very fast.

Those young disciples who were killed are the future successors of Xuantian Sect. After returning to Middle-earth, in order to find a group of children to take back to Kunlun Mountain as soon as possible, a large number of Xuantian Sect disciples will definitely be sent into the mortal world of Middle-earth. It will take at least ten years to make up for the loss of young disciples this time. This further worsened the situation of Xuantian Sect.

The opponent Cangyun Sect does not have this drawback. While Xuantian Sect is busy renovating the mountain sect and looking for outstanding young people, Cangyun Sect is making great progress. Not only can it compete with Xuantian Sect in Middle-earth for those with high qualifications and talents, Young man, my disciples still have a good cultivation environment.

Nowadays, the younger generation of Cangyun Sect disciples have emerged with many masters in the Lingji Realm. In the next ten or twenty years, this number will increase five or six times.

Thirty years at the latest, among the younger generation disciples of Cangyun Sect, there will be at least thirty who have reached the realm of spiritual silence and become elders. After a hundred years, there will be a terrifying number of more than one hundred, three hundred. Years from now, when Gu Jianchi reaches the age that Yu Jizi is today, it is chilling to think about what figures the Cangyun Sect's masters in the realm of Elder Lingji will reach.

Qiankunzi has seen through this, so he is unwilling to withdraw from the wilderness immediately. If there is no big victory this time, other small and medium-sized sects of Zhengdao will be attached to the wings of Cangyun Sect in the future, and no one will obey the orders of Xuantian Sect. .

Early in the morning, many righteous sect leaders gathered together to discuss what to do next.

Qiankunzi advocated killing an enemy, and now nearly 60,000 righteous cultivators have gathered in the wilderness. This is a huge force, and the Demon Sect will definitely be defeated.

Guan Shaoqin disagreed. The demon sect disciples who had been chased out from the Xuanhuo Palace had merged with the main force of the demon sect that had attacked the Xuantian Sect. Their number was not much less than that of the Zhengdao side. They were now stationed five hundred miles away from Tucheng, watching with eagerness. Now they were killing Wouldn't it be possible to fall into the trap of the Demon Cult with a single step back? This is a barbaric wilderness, not a middle land. The righteous cultivators here do not occupy the right time, advantage, and people, so they cannot fight for a long time.

Xuantian Sect's power is now greatly damaged, and Yu Jizi has nothing to be taboo about. He said straightforwardly: "Failure is failure, and there is nothing to hide. Although we failed this time, we will wait a hundred years later, after recovering our strength, to fight against the Demon Sect again." It is the mission of our righteous disciples to fight to the death. This retreat is just for the next more violent attack. This time our righteous losses have been too great, and there are many injured disciples. We will continue to fight against the demon sect in the desert. The decisive battle here is very unfavorable to us. In order to preserve the fire of the righteous way to conquer demons in the future, I agree to immediately retreat to the Central Earth to rest and recuperate. "

He wanted to leave on his own, and the strategic goal had been achieved. There was no need to lose the disciples of Cangyun Sect in the desert for no reason. Although he could fight back and have another decisive battle with the Demon Sect, it would consume even more of the Xuantian Sect. Strength, but he never thought of putting Xuantian Sect to death and then quickly.

If Xuantian Sect loses too much, who will guard the west gate of Central Earth? The Tianshan Piaomiao Pavilion alone cannot keep the pace of the Demon Sect.

This idea coincides with those of Buddhist nuns and monks.

Qiankunzi's heart sank to the bottom. Even if he took out the Black Iron Order and put it on the table, Yujizi and Guan Shaoqin still disagreed to stay in the wilderness. Their last hope was placed on Master Kongyuan.

Unexpectedly, Buddhism, which was very loyal in this operation to conquer the devil, also stood on the opposite side of him.

First, Master Kong Yuan nagged a lot, and then the abbot Xuan Kong Shenni of Jixiang Temple who just arrived yesterday also nagged a lot. These two holy monks and nuns obviously did not agree to continue the war with the demon sect. The two of them basically represent the entire Buddhist power.

Qiankunzi was so heartbroken that he spurted three liters of blood in a row.

Mu Chenxian hurriedly supported Qiankunzi.

When everyone saw Qiankunzi vomiting blood and looking pale, they all stepped forward to comfort him.

Yu Jizi said: "Our leader is also seriously injured now. It is not a wise choice to continue fighting with the Demon Cult. We should retreat to the direction of Kunlun Mountain immediately."

This proposal was approved by almost all the sect leaders of the Right Way.

The order was passed, the righteous disciples reorganized and set off, and the Cangyun Sect Sword Immortal was cut off from the rear.

This was the final order given by Qiankunzi after he had no choice. At this time, he did not forget to trick the Cangyun Sect and let the thousands of disciples of the Cangyun Sect be responsible for breaking up the rear, so as to prevent the demon sect from taking advantage of the righteous disciples to retreat. Launch a sneak attack.

The distance between the disciples of the Cangyun Sect who are responsible for cutting off the rear and the main force of the Righteous Path is also a bit interesting. It is not ten or twenty miles, nor a hundred or ten miles, but also a full five hundred miles.

That is to say, the disciples of Cang Yun Sect followed the main force of the righteous sect for a full 500 miles to guard against the sudden attack of the Demon Sect.

Did they want the Demon Sect to make a surprise attack, or did they not want the Demon Sect to make a surprise attack?

Yu Jizi was so angry that his teeth itched in his heart, but he did not show it on his face at all. He smiled and accepted this order that was obviously intended to trap Cang Yun Sect.

At 3:30 in the morning, the order was passed down, and all the righteous disciples on guard outside the city retreated to Tucheng. Ye Xiaochuan and Yun Qiyou also returned to Tucheng to prepare for retreat.

At 9:00 in the morning, 53,000 disciples from various sects of the righteous sect retreated from Tucheng to Kunlun Mountain, more than 10,000 miles away in the east.

Seeing that a large number of righteous disciples had left, Ye Xiaochuan became a little anxious. Why didn't they let the disciples of Cang Yun Sect leave?

After waiting for a long time, it was not until the afternoon when Gu Jianchi ordered 6,000 people from the Cang Yun Sect to set off. During these two hours, everyone was worried that the evil cult would suddenly attack. After all, the main force of the evil cult was only 500 miles away from Tucheng, and could reach there in an hour's charge.

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