Immortal and Demon Cultivation

Chapter 890: The lingering ghost

Chapter 890: The Ghost is Still There

Ye Xiaochuan looked carefully and was speechless. What fell from the tree was not leaves or pine cones, but two pheasants with broken necks.

Of course, pheasants would not break their necks directly, nor would they throw their bodies in front of him.

He looked up and saw a woman in green clothes and white hair sitting on the branch of a big tree in front of him. Who else could it be but Wanyan Wulei?

"I'm hungry."

Three simple words.

Ye Xiaochuan said generously, "Fairy Wulei, how did you find me? I'm sure that I have run nearly a thousand miles since I left in the morning! You can still find me in this big forest, you are really amazing."

Wanyan Wulei said, "I have my own way. I haven't eaten for a day and I'm hungry. I want to eat beggar chicken."

Ye Xiaochuan wanted to cry but had no tears. He used his foot to dig at the pheasant at his feet, sighing and feeling very depressed.

If you let one sheep go, you can drive two sheep away. Now it seems that this woman is relying on you, so you have to accept your fate.

Eating beggar chicken here is not very authentic. Without the fragrance of lotus leaves, you can only find a few unknown big tree leaves to replace lotus leaves.

I found a dry place and wanted Wanyan Wulei to clear a clearing to make a fire. After all, this is a big forest. There are too many dead branches and rotten leaves underground. If you are not careful, it will cause a forest fire. Therefore, to make a fire here, you must clear a place and clean the mud ground.

As a result, Wanyan Wulei rolled his eyes, spread one of the two bear skin mattresses and wrapped the other, sitting there calmly, with no intention of doing anything.

There was no way, Ye Xiaochuan could only clean up everything by himself.

This old woman completely regarded herself as the Buddha, not only did she need to be served, but also had to be worshipped. It was an insult to her to describe her as a person who never touched the spring water.

Wanyan Wulei lazily wrapped herself in a bear skin mattress. She liked to see Ye Xiaochuan busy. She always felt that this guy should not be a cultivator, but a chef in a restaurant.

She could always see some shadows of the past in Ye Xiaochuan, which made her a little intoxicated.

Ye Xiaochuan cleaned up a vacant lot, dug a small pit, wrapped the beggar chicken with leaves and mud, and built a fire on it with a pile of dead branches. The beggar chicken could not be stewed in a moment, so he washed his hands and found a clean place to sit down.

A gust of cold wind blew, and the flames swayed. Ye Xiaochuan felt a little cold, so he took out his tiger skin cloak and put it on.

Ye Xiaochuan didn't speak from beginning to end, and Wanyan Wulei didn't speak either. The two of them were like being in two different parallel spaces. You can't see me, and I can't see you.

Looking at Ye Xiaochuan's tiger-skin coat, Wanyan Wulei suddenly couldn't help laughing, especially the tiger head hat and tiger tail on the tiger-skin coat, which were very funny and interesting.

Ye Xiaochuan was sitting next to her. She stretched out her hand and grabbed the tiger's tail and pulled it hard.

Ye Xiaochuan was furious and pulled the tiger's tail, saying: "Why do you women like to pull my tail? '

Wanyan Wulei tilted his head and said: "We women? Who else?"

Ye Xiaochuan said: "Who else, my senior sister Du Chun also pulls my tail all day long. Do women like long things?"

Wanyan Wulei laughed and said: "Of course!"

Ye Xiaochuan held the tiger's tail in his hand to prevent Wanyan Wulei from harming it. The two of them fell into a kind of silent embarrassment for a while.

But after a while, Ye Xiaochuan couldn't sit still anymore, so he took out his wine gourd and drank a few gulps. Wanyan Wulei also wanted to drink, so he took out a wine bowl and a wine jar from his Qiankun bag.

As soon as they drank, the two began to talk.

Ye Xiaochuan looked at the silver hair floating in the wind and couldn't help but said, "Fairy Wu Lei, can you tell me why your hair is white? You are not old, it is impossible to have so many white hairs."

Wanyan Wu Lei disliked Ye Xiaochuan's wine bowl, picked up the wine jar and drank it for a while, and then put it down for a while, looking at Ye Xiaochuan with squinting eyes, and said, "Do you want to know?"

Ye Xiaochuan nodded and said gossipingly, "Of course!"

Wanyan Wu Lei said, "Don't you claim to be extremely smart? Guess."

Ye Xiaochuan scratched his head. This kind of woman with white hair was not the first time he had seen it. Ten years ago, in Situ Feng's memory, he had seen this kind of white-haired witch. That was Su Qinglian, who was possessed by the devil and had white hair overnight.

"Could it be that this woman, like Su Qinglian, is possessed by a demon?"

Ye Xiaochuan thought it was very possible, so he said: "As far as I know, when a person is possessed by a demon, his hair may turn white overnight. I once saw a peerless woman who, like you, had a head full of silver hair at a young age. Am I right?"

Wanyan Wulei picked up the wine jar and gulped down several mouthfuls before saying: "Three feet of snow fell overnight, and the hair turned white. If it is a case of possessing a demon, then this is fine."

Ye Xiaochuan asked curiously: "Isn't it?"

Wanyan Wulei said: "Master Ye, have you ever been in love?"

Ye Xiaochuan was stunned and shook his head: "No."

Wanyan Wulei said: "When you really fall in love with someone, you will understand that turning your hair white overnight is not a very strange thing."

The gossipy heart in Ye Xiaochuan's heart began to burn violently like a raging fire.

He moved closer and said, "Tell me, is there something going on between you and my Senior Brother Yuan? Isn't that why your hair is white?"

Wanyan Wulei rolled her eyes and said, "You think too much. My hair has been white since I was born. How can it be related to your Senior Brother Yuan?"

Ye Xiaochuan was stunned and said, "Then why did you tell me so much just now? You also talked about love, hate and so on?"

Wanyan Wulei said innocently, "I'm just creating an atmosphere, is that not okay?"

Ye Xiaochuan moved aside and twisted his neck to decide not to pay attention to Wanyan Wulei. This stinky woman is full of gossip, and not a word is true. I thought I could dig deep into the scandal between her and Senior Brother Yuan thirty years ago, but it turned out that I thought too much. It turns out that her white hair is natural.

Wanyan Wulei said, "Why don't you talk?"

Ye Xiaochuan said, "I'm in a bad mood, don't bother me."

Wanyan Wulei chuckled, but there was a trace of sadness in her eyes, as if she had a sad past hidden in her heart. She just suppressed it deep in her heart and never let others see it for decades.

Everyone has a weakness that they don't want to face. Ye Xiaochuan's weakness is Yun Qiyou, and Wanyan Wulei's weakness is Yuan Shaoqin.

After a long time, she sighed and said, "Yuan Shaoqin, where is he buried?"

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