Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 114: Su Changsheng's Strongest Strength, One Punch To Explode The Great Emperor


The ancient spiritual realm, the stars tremble.

In this world, countless beings are silenced, filled with fear and trembling. Everyone is trembling under the terrifying imperial might, even the Great Saint is no exception.


Above the sky, the myriad of great paths manifest and condense, forming countless brilliant lights of the great path. They descend and surround the majestic body of the yet-to-open Great Emperor.

This is the arrival of the Great Emperor, unprecedented, causing the entire divine realm, even thousands of divine realms, to tremble and countless beings to worship.

Beyond the horizon, a golden path extends, and the Celestial Roc Great Emperor stands tall within it. He stands with his hands behind his back, and the order of the great paths in the world revolves around him.

He is like the ruler of the universe, overlooking everyone from a high position. From him, a wave of Great Emperor's aura permeates, sweeping across the heavens and the earth, making countless beings worship and even causing Quasi-Emperors to suffocate and Supremes to palpitate.

Even though he has not yet fully recovered his peak strength, the Celestial Roc Great Emperor is still a supreme being in this realm, possessing his own position and able to emit the aura of the Emperor's Way.


In this ancient land, everyone's expression is solemn. Suddenly, the Dragon Maiden reveals her trump card, confident that she can escape unscathed. At this moment, she is also very serious, activating the Emperor's Jar and unleashing an extremely powerful Emperor's aura.

The Emperor's Jar soars into the sky, emitting boundless divine light. Although it is just a lid, the divine might it radiates at this moment is no weaker than that of the Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon.

It is like a resurrected Great Emperor, resembling a black hole, devouring countless avenues and exuding an aura of extreme dao, confronting the Emperor's aura of the Celestial Roc Great Emperor.

In this world, the two extreme dao auras confront each other, like two Great Emperors descending, standing in opposition, making everyone feel suffocated.


On the other side, several Beast Race Quasi-Emperors all bow their heads, showing a respectful expression. Cang Hai Supreme also slightly bows, addressing him as Emperor.

With his Supreme strength, he doesn't need to be too humble. Celestial Roc Great Emperor will also give him enough respect.


Celestial Roc Great Emperor responds softly. His gaze sweeps over, causing the myriad paths of this world to violently tremble, as if they are about to shatter, giving everyone an incredibly terrifying pressure.

Tu Shan Sikong and Qing Qiu Jiuyue's faces turn pale, but they manage to remain calm.

However, the Tianhu Clan members are not able to do the same. Their strength is far inferior to the two Quasi-Emperors. Under the gaze of Celestial Roc Great Emperor, their pretty faces are pale, filled with fear, trembling.


Then, the gaze of the Celestial Roc Great Emperor fell on the Dragon Maiden, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

More accurately, it was the Immortal Emperor jar suspended above the Dragon Maiden's head. Although it was only half, it still emitted a terrifying power, like a Great Emperor, very mysterious and terrifying.

"It is actually the Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon of that peerless Empress. Although it is only half, it is still a treasure!"

The Celestial Roc Great Emperor chuckled lightly. He was interested and scanning the people present, as well as the Dragon Maiden.

"Dragon Maiden, offer up the Emperor Weapon. This Emperor will spare you once and take you as the Empress!"

The Celestial Roc Great Emperor stood with his hands behind his back, his tone calm and disdainful as he looked down at the Dragon Maiden.

Although the Dragon Maiden had the Immortal Emperor jar, she was only a Quasi-Emperor and couldn't unleash much power. It would be easy for him to suppress her.

Moreover, he believed that with his presence as a Great Emperor, the Dragon Maiden would not dare to defy his will.

"Hmm? Take me as the Empress?"

Upon hearing this, the Dragon Maiden was momentarily stunned and a little confused. This old guy was shameless to this extent?

"Why don't you take a look in the mirror, you old fart? With your appearance, you still want to take this Dragon Maiden as your Empress?"

"Truly shameless!"

Immediately after, the Dragon Maiden showed a disgusted expression as she waved her hand, as if shooing away a fly.

Her tone was disdainful and venomous.

When these words came out, everyone was stunned, looking at the Dragon Maiden in disbelief.

Even Tu Shan Sikuang and Qingqiu Jiuyue were dumbfounded at this moment, feeling shocked and a bit numb.

After all, even though they had resisted to the end before, they didn't dare to speak like this.

After all, that was a Great Emperor.

Even if he hadn't fully recovered his peak strength, his majesty was still not to be trifled with. He was a great existence qualified to establish an Emperor Clan and Imperial Court.

How could he allow others to be disrespectful?


On the other side, several Beast Race Quasi-Emperors also gasped, including the Supreme of the Azure Sea, who was also a bit frightened.

They had witnessed the cruel methods of the Celestial Roc Great Emperor, ruthless and cold-hearted. Several Beast Race Quasi-Emperors were eaten alive by him just because they didn't submit.

Even the powerful Tianhu Supreme, who was unwilling to surrender, was severely injured and now had no way out, forced into a desperate situation.

The Dragon Maiden is nothing more than a newly emerged Quasi-Emperor. How dare she speak to the Celestial Roc Great Emperor in such a manner? It's like she's seeking death.

Not only she herself, but also the Sea God Palace behind her, will face a catastrophe.

Ignorant and arrogant.

Several Beast Race Quasi-Emperors shook their heads in secret.


On the other side, the face of the Celestial Roc Great Emperor also turned cold, filled with anger.

As an ancient Great Emperor, how noble is his status?

Even the current masters of the various Great Emperor courts have to bow their heads and lower themselves in front of him.

Only a Great Emperor is qualified to sit on an equal footing with him.

But not only was he rejected by the Tianhu Clan, even a Dragon Maiden dared to disrespect and mock him without any mercy. This made the anger in his heart rise to an extreme point.


With the rising anger of the Celestial Roc Great Emperor, the world changed, countless murderous intent surged, filling the sky with terrifying destruction divine light.

This terrifying pressure made even the Supreme feel a bit frightened.

"Wow, you're really angry. But this Dragon Maiden is not afraid of you. If you have the guts, come at me!"

Seeing the Celestial Roc Great Emperor getting angry, the Dragon Maiden showed no fear. She spoke loudly, with a provocative expression on her face.

However, secretly, she had already prepared to use her trump card.

When she accepted the inheritance from the Silver Dragon Supreme, she also obtained a treasure.

It was a large Emperor Grade forbidden weapon, usable two or three times.

Once unleashed, it could erupt with terrifying Dao power that could kill anyone below a Great Emperor. Even a Great Emperor would be heavily injured and unable to resolve it.

She believed that as long as it was released, the Celestial Roc Great Emperor would definitely be frightened and flee.

"Since you want to die, this Emperor will grant your wish!"

Seeing that the Dragon Maiden not only showed no fear, but also a provocative expression, the Celestial Roc Great Emperor became completely enraged. His expression was extremely cold as he raised his hand and covered the sky, intending to suppress and kill the Dragon Maiden.


The giant hand covered the sky and pressed down on this world. The terrifying imperial might caused not only billions of miles of land, but also space itself to collapse and shatter.

What ancient land, what danger, what unparalleled calamity, countless continuous mountains, all crushed into ashes under the might of the Great Emperor.

"Oh no!"

Canghai Supreme's expression changed.

Because they were also within the range covered by this palm, Celestial Roc Great Emperor completely disregarded them.

"Quick, run!"

Seeing this, he could only grit his teeth and lead a few trembling and stunned Quasi-Emperors to leave.

With a flash of divine light, Canghai Supreme and the others disappeared, arriving in another void, far away from the battlefield. They could only watch from a distance, their Quasi-Emperor bodies covered in cold sweat.

It's not that they didn't want to leave.

But when Celestial Roc Great Emperor's giant hand pressed down, a wave of Heavenly Emperor's pressure suppressed everything, imprisoning the operation of the heavens, earth, time, and space.

As Quasi-Emperors, they were also unable to resist and could only watch as the palm descended.

If it weren't for Canghai Supreme's rescue, they would have been killed by this palm.

Damn Celestial Roc Great Emperor!

Thinking of this, several Quasi-Emperors felt endless resentment in their hearts.

Clearly, they had already submitted and regarded Celestial Roc Great Emperor as their master, but Celestial Roc Great Emperor still saw them as ants, completely disregarding their lives.

He didn't even mind killing them casually, which made them feel both cold and resentful.

"Thank you for the rescue, Supreme!"

At this moment, a Quasi-Emperor spoke up, expressing gratitude to the solemn Canghai Supreme.

The other Quasi-Emperors did the same.

"It's nothing."

Canghai Supreme shook his head, his gaze deep as he looked at the ancient land below, his mood gloomy.

He was hesitating whether to leave the Kunlun Holy Temple and abandon the madman Celestial Roc Great Emperor.

The other party was obviously not normal anymore.

"Hmph, don't think that the trapped Dragon Maiden is afraid of you!"

Below, within the ancient land, the Dragon Maiden snorted coldly and was about to use that forbidden weapon of the Great Emperor.

Although it was a bit regrettable, at this point, she had no choice but to use it.

Otherwise, even with the Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon, they would find it difficult to withstand the attacks of the Celestial Roc Great Emperor.

"Little Dragon Sister, we have caused trouble for you!" Behind her, Tu Shan Sikong said with a bitter smile.

Her face was filled with guilt.

"Hmph, what trouble? We are good sisters after all!" The Dragon Girl snorted, about to make a move, when a look of joy suddenly appeared on her face.

Not only her, but also Qingqiu Jiuyue beside her showed a hint of excitement.

"That bad person is here, it seems that I don't need to personally take action!" The Dragon Girl said with joy, and the forbidden weapon she was preparing to activate also stopped.

"Sister, that person is here!"

At the same time, Qingqiu Jiuyue had a bright smile on her face, and she spoke mysteriously.

Tu Shan Sikong was somewhat stunned.

Who is here?


Above the sky, a giant hand covered the heavens, exuding immense imperial might. Countless chains of order turned into boundless divine light, suppressing this place.

The overwhelming power seemed capable of destroying everything, causing the Tianhu Clan members to tremble in fear.


However, at this moment, within the sky, amidst the boundless divine light, a figure appeared out of nowhere. Wearing a robe, he was as handsome as a celestial being.


With just a raise of his hand, the black and white divine light was dazzling, shattering the universe, and the covering hand directly disintegrated.

"Who did you say you want to take as the Empress?"

Then, that person spoke, his calm voice echoing in this world.

This scene stunned everyone.

"Is that... an immortal?"

The Tianhu Clan members were shocked, and all the young girls and women were mesmerized by the beautiful figure in their eyes, with only the silhouette of the starry robe.

He just stood there, as if supporting the entire world, with countless divine lights shining, appearing unimaginably majestic.

"Who... who is that?!"

Tu Shan Sikong was also stunned, her eyes trembling with disbelief.

Could it be that he is also a Great Emperor?

"Sister, he is the person I mentioned, he has arrived!" Qingqiu Jiuyue's voice came from the side, filled with joy and indescribable emotions.

That person?

Hearing this term again, Tu Shan Sikong was somewhat stunned, and then an incredible thought surged in her heart.

Could it be...

"Yes, he is my man, Su Changsheng!" Long Nü's proud voice came, confirming Tu Shan Sikong's thoughts, shocking her.

It really is Su Changsheng!

"That is Su Changsheng, the most notorious genius in the world!"

"The man rumored to possess the qualifications of an Immortal King, the number one person in the Three Thousand Realms!"

"Wow, that's the man that women in the world most want to marry. It's unbelievable, so cool!"

Upon hearing this, the group of Tianhu Clan members also had their eyes shining. Among them, the young girls were even more excited and fluttering.

That is Su Changsheng, the person they admire the most.

They never expected that he would actually descend and save them.

How could they not be excited and happy?

"What do you mean by the person women most want to marry?"

Tu Shan Sikong was stunned again. How did she not know about this? At the same time, she also remembered Long Nü's words, feeling shocked and somewhat complicated.

Long Nü, is she really Su Changsheng's woman?

"Hmph, just watch. That shameless old man will definitely be severely punished by Changsheng, preferably beaten to a pulp or killed!"

On the side, Long Nü waved her small fist, her delicate nose wrinkled, filled with righteous indignation.

Who is this?

"A single palm from a Great Emperor was easily shattered like this. Could it be that he is also a Great Emperor?"

"Why does that person look so familiar?"

In the distance, several Quasi-Emperors were also shocked. With a wave of their hand, they shattered the palm of the Celestial Roc Great Emperor. This kind of strength is something that even an ordinary Supreme cannot achieve.

"That's Su Changsheng!"

The Supreme of the Azure Sea was shaken. He had already recognized the identity of the person who had arrived. It was none other than Su Changsheng.

The rumored reincarnation of an ancient Great Emperor.

Is this a meeting between emperors?

Could it be that an ancient emperor battle is about to erupt today?

At the thought of this, even the Azure Sea Supreme, as a Supreme of one side, felt waves of shock and anticipation in his heart.

"What! Su Changsheng??"

All the Quasi-Emperors were shocked.

"You are Su Changsheng!"

In the golden light avenue outside the sky, the Celestial Roc Great Emperor stood tall. He looked down at Su Changsheng with a probing gaze.

He was not aware of Su Changsheng's existence.

But through the words of the crowd, he had already understood much about Su Changsheng.

The number one monstrous talent of all ages? The qualifications of an Immortal King?

It's really laughable. As an ancient Great Emperor, what kind of monstrous talent hasn't he seen?

But even the Azure Emperor, or even the monstrous talents of those Immortal Clans, no one has ever claimed to have the qualifications of an Immortal King.

A small Everlasting Heaven Realm is not powerful enough in the three thousand realms. How could it give birth to a monstrous talent with the qualifications of an Immortal King?

It's just boring flattery.

"You just said you want to take someone as your empress?" Su Changsheng's expression was calm. He looked indifferently at the Celestial Roc Great Emperor outside the sky and spoke again.

"Hmm? Hmph, a mere dragon girl. It is an honor for you all that I, the Great Emperor, want to take her as my empress!" Hearing this, the Celestial Roc Great Emperor frowned, but soon understood. He relaxed his brows and said calmly.


As soon as his words fell, Su Changsheng threw a punch, and his cultivation that could almost move the heavens erupted directly.

The Myriad Tribulations Indestructible Original Demon Physique was activated, and both the immortal and demonic systems erupted in full force. The collision of these two systems and powers caused his combat power to skyrocket.

Furthermore, the power of the Nine Tribulations Secret Codex is now operating frantically, with a double overlay.

At this moment, Su Changsheng has reached the most powerful state of his life, with boundless immortal light.

That terrifying strength has already reached the level of the peerless Supreme, and even surpassed it, almost reaching the realm of the Great Emperor.

A boundless and immense aura, like that of a Great Emperor, bursts out, sweeping across the heavens and earth, alarming countless divine realms.

Countless beings are shocked by this, Quasi-Emperors are trembling, and even the Supreme are trembling.

"Has the true Great Emperor appeared?"

In the minds of many Quasi-Emperors, and even the Supreme, this thought arises at this moment.

Heavenly Emperor Fist!

In the Great Ancient Divine Realm, Su Changsheng's expression is cold, and a vast illusion of the Heavenly Emperor appears behind him, with immense divine might, suppressing the eternal time and space.

Even the mighty Great Emperor seems to bow down.


Celestial Roc Great Emperor is extremely shocked. This terrifying power is already approaching the realm of the Great Emperor.

He immediately lets out a long roar, the boundless divine power within him operates, and the light of billions of Dao laws emerges, with a majestic imperial might. He intends to fight back.


However, the Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron appears, and the overwhelming divine might descends, instantly interrupting Celestial Roc Great Emperor, causing him to stumble and unable to react in time.

Then, a world-shaking punch falls.

This is the Heavenly Emperor Fist!

It is the truly invincible punch that Su Changsheng unleashes in his full power state.

Even if the true Great Emperor were here, they would undoubtedly show astonishment and take it seriously.


With one punch, it directly pierces through Celestial Roc Great Emperor's body, causing his entire body to explode.

Countless blood and divine light burst forth, dazzling the three thousand divine realms in an instant.

At this moment, countless beings can see this earth-shattering scene in the boundless divine light.

A Great Emperor has been blown up with one punch.

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