Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 119 Chaos Empress, Lord Of The Underworld, Fairy-Like Sky Fox Supreme

[Ding, detected qualified concubines, the incarnation of the Lord of the Underworld, wearing red clothes, constitution: acquired Chaos Body, [Purple Gold] destiny, recommended to take as concubines!]

At this moment, the system's cold voice sounded, causing Su Changsheng's face to show a subtle expression.

The Lord of the Underworld?

Could it be the owner of the Underworld, that mysterious "immortal"?


And it's an acquired Chaos Body.

Su Changsheng fell into contemplation. The so-called Chaos Body is also an extremely terrifying constitution, no less inferior to the Myriad Tribulations Indestructible Body.

And the acquired Chaos Body in front of him.

According to the memory of that dark Supreme, the Underworld spent a great price to collect the blood of countless geniuses and strong individuals, as well as the bloodlines of tens of thousands of constitutions. It took millions of years to successfully cultivate it.

Not only did it consume a great amount, but the success rate was also very low, requiring the intervention of a high-ranking figure from the Underworld to succeed.

Now it seems that the so-called high-ranking figure of the Underworld is precisely the Underworld being mentioned by the system prompt.

And it's also its incarnation.

Could it be that this is a similar incarnation to the Lord of Azure?

Su Changsheng hesitated.

If he were to accept this incarnation that seemed to be related to an immortal at this moment, it would be difficult for him to resist when the original body came to kill him.

Although he hesitated, Su Changsheng still extended his divine sense towards the blood-clothed girl.


At the same time, the Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron appeared, billions of imperial lights descended, suppressing the void, and chaos ancient aura filled everywhere, submerging the heavens and earth.

This not only isolated the divine sense, but also prevented the sudden awakening of the blood-clothed girl, allowing for timely suppression of the opponent.

"Hmm? Still in slumber? Is this undergoing metamorphosis?"

When the divine sense probed into it, although it encountered great resistance and was difficult to break through, with the assistance of the Emperor Weapon, Su Changsheng still discovered some clues, revealing a surprised expression.

The other party is currently undergoing metamorphosis, not yet awakened, and is in a critical state.

However, according to Su Changsheng's detection, the metamorphosis is almost complete, taking no more than ten years at most.

Once the metamorphosis is complete, it will be a flawless Chaos Body, and it will also be a step towards becoming a Great Emperor.

This means that this is a future Chaos Empress, who can achieve success in just ten years.

...For now, let's put it away. Since we are already hostile, I have the Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron. As long as my cultivation advances further, even if I don't become an emperor, I can still retreat with confidence, even in the face of immortals!

Su Changsheng's eyes flickered. Although he hesitated for a moment, he quickly became firm.

Anyway, I have already offended them to death. Even if I don't accept it, they will eventually come to kill me. So why hesitate?

Moreover, even if it's Immortal 370, as long as my cultivation advances further, it is not impossible to contend with them.


With these thoughts in mind, Su Changsheng immediately took action. The Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron trembled, and a boundless emperor's light emerged, swallowing the blood-clothed girl.

However, in the moment she was swallowed, Su Changsheng felt the girl's consciousness tremble, as if she was about to wake up, but quickly fell silent again.

This made him unable to help but raise his eyebrows and mutter to himself, "It seems that she is in a critical moment and cannot be revived!"

The other party clearly sensed something was wrong but still did not wake up.

It seems that it is crucial and unwilling to wake up.


At the same time, various heavenly materials and earthly treasures continuously rushed out in this dark world and entered the Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron.

At this moment, a dazzling divine light surrounded a plant, and a rich essence of the great dao sprayed out. It was like a divine medicine, a plant with ancient trees hanging with leaves.

"Immortal Medicine of Immortality?"

Seeing that plant, Su Changsheng was somewhat surprised.

It turned out to be an immortal medicine.

Not only that, it was also an extremely rare enlightenment ancient tea tree.

Each leaf had a different shape, some were divine, like true dragons and phoenixes, and some were in the form of various weapons, such as cauldrons, towers, and bells.

This ancient tree was not big, only about the height of a person, and each leaf was filled with various fragments of the great dao, allowing people to gain enlightenment.

"What a pleasant surprise!"

Su Changsheng smiled slightly. The memory of the dark Supreme had not been fully obtained, and he really did not find any memories about the immortal medicine.

Now that he saw it, it naturally surprised him.


As soon as that ancient tea tree of enlightenment appeared, it seemed to be startled, and its divine light bloomed, ready to break through the layers of space and leave.

The Immortal Elixir can fly through the sky and earth, ignoring all formations, restrictions, and so on.

Even the Supreme would find it difficult to stop them, only the Great Emperor could do it.


Although Su Changsheng was not a Great Emperor, he possessed the Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron, which surpassed the Great Emperor. When he suppressed it at this moment, he immediately imprisoned the ancient tea tree of enlightenment.

A majestic aura like that of a Great Emperor descended, causing the ancient tea tree of enlightenment to tremble.

"Great Emperor!"

Soon, a vague consciousness transmitted, very ignorant, like a child. At this moment, feeling Su Changsheng's aura, it mistook it for the arrival of the Great Emperor.

After showing reverence, it even wanted to follow.

If it were an ordinary creature, even the Supreme or the Immortal Elixir would be frightened away.

But if it were the Great Emperor, it would be different. The Immortal Elixir would actively follow beings of this level.


Su Changsheng's expression was majestic, with the Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron on him. He appeared like a Great Emperor, exuding a terrifying imperial aura, no less than a true Great Emperor.

Soon, the ancient tea tree of enlightenment voluntarily entered the Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron, taking root within it and enjoying the nourishment of the mother qi of all things.

The mother qi of all things is the source of all the mother qi that nurtures everything in the world, the foundation of creation.

For the Immortal Elixir, this is also the best treasure, allowing them to grow more rapidly and possibly undergo a direct transformation.


After taking away the Immortal Elixir, Su Changsheng looked at the world that had been looted and directly slapped it, shattering and destroying this world, turning it into chaos.

Then, the Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron descended, crushing everything and completely destroying this ancient land, annihilating all celestial mechanisms.

Even if the Great Emperor descended, they would not be able to gain anything from it or deduce any results.

After completing all of this, Su Changsheng turned and left, the imperial light dissipated, and this world reappeared.

"Hiss, the sub-hall of the underworld has been destroyed!"

"What a domineering method, worthy of being the number one on the Saint Ranking, completely disregarding the retaliation of the Underworld!"

"That was the treasure of the Underworld, a sub-palace that accumulated astonishing wealth over the long years, and it was all plundered by Su Changsheng this time!"

From all directions, divine thoughts probed.

Soon, they saw a world plunged into chaos, and each one sighed with a sense of shock and envy.

"After today, the name of Ancestor Changsheng will once again shake the Everlasting Heaven Realm!"

"A new overlord has risen, and we should also pay our respects!"

"I wonder what this person is thinking. Will they compete with the four major forces for territory, or leave the Everlasting Heaven Realm and develop in other heavenly realms?"

"Regardless, the upcoming Everlasting Heaven Realm is destined to be turbulent!"

Numerous divine thoughts intertwined, and the Quasi-Emperors were communicating with each other. The Supreme, who was high above, looked down on everything. Although they did not participate, they were also contemplating.


On the other side, in the Great Ancient Divine Territory, Su Changsheng descended. He was surrounded by boundless divine light, shaking this divine territory.

Then, his gaze swept towards the Beast Race Quasi-Emperors and the Azure Sea Supreme of the Kunlun Holy Temple.

An overwhelming pressure surged.

Several Beast Race Quasi-Emperors, including the Azure Sea Supreme, had a change in their expressions. Their minds trembled, unable to help but be shocked.

Only when facing Su Changsheng directly could they sense his terrifying power.

Just a glance made them tremble, almost on the verge of collapse.

"Submit, or die!"

Su Changsheng's tone was indifferent but majestic, like the voice of a Heavenly Emperor, shaking the world with a rumble.

"We pay our respects to the Emperor!"

Several Quasi-Emperors' souls trembled, filled with immense fear. They immediately knelt down and spoke with trembling voices.


This is the title of reverence for a Great Emperor, representing the highest authority.

Obviously, this was their submission to Su Changsheng.


Su Changsheng remained silent.

He looked at Supreme Canghai, feeling the terrifying pressure sweeping over him like a vast ocean, causing even him, a Supreme, to tremble and sigh inwardly.

As a Supreme, he had to submit to a Quasi-Emperor.

Although Su Changsheng didn't say anything, Supreme Canghai knew that if he refused, the other party would definitely kill him.

"Greetings, Emperor Changsheng!"

Supreme Canghai bowed his head and swore allegiance to Su Changsheng. His allegiance also represented the Kunlun Holy Temple, the power of the Beast Race, submitting to a human.


Seeing this, Su Changsheng's gaze softened slightly, and the pressure on everyone also lightened. Before everyone could feel happy, Su Changsheng took action, using the power of the Heavenly Emperor Cauldron to imprint their Primordial Spirits.

Even Supreme Canghai was no exception.

This imprint contained the power of the Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron. Once it erupted, even an aged venerable would be torn apart, severely injured, and suffer an indelible Dao injury.

As for the Quasi-Emperors, they would die beyond death.

This was Su Changsheng's restraint on them. He didn't believe in the loyalty of this group of powerful and dominant Quasi-Emperors and Supremes, so he naturally had to restrict them.

Supreme Canghai and several Beast Race Quasi-Emperors' expressions changed slightly, but they quickly accepted it.

In front of Su Changsheng, they had no power to resist, they could only accept it.

"You have three days to subdue the Kunlun Holy Temple, then go to the Luoshen Clan to report to me. If you can't do it, don't blame me for being impolite!"

Su Changsheng commanded.

"Yes, Emperor!"

Supreme Canghai and the others respectfully bowed their heads, showing more awe than when facing the Celestial Roc Great Emperor.


After receiving the order, Supreme Canghai and the others quickly left, while Su Changsheng converged his aura and headed towards the Dragon Maiden and the others on the other side.

"Brother Changsheng!"

When Dragon Maiden saw Su Changsheng appear, her eyes lit up, and she joyfully approached him, her face filled with happiness. She was petite, like a cute girl wanting to act coquettishly.

Behind her, Tushan Sikong, Qingqiu Jiuyue, and the other women looked at Su Changsheng with complex gazes.

There is admiration, entanglement, and joy, with various thoughts swirling around, among which Busan Tongkong is the most serious.

However, a group of Tianhu people are very pure, with only bright eyes, full of admiration and worship.


On this side, Su Changsheng looked at the dragon girl rushing over, like a dragon girl who wanted to act like a spoiled child, raised his hand and hit her, making her cry out in pain.

"What are you doing!!"

The dragon girl immediately pouted, very dissatisfied.

"Brother? Who called me a bad person in front?" Su Changsheng smiled slightly, his eyes seemed a bit threatening.


Hearing this, the dragon girl's face stiffened, and she remembered what was said before, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Sorry, Brother Changsheng, I will make it up to you later!"

Soon, she had a smile on her face, very bright, and she approached Su Changsheng, hugging his arm, speaking in a pleasing tone.

That appearance was just like a little puppy.

"Make it up? Alright!"

Upon hearing this, Su Changsheng narrowed his eyes, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and said with some deep meaning.

Among the wives at home, it seems that the dragon girl and Gu Qingge have not yet become pregnant.

It just so happened that the dragon girl came back, and it's a good opportunity to make up for it. Moreover, the promise she made to the Sea Goddess Empress and the Dragon Ancestor seems to be able to be fulfilled now, right?

Let's find a chance to go to Sea God Palace.

Su Changsheng thought in his heart.

And the dragon girl, who was still acting spoiled, suddenly shivered, as if she was being stared at by a fierce beast with bared teeth, and her whole body felt cold.

"Let's go, let's meet some new friends!" Just as the dragon girl was feeling strange, Su Changsheng's voice came.

This immediately shifted the dragon girl's attention. Her eyes lit up, and she pulled Su Changsheng and walked over. "Hurry up, I'll introduce you to Sister Sikong and the others!"

Soon, the two arrived in front of Tu Shan Sikong and the others.

"Greetings, Lord Changsheng!"

Upon seeing this, Tu Shan Sikong, Qingqiu Jiuyue, and the rest of the Tianhu clan immediately became nervous.

"No need to be so nervous, just call me Changsheng. After all, we will soon have a close relationship and become intimate!" Su Changsheng waved his hand and glanced at the anxious Qingqiu Jiuyue, speaking with depth.

As soon as these words were spoken, not only Qingqiu Jiuyue, but also Tu Shan Sikong and the rest of the Tianhu clan blushed and their hearts raced, feeling extremely nervous.

However, Tu Shan Sikong, as a Quasi-Emperor and the leader of the Tianhu clan, quickly regained her composure. She looked at Su Changsheng and a hint of smile appeared on her beautiful face.

"Sikong understands. Jiuyue will agree to your conditions, and we will all fulfill them!"

"But please, Lord Changsheng, lend a hand and save our clan's ancestor!"

Tu Shan Sikong said.

At this moment, the Supreme of the Tianhu clan, who was being carried by her, had already become very weak in aura.

Her face was pale and bloodless.

If this continued for a long time, even as a Supreme, she would eventually perish.

After all, facing a Great Emperor, being able to hold on until now was already quite impressive.


Su Changsheng nodded. After all, she was his future wife and also a Supreme, so naturally he had to care.

The injuries of the Tianhu Supreme were indeed severe, but for Su Changsheng, it was simple. He just needed to consume a portion of the Undying Divine Medicine to recover.

"Let's go back to the Luoshen clan first!"

Su Changsheng said, leading everyone back to the Luoshen clan. As soon as they returned, it caused a sensation.

One by one, the elders of the Luoshen clan appeared, including Luo Tianheng, all of them extremely excited.

After all, they had witnessed a battle between peerless emperors.

Su Changsheng had killed an ancient Great Emperor, directly suppressing them.

This was a myth.

Not to mention, Su Changsheng was going to marry into the Luoshen clan, which was a tremendous honor.

Even during the peak of the Luoshen clan, they might not have had such an opportunity.

"We respectfully welcome Lord Changsheng!"

As soon as Su Changsheng appeared, a group of elders from the Luoshen clan greeted him respectfully and with fanaticism.

In that state, they completely regarded Su Changsheng as the ancestor of the Luoshen clan.

Regarding this, Su Changsheng remained noncommittal.

After all, he was about to take away two generations of Luoshen. "It's also good to borrow some fame from the other party."

After settling the Dragon Maiden, Tu Shan Sikong, and other women, Su Changsheng entered the Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron.

He was going to heal the Supreme Celestial Fox.

Earlier, he had received a reward from the system, a plant of the Immortal Divine Medicine, which was a Qilin Divine Medicine. He used a portion of it and had the Supreme Celestial Fox consume it.


Soon, the vast spiritual energy in this space surged. Su Changsheng made a move to help her refine and recover.

Two days later, the Supreme Celestial Fox woke up.

However, her state was quite awkward. At this moment, she was leaning against Su Changsheng's embrace, and she was also naked.

The gazes of the two met, and time seemed to freeze.

"Please release this concubine!" The Supreme Celestial Fox's exquisite face appeared somewhat dazed, but she did not react with shock and anger like an ordinary person. Instead, she quickly recovered and spoke softly with a hint of shyness.

Her voice was gentle and captivating.

"You don't seem surprised?" Su Changsheng raised an eyebrow. This time, it was his turn to be surprised.

She was so calm?

Moreover, she called him "En Gong" (a respectful term for a benefactor)?

"Although this concubine was in a coma, I was still receiving information from the outside world in a hazy state of consciousness. I already know everything now!" The Supreme Celestial Fox smiled slightly, revealing an incredibly beautiful smile.

"It is indeed En Gong, the Fox Clan, in person!"

Behind her, nine silver tails swayed, and one of the tails brushed against Su Changsheng's face, emitting a strong fragrance. It was extremely charming and astonishingly attractive.

This was a fox spirit.

A thought arose in Su Changsheng's mind.

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