Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 125 The Third Child, Born Great Emperor, Was Born Against Heaven


In this palace, powerful individuals have gathered, and their auras are colliding, causing the world to tremble.

Among them, the Chaos Saint Lord sits on the high seat. His eyes are bright, containing the Great Dao, as if chaos is being born and destroyed, emitting a terrifying aura.

On the other side, the Crown Prince sits. His aura is far inferior to the Chaos Saint Lord's, only a Quasi-Emperor. But no one dares to underestimate him, including the Chaos Saint Lord, who is also solemn in his heart.

Because beside the Crown Prince, there is a figure surrounded by divine light, with billions of divine fires swirling around him.

He stands as if at the end of the river of time and space, guarded by countless divine kingdoms, emitting a powerful aura, like the God of all gods, and yet like the Supreme Ruler.

That majestic aura makes even the Chaos Saint Lord and other Supremes feel a bit frightened.

That is the aura of the Emperor.

The figure beside the Crown Prince is a Great Emperor!

A Great Emperor has descended upon the Sacred Land of Chaos, causing even the Chaos Saint Lord to be wary.

Because in the current Sacred Land of Chaos, it is difficult to withstand an intact Great Emperor. If they have malicious intent, the entire Sacred Land of Chaos could be heavily damaged.

On the other side, there is another figure shrouded in darkness, sitting. He is not a Great Emperor, but he also makes the Chaos Saint Lord and others wary.

Because he is the Supreme of the Underworld.

The Chaos Saint Lord, the Crown Prince, and the Supreme of the Underworld represent three different forces.

In addition, many elders of the Sacred Land of Chaos have appeared, all of them being Supremes.

They have all come out together, and each one is important.

Because the plan that follows concerns the future of the Sacred Land of Chaos, they attach great importance to it.

"You have all been invited here, so I will speak frankly," the Chaos Saint Lord spoke, his voice deep, as if the Great Dao was roaring.

"The three of us, representing the three forces, will each send a Great Emperor. With a total of three Great Emperors, it should be enough to kill Su Changsheng. After the matter is done, we will divide his secrets equally!"

The Chaos Saint Lord continued, "Saint Lord, three Great Emperors should indeed be enough, but are there any other Great Emperor powerhouses in the Sacred Land of Chaos? That Chaos Great Emperor seems to still be in the Ancient Immortal Realm!"

On the other side, the Crown Prince raised an eyebrow, calm and questioning.

If it were in the past...

He naturally dared not question the Chaos Lord, but now with the support of the Divine Clan and the arrival of a Great Emperor, he no longer fears and has the confidence to face the Sacred Land of Chaos.

"Hehe, Crown Prince, there is no need to worry. The Great Emperor Ancestor had long anticipated this and can transmit a portion of his power from the ancient immortal realm through a treasure," said the Chaos Lord with a light laugh, explaining.

"As long as there is a peerless Supreme as a vessel, they can unleash the battle power of the Great Emperor."

"There is no need for the Crown Prince to worry."

"The Chaos Great Emperor is truly formidable!" The Crown Prince inwardly felt apprehensive and admired.

With a portion of power transmitted from the ancient immortal realm, Yuanran can unleash the battle power of the Great Emperor. It seems that the strength of the Chaos Great Emperor far surpasses that of an ordinary Great Emperor, and is likely not far from the Heavenly Emperor.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be so powerful.

The so-called Heavenly Emperor is not a realm, but a title.

Only extremely powerful Great Emperors who are capable of easily overpowering and suppressing peers, even contending against True Immortals, are qualified to be called Heavenly Emperors.

Some terrifying Heavenly Emperors, such as the Ancient Heavenly Emperor, are said to have killed true immortal beings.

A Heavenly Emperor has the qualifications to rule over all emperors, making even Great Emperors bow their heads. They are invincible among Great Emperors.

Even a single Immortal Clan would show respect and treat a Heavenly Emperor as an equal.

If the Chaos Great Emperor were to truly become a Heavenly Emperor, the might of the Sacred Land of Chaos would once again soar, and it would likely expand rapidly, unifying the Everlasting Heaven Realm.

The Crown Prince inwardly sighed. As the Crown Prince of the Everlasting Imperial Court, he had always aspired to become an Emperor. Naturally, he was also apprehensive and did not want to face a Heavenly Emperor.

However, when he thought about the support he had from the Divine Clan and the power of his maternal clan, he wasn't too afraid.

"I don't care about Su Changsheng's secret underworld. We only need his bloodline origin. Also, the things he took from the underworld must be returned!" said the Supreme of the Underworld, his tone cold.

He was the second Supreme of the Underworld's branch hall and had once negotiated with Su Changsheng, but was heavily injured and forced to flee.

"That's not a problem!"

"I also agree!" the Crown Prince added.

Upon hearing the Underworld Supreme speak, both the Chaos Lord and the Crown Prince felt a chill in their hearts and agreed one after another.

They were even more apprehensive of the Underworld.

These terrifying assassins walking in the darkness, among them is the Dark Great Emperor who has proven his dominance. He is extremely terrifying, even other Great Emperors of the same level are unwilling to face him.

Naturally, they do not want to provoke him.

"First Prince, what is the plan?" asked the Chaos Saint with his eyes.

"Soon, three days later, the battle at Sea God Palace, the three of us will be able to surround and kill Su Changsheng!" confidently said the First Prince.

Originally, he didn't want to act so soon, preferring to ascend to the position of Emperor Lord and then use the heritage of the Everlasting Imperial Court to kill Su Changsheng.

But Su Changsheng grew too fast.

In just a short time, Su Changsheng's strength skyrocketed from the level of a Quasi-Emperor to the point of suppressing the Celestial Roc Great Emperor.

Such a heaven-defying speed of improvement made the First Prince restless and filled with fear.

Therefore, when the Chaos Saint Lord contacted him, the First Prince was tempted.

And when the envoy of the Divine Clan really brought a Great Emperor, the First Prince decisively agreed.

Only by killing Su Changsheng as soon as possible can he find peace of mind.

"The plan will proceed on two fronts, not only to kill Su Changsheng, but also to seize the throne on that day!" thought the First Prince to himself.

The envoy of the Divine Clan brought two Great Emperors to kill Su Changsheng, and the First Prince only dispatched one. The other one, he would use to launch a coup and seize the throne.

In addition, the power of his maternal clan behind him had already taken action, gathering a large number of powerful individuals.

As long as he succeeded.

Then he would become the Eternal Emperor Lord, possessing the power and authority to rule over the Imperial Court.

"As long as the First Prince is confident, as for this senior, how should I address you?" the Chaos Saint Lord chuckled lightly, then looked at the mysterious Great Emperor who had been silent and had deep eyes.

He had always been wary of this Great Emperor brought by the First Prince.

Too mysterious.

Moreover, the aura emanating from him also made him feel uneasy.

Upon hearing this, the Great Emperor remained silent, not even casting a glance, ignoring the Chaos Saint Lord.

This scene made the smile of the Chaos Lord somewhat stiff, and he suddenly felt some anger in his heart.

As the master of the Sacred Land of Chaos, he himself is also an unparalleled Supreme, even if he is a Great Emperor, he should not disrespect him like this and completely ignore him.

"Lord, this senior is called Taiheng!" Seeing the Chaos Lord being humiliated, the Crown Prince smirked, but still spoke to defuse the situation.

"I understand!"

Hearing this, the Chaos Lord didn't want to explode, but his tone was cold.

"The Sacred Land of Chaos is not simple. There is someone who is about to become a Great Emperor, and there is also an old survivor who is barely hanging on. Hehe, if they can all succeed, it will be a three-emperor lineage!"

At this moment, Taiheng Great Emperor, who had been silent all along, suddenly spoke, his tone carrying a hint of laughter.

His voice was deep and belonged to a male.


Upon hearing this, both the Crown Prince and the Chaos Lord were shocked.

The Crown Prince was purely shocked, while the Chaos Lord was wary.

The one in the Sacred Land had hidden himself very deeply. Even a regular Great Emperor might not be able to see through it.

Yet, the other party actually saw through it?


The Supreme of the Underworld also looked surprised, then chuckled lightly, not paying much attention.

Whether it was two Great Emperors or three Great Emperors, it didn't mean much to the Underworld.

In fact, the headquarters of the Underworld has always been among the top ten realms, with opponents being the major Immortal Clans, Immortal Courts, and even forces of the same level.

They have never paid much attention to the power of the Everlasting Heaven Realm.

If it weren't for Su Changsheng taking something he shouldn't have, the Underworld wouldn't have bothered to pay attention.

"In that case, let's wait for the plan to begin, and then I will notify the Great Emperors to take action!"

The Supreme of the Underworld said indifferently, then his figure dissipated and left the place.

"I should also take my leave!"

The Crown Prince also stood up and left with Taiheng Great Emperor, leaving behind the Chaos Lord with a somewhat gloomy expression.

"Who is this person? His aura is so strange, as if deliberately hidden, making it difficult to discern his origin!"

The Chaos Saint Lord couldn't help but mutter to himself.

"Saint Lord, do we really have to take action?!" At this moment, a Supreme spoke up.

It was the Elder Supreme of the Sacred Land of Chaos.

"Su Changsheng is too mysterious. I suspect that he may be a reincarnation of an immortal existence, not just a so-called Great Emperor. It is very likely that something will go wrong if we take action against him," another Supreme also spoke up.

In fact, the majority of the Supremes were unwilling to take action against Su Changsheng.

Even in this operation, with three Great Emperors present, they still felt somewhat uneasy.

"I don't want to either, but this is the will of the Great Emperor ancestors. How can we disobey?" the Chaos Saint Lord said with a bitter smile.

The Chaos Great Emperor.

He was the founder of the Sacred Land of Chaos, the true supreme existence. His orders must be unconditionally carried out throughout the entire Sacred Land of Chaos.

Even if it meant sacrificing the entire Sacred Land, they still had to carry it out to the end, without defiance.

Upon hearing this, the group of Elder Supremes fell silent.

"Don't worry, this time there are three Great Emperors. Even if Su Changsheng is powerful, he can't possibly contend against three Great Emperors. No matter how extraordinary he is, he has yet to achieve enlightenment!" the Chaos Saint Lord reassured them when he saw everyone remaining silent.

"I hope so!" sighed one of the Supremes.

True Saint Continent, the Li Family.

At this moment, Su Changsheng had already returned with his wives, causing a stir among the strong members of the Su Family.

Many elders, including Su Yun, came out to welcome them.

In addition, a group of wives, such as Gu Qingge, Bai Yuege, and others, also appeared.

Including Su Ziyuan.

At this time, her belly was extremely large, with a swirling aura.

Within it, a terrifying aura was gestating, ready to be born at any moment.

"You shouldn't have come out!"

Su Changsheng couldn't help but frown when he saw the situation, and he stepped forward to support her, speaking in a gentle tone.

"I'm fine. Brother Laozhu has come back, and Ziyuan will definitely come out to greet him!"

Su Ziyuan shook her head and wrapped her hands around Su Changsheng, leaning her head on his shoulder with an affectionate tone.

"Yes, I have come back. I will be with you all the time from now on!"

Su Changsheng also hugged her and spoke softly.

·0 Seeking flowers...


Su Ziyuan showed a joyful expression. Since she became pregnant, she had been worried. Especially when the child was about to be born, she was afraid that Su Changsheng would miss the birth. Now, hearing Su Changsheng's promise, she naturally felt happy.

Immediately after, Su Changsheng introduced his new wives, Changyue, Tianhu Supreme, and others.

Upon learning that Changyue had already been taken by Su Changsheng, Gu Qingge was somewhat surprised. But soon, she showed a satisfied smile. At the same time, she secretly pondered when to bring down the several empresses she knew from her previous life, especially those who had been hostile to her.

In the next two days, Su Changsheng accompanied his many wives, especially Su Ziyuan. He paid close attention to her, talking to her and being affectionate.

Finally, on the third day, Su Ziyuan gave birth, accompanied by a loud cry, an astonishing phenomenon occurred.


It could be seen that the entire Everlasting Heaven Realm was shaken, and countless phenomena appeared in the myriad divine domains, each one more terrifying than the last. Such as the Immortal King Overlooks The Nine Heavens, Chaos Gives Birth to Golden Lotus, and Opening Heaven and Evolving Chaos.

There was also a vast purple aura surging, with boundless rosy light, engulfing the myriad divine domains.

Those phenomena were too astonishing, completely beyond Su Changsheng's expectations, and impossible to conceal.

Fortunately, because the phenomena were too astonishing, all the alarmed powerhouses, even the Supremes and Great Emperors, did not believe that a mere creature was being born.

More people still believe that the ancient fairyland is about to open, causing these anomalies.

"How is this possible!"

Only Dao Xuan Holy Maiden was shocked. She looked solemnly at the True Saint Continent, feeling shaken.

Through her deep connection with the myriad of paths, she discovered that the true source of these anomalies was actually the True Saint Continent.

Could it be that Su Changsheng caused this?


Within the True Saint Continent, the Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron immediately soared into the sky, grand and immense. Countless Qi surged out, and the majestic Heavenly Emperor's aura covered everything, concealing all heavenly secrets.

In addition, the Emperor Cauldron and the Azure Lotus Emperor Weapon also appeared one after another. One transformed into an endless chaotic Azure Lotus, with three thousand lotus leaves covering the sky, while the other resembled a black hole, devouring the Qi of the world.

The three incredibly powerful Emperor Weapons appeared simultaneously, concealing the heavenly secrets.

"How is this possible?"

"This is even more exaggerated than Chang Ge's birth. Could there really be such a heaven-defying being?"

"A True Immortal descending?"

Outside the palace, Luo Shen and the other women were also shocked, especially Gu Qingge and Chang Yue, who were empresses. They were extremely astonished.

Even as Great Emperors, they had never witnessed such an outrageous scene before.

It must be noted that Su Changsheng's talent was already heaven-defying. With the Myriad Tribulations Indestructible Original Demon Physique, a true supreme Immortal Physique, his future achievements were unimaginable.

But even so, the anomalies that occurred when he was born were far less terrifying than this time.


The terrifying anomalies continued, and the entire world, the surrounding divine realms, and countless spiritual energies were in turmoil, rolling towards this place.

"How is this possible?"

Within Yu Xin's body, the consciousness of the Immemorial Ancient King was also alarmed and shocked.

In her impression, only those who had reached the Great Perfection Holy Spirit or were born as Great Emperors would have similar terrifying anomalies after incubating for millions or billions of years.

But those beings were not ones with heaven-defying potential, but rather signs of attaining the Dao and becoming an emperor.

Moreover, their signs of becoming an emperor were far less intense than what was happening now.

"We cannot stay here!"

Su Changsheng also appeared, immediately picking up the child and taking a step towards the outer space, arriving deep within the starry sky after a few steps.

Here, they have already left the starry sky thousands and tens of thousands of divine realms away, entering an uninhabited cosmic sea.

Within it, countless broken universes rotate, remnants of the divine realms that have been shattered since ancient times, forming numerous vast universes.


Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron also followed, under Su Changsheng's urging, transforming into the majestic Great Emperor Cauldron that covers thousands of light-years, emitting brilliant divine light.

It covers this cosmic sea.


At this moment, in Su Changsheng's arms, the baby is still devouring boundless spiritual energy, the myriad rules of heaven and earth, and the essence of one broken universe after another.

It is all pouring into the baby's body like a vast ocean.

In Su Changsheng's incredibly shocked gaze, the baby's aura continues to rise.

It rises at a terrifying speed.

In addition, her body is also constantly growing. In a short period of time, she has grown from a baby to the level of a ten-year-old, like a young girl.

Extremely stunning and beautiful.

Or rather, it is difficult to describe with simple beauty, more like the most perfect creation in the world.

Surpassing any woman Su Changsheng has ever seen.

Even Gu Qingge, Luo Shen, Chang Yue, and other perfect women pale in comparison to her.

She is truly perfect.

Three thousand strands of black hair hang down, extremely long and slender. Each strand of hair is filled with the radiant light of the Great Dao.

Her flawless white body emits a brilliant immortal light, surrounded by countless Dao symbols, incredibly holy.

She is like the embodiment of the Great Dao.


Soon, her aura reaches its peak, boundless and immeasurable, even surpassing Su Changsheng.

Naturally born Great Emperor?

Su Changsheng couldn't help but be shocked.

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