Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 132 The Power Of Chaos Immortal Bone, Shattering The Six Universes With One Palm And Penetra

Just as the Emperor's War officially broke out within the Everlasting Imperial Court.

On the other side, in the Lan Yunhai Divine Realm.

In this world, there is a terrifying chaos sword energy everywhere, countless emperor patterns covering the heavens and the earth, suppressing the world, and an immense emperor's might surging.

Causing all the avenues to mourn, shattered by the emperor's might, countless rules and orders dissipating.

Meanwhile, within the Sea God Palace, a killing formation emerged, with four Supremes each controlling a side, covering the entire space. Terrifying chaos sword energy crisscrossed, accompanied by formidable divine fire capable of burning down the nine heavens.

It was the same chaotic divine fire that, at this moment, could burn even the Heavenly Emperor.

It could incinerate everything.

And this was just one of them, not even worth mentioning. The real danger lay in the three Great Emperors within.

Great Emperor Taiheng, Great Emperor Difu, and the Lord of Chaos, each standing on their own side, emanating a surging aura of the Great Dao, forming their own domains.

Within their domains, there was only one kind of Great Dao, their own imperial path, suppressing all forces, like the heavenly path itself, incredibly powerful and terrifying.

And this was just the natural diffusion. If it were to fully erupt, the emperor's might alone could destroy everything.

Of course, the Lord of Chaos was not yet a Great Emperor, but with the mysterious means bestowed upon him by the Chaos Great Emperor, he was no weaker than a Great Emperor, and even surpassed them in some aspects.


Three immense emperor's might surged out, overshadowing the chaotic killing formation and numerous emperor patterns.

Like three eternal emperor stars, or layers of universal suppression, causing countless powerhouses to tremble, their minds on the verge of shattering, even their Primordial Spirits seemed to be on the verge of collapse.

The Supremes' scalps were tingling.

The Sea God Empress, the Dragon Ancestor, and even the other powerhouses of the Sea God Palace, at this moment, their breath seemed to stop, their minds filled with fear.

Three Great Emperors descending simultaneously, and setting up a grand formation, joining forces to target a single living being, this was an unprecedented event.

The Dragon Princess also bit her lip, her face pale. Although she had known beforehand that there would be three Great Emperors lying in ambush, seeing this scene for real still made her unable to help but feel afraid, afraid of death.

But what she feared was not Su Changsheng's death.

"Don't be afraid, didn't I say it? Just three Great Emperors, killing them is not difficult!"

Seeing the worry in the Dragon Maiden's eyes, Su Changsheng looked over and reassured her in a gentle tone.

There was no burst of aura from him, but there was an invisible fluctuation permeating the air, dispelling the pressure emanating from the three Great Emperors.

"I know, I'm not afraid!"

The Dragon Maiden nodded, her face quickly becoming resolute. She also had her own cards to play. With Su Changsheng's help, she wouldn't necessarily fear the three Great Emperors.

"Just three Great Emperors?"

"Killing them is not difficult?"

On the other side, Great Emperor Taiheng, Great Emperor Difu, and the Chaos Primordial Lord stood separately.

Upon hearing these words, the expressions of Great Emperor Difu and the Chaos Primordial Lord turned cold one after another, their gazes icy, as if they were sneering.

Killing them is not difficult?

Such arrogant words, even the leaders of the major Immortal Clans, those current strongest Great Emperors, wouldn't dare to say such things.

"Su Changsheng, you are truly bold. First, you made a move against the underworld and took something you shouldn't have. Now you're spouting such arrogant words. How about it? Do you think you're a Heavenly Emperor, or perhaps a reincarnation of an Immortal King?"

Great Emperor Difu spoke up.

His tone was faint, his gaze fell on Su Changsheng, and the surging power of the emperor's path pressed down, causing everything to shatter and crumble, carrying an unparalleled pressure.

If it were an ordinary Quasi-Emperor at the peak, I'm afraid they would have a hard time enduring his gaze, and their body and Primordial Spirit would directly disintegrate.

"You're just a Supreme. Even if you have an extraordinary background and your battle power rivals that of a Great Emperor, what can you do? The three of us will join forces, along with the Chaos Annihilation Formation, and killing you will be a piece of cake!"

The Chaos Primordial Lord also spoke up.

With just one glance, he could see Su Changsheng's realm, which was very strong. He was already a Supreme.

This was much more terrifying than the Quasi-Emperor at the fifth level from some time ago.

But so what?

As long as he didn't have the cultivation of a Great Emperor, he couldn't escape the joint suppression and killing of the three of them.

No matter how powerful a Supreme was, could they really compare to a Heavenly Emperor?

Furthermore, they have also set up the Emperor Formation and the Killing Formation, known as the Chaos Emperor Slaying Formation, which is specifically designed to kill the Great Emperor.

With four Supremes presiding over it, along with four Emperor Weapons, this formidable killing formation, once trapped in it, even the Great Emperor would be killed if it lasted for a long time.

This is a formation created by a True Immortal.

Just this lineup alone is enough to kill Su Changsheng. Coupled with the three of them, I don't believe Su Changsheng can resist.

"Su Changsheng, where is your Heavenly Emperor Cauldron? Aren't you going to bring it out? Without the Heavenly Emperor Cauldron, you may not last a few rounds!"

The Great Emperor of the Underworld continued, flicking his finger and looking down at Su Changsheng with a disdainful tone.

Several people knew that Su Changsheng possessed a Heavenly Emperor Weapon, which was extremely powerful and capable of suppressing ministers.

But they were not afraid because they had already brought their own treasures, which were enough to confront and even suppress Su Changsheng.

"Why would I need to use the Heavenly Emperor Cauldron to kill you!"

Su Changsheng said calmly.

He raised his hand and sent the Dragon Maiden to the side of the Sea Goddess Empress and others, facing the three Great Emperors alone.

Dressed in white, with a transcendent temperament, surrounded by dazzling immortal radiance, he appeared like a supreme True Immortal.

"Heh, you dare to be arrogant even when death is imminent!"

The smile on the Great Emperor of the Underworld's face turned cold, and his tone became icy.

Su Changsheng's arrogance gradually angered him.

"Very well, let this Emperor witness the means of the so-called number one monster of all ages, and see if it lives up to your title!"

On the other side, Heavenly Emperor Yin Heng spoke.

Unlike the Chaos Saint and others who mocked Su Changsheng with words, he was confident.

Countless divine lights surrounded him, with each divine light representing a vast divine kingdom, where countless gods and demons bowed and worshipped, as if they were kneeling before the supreme ruler.

His golden imperial robe fluttered, his eyes blazing, like an ancient god who opened heaven and earth.


In the next instant, he made his move, very serious, not underestimating Su Changsheng, directly using an extremely powerful Divine Ability, displaying an unparalleled imperial might.

"The Great Destruction of Chaos!"

This world was engulfed by boundless chaos.

Terrifying streams of chaos flowed everywhere, each strand capable of crushing galaxies. It felt as if we had returned to the primordial chaos era when the world was first formed.


Then, chaos was greatly destroyed, as if it had been shattered by an unparalleled ancient god. In the midst of it, an immeasurable beam of light burst forth. It was the power emanating from the destruction of chaos.

Beams of light pierced through, each containing ultimate destructive power. These were chaos beams, capable of penetrating Supremes and annihilating entire groups of Quasi-Emperors.

At this moment, there were not just billions of them, but countless more.

Even if there were many powerful beings under the Great Emperor, facing this attack, they would all be killed with a single blow, even if hundreds of Supremes joined forces.

This was the strongest strike of a Great Emperor, truly displaying immeasurable divine might that could destroy everything.

In the distance, the Sea Empress, Dragon Ancestor, and others trembled. Even the peerless Supremes felt fear at this moment, sensing the enormous gap between them and the Great Emperor.

If it weren't for the power of Su Changsheng protecting them, just the display of this great divine ability would cause the entire Sea God Domain to collapse and be destroyed by the chaos streams.

"Brother Changsheng, be careful!"

The Dragon Princess exclaimed, filled with panic.

Immediately, she produced a forbidden treasure in her hand, surrounded by a terrifying and obscure power, ready to lend a hand.


But at this moment, Su Changsheng made his move. His expression was calm and composed. With a wave of his sleeve, it was as if a vast world had unfolded, with divine radiance swirling and countless laws circulating.

In an instant, all the chaos beams were gathered within it, vanishing into nothingness.

This strongest strike from the Great Emperor, capable of obliterating thousands of Quasi-Emperor attacks, disappeared just like that.

It was merely a wave of his sleeve.

This scene caused both the Great Emperor of the Underworld and the Chaos Lord to contract their pupils.

If it were them, they definitely wouldn't be able to do it so effortlessly.

Su Changsheng's strength was even stronger than they had imagined.

"Good, truly deserving of being the number one anomaly throughout eternity. You indeed possess strength. Prepare for my second strike!" Taiheng Great Emperor exclaimed upon seeing this.


In an instant, six radiant wheels emerged from his body, each containing a vast universe. Surging divine light flowed within each wheel, emitting an incomparable brilliance.

Within each universe, there were countless galaxies, each consisting of real stars.

This was a genuine grand universe.

The laws surrounding Great Emperor Taiheng were intertwined with an astonishing aura, exuding an immense terror. As they rotated, they crushed the ancient time and space.

"The Wheel of Six Realms!"

A resounding voice echoed through the heavens and earth, not only reaching the Lan Yunhai Divine Realm, the Three Thousand Divine Realms, but even the vast Everlasting Heaven Realm. All could sense this terrifying aura.


As if the heavens were collapsing and the earth was splitting apart, countless fractures appeared. When the six universes descended, everything seemed on the verge of being annihilated.

Both the Great Emperor of the Underworld and the Chaos Primogenitor's expressions changed, sensing the intense threat from this strike.

This was a formidable attack that could severely wound, or even suppress, a Great Emperor.

This caused both of them to be greatly alarmed.

This Taiheng Great Emperor was obviously not an ordinary Great Emperor. Among the Great Emperors, he could be considered a powerful figure.

"Su Changsheng, if you don't use the Heavenly Emperor Cauldron, your death is imminent under this strike!"

"I have used this move before to severely wound and suppress a powerful Great Emperor!"

The voice of Taiheng Great Emperor resounded mightily, echoing throughout the Three Thousand Divine Realms, causing countless beings, including Quasi-Emperors and Supreme powerhouses, to tremble.

An incomparable fear and shock filled the air.

Su Changsheng was actually battling against a Great Emperor?

No, it was highly likely that it wasn't just one Great Emperor, but three Great Emperors surrounding and attacking Su Changsheng!

In the midst of it all, Su Changsheng raised his head and looked at the descending six grand universes, where boundless laws surged and overwhelming power pressed down. His expression remained unchanged.

With just a light press of his palm.


In an instant, the six grand universes collapsed, the chaotic aura dissipated, and everything was shattered.

With just one palm, Su Changsheng shattered the strongest attack of the Great Emperor Taiheng!


Great Emperor Taiheng was shocked. This was his strongest attack, and without using his trump card, it was already difficult to make it any stronger. But unexpectedly, it was shattered by Su Changsheng's palm.

But before he could be shocked for long, a terrifying chill surged up in his heart. He saw that Su Changsheng's eyes were already locked onto him.

This scene filled Great Emperor Taiheng with a chilling sensation, as if he had been blown apart. Even a mighty Great Emperor like him felt a sense of fear in this instant.

"Not good, attack together!"

On the other side, the Chaos Saint Lord and the Underworld Great Emperor immediately reacted. Although they were shocked, they quickly made their move. With a loud roar, they both attacked at the same time.


Not only them, but the four Supreme beings also acted swiftly. The four of them activated a fierce formation, and their four Emperor Weapons erupted with immense divine power. There were swords, long spears, and flags, among others.

There were countless of them.

Each one was an Emperor Weapon, formed as a set, a formation of Emperor Weapon level. They were incredibly terrifying and complemented each other, multiplying their power.

The boundless Emperor Patterns also erupted with divine power.

In this instant, the two Great Emperors, the Chaos Executioner Formation, and the three strongest forces of the Emperor Patterns all struck at the same time. It was enough to shatter a universe.

Countless beings in the Sea God Palace, including the Sea God Empress, the Dragon Ancestor, and the Dragon Maiden, trembled. The fear that penetrated their Primordial Spirits made it difficult for them to summon the courage to resist.

And facing the encirclement and killing of Su Changsheng, he had to withstand this strongest attack that was like the Opening Heaven and destroying the universe.

This scene made many Quasi-Emperors and Supremes feel their scalps go numb.

"Just a mere Dao!"

In the midst of it all, Su Changsheng let out a clear shout. It wasn't loud, but it resounded throughout the ten directions of heaven and earth.

Then, a boundlessly terrifying aura, surpassing that of the Heavenly Emperor, erupted.

The surging blood energy was overwhelming, accompanied by chaotic light, as if a Chaos Heavenly Emperor had appeared and revived, about to tear apart the universe and overlook the three thousand realms.

With a loud bang, a violent shockwave reverberated through the Divine Realm, and it could be seen that the three strongest forces were shattered, as a chaotic-colored light extinguished everything.

In the midst of it all, a figure as majestic as the Heavenly Emperor broke through, annihilating all attacks.

No, this is the Heavenly Emperor.

The Chaos Heavenly Emperor.

On its chest, a piece of Chaos Immortal Bone radiated immeasurable divine power, shining with chaotic immortal light, countless runes appearing, incredibly complex and profound.

Amidst the shimmering immortal light... a vast sound of the Dao could be heard.

It was like the Dao reciting scriptures, or a Chaos Immortal King sitting cross-legged, overlooking the heavens and myriad realms.

This is the Chaos Immortal Bone.

Su Changsheng used it for the first time, without employing the forbidden Divine Ability contained within, only using the most basic power, and yet he transformed into an undying Chaos Emperor.

More terrifying than a true Chaos body.

Even a Chaos Great Emperor would not necessarily be as powerful and astonishing as Su Changsheng.


The Chaos Saint Lord trembled, his scalp tingling as if it was about to explode.

The attacks of the three strongest forces were actually shattered by Su Changsheng with a single collision?

How could this be comparable to a Great Emperor? This is clearly a Heavenly Emperor, a Chaos Heavenly Emperor!

Behind him, the figure that continuously emanated power seemed to tremble, its gaze fixed on Su Changsheng's chest, revealing shock.


At this moment, Su Changsheng made a move, his palm striking out, boundless chaotic divine light destroying all things. With a single blow, he pierced through the Emperor-slaying Formation, directly shattering the entire formation.

Bang bang bang...

The four Supremes wielding Emperor Weapons were instantly blown apart, unable to withstand such aftermath, their physical bodies and Primordial Spirits shattered and died.


In the world, the killing formation dissipated, various chaotic sword qi and divine fires were dispersed by Su Changsheng's unparalleled divine might, leaving only a few Emperor Weapons lamenting.

"How could they be so strong?"

The Great Emperor of the Underworld was shocked. He immediately disappeared, not to escape, but to hide in the unknown void, searching for the next opportunity to strike.

He was the Great Emperor of Darkness, the most powerful in his domain, always striking from the shadows.

Su Changsheng's eyes were cold. His gaze swept across the heavens and earth, instantly covering countless dimensions of time and space, capturing all three Great Emperors, including the Great Emperor of the Underworld.

"This is bad!"

The Chaos Supreme Lord was horrified. He immediately sensed the terrifying threat.

His whole body trembled uncontrollably.

Su Changsheng had actually set his sights on him.


In the next moment, Su Changsheng attacked. With one step, he seemed to traverse countless universes, and his palm came down towards the Chaos Supreme Lord. His palm was fair and seemingly devoid of strength.

But the Chaos Supreme Lord sensed intense danger from it. He suppressed his fear and let out a roar, summoning an Emperor Weapon.

It was a large clock, golden in color, spinning and radiating an extremely powerful Emperor's aura.

This was the Chaos Clock.

One of the Emperor Weapons forged by the Chaos Great Emperor, capable of suppressing time and space. It had once severely injured and even killed a true Great Emperor!


The Chaos Supreme Lord made his move, wielding the Chaos Clock and unleashing all of its power. But Su Changsheng's palm came down and shattered the Chaos Clock with a single strike.

It directly hit the Chaos Supreme Lord, and with a loud bang, his body was pierced through. His immortal body, comparable to that of an Emperor, was directly penetrated.

A terrifying bloody hole appeared.

Boundless Emperor's radiance burst forth, accompanied by dazzling blood, illuminating the three thousand divine realms.

A Great Emperor stained with blood, pierced through by Su Changsheng's palm.

This scene was like a myth, as if an immortal and unparalleled demon had emerged.

Incredibly terrifying and frightening.

In the three thousand divine realms, countless powerful beings who "saw" this scene through the vast divine light felt as if their scalps were about to explode, filled with shock.

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