Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 135 The Heaven-Defying Chaos Divine Clan, Are They All Chaos Divine Body? Want To Be Arbitra

Chaos Divine Clan.

This was mentioned by Dao Xuan Holy Maiden not long ago, originating from another great world called the Chaos Great World.

Of course, it is called a great world, but in reality, it is much more terrifying than the Xuanhuang Great World.

It is a terrifying world that can contend with the Immortal World.

And the race that rules the Chaos Great World is the Chaos Divine Clan, an extremely terrifying and unparalleled clan.

It is said that the beings of this clan all possess Chaos blood, possess Chaos bloodline, and have Chaos Divine Bodies.

They are born as Saints, and their future can all become Emperors and Immortals.

The Chaos Body in the Xuanhuang Great World, in a sense, is a branch of the Chaos Divine Body.

It is a kind of physique formed by the Xuanhuang Great World after absorbing the corpses and the Dao of many powerful members of the Chaos Divine Clan.

"You... actually figured it out?"

Upon hearing this, the envoy of the Divine Race's face changed drastically. She was shocked and couldn't believe it.

You see, in order to conceal her identity, she brought treasures from her clan. Even a True Immortal would find it difficult to see through her true form, only an Immortal King could do so.

Su Changsheng is only a Supreme after all.

Even though his battle power is unparalleled and can rival a True Immortal, it is still not enough to see through her origins.

Could it be that he is a reincarnation of an ancient Immortal King?

This thought arose in the envoy of the Divine Race's mind.

"No, actually I didn't figure it out. I just pretended to and didn't expect it to actually work!"

Su Changsheng smiled. He held the Primordial Spirit of the Great Emperor in his hand, his white clothes fluttering. Although ethereal like an immortal, it gave an incredibly terrifying pressure.

He really didn't figure it out.

The hiding technique of the envoy of the Divine Race was very powerful, even Su Changsheng found it difficult to spot any loopholes.

But Su Changsheng possessed the Chaos Immortal Bone, which is the supreme physique of the Myriad Realms, commanding the origin of all chaos.

Through the power of the Chaos Immortal Bone, Su Changsheng could sense the hidden chaos power within the envoy of the Divine Race.

That power belonged to chaos as well, but it was completely different from the Chaos Body.

Therefore, Su Changsheng deliberately spoke to test it out, and unexpectedly succeeded in deceiving her.

Upon hearing Su Changsheng's words, the envoy of the Divine Clan's face turned dark, with an impulse to faint from anger. She had actually been deceived by Su Changsheng.

"I'm very curious, as a creature from the Chaos Great World, how did you come to the Xuanhuang Great World? Could it be that you are a descendant left behind from that era?" Su Changsheng asked with great interest.

Moreover, he even urged two Great Emperors to take action. The opponent's strength and background were obviously terrifying, at least having an Immortal sitting in power.

"The Chaos Great World?"

Upon hearing their conversation, most of the strong present were confused, except for a few old Supremes whose expressions changed, thinking of a possibility and causing a huge wave of shock in their hearts.

The Emperor of Eternal Life also felt heavy in his heart.

The Ancient and Primordial eras, those two incredibly glorious eras, were buried under the invasion of the Chaos Great World and the Dark Great World.

But how long had it been since then?

The strong of the Chaos Divine Clan had actually appeared again. Could it be that a new era was about to come?

"Hmph, give up. I won't tell you, and don't even think about soul-searching me. My Primordial Spirit's sea of consciousness contains seals that even an Immortal King can't search!" The envoy of the Divine Clan said coldly, giving up resistance.

This was not because she didn't want to escape.

It was because she had already been locked in by a terrifying pressure. If she wanted to escape, she would probably be suppressed and even killed by Su Changsheng in the first place.

Since there was no hope of escape, she was too lazy to continue struggling, because in the end, it would just be death.

"As for you, Su Changsheng, I have already conveyed your threat to my clan. Rest assured, with your threat, there will soon be Immortals, or even an Immortal King, taking action!"

"Even if you are the reincarnation of an Immortal King, you still won't be able to escape the killing of our clan's strongest!"

The envoy of the Divine Clan sneered, seemingly very calm and provoking Su Changsheng because she was certain of her impending death.

"An Immortal King? That is indeed terrifying, but that is something for later. Before that, you should obediently bear my child!" Su Changsheng raised an eyebrow, but he was not afraid.

Instead, he shook his head and looked at the envoy of the Divine Clan, taunting, "I am very curious to see what kind of child will be born from the union of Chaos Divine Clan and me. What will their talent be like!"

"...You? Shameless!!"

The Divine Clan did not expect Su Changsheng to say such words. They were momentarily stunned, but quickly reacted. Their pretty faces turned red, and they couldn't help but angrily curse.

"Alright, you can shut up now!" Su Changsheng said with a smile.

Immediately after, Su Changsheng reached out with one hand, and a terrifying chaotic light pressure descended, suppressing and sealing the Divine Clan envoy.

Then, he casually threw them into the world he had created.

After completing all of this, Su Changsheng began to search for the memories of the Great Emperor Primordial Spirit.

Soon, various memories about the Chaos Divine Clan emerged, but when it came to secrets, such as higher levels, immortality, and even existences beyond immortality, there was nothing.

The only thing known was that this Divine Clan envoy had descended from the chaotic world through an ancient forbidden zone, in order to spread the faith of the Divine Clan. The reason, however, was unknown.

And that ancient forbidden zone was called the Upper Heaven, rumored to be guarded by extremely terrifying powerhouses, resembling a manor.

"Faith?" Su Changsheng frowned, feeling somewhat puzzled. He knew about the power of faith, but this external force easily hindered cultivation, so the powerhouses of the Xuanhuang Great World didn't need it.

What did the Chaos Divine Clan want with faith?

"Well, no matter what the Chaos Divine Clan wants to do, I don't need to worry about it. I just need to keep getting stronger, as long as I have absolute power!"

"Even if another great calamity erupts, I will be able to sweep away everything and stand alone!" Su Changsheng muttered to himself.

Just like that Heavenly Emperor, wielding the Emperor's Sword, cutting through all eternity, sweeping away all opponents in the heavens.

Su Changsheng believed that he would be able to do the same sooner or later.

It just required some time.

Thinking like this, Su Changsheng casually sealed the Great Emperor Primordial Spirit and put it away.

After all, it was the Primordial Spirit of a Great Emperor, although it was damaged and its consciousness had been erased.

But it could still be used as the main material for forging an Emperor Weapon.

After all, in this world, how many could kill a Great Emperor and use their Primordial Spirit to create an Emperor Weapon?

Just based on this alone, it is enough to prove its value.

"First Prince? Nice to meet you for the first time!" Immediately, Su Changsheng's eyes flickered as he looked towards the First Prince.

At this moment, the First Prince no longer had his previous air of arrogance and elegance, but instead had a pale complexion filled with unwillingness and despair.

The powerful members of the First Prince's faction were also the same, filled with fear in their hearts.

Upon hearing Su Changsheng speak, their hearts trembled even more, bowing their heads low, afraid of being stared at by Su Changsheng.

"I... I have seen Lord Changsheng!"

Upon hearing this, an ugly smile appeared on the First Prince's face as he respectfully spoke to Su Changsheng, but his tone was trembling.

"Huang'er, how should we deal with him?" After glancing at him, Su Changsheng looked towards the Ninth Princess and asked.

From beginning to end, he didn't care about the First Prince, just an ant.

"I don't want to see him!"

The Ninth Princess frowned her beautiful eyebrows and turned her head in disgust.

Upon hearing this, the First Prince's heart turned cold, his eyes filled with fear as he looked towards the Emperor Changsheng, wanting to beg for mercy.


At this moment, Su Changsheng's voice came, and in the next instant, the First Prince's entire body exploded, crushed by Su Changsheng, and his Primordial Spirit was crushed into powder.

The First Prince was completely annihilated.

This First Prince, who had wanted to kill Su Changsheng not long ago, was casually crushed to death by him.

Furthermore, Su Changsheng didn't even know about this, treating it as just an annoying ant.

This scene made many powerful individuals present tremble, and even the Emperor Changsheng's brows twitched.

Regardless, that was still his son.

But since he had done wrong, he had to pay the price, and the Emperor Changsheng didn't say much.

Or perhaps, whatever he wanted to do was useless.


After crushing the First Prince, Su Changsheng's eyes flickered as he looked towards the many powerful members of the First Prince's faction, his divine sense covering them.

With an overwhelming pressure.

Some powerful individuals who held strong hostility and murderous intent towards him were all wiped out by him.

Including some Quasi-Emperors.

However, a few Supremes were unharmed. They did not harbor strong hostility or murderous intent, only deep fear.

"Submit or die!"

In response, Su Changsheng had only one sentence, resounding through heaven and earth, carrying a sense of coldness.

"We pay our respects to Lord Changsheng!"

As soon as the words fell, all the powerful individuals trembled in fear, kneeling before Su Changsheng, immediately submitting. Even the Supremes were no exception, completely devoid of their usual arrogance.

After all, no matter who it was...

Seeing Su Changsheng crush a Great Emperor with just one hand, there would be no sense of arrogance, right?

Seeing this, Su Changsheng made a move, flicking his finger, imprinting a series of Primordial Spirit marks on them.

This was a form of bondage and shackles.

All the strong ones dared not resist or complain about this, and they all accepted it respectfully.

"Everlasting Emperor, I have only one command: pass the throne to Princess Ji Huang!"

After doing all this, Su Changsheng looked at the Everlasting Emperor again and gave the order.

"From today onwards, Princess Ji Huang will be the Emperor of the Everlasting Imperial Court!"

As soon as these words came out, Princess Ji Huang was somewhat stunned and surprised.

The other strong ones in the field, including the Everlasting Emperor and the hidden ancestors of the Ji family, all widened their eyes at this moment.

They had thought that Su Changsheng would take the opportunity to take over the Everlasting Imperial Court and ascend to the throne himself.

After all, with the strength Su Changsheng had shown, the Everlasting Imperial Court had no resistance at all.

But they didn't expect it to be done this way.

Not only did the Everlasting Emperor breathe a sigh of relief, but also a group of ancestors from the Ji family were delighted.

In their eyes, it doesn't matter who takes the position, as long as they are a member of the Ji family.

And the benefits of Princess Nine ascending to the throne are immense, the biggest one being her connection with Su Changsheng.

They have witnessed the intimate contact between Princess Nine and Su Changsheng.

Coupled with various rumors...

They already understand in their hearts that Everlasting Imperial Court is about to soar.

"Good, Huang'er, come forward!"

The Emperor of Eternal Life quickly regained his senses. With the support of the Supreme, he stood up straight, his face restored to its majesty, revealing the aura of an emperor.

Upon hearing these words, Princess Nine's heart trembled. She gritted her teeth and stepped forward.

"From now on, you are the twelfth generation Emperor of Everlasting Imperial Court. I will step down and you will take charge of the imperial court. This is your Emperor's Seal of Eternal Life!"

...Flowers please...

The Emperor of Eternal Life said with dignity.

Immediately after, amidst the envious gazes of the imperial princes and princesses, the Emperor of Eternal Life raised his hand and a seal appeared, surrounded by a terrifying imperial aura.

Contained within it were countless imperial qi, luck, and the majestic power of the imperial path, as if it gathered and carried the power of the entire Everlasting Imperial Court. It radiated brilliance, incomparably heavy, like a Great Emperor.

Su Changsheng raised an eyebrow.

He could sense the terrifying power from the seal. Once it merged with his body, not only would his strength skyrocket, but he could also mobilize the power of the entire Everlasting Imperial Court, including luck, imperial qi, faith, myriad rules, and all other powers.

When these powers were combined, they were comparable to a Great Emperor, incredibly powerful.

This is the benefit of being the ruler of a side imperial court.

Of course, these are all external forces that will revert to their original form once they leave the Everlasting Heaven Realm.

Su Changsheng only glanced at it and didn't care.

But for others, it is an invaluable treasure and opportunity.

Because, this is the ruler of a side imperial court!


Even the Ninth Princess's heart raced for a moment, but she quickly regained her composure.

She witnessed Su Changsheng's incredible strength, soaring from a Saint King to easily slaying a Great Emperor in a short period of time.

The Ninth Princess suddenly felt that this so-called Emperor of the Imperial Court was nothing special.

However, in order to catch up to Su Changsheng and not be left far behind, the Ninth Princess decided to become the Emperor.

Only in this way could she slightly touch Su Changsheng's back.


Under the gaze of the masses, the Ninth Princess received the Emperor's seal. When the seal fell into her hands, the entire Everlasting Imperial Court trembled, along with all the vast divine realms it ruled.

In this world, countless powers, luck, rules, and even the majestic imperial aura, surged into the Ninth Princess like a vast ocean.

In just a moment, the Ninth Princess's aura continued to rise, erupting at an astonishing speed.

Soon, a breath almost comparable to a Great Emperor spread, sweeping through countless divine realms, alarming all the strong.

At the same time, the Ninth Princess's appearance also changed drastically. A magnificent golden imperial robe appeared, replacing her original clothes, exuding unparalleled luxury and representing majesty.

She was like an empress reigning over eternity.

Although she had a petite figure, she possessed immense majesty. Even the Supreme would tremble when facing her, unable to look her in the eye.

This was the majesty of the Emperor.

The Ninth Princess was now the newly appointed Eternal Emperor.

"Greetings, Your Majesty!"

Seeing the Ninth Princess officially become the Emperor, all the strong in this world, including countless beings in the imperial city, knelt down and paid their respects to her.

This scene was truly shocking.

"You may rise."

The Ninth Princess's face was solemn, her presence commanding respect. Perhaps due to the imperial aura, she truly resembled an empress as she calmly announced.

"Very well!"

Su Changsheng smiled. He was also happy to see the Ninth Princess become the Emperor.

There was a sense of satisfaction in cultivating an empress.

The battle in the imperial city came to an end.

The Emperor Changsheng's days are numbered, and he has been sent to the imperial palace for recuperation, while the Ninth Princess has officially succeeded to the position of Emperor. Upon taking office, she immediately conferred the title of Emperor Ancestor on Su Changsheng, placing him on equal footing with her.

As for the Su Family, they have been granted the title of Sacred Clan and rewarded with ten major divine realms.

As for the descendants of the Crown Prince, they have all been demoted to servants, and their maternal clan's power has also been suppressed. Some beautiful and talented women will be captured and given to Su Changsheng as slaves.

In addition, there are many celestial beauties in the Crown Prince's mansion, some of whom are related to the Crown Prince, some are his daughters, and some have been collected to serve as his wives and concubines.

All of these have been taken and will serve as attendants to Su Changsheng.

These things, Su Changsheng accepted them all, but at this time he was no longer in the Everlasting Imperial Court.

Instead, he went to the Sacred Land of Chaos.

The Chaos Lord has already been killed by him, and the Chaos Great Emperor cannot return in a short time.

As for the remaining Sacred Land of Chaos, Su Changsheng naturally won't be polite and will forcefully take it.

"Hmm, the Su Family should also find a better place, like this Sacred Land of Chaos!"

In the boundless void, Su Changsheng muttered to himself. He walked forward, stepping across thousands and tens of thousands of divine realms. Soon, he approached the Sacred Land of Chaos.

Sacred Land of Chaos, one of the four major forces in the Everlasting Heaven Realm.

It can even be said to be the first force, possessing more than one Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon.

The strong individuals in their Sacred Land are numerous. Just the openly known Supremes and Quasi-Emperors alone surpass a single Emperor's Court. They are truly a powerful force.

However, at this moment, this powerful force is in an unprecedented state of panic.

The hidden strong individuals in the Sacred Land, many of the ancestors, have all awakened from their deepest levels of seclusion and slumber. They are gathered in the highest level of the palace, with a solemn atmosphere.

Even the Azure Lord, who is in seclusion and whose incarnation was suppressed by Su Changsheng, has been forced to come out, with an extremely serious expression.

Because the Chaos Lord has fallen.

This news is too shocking, like a mountain torrent and tsunami, shaking the entire Sacred Land of Chaos.

Because, this is the first time ever that the lord of the mighty Sacred Land of Chaos has fallen into someone else's hands.

"Tell me, what happened?" spoke the oldest Supreme.


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