Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 137 The New Immortal Emperor Clan, Su Family, Immortal Clan's Shock, Su Changsheng On P

The overwhelming imperial might surged, terrifying and seemingly descending from ancient times.

Unparalleled in its antiquity.

A burst of Great Emperor's aura erupted, filling the heavens and earth, with countless divine lights descending, not just in the billions, but condensed into rivers of grand avenues.

At this moment, it guarded the chaotic palace.

The terrifying chaotic aura surged, like a chaotic sun, with the grand avenue swirling, astonishing and incredibly heaven-defying.

"It's actually a Great Emperor!!"

Within the Sacred Land of Chaos, countless cultivators and experts were filled with astonishment.

They actually had another Great Emperor?

A group of Supremes fell silent, their expressions solemn and not relaxed or surprised.

The fact that there was another Great Emperor slumbering in the Sacred Land of Chaos was a highly confidential matter, known to almost no one except the Supremes.

This Great Emperor was very special.

It was even older than the Chaos Great Emperor, originating from the ancient era, but had suffered an accident and was now nearing the end of its lifespan, sealed by the Chaos Great Emperor and in a state of slumber.

Only when the most critical moment arrived would this Great Emperor awaken and assist the Sacred Land of Chaos.

However, facing the monster Su Changsheng, even if this Great Emperor were to awaken and wield an Emperor Weapon, it would probably be difficult to match!

"Please, Great Emperor, take action and suppress the enemy!"

The old Supreme spoke loudly, addressing the Great Emperor, his voice thunderous, audible throughout the entire world.

"Interesting, I didn't expect that after sleeping for so many years, I would witness such a ridiculous scene."

"A Supreme comes knocking on the door, leaving you all helpless, not only using the power of faith but also asking me to take action?"

Within the chaotic palace, the ancient voice spoke, seemingly somewhat displeased.


The chaotic palace rotated, terrifying imperial might surged, chaos surged, countless rules and orders intertwined, like the grand avenue that covered the heavens.

This was an Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon, and it was very powerful, even more so than ordinary Emperor Weapons.

At this moment, under the control of that Great Emperor, it radiated an extremely terrifying aura.

Most ordinary Great Emperors can't compare. However, Su Changsheng remained calm. He didn't make a move, but instead quietly watched the other party.


Hearing this, the old Supreme forced a bitter smile. He wanted to explain a bit, but the Great Emperor continued.

"But I don't mind anymore. Since you've appeared, let's have a little exercise!"

"Young one, as a Supreme, it is your honor to die by my hand at the age of 15!"

The Great Emperor's voice resounded through the boundless heavens and shook the four directions.


In the next instant, the chaotic palace trembled, and the overwhelming chaotic energy surged. At this moment, it violently pressed down, and a terrifying wave swept over, intending to suppress and kill Su Changsheng.

Although he spoke contemptuously, the other party didn't hold back and immediately used all their strength, wanting to kill Su Changsheng as soon as possible.

"Interesting, quite cautious!"

Su Changsheng was also somewhat surprised.

But he didn't mind and directly slapped his hand. With a clang, the chaotic palace was slapped high into the air, violently trembling.


The sky, the void, immediately cracked, and terrifying cracks spread out, extending to the boundless outer domain, instantly swallowing dozens of star seas.

From a distance, it looked like the end of the world.

As for the vast land, it was blocked by Su Changsheng's power, as well as the Luck and Emperor's Mark protection of the Sacred Land of Chaos, avoiding destruction.

"Another Great Emperor is waging war?"

"That's the Sacred Land of Chaos. What's happening? Why are there consecutive incidents involving dominant forces?"

"Could it be that the Everlasting Heaven Realm is about to undergo a major change?"

Countless divine realms, I don't know how many powerhouses were looking over, all of them shocked.

That was the direction of the Sacred Land of Chaos.

Unexpectedly, there was a burst of Great Emperor aura, that kind of fluctuation was definitely caused by a Great Emperor waging war.


In the midst of the Sacred Land of Chaos, the Great Emperor was shaken, his tone filled with disbelief.

He was a Great Emperor, currently wielding an Emperor Weapon, and could be said to be going all out. Even if they were both Great Emperors, it would be impossible for him to be knocked away with a single palm.

This level of strength definitely surpassed that of an ordinary Great Emperor.

"Great Emperor, Su Changsheng recently killed three Great Emperors. Please be careful, Great Emperor!" Seeing the Great Emperor so shocked, the old Supreme sighed and quickly explained.


The Great Emperor fell silent. If he weren't a Great Emperor with his own dignity, he would have wanted to curse out loud.

Why the hell didn't you say it earlier?

A person who killed three Great Emperors, and they actually wanted him to take action against him?

"Great Emperor, rest assured, we will assist you!" The old Supreme continued.


Soon, the old Supreme also took action, activating the many resources within the Sacred Land of Chaos.

Terrifying auras soared into the sky, these were powers at the level of a Great Emperor, the many methods left behind by the Chaos Great Emperor.

"Everyone, join forces and retreat from the enemy!"

A group of Supremes looked at each other, and soon, a few hesitated and chose to retreat.

They were all people who chose to reconcile with Su Changsheng, and initially did not support going against him.

Now, thinking back to Su Changsheng's words not long ago, they had an unspoken understanding and didn't want to fight to the death.

After all, they didn't have any personal grudges against Su Changsheng, and there was no need for them to be buried together with the Sacred Land of Chaos.

However, there were also a few who chose to advance and retreat together.

They were all powerful individuals who were absolutely loyal to the Sacred Land of Chaos and naturally wouldn't sit idly by as Su Changsheng destroyed it.


The boundless energy surged in this world, and several Supremes took action together, wielding various terrifying forbidden weapons and resources, intending to suppress Su Changsheng together.

"Enough, this old man is already close to his end. Today, I will offer up this remaining life as a gift to that brat from Chaos!" Within the halls of Chaos, the Great Emperor sighed.


As soon as the words fell, he also chose to make a move, the chaotic temple released a mighty power, rapidly expanding at this moment, filling the sky, and the overwhelming imperial might surged and fell towards Su Changsheng.

Such great power made countless cultivators in the Sacred Land of Chaos change their colors in shock.

Because they realized that they, including the entire Sacred Land of Chaos, were under attack.

Was this meant to bury them all together?


Su Changsheng shook his head, his expression calm, but his gaze became cold.


A vast and boundless aura surged, far surpassing that of a Great Emperor, as if the Heavenly Emperor was resurrecting. With just one palm, all the attacks of the crowd were wiped away.

Then, with a flip of his palm, several Supremes, including the old Supreme, were all killed, their bodies shattered and crushed into powder.


The chaotic temple pressed down, emitting a roar, filled with immense anger.

But Su Changsheng remained calm, his other hand reached out, remotely grasping the chaotic temple, causing it to tremble violently in the air, unable to break free.


Su Changsheng pointed again, an unparalleled divine light burst forth, enveloped in chaotic energy, with countless orders converging, incredibly shocking. With one strike, the chaotic temple was pierced through.

With a "pu" sound, within the temple, the divine light was dazzling, and faintly, a figure of old age was pierced through, blood splattering out.

Almost on the verge of shattering.

This scene shocked everyone, even the Lord of the Azure Green was dumbfounded.

For the current Su Changsheng, several Supremes and a struggling Great Emperor were no different from ants.

With just a little effort, he could easily control them.

Seeing this scene, the remaining few Supremes were now very grateful.

If they had any hostility towards Su Changsheng, they would probably have been slapped to death by now.


The sky and the chaotic temple shook incessantly, but under Su Changsheng's suppression, the Great Emperor inside gradually couldn't hold on, his blood and energy depleted, and finally shattered.

A Great Emperor fell.

Soon, the chaotic palace restored its calmness and quickly shrank, being held in Su Changsheng's palm like a toy.

Seeing this scene, countless cultivators of the Sacred Land of Chaos fell silent, their eyes filled with confusion and fear.

As disciples of the Sacred Land of Chaos, they used to be high and mighty, looking down on others with arrogance.

But now, they were filled with fear and unease like never before.


At this moment, Su Changsheng's gaze swept over the entire Sacred Land of Chaos, his divine sense quickly discerning the cultivators who held hostility and murderous intent towards him.

A thought arose.

In an instant, one powerful cultivator after another exploded, wiped out by a single thought from Su Changsheng.

Soon, one-third of the strong and high-ranking cultivators were killed by Su Changsheng.

This scene filled countless cultivators with fear and unease, afraid that they would also be targeted by Su Changsheng.

The Lord of Azure, with slightly closed eyes, did not look at this scene. Although conflicted in her heart, she knew that this was already the best outcome.

If it weren't for her, Su Changsheng would have definitely annihilated the entire Sacred Land of Chaos.

"Surrender, or die!"

After annihilating a group of powerful cultivators, Su Changsheng's gaze also swept over many other strong cultivators of the Sacred Land of Chaos, his tone calm.

His voice resounded, carrying a majestic and terrifying aura, causing countless cultivators to tremble.

"We pay our respects to Lord Changsheng!"

Soon, led by several Supremes, countless cultivators of the Sacred Land of Chaos kneeled on the ground.

At this moment, they looked fearful and respectful as they spoke.

"Qing'er, you will take charge of the cultivators of the Sacred Land of Chaos. From today onwards, the Sacred Land of Chaos will be a vassal of the Su Family. The Su Family will replace the Sacred Land of Chaos!"

"Become the fourth dominant force in the Everlasting Heaven Realm!"

"The new Emperor Clan!"

Su Changsheng's gaze turned towards the Lord of Azure, his tone indifferent as he gave his orders.


Upon hearing this, the Lord of Azure trembled in her heart but still nodded, choosing to submit.

She had no other choice.

Soon, several days passed.

During these few days, Su Changsheng stayed in the Sacred Land of Chaos, taking control of this behemoth and plundering the numerous resources and divine treasures of the Sacred Land of Chaos.

It must be said that the Sacred Land of Chaos truly lives up to its reputation as one of the Four Great Overlords, its heritage is truly terrifying.

Among these resources, they can be described as extremely terrifying, enough to cultivate thousands of Quasi-Emperors and Supremes.

If conditions permit, they could even produce a minister.

However, all of these were accepted by Su Changsheng, to be used in the future to cultivate the Su Family.

At the same time, the news of the three consecutive battles in the Lan Yunhai Divine Realm, Everlasting Imperial Court, and Sacred Land of Chaos spread throughout the entire Everlasting Heaven Realm, causing a sensation.

It was like a mountain torrent and a tsunami.

Countless forces and cultivators were all dumbfounded, and the news even spread at an astonishing speed to the more distant realms.

In the battle, four Great Emperors fell, all killed by Su Changsheng.

In the Lan Yunhai Divine Realm, he single-handedly pushed back the three Great Emperors and killed them all, displaying a battle power comparable to a Heavenly Emperor!

The name Su Changsheng once again resounded through the heavens.

Although it was not as far-reaching as the time he appeared on the Saint Ranking, making the entire Three Thousand Realms aware, it was undoubtedly more astonishing.

Because the previous time was only the first on the Saint Ranking, strictly speaking, he was still among the younger generation.

But this time, it was incredibly heaven-defying, directly entering the ranks of the strongest in the world, comparable to the leaders of the various Immortal Clans.

Even the True Phoenix Clan, the Heavenly Dragon Clan, and other incredibly powerful races were all frightened by Su Changsheng.

The gaze of the Great Emperors from all sides fell on the Everlasting Heaven Realm.

The heavens were shaken.

The Crimson Blood Imperial Court and the Primordial Alliance, the two major overlords, were both uneasy, frightened by Su Changsheng.

In almost no time, they dispatched powerful individuals, bringing many divine treasures and treasures to the Su Family, wanting to establish connections, afraid of being targeted by Su Changsheng.

For a while, the entire True Saint Continent seemed as if it was about to be flattened, with waves of powerful individuals.

However, all of this had nothing to do with Su Changsheng. He had already rebuilt the Sacred Land of Chaos and renovated it, intending to move the Su Family there.

In addition, within the Sacred Land of Chaos, there were also many heavenly beauties, peerless beauties.

For example, the current Chaos Saintess, who possessed the Chaos physique, was both stunning and powerful.

Sacred Land of Chaos wants to cultivate it into a Chaos Empress.

However, it is now naturally taken by Su Changsheng. In addition to him, there is also the Azure Lord and some women with strong cultivation and special physique.

Su Changsheng is not polite either, preparing to officially marry after the Su Family moves over.

On the other hand, Everlasting Imperial Court has also issued the appointment of Su Family, naming them the new Sacred Clan.

However, this is of no use to the current Su Family.

Because they have Su Changsheng presiding over them.

The various forces in the Everlasting Heaven Realm have long recognized Su Family as the new Emperor Clan force.

The Everlasting Emperor Clan, Su Family!

This news naturally made many members of the Su Family extremely excited and overjoyed.

Many elders even had tears streaming down their faces.

This supreme glory, if it were before 017, they wouldn't even dare to think about it.

But now they have it!

And all of this is brought by Su Changsheng, their Ancestor Changsheng!

And the next step is the Immortal Clan!

"The Su Family will one day become the immortal Immortal Clan, standing at the top of the heavens!"

At the peak of the Sacred Land of Chaos, Su Changsheng stood on a towering peak, overlooking the vast world with calm eyes.

Time passed.

In the Great Principle Heavenly Realm, within the Gu Family, in a grand palace, the head of the Gu Family sat cross-legged, surrounded by chaotic energy, and the infinite order of the Great Dao appeared and evolved behind him.

He was like the ruler of this world, like a vast universe, incredibly terrifying.

With the surging aura, he resembled a sleeping supreme being, making even ordinary Heavenly Emperors tremble.

As one of the Everlasting Immortal Clans, the strength of the head of the Gu Family naturally far surpassed that of ordinary Great Emperors.

Even the Azure Emperor level would pale in comparison, comparable to ordinary Heavenly Emperors.

Of course, even among Heavenly Emperors, there is still a huge gap.

Ordinary Heavenly Emperors are only above the various emperors, but they are still not opponents of True Immortals.

But some extremely terrifying Heavenly Emperors are astonishingly powerful, capable of forcefully killing True Immortals. Once they become immortals, they can instantly undergo a transformation, comparable to a Quasi-Immortal King.

That existence far surpasses the Gu Family patriarch.

Of course, that supremely powerful Heavenly Emperor does not exist in the current Three Thousand Realms.

Even the Heavenly Emperor of the Jade Emperor's Realm is slightly inferior.

Only the ancient Heavenly Emperor is at this level.


At this moment, outside the palace, a Supreme descends, and the powerful aura startles the heavens and the earth, as well as the Gu Family patriarch.

"What's the matter!"

The Gu Family patriarch opens his eyes and looks at the Supreme, calmly asking.

His gaze falls lightly, but it makes the Supreme feel as if he is suffocating.

"Patriarch, we have found news about the first-ranked [Su Changsheng] on the Holy Ranking!"

The Supreme respectfully says.

The vastness of the Xuanhuang Great World is truly boundless, without end.

Although the Three Thousand Realms only occupy a part of it, it is still vast and boundless. Even the Immortal Clan took some time to find news about Su Changsheng.

However, even though news about Su Changsheng has been found, it is too terrifying. Even the Gu Family's strong ones do not believe it and initially thought it was fake.

Only after repeated confirmations did they confirm the authenticity of the news.

Indeed, it is true.

But this news also shocks the Gu Family ancestors, leaving them dumbfounded and completely doubting life.


Upon hearing this, the Gu Family patriarch's gaze intensifies, like a scorching sun, and the light of the Great Dao surges, causing the Supreme to tremble and quake in his heart.

Soon, the Supreme tells the Gu Family patriarch about what happened in the Everlasting Heaven Realm.

This includes Su Changsheng killing four Great Emperors and possessing the strength of an Emperor Grade even before reaching the Dao.


The voice of the Gu Family patriarch immediately grows louder, causing the entire hall to shake violently.


His aura becomes uncontrollable and erupts at this moment.

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