Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 139: Quasi-Immortal Emperor's Shock, Catastrophe Is About To Come, And The Return Of Th


This is the realm that all Immortal Kings in the heavens are pursuing.

Even the mighty Gu Family Ancestor, who has existed for more than ten epochs and established the immortal Gu Family, is still far from being the supreme.

Not to mention the Gu Family giants.

Although they are strong, comparable to the ancient ancestors, they are still far from reaching the realm of the Gu Family Ancestor, let alone surpassing it.

The so-called supreme refers to the realm of the Immortal Emperor, known as the highest in the heavens, surpassing everything.


The Gu Family Ancestor pondered, his phantom emitting boundless immortal radiance, with strands of imperial light surging endlessly.

Although he is not the supreme Immortal Emperor, he has begun to touch that realm and can be called a Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

At this moment, outside the distant heavens and earth, his true body began to deduce, as if calculating Su Changsheng's origin.

But soon, the complexion of this phantom became solemn, and his aura surged, every strand capable of evaporating infinite universes and destroying countless worlds.

The Gu Family Ancestor and the other giants beside him felt their hearts pounding, as if they were suffocating, sensing immense pressure, which was extremely terrifying.


After a long time, the Gu Family Ancestor sighed lightly, his aura converged, and the phantom solidified again.

"Su Changsheng... he is indeed formidable... He is not the reincarnation of the supreme, but his origin is very special and difficult to fathom. We must not offend him."

The Gu Family Ancestor said.

He is a Quasi-Immortal Emperor, and even with his true strength, it is difficult to calculate anything about Su Changsheng.

This is enough to prove how terrifying Su Changsheng is.

"Then, Your Excellency Ancestor, should we continue with the marriage alliance?" Upon hearing this, the Gu Family ancestor was shocked and his heart pounded.

Not the reincarnation of the supreme?

Could it be that Su Changsheng has another origin? Or is there a supreme figure standing behind him?

"Marriage alliance?"

The Gu Family Ancestor was taken aback. As a Quasi-Immortal Emperor, he was also somewhat surprised at this moment.

Could it be that Su Changsheng would accept a marriage alliance?

"Ancestor, here's what happened..."

Soon, Gu Family's ancestor, Gu Zu, revealed Su Changsheng's situation and discussed Gu Family's plans.

"You have a preference for goddesses from various tribes? Is the target that child, Wu Shuang? Well, if Su Changsheng is willing, then let's form an alliance through marriage!"

"Perhaps by establishing this connection, Gu Family can further advance and step into that new world!"

Upon hearing this, Gu Zu couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. Although somewhat surprised, he agreed.

Although Su Changsheng is not the highest reincarnation, it doesn't mean he isn't formidable.

Gu Zu suspected that there might be a true supreme being behind Su Changsheng.

At the very least, there is a subtle connection with that level of existence.

In short, one must not offend Su Changsheng. But if it's possible to establish a good relationship, then they should go all out.

After some discussion, Gu Zu left the Immortal World.

The other powerhouses also withdrew, not daring to disturb further.

"I didn't expect that before the chaos calamity arrives, there would be such a heaven-defying existence born, and it's even related to the Immortal Emperor. Could this be a glimmer of hope?"

Watching the departing crowd, Gu Zu fell into contemplation, his eyes flickering as he pondered.

"Alas, regardless, we must continue to strive for transcendence. We must reach the peak before the calamity arrives, otherwise, we will all face destruction. The so-called Everlasting Immortal Clan, the so-called Myriad Realms, the so-called Immortal World, all will collapse!"

"Chaos... sigh, supreme, supreme. This step is so difficult, I've been stuck for three epochs!"

Gu Zu sighed lightly, feeling helpless. Three epochs ago, he had already taken this step and was known as the Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

It was widely rumored that he was the supreme figure among the Immortal Kings, approaching the realm of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, making him the strongest in the Immortal World.

But in reality, he had long quietly stepped into a new domain, striving for transcendence.

Yet, he still couldn't achieve it.

It was as if he couldn't set foot in that realm in this lifetime, as if there was a desperate barrier blocking him.

But if he couldn't reach the supreme, when the chaos calamity arrives, all the Myriad Realms will be destroyed. Only the Immortal Emperor can ignore the calamity and truly remain eternal.

But this step is truly too difficult, even for him.

"I hope Su Changsheng can accomplish it, at least... let my Gu Family have some bloodline continuation!"

Gu Family ancestor muttered to himself.

Soon, his figure gradually disappeared, and the ancient palace fell back into silence.

"Marriage alliance!"

"Gu Hongzhuang, it is your responsibility this time. No matter the cost, you must make this happen. This is the ancestor's command!"

"Furthermore, starting from today, Su Changsheng is the best friend of our Gu Family, with a status equal to mine. Anyone who dares to oppose him will face the full force of our family, even if it means killing them!"

In the Xuanhuang Great World, in the Great Principle Heaven Realm.

Within the Gu Family, the divine consciousness of the Gu Family ancestor returned, his expression serious as he issued his orders.

His words shocked the True Immortals present, including the Gu Family patriarch.

It was actually the ancestor's command?

And, Su Changsheng's status was elevated to be on par with the Immortal King ancestor?

Who exactly is Su Changsheng?


Although they were shocked, no one dared to ask further questions. Gu Hongzhuang immediately took the command.

Not long after, Gu Hongzhuang led the Gu Family patriarch away, and the Gu Family ancestor fell back into a deep sleep to heal his injuries.

Previously, he suffered backlash from calculating Su Changsheng and was seriously injured. Naturally, he couldn't afford to be careless and began to focus on healing.

Although the True Immortals were curious, seeing that the ancestor did not explain, they dared not say anything more and fell into a deep sleep, restoring the silence to this place.

"I will take charge of this matter. Notify Wushuang and have her accompany us!"

On the other side, Gu Hongzhuang, who had left with the Gu Family patriarch, gave her instructions.


The Gu Family patriarch didn't dare to be careless and responded respectfully.

This Immortal Clan leader, who used to be high and mighty, was shaken to the core today, feeling as insignificant as an ant.

In fact, it wasn't just him. Even Gu Hongzhuang, as a True Immortal, was equally shocked.

Although the ancestor didn't say it, she could also guess a thing or two.

This Su Changsheng was definitely not as simple as an Immortal King. It was very likely that he was involved with something truly extraordinary.

If not for this, it would be impossible to gain such attention from the Immortal Ancestor.

"Su Changsheng... is too exaggerated..." Gu Hongzhuang sighed in her heart.

She never expected that such a heaven-defying existence would emerge from a small Everlasting Heaven Realm, and that it would be related to a supreme existence.

This is too unimaginable.

It should be noted that when it comes to supreme-level existences, not to mention the small Everlasting Heaven Realm, even the entire Xuanhuang Great World or even the Immortal World are insignificant.

In the following time, the entire Gu Family started to move, various peerless divine objects and rare treasures were brought out, prepared as dowry to be taken to the Su Family for marriage.

Things like the Immortal Elixir, Immortal Gold, Emperor's Scripture, and so on are all ordinary. Even the Longevity Elixir, Immortal King Ancient Scripture, Supreme Mother Gold, and World Stone were mobilized.

These are all things that can be used to refine Immortal King artifacts, the accumulation of the Gu Family over countless years.

At this moment, a part of them was brought out just to serve as dowry for Gu Wushuang, hoping to gain Su Changsheng's attention.

Not only the Gu Family, but also the Ye Family, the Unparalleled Immortal Dynasty, and other forces were equally alarmed.

After consulting the opinions of their respective clans in the Immortal World, they received the same order.

Establish a good relationship with Su Changsheng at all costs and form a marriage alliance.

Soon, these two major Immortal Clans and Immortal Dynasties started to prepare various dowries, intending to go to the Everlasting Heaven Realm to seek a marriage alliance with Su Changsheng.

"Do not offend Su Changsheng, abandon the operation!"

In another vast realm, within the headquarters of the Underworld, a voice sounded, very indifferent, announcing.

This voice shook many Great Emperors in the Underworld.

Because this is the true master of the Underworld, a supreme immortal being, known as the strongest comparable to the Immortal Clans.

To actually choose to give up?

What is the origin of this Su Changsheng?

The Jade Emperor, the Wang Family, the True Dragon Clan, the Douluo Immortal Clan, the Heavenly Dao Sacred Temple, the Ten Thousand Paths Immortal Alliance, and other super forces all went to the Everlasting Heaven Realm, wanting to establish a connection with Su Changsheng.

However, not all forces were like this.

The Immortal Palace, an ancient force that has existed for eternity and can rival the Immortal Clans, received a different order.

"Seeking opportunities, fully exterminate Su Changsheng, he is related to the Immemorial Ancient King!"

This is an order from the Immortal World, causing the ancestors of the Immortal Palace to be solemn, unable to help but want to force a bitter smile.

Exterminate Su Changsheng?

With his strength, it is naturally as easy as snapping his fingers.

But now, in the Xuanhuang Great World, various Immortal Clans have chosen to befriend Su Changsheng.

Although the Immortal Palace is strong, it is impossible to take the risk of becoming a target and forcefully make a move against Su Changsheng!

Moreover, based on his calculations, Su Changsheng's background is terrifying, possibly involving a supreme existence. How could he be killed?

"No need to worry, in a few years, the Chaos Realm and the Dark Realm will have major actions, simultaneously attacking the Xuanhuang Great World. That will be the best opportunity!"

"Su Changsheng does not have a supreme existence behind him, it is highly likely that he has only obtained some opportunities or inheritances, no need to worry!"

Just as the ancestors of the Immortal Palace were extremely troubled, an order from Xian Si came.

It was a series of immortal texts, with dazzling immortal light, emitting an aura surpassing that of an Immortal King.

That was the ancestor of the Immortal Palace, a supreme existence.

Seeing this order, the ancestors of the Immortal Palace were immediately shocked. The powerhouses of the Chaos Great World and the Dark Great World?

You should know that these two great worlds are terrifying, not weaker than the Immortal World, and their origins are even more heaven-defying.

It is said to be related to the supreme existence.

And the powerhouses of these two realms are all true supreme experts, invincible among the Immortal Kings.

These existences actually plan to personally make a move and destroy the Xuanhuang Great World?

Even during the Primordial and Ancient Calamities, only ordinary Immortal Kings were mobilized.

But this time, it is obviously ten times stronger.

"If it's the powerhouses of these two realms, then it won't be difficult to exterminate Su Changsheng!"

The ancestor of the Immortal Palace muttered to himself.

His eyes flickered, filled with excitement.

According to the words of the ancestor, Su Changsheng is not a reincarnation of the supreme being, nor does he have such a powerful backing.

It is very likely that he simply had good luck and obtained a legacy left behind by a supreme being, which is why he has made such incredible progress.

If he can obtain this legacy, he may not reach the level of the supreme being, but he could at least rival the ancestor, right?

"It's almost time, at most a few more years!"

The ancient ancestor of the Immortal Palace muttered to himself, and soon he closed his eyes and began to adjust his own state.

He wanted to restore himself to his peak and make various preparations.

Only then would it be possible to seize the legacy from the hands of many giants after killing Su Changsheng.

The Ancient Immortal Realm is a world located outside the Three Thousand Realms, floating in the boundless space-time.

And at this moment, this immortal realm is gradually approaching the Everlasting Heaven Realm and is about to return.

It can be seen that this side is incredibly vast, many times larger than the Everlasting Heaven Realm, emitting a terrifying aura.

It is rapidly approaching.

In the Ancient Immortal Realm, terrifying figures stand tall, distributed in different time and space, gazing at the Everlasting Heaven Realm from afar, their eyes filled with anticipation.

They are all the strongest who entered the Ancient Immortal Realm back then, from different realms, but now they are all returning.

If they return, it will cause a great upheaval. The return of the emperors, including the Everlasting Heaven Realm, will usher in an era of Great Emperor's rule.

"Su Changsheng!"

"How dare you destroy my Sacred Land of Chaos, I will not let you go!"

In a certain time and space in the Ancient Immortal Realm, a figure surrounded by chaotic immortal light spoke coldly.

He is the Chaos Great Emperor.

Or rather, he is no longer the Great Emperor, but a True Immortal.

In the Ancient Immortal Realm, the Chaos Great Emperor obtained a great opportunity, successfully broke through and achieved the position of True Immortal.

Although he has just entered the realm of True Immortal, with the Chaos Great Emperor's cultivation of the chaotic path and his profound foundation, his combat power is extremely terrifying and stronger than an ordinary True Immortal.

"Hehe, Chaos, why be so angry? It's just a force. Destroy it and rebuild it!"

"That's right, when you return, not to mention rebuilding the Sacred Land of Chaos, you can even rule the Everlasting Heaven Realm and create an even more terrifying Sacred Land!"

"Just a Supreme, even if his strength is not weak, he is still just an ant in front of a True Immortal!"

Around the Chaos Great Emperor, there were also three figures standing, each emitting the aura of the Immortal Dao, all of them True Immortals. At this moment, they laughed lightly.

They were all good friends of the Chaos Great Emperor, who had ventured together in the Everlasting Heaven Realm and had now become immortals.

"I was just a little angry and lost my composure."

"A mere ant, I don't need to take him seriously. This time, when I return, I will crush him at any moment and announce my comeback!"

Hearing the laughter of the others, the Chaos Great Emperor also calmed down and said calmly.

He had confidence in himself.

True Immortals and Great Emperors were completely different realms. He was confident in looking down on all Great Emperors.

Although Su Changsheng was strong, his performance was only slightly better than when he was not yet an immortal.

Facing his immortal self, he was still just an ant, easily crushed with a casual gesture.

At the same time, the Chaos Great Emperor was also somewhat expectant.

In his opinion, Su Changsheng definitely had a great secret, possibly related to the Immortal King.

If he could obtain it, it might also benefit his future cultivation.

But unfortunately, he had to share some with them.

The Chaos Great Emperor discreetly glanced at the three of them and sighed inwardly.

If possible, he really didn't want to share.

"Mmm, it's about to arrive!"

At this moment, a True Immortal spoke. He was the Great Emperor of the Great Sun Golden Crow clan, who had participated in the extermination of the Azure Emperor's imperial court and wiped out the Azure Emperor's lineage.

He was currently very interested.

In front of them, the domain of the Everlasting Heaven Realm was already faintly visible, ready to be seen at any moment.

This meant that they were about to return, at most within a day or two.

"I can already see it!"

"Hahaha, after being trapped in this ancient immortal realm for so long, we are finally returning!"

"This time, our return will shake the heavens. Even the Immortal Clan will no longer be superior!"

"That's right, now that we have become immortals, we can establish an Immortal Clan and an immortal court, standing on equal footing with those forces!"

True Immortals were laughing and rejoicing, filled with excitement.


Even the Chaos Great Emperor showed a pleased expression.

True Saint Continent, Su Family.

Su Changsheng has already returned to the Su Family, accompanied by the heavenly maidens from the Sacred Land of Chaos and envoys from the Divine Clan.

He brought them back with him.

Of course, this is just the first step. After getting married, Su Changsheng will move the Su Family to the Sacred Land of Chaos and officially take control, proclaiming themselves the Emperor Clan.

"The Chaos Divine Clan?"

"You actually provoked people from this race!"

"You really have no fear of death!"

Within the Su Family, Gu Qingge, Changyue, and even the Immemorial Ancient King, upon seeing the Divine Clan envoys by Su Changsheng's side, couldn't help but show surprise.

The Chaos Divine Clan.

This is a terrifying group from another great world, who once caused a great catastrophe.

They more or less perished in this calamity, so they naturally understand the terror of this race.

"It's alright, I can subdue her!"

Su Changsheng chuckled.

No matter what race the other party is, as long as they can bear him children, it's fine.

Not to mention just an envoy.

Even if it's the ancestor of the Chaos Divine Clan, as long as it's a woman, he dares to capture her and bear children.


Gu Qingge was a bit speechless, but thinking about Su Changsheng's monstrous speed of improvement, she didn't mind.

It's just a Chaos Divine Clan, it can't cause much of a storm.

"Su Changsheng..."

At this moment, the Immemorial Ancient King spoke.

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