Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 145 The Wedding That Shocked The Three Thousand Heavens, Emperor Clan Su Family

"Fellow Daoist Changsheng!"

Gu Hongzhuang stood up first. As a True Immortal, she should have been high above, looking down on the Great Emperor. But in the face of Su Changsheng, she dared not be arrogant and instead kept a humble attitude.

"I have heard of Fellow Daoist Changsheng's unparalleled talent and extraordinary charm throughout the ages. Today, seeing you in person, it is indeed well-deserved."

"Fellow Daoist Changsheng, on behalf of..."

One by one, the strong members of the Immortal Clans and major forces stood up, with smiles on their faces and a respectful attitude.

This scene made Su Yun and the others feel a sense of pride. It should be noted that these were True Immortals and Great Emperors from the major Immortal Clans and super forces. Their status was extremely high, and they were figures that they could never have imagined before.

To see them being so polite to their Ancestor was quite something.

"We already know the purpose of your visit. Specific matters will be handled by Clan Chief Su Yun!"

Su Changsheng nodded and then spoke calmly.

Upon hearing this, Su Yun was somewhat surprised, but soon became excited because this was Ancestor Changsheng's trust in him. Otherwise, why would he be entrusted with this responsibility?

"Very well."

Gu Hongzhuang's expression remained unchanged, still smiling, and she did not look down on Su Yun because of his lower cultivation level.

In the following time, Su Yun communicated with the True Immortals and Great Emperors, displaying the demeanor of a clan leader without any inferiority.

Meanwhile, Su Changsheng returned to his residence with Gu Qingge and the others.

Although Gu Wushuang and the other women were curious about Su Changsheng and wanted to get to know him better, their marriage had not been confirmed yet, so they could only choose to stay in the main hall.

On the other side, on a magnificent divine island, Su Changsheng met Yu Xin.

At this moment, Yu Xin's aura had completely changed and become extremely terrifying, comparable to a true Heavenly Emperor.

However, she seemed to be struggling to adapt to this power, her pretty face showing a mix of distress and innocence.


When Su Changsheng appeared, a hint of grievance appeared on Yu Xin's pretty face.

"It's so difficult to control power!"

Around Yu Xin, the void twisted, and all rules and order vanished into thin air.

If it weren't for the suppression of the Golden Dragon of Luck, the power leaking from Yu Xin at this moment would be enough to destroy the entire Chaos Kun Divine Domain.

After all, this is the power of the Great Emperor level, capable of easily destroying a universe.

Seeing this, Su Changsheng found it somewhat amusing.

In fact, besides some extraordinary beings who were born as Great Emperors, which powerful Great Emperor hasn't achieved this level of cultivation through countless hardships and battles?

Only Yu Xin, despite having a low cultivation level, directly skyrocketed to the level of a Great Emperor because of the Immemorial Ancient King, skipping thousands of years of cultivation.

If others were to find out, they would undoubtedly be extremely jealous and resentful.

It should be noted that even for peerless geniuses at the level of Sacred Body, it is not guaranteed that they will become emperors. It still requires a long period of cultivation and numerous resources.

But Yu Xin has reached the top in one step, surpassing everyone else.

Moreover, with the continuous recovery of the Immemorial Ancient King's cultivation, Yu Xin's strength has been continuously skyrocketing, reaching the peak of the Immemorial Ancient King's level.

The level of Immortal King.

It can be said that Yu Xin has already secured a place as an Immortal King. If the Immemorial Ancient King makes another breakthrough, it will be even more terrifying.

"It's okay, I'll help you, for example... cultivating together?" Su Changsheng smiled and reached out to embrace the somewhat aggrieved Yu Xin, teasing her.

This immediately made Yu Xin blush.


Soon, Su Changsheng picked up Yu Xin and walked towards the room amidst her exclamation.

Su Changsheng was not joking.

Moreover, cultivating together could indeed solve some problems, such as controlling power.

Su Changsheng could guide and help Yu Xin quickly master her power.

In the following days, Su Changsheng either cultivated together with Yu Xin to help her control her power, or communicated with his wives and daughters like Gu Qingge about Dao techniques and emotions.

In addition, Gu Wu Shuang and others also met with Su Changsheng, spending time alone together, which was called exchanging emotions.

In this process, except for Gu Wushuang, the other women were all very happy.

Only Gu Wushuang.

She was too proud and aloof, unwilling to bow down to Su Changsheng in the slightest.

In response, Su Changsheng just chuckled lightly and then proceeded to beat her.

Hmm, he struck her buttocks, causing Gu Wushuang's cold and proud face to turn bright red.

In the end, Gu Wushuang could only bow her head in humiliation.

As time passed, half a month went by. During this period, the Crimson Blood Imperial Court pressed the Martial God King and his wife to come and apologize.

However, due to the plea of the Heavenly Dragon Empress and the fact that the Martial God King had not retaliated from the beginning, Su Changsheng let them go.

And now.

Su Changsheng is once again holding a grand wedding, even more magnificent than any previous one.

Truly shaking the Three Thousand Realms.

Because this time, he is marrying many Immortal Clan and Celestial Court heavenly maidens, along with the Ninth Princess, the ruler of the Imperial Court. It can be said to be the most astonishing one in history.

Most of the influential forces that can be counted have come, with only a few exceptions like the Immortal Palace.

"Ancestor Changsheng is truly extraordinary, marrying wives who are more astonishing each time. This time, he directly married several Immortal Clan heavenly maidens!"... ... Please give flowers...

"There is also the current Eternal Emperor!"

"He truly deserves to be the number one evildoer of all time. Not only is his strength heaven-defying, but he is also unmatched in the aspect of marrying wives!"

At the wedding banquet, one cultivator after another was amazed, their tone filled with envy and admiration.

They were all cultivators of the Everlasting Heaven Realm, and most of them knew about Su Changsheng's glorious record of marrying wives.

The next one is equally shocking.

At the various seats of the wedding banquet, powerful members of the Immortal Clan sat separately, each one extremely formidable, ranging from True Immortals to Great Emperors, with the worst being Quasi-Emperors.

At this moment, they were all sitting, smiling and communicating with each other, waiting for the wedding to begin.

The wedding proceeded in an orderly manner, and with the entrance of the bride and groom, the atmosphere in the venue reached a climax.

"Fortunately, I didn't disappoint the expectations of the ancestors!"

On the platform, Gu Hongzhuang watched Su Changsheng and many brides participating in the wedding ceremony, silently commenting in her heart.

She had been somewhat anxious before the wedding, afraid that there would be mistakes halfway through, leading to a failed marriage and disappointing the ancestors.

Fortunately, the wedding proceeded as scheduled and had officially concluded.

Under the witness of numerous cultivators at the venue, the wedding ended, and Su Changsheng and the others were escorted to the bridal chamber.

"Su Changsheng..."

In the bridal chamber, Gu Wushuang raised her pretty face and gazed at the man in front of her, feeling complicated in her heart.

He was clearly the man she wanted to defeat.

But now he had become her husband, someone who would walk hand in hand with her and spend their lives together.

No, it should be for eternity.

"You should call me husband now!"

Su Changsheng said with a smile, enjoying this atmosphere no matter how many times it happened.

"Hmph... husband..."

Hearing this, Gu Wushuang blushed and let out a soft hum. Although she felt a bit embarrassed, she still said it.

"Alright, let's proceed to the bridal chamber!"

Su Changsheng said with a smile.


Soon, accompanied by a cry of pain, the room was filled with an infinite sense of spring.

After it was over, Su Changsheng went to other bridal chambers to continue the wedding night.

One month later, the wedding concluded successfully, and various forces and cultivators from the Immortal Clan began to leave.

The Su Family officially relocated to the Sacred Land of Chaos and became the new fourth overlord.

Its name was Emperor Clan - Su Family.

PS: I'm not feeling well today, feeling drowsy and lacking energy to write. It's probably due to excessive work.

By the way, the main storyline is about to end soon.

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