Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 165 The Mastermind Behind The Scenes, The Insider Of Xuanhuang World, The Kunpeng Inheritanc

"Don't make trouble!"

Lu Qingge patted Su Changsheng on the shoulder angrily.

Then he said.

"In the previous life, the horrific turmoil that spread to the entire Xuanhuang world, the dark world invaded the world, and Wan Jiong cried!"

"Countless people were involved in this great catastrophe, countless blood and fire burned, and hundreds of heavenly realms were shattered and devastated!"

"Even though there is a peak powerhouse in the Xuanhuang Great World, firstly, the dark powerhouses invading the world are too powerful, and secondly, I suspect that in the Xuanhuang Great World, there is an internal response from the Dark Great Realm!

Lu Qingge's expression was solemn, and there was hatred in his tone.

It is hard for Su Changsheng to imagine the tragedy of this war. In the previous "history", he was just a cultivator of a small family, and he had no access to this kind of secret at all.

"Don't worry, everything is mine."

In this world, he is confident that he can calm down everything ~ darkness and turmoil.

With a beauty in his arms, especially when such an expression rarely appeared on Lu Qingge's face, Su Changsheng's expression moved slightly, and his big hands suddenly became dishonest-.

Lu Qingge felt the heat of his big hand, and rolled his eyes at him, all charming.

"Trick me all you want!"

Seeing that the person in his arms was already angry, Su Changsheng smiled lightly and said.

"The madam went on, and I'm listening."

"That horrific turmoil caused many powerful people in the Xuanhuang Great World to encounter targeted attacks and killings, and very few strong people survived from it!"

And those who survived were either dead or disabled, quietly disappearing in the years without a trace. "

She was worried that her husband would also encounter such unprecedented terror, so she exhorted her with a serious face.

Hearing this, Su Changsheng was shocked. He knew that almost all the remaining Immortal Kings in the current Xuanhuang world fell into deep sleep, and there were very few active True Immortals. It was just a matter of thinking about what kind of existence the Xuanhuang Yin world faced.

To be able to maim one of the top big worlds without a single hair being damaged, it would be unreasonable without an inner ghost.

Su Changsheng nodded, already having some guesses in his mind.

Immortal Palace, the top powerful force that has survived for a long time, is undoubtedly the most suspicious of the force that once attacked the ancient king.

It's a pity that the ancient king in Yuxin's body fell into a deep sleep and was retrieving the Immortal King Dao Fruit in her previous life. Otherwise, as a powerful creature who has experienced the ancient times, she should know something.

It's a pity that I can't ask directly now.

Su Changsheng felt heavy in his heart, but he was not particularly worried, and stood up.

Looking at the vast starry sky, with deep eyes, a domineering arrogance arose out of nowhere in his heart, and he said calmly with his arms around Lu Qingge.

"I am not afraid of anything, for us, I will clear up all darkness!"

Gently looking at Lu Qingge's lower abdomen, there is a new life being conceived there.

Lu Qingge relied on Su Changsheng, she never thought that, as the empress who ruled the heavens in all directions, she would fall in love with someone so much now.

Although the initial process was not very good-looking, she thinks it is also very good now.

His eyes flashed, as if thinking of her husband's confidence, Chu Yue and Lu Qingchan are about to give birth, and every time they give birth to an heir, her husband's strength will explode amazingly...

Thinking of this, her pretty face blushed slightly, no wonder my husband has been working hard all day...

"Husband, if you work harder, the Little Sisters will all be pregnant!"

Su Changsheng's expression remained the same, he looked at the extremely intelligent empress's daughter-in-law, thinking that the other party also guessed something.

The big hands around the tender body couldn't help but tighten a little, and said softly.

"You don't blame me!"

Lu Qingge's beautiful eyes are full of affection, she also thought about it, a couple for life, no one likes to be separated from her husband's love for own.

At this time, she also figured it out, as long as she can keep going, it doesn't matter if there are more people, this empress is not a jealous woman!

Mixed Kun Academy.

The vast pavilions are all hidden away, and in the vast underground, the two qi of Yin & Yang escape.

It is not a small opportunity for ordinary Great Saints.

This is the supreme power revealed by the Kunpeng lair, even the Great Emperor and True Immortal are jealous, but it is a pity that the Kunpeng lair has limited strength.

The minimum age of the creatures that can enter the lair cannot exceed Hundred Years, otherwise they will be wiped out by the powerful law left by Kunpeng.

There is no Immortal inheritance that can last forever in the world, and the laws of the Kunpeng lair have weakened under the influence of the years.

Revealing the majestic Yin & Yang energy is a trace of the original power of Kunpeng.

Fortunately, misfortune, chance is accompanied by danger, some true spirits killed by Kunpeng town survived in Kunpeng lair, without Yin & Yang, the world will dissipate.

But now, the two qi of Yin & Yang have leaked, causing some true spirits to leap out of it, almost comparable to Great Emperor-level creatures.

In the place where the law of shattering, there are several powerful figures standing, but it is a pity that they cannot be manifested.

Everyone guessed.

"The strength of these true spirits is not weak, presumably this inheritance involves the ultimate True Immortal!"

……… Ask for flowers…

"It's a pity that a Ten Evils-level Kunpeng fell after growing up!"

Kunpeng Academy, the Kunpeng inheritance has not yet been opened, but it has already attracted many Great Saints, Supremes.

Academy Supreme frowned, but these people were alright, and he could barely suppress them, but in the end he discovered that some ancient Great Emperors were hiding in the crowd.

This made him sneer, he could practice Supreme, Great Emperor, which did not exceed Thousand Year Ten Thousand Year, once entered, it would be instantly obliterated.

Do you really think this is just the top True Immortal inheritance?

There were a lot of people, so he ignored it. He had already informed in advance that the fall had nothing to do with him.

"Has the Su family arrived yet?"

"Dean, I haven't received any news yet!"

Academy Supreme was not in a hurry either, he invited the Su family because he liked Su Changsheng's strength and wanted him to take over the place.

He was in a hurry, there was still some time before the Kunpeng inheritance started.

Many people scramble to absorb Yin & Yang, enhance their own background, and think that they are right.

Kunpeng's lair is wandering in the void, looming, bursting with immortal light, but only when it reaches a specific time and is guided by a special secret method, the Kunpeng's lair will manifest in the correct place "Descent.

And the news of the arrival of Kunpeng's lair, from the few people at the beginning, spread to thousands of gods, radiating three thousand heavens.

Driven by people with good intentions, the news of Hun Kun Academy's opening of Kunpeng inheritance has been expanding outward.

Countless people were excited, and the moment they received the news, they rushed to the Hun Kun Academy of Medicine without stopping.

Figures of people flashed across the starry sky one after another, landing across a long distance.

An extremely true Immortal inheritance can cause such a sensation, this is all because it is the inheritance of the ancient Ten Evils Kunpeng.

Even if this Kunpeng didn't reach the Immortal King level, it's still very exciting.

The Great Emperors of the various gods led the family forces, and the powerful descendants of the Talents wanted to compete for this Ten Evils inheritance treasure.

Even if it fails, there are still many opportunities in Kunpeng's lair, which is very suitable for honing the younger generation.

This news shocked all the immortal clans, and there were decrees spread, asking the guardian Daoist to lead the fairies, holy sons, and goddesses to participate.

Be sure to grab Kunpeng's Xeon Art!

Thousands of gods trembled, and three thousand heavenly realms stared at this place.

This is a major event that happened in the past Ten Thousand Years, except for Su Changsheng's liquidation of the demon cave, which has made countless people yearn for it!

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