Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 167 Primordial Holy Land Questioning, Quasi Emperor Lin Chao's Anger, Lin Miao Returnin

The situation above the primordial sect was changing, and many primordial sect disciples naturally felt the breath of the Quasi Emperor, which was vast and resplendent.

But this behavior of ignoring the primordial sect still makes everyone angry!

Lin Chao looked down at the primordial sect with a look of disdain, and stepped on the grand formation of the guardian sect. He did not believe that the primordial Great Saint would activate the killing power of the grand formation.

He is the primordial sect, the Quasi Emperor of the primordial holy land.

He raised one hand, and punched the lord token of the primordial holy land into the Sect formation, and the power of the Quasi Emperor level manifested, dazzlingly dazzling, so that all primordial sects could see clearly.

"It is said that Sect is associated with primordial holy places, and it seems to be true!"

"So, aren't we the disciples of the Primordial Holy Land?"

"You think too much, which ancestor will come and slap the token on your forehead?"

Some people were pleasantly surprised, and when others said this, they immediately froze and didn't dare to speak.

The entire primordial sect seemed to have been poured with cold water. When you calm down, you all know that this Quasi Emperor came with bad intentions, and he was suspected of coming to question the crime. If he is implicated, then everyone will not be able to escape!

"Today, as the Primordial Holy Land Quasi Emperor Lord, I come to question the primordial sect!"

"Whoever dares to disobey will be beheaded!"

The sound is rumbling, mighty everywhere, just like Tianwei.

"Is this trying to destroy my primordial sect? A Quasi Emperor has come to punish me!"

"What sin have we primordial committed?"

"Old Ancestor, are we really related to the Primordial Holy Land?"

Primordial Great Saint, with a sad look on his face, recalled the years in the primordial holy land, and thought about several people who questioned him, but he never thought that Lin Chao would come.

Back then, if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have been exiled to the True Sacred Continent to open up primordial ministers.

Trouble now!

After thinking about it, a smile appeared on his face again.

Without him, perhaps I would not have known that person!

"It does matter!"

Primordial Great Saint said affirmatively.

Before Sect Elder was happy, he wanted to go out to meet the Lord Lin Chao, but at this moment, a mighty sky blind sounded.

"primordial! How dare you disobey the order of the Holy Land and leave Sect without permission!"

The Huanghuang primordial holy land token exudes great power. Under the suppression of the token, all the Cultivation Bases of Sect are suppressed.

What's more, under the coercion of the Quasi Emperor, people can't move, and the Cultivation Base can't function normally.

The eyes of the primordial disciples were terrified. They never imagined that the Quasi Emperor hadn't made a move yet, and just a token could make them unable to lift their heads!

"Alas! Those who are still here will come after all!"

The primordial Great Saint was not greatly affected, and slowly walked out of the Great Hall Of The Sect, not escaping, and said loudly.

"My lord Lin Chao, I don't know what I did wrong?"

"At the beginning, I was relegated to the True Sage Continent by the Holy Land. After so many years of hard work, I dare not waste it. This is how I have my foundation today!"

"Even if there is a small mistake, why bother to ask the crime?"

He was unwilling to do so. He had offended Lin Chao, who was not Quasi Emperor, and was expelled from the Primordial Holy Land to the True Sacred Continent.

But at that time, as the Great Saint, he was still able to move freely in the True Sacred Continent, but he could not leave the True Sacred Continent.

It wasn't until Lin Chao broke through to become Quasi Emperor that there was a sudden strict order that he himself was not allowed to step out of the primordial sect gate.

The origin of this strict order is self-evident.

Back then, the four Great Saints of the Sea Clan attacked the True Sacred Continent for the sake of the Dragon Girl, and set off a heinous massacre. When I left, I thought that I would be known by the Sacred Land.

But this matter can be big or small, but I didn't expect to be caught by this villain Lin Chao, and he didn't hesitate to face himself, and came to commit the crime himself!

However, he is not afraid at all now, even if the opponent is Quasi Emperor, he is not without a backer!

So the old god was there with a calm face.

"Shut up! primordial, your behavior was too despicable back then, which resulted in you being expelled from the Holy Land and sent down!"

"Now that I'm here to inquire about the crime, you have no remorse at all, but it's even worse!"

"It doesn't matter, I will tell the Saint Lord truthfully, and I will definitely punish him severely!"

Lin Chao scolded loudly.

If the primordial Great Saint kindly sent some resources before, he might be lenient and forget everything before. After all, he is a Quasi Emperor now, so how can he care about this mere Great Saint.

It's a pity, now he wants to settle the old and new grudges together!

He must capture him and return to the primordial holy land, and ask the Saint Lord to send him off to vent his anger!

"You holy land scum, quickly open the guardian array, otherwise I will force my way in and damage the primordial sect, and you will add to the crime!"

"It turns out that the ancestor still has such a past!"

"Shut up, it's true, but this is not something you can interrupt!"

As soon as a young disciple opened his mouth, an Elder slapped him on the head and cursed angrily.

Seeing that the primordial Great Saint was unmoved, Lin Chao's expression turned cold. The coercion of the Quasi Emperor bombarded the formation, and it weighed heavily on everyone's hearts, making it insurmountable!


The big formation continued to roar, and it was on the verge of falling, as if it might be broken at any time!

Some people could no longer bear it, bowed their heads to the ground under the coercion of the Quasi Emperor, and finally kowtowed and shouted loudly.

"Shangzong, respect the king!"

"Please be merciful to the lord of the previous sect, and let our disciples go!"

Lin Chao enjoyed this feeling very much. The pleasure of being in charge of life and death made him gradually addicted. This is the supreme coercion that Quasi Emperor brought to him.

"Primordial, I will give you another chance for the sake of being a fellow student!"


"You have a kind heart!" The primordial Great Saint looked at him coldly, thinking that he just cleared out a batch of moths in the sect.

"Don't be shameless!"

Although the primordial sect's sect formation is quite extraordinary, it's almost useless in front of him, the Quasi Emperor.

But he lost his identity for no reason, so he started to persuade him with good words. I didn't expect primordial to be so ignorant after so many years!

Lin Chao's face was slightly cold. As the Quasi Emperor, he had already given primordial Great Saint a chance of life, but it was the first time he was so ungrateful!

Just at this moment, I heard the primordial Great Saint say.

"Let go of the guardian array!"


"Old Ancestor can't!"

Everyone was terrified, looking at the furious Lin Chao outside the sect, afraid that he would rush in and arrest them all for questioning.

But seeing the primordial Great Saint's expression, it was because Shizong's protective formation didn't dissipate slowly.

"primordial, you're fine!"

Lin Chao's face was livid, he snorted coldly, and walked straight into the Great Hall.

Seeing that the primordial Great Saint was subdued, some Elders in the sect welcomed Lin Chao into the primordial sect graciously, but the primordial still ignored them and just watched with cold eyes.

"Old Ancestor, let's admit the guilt this time, the Supreme Sect will be magnanimous!"

"Yes, ancestor, Venerable Lin and you are old friends, so I don't think I will embarrass you. If you keep resisting, it won't be worthwhile to bury Sect!"

Some of the old Saints from Closed Door Training after the Primordial Holy Land was relegated to the Primordial Sect have also left. They don't care much about the Primordial Great Saint, and they want to curry favor with Lin Chao, the new associate seat.

In this way, it is possible to return to the primordial holy land and enjoy the supreme glory again,

The primordial Great Saint watched with cold eyes.

These are the burdens thrown down by the primordial holy land, and they have no right to speak at all on weekdays.

Unexpectedly, the appearance of Lin Chao made them jump out.

The anger in Lin Chao's heart also gradually dissipated, and the Elders of the primordial sect could find his lost face, feeling secretly refreshed.

The primordial sect is, after all, only the lower layer of the primordial holy land!

The primordial heaven, after all, is the primordial holy land!

He didn't forget the purpose of this time, and shouted loudly.

"Are you convicted?"

"Convicted, guilty!"

These old Saints were obedient, but the primordial Great Saint's complexion did not change at all, the old god was there.


Lin Chao rose against the crime, and the Quasi Emperor's aura exploded, pressing on the primordial Great Saint, wanting him to kneel down.

When the two were in the Primordial Holy Land, their Cultivation Base was comparable. If it wasn't for the villain Lin Chao, maybe he is also a Quasi Emperor now, with infinite glory, how could he be so downcast!

Proud and unyielding made him unable to kneel down, his bones exploded under pressure, his blood reversed, his face flushed, and he was extremely embarrassed.

Time moves forward a moment.

The former Holy Land of Chaos is now the ancestral land of the Su family.

"Strange, why did the ancestor call me back to the clan today?"

Although Lin Miao said it was strange, she still had to prepare. After all, she was from the primordial sect. The ancestor took good care of her since she was a child, so she must have looked for her for something.

Otherwise, I wouldn't urge myself to go back to the floor as soon as possible. .

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