Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 169 The Power Brought By Mrs. Su Changsheng's Identity, Quasi Emperor Kowtows

"Okay, you, you dare to collude with outsiders to plot against me!"

"I never thought that you would be so courageous now, daring to provoke a Quasi Emperor!"

"Could it be, do you think that inviting a Saint with some background can change your fate?!"

"Big mistake!"

Lin Chao's eyes revealed a cold light, thinking that this was a primordial game, but in front of him, the Quasi Emperor of the primordial holy land, everything was false.

After all, although the Primordial Holy Land is not considered to be the overlord of the Longevity Heaven Realm, there is also Supreme in the Holy Land!

He showed a look of contempt, and spoke coldly there.

The primordial Great Saint just sneered and didn't respond.

As long as Lin Miao came, everything would be a foregone conclusion, and it was impossible to change.

Seeing him sneer, Lin Chao suppressed him a little harder, making the corner of Primordial Great Saint's mouth bleed.

"It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous that the Lord of Benben was almost deceived by you today. You, primordial, have always been a loser. You have never surpassed me, and you dare to sneer here? You are like a reptile, wriggling your humble body to Nine Dragons roar on Heavens, it's no use to dragons!"

He was really angry, his words were extremely harsh and harsh, he looked down on the primordial Great Saint, looked down on this small Sect built by the other party, it is a shame that this Sect is actually connected with the Holy Land!

At this moment, a voice interrupted Lin Chao's words.

"Have you finished? How do you face my anger when you are so arrogant!"

A graceful figure with a clear 970 cold and proud came from outside the gate, his tone was faint, his eyes could feel the coldness through the gate, his murderous intent permeated, and the temperature in the Great Hall dropped quietly.

Some primordial Elders frowned. They were all 'exiled' here by the Holy Land of Absolute Beginning, and they were disheartened old Saints who had been closed door training.

But soon, as if remembering the rumors that had been circulated in the sect before, a strange look appeared in his eyes, he no longer agreed with Lin Chao, but quietly distanced himself from Lin Chao.

After all, if the rumors circulating in the sect were true, not to mention Lin Chao, even the Holy Land of Absolute Beginning would surely bow his head.

Lin Miao was very worried about the safety of the primordial Great Saint, so he sent a voice transmission from a long distance away to prevent the primordial Great Saint from being murdered.

She also heard Lin Chao's words, which made her brows stand upright, angry and uncomfortable.

This Quasi Emperor has been insulting the primordial sect from the very beginning until now, forcing them to serve as slaves, and now he wants to abolish the primordial Great Saint, the founder of the primordial sect!

How dare the other party do this, even if you give him the courage!


The breath of Quasi Emperor burst out suddenly, shocking everyone present.

The primordial sect wanted to resist, but unfortunately Quasi Emperor was far from what they could fight against.

"Do you want to rebel?"

Lin Chao felt the different atmosphere and attitude here, and felt a burning flame, which was extremely hot.

He had to shout loudly, wanting to suppress everything with his egg-hard Cultivation Base.

After all, he is the Lord of the Holy Land, and his majesty cannot be lost!


When Lin Miao arrived, he opened the door, with a Supreme-level secret treasure on his head, offsetting the coercion of the Quasi Emperor here, and faintly surpassing Lin Chao, the new Quasi Emperor.

It's a pity that she is still too weak, if there is a Supreme Great Saint to fully activate the Supreme Secret Treasure, even the Quasi Emperor would not dare to underestimate it.

"Who are you, dare to trespass into my primordial holy land affiliated Sect?!"

Looking at the Supreme Secret Treasure above his head, Lin Chao's eyes flashed a strange color, as well as an imperceptible greed.

Just worried that the other party might have an extraordinary status, Lin Chao said in a calm tone.

"No matter who you are, the matter of my Holy Land of Absolute Beginning has nothing to do with you, leave quickly, I can forget the past!"

Lin Miao didn't say a word, she received a voice transmission from the primordial ancestor, and looked at Lin Chao coldly.

So what about Quasi Emperor, who is so charming and bullying, who dares to play wild in the primordial sect, and asks her if Lin Miao agrees.

"Junior, if you haven't gone out yet, don't blame me for inviting you out!"

After all, he was just a Saint, and he already had such an attitude as a Quasi Emperor. If he hadn't taken this woman's identity into consideration, he would have been unable to hold back the killing intent in his heart.

"I am the lord of the primordial holy land. No matter who is behind you, just a Saint who provokes the Quasi Emperor, I can punish you, but I can let you go today, don't make mistakes!"

Lin Miao stepped forward step by step, staring at the lord of the primordial holy land, and suddenly she thought of another lord of the Holy Land of Absolute Beginning, Lord Rain, who behaved very differently from the one in front of her.

"How can there be a scum like you in the primordial holy land?"

As a member of the primordial sect, Lin Miao had a good impression of the Holy Land of Absolute Beginning under his influence, but today he was completely destroyed by this person.

"What did you say?!"

Lin Chaogang was about to be furious, because Shitian Sheng spoke quietly.

"She is Su Changsheng's wife!"

"Huh?!" Lin Chao stood there dumbfounded as if he had been hit by a body-holding spell.

As soon as the words fell, Lin Miao had already noticed the tragedy of the primordial Great Saint, and with an angry face, he walked in front of Lin Chao (cjfg) under the protection of the secret treasure.


Crisp applause sounded in the Great Hall.

Lin Chao was stunned, his lips trembling, and the words of the primordial Great Saint sounded like an ancient magic voice, which completely shattered the self-righteousness in his heart.

"Su Heavenly Emperor's Lady!"

Lin Chao's heart was full of waves, even if he was slapped by Lin Miao, he didn't feel it. Not only him, but also many Elders were stunned.

A Quasi Emperor was slapped in the face by Saint, dare not resist?

This is so scary!

But I thought that the other party was Su Changsheng's wife.

Oh, it's all right.

Lin Chao quickly realized that he had contradicted that lady. If he could not dispel his anger, then he would not have lost face. I am afraid that if the Holy Land of Absolute Beginning found out, the Holy Land of Absolute Beginning would blame him !

Once the news gets out, I don't know how many people will covet his head and use it to sell Su Changsheng's favor!

This is extremely spooky!

"There is a remedy!"

My mind was running fast, and I looked at the primordial Great Saint. If he hadn't spoken just now, I'm afraid I would have made a move!

"Oops, the Dragon King Temple was washed away by the water!"

"Brother primordial, look at me..."

Lin Chao was able to bend and stretch, knowing who the other party came for, he didn't care about his own face, and bowed his head to admit his mistake on the spot.

"not enough!"

Lin Miao's tone was cold, if this person doesn't satisfy the ancestor today, then there is no need for him to exist!

She is not someone who likes to bully others. If she hadn't heard those words, she might have let it go because of the Primordial Holy Land.


Lin Chao immediately knelt down and kowtowed in front of the primordial Great Saint.

A Quasi Emperor kowtows to the Great Saint!

People who didn't know Lin Miao felt a great fear. A Quasi Emperor would kneel as soon as he said it, but the Elder who knew Lin Miao was even more shocked and awed by him, "Knowing that the other party is no longer the little girl from back then.

"primordial I was wrong, I was the humble bug!"

"Holy Land is up to you to establish the primordial sect in True Holy Continent, which is definitely the wisest decision of Holy Land!"

"Damn me, as long as you let me go, I will admit my mistake at the Primordial Holy Land, and I will reveal the truth about what happened back then, and return your innocence!"

The primordial Great Saint was shocked, but thinking of Lin Chao's personality, he didn't feel so surprised.

Years of humiliation were swept away, and Lin Chao couldn't help knocking a few more!

After all, they both belong to the Primordial Holy Land, and he relied on Su Changsheng's power today, but he can't say everything, and he can't do everything. He is a member of the Primordial Holy Land after all.

"I can let you go, but Mrs. Su just..."

The corner of Lin Chao's mouth was bitter. He knew that this was Su Changsheng's wife, so he was afraid to avoid it, so how dare he step forward and give her neck!

"Madam Su, adults don't remember villains, please let me go this time, I am willing to work for the Su family.


Lin Miao snorted coldly, if she hadn't come in time, the primordial ancestor would have been in trouble.

Seeing Lin Chao's eyes became more and more unfriendly, like a cold knife falling on Lin Chao's body, he was shocked.

"Miaomiao, forget it, it's all over!"

The primordial Great Saint knows that Lin Chao has always been a Quasi Emperor, and if there is no hope of survival, I am afraid that there will be no one left alive except for Lin Miao.

Moreover, Lin Chao is also a Quasi Emperor of the Primordial Holy Land at any rate, and he does not want to see the relationship between the Primordial Holy Land and the Su family become too tense.

He was thinking about the primordial holy land. If the Su family wanted to destroy the primordial holy land, it would only be a matter of one sentence.

Primordial Great Saint is still clear about these principles.

"Get up, the ancestors forgive you this time, if there is a next time, no one can save you!".

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