Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 177: Hunkun Academy's Top Immortal, Immortal Clan Who Changed Face Like An Ape's B

Not only the Great Emperor, some True Immortals have been reminded by the ancestors of the clan, the ancient ancestors, and know the strength of Kunpeng, one of the Ten Evils.

Especially, when Kunpeng's lair was first attracted, the horror scene of Dao manifested.

Ordinary people may not pay attention to these, but these True Immortals are different. They know that this is not the inheritance of the ultimate True Immortal, and they are prepared in their hearts.

But still surprised.

The King of Immortal spilled blood one after another, spilling blood into the void, Kunpeng bathed in the blood of the Immortal King, and his god-like figure completely shocked all the True Immortals present.

"I didn't expect that a mere Hun Kun Academy would involve the inheritance of such an existence!"


Some ideas are ready to come out, everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty!

"It's a mere Kunpeng academy, you shouldn't hide the secrets of Kunpeng's inheritance!"

A powerful True Immortal opened his mouth, releasing the coercion of the Immortal Dao all over his body, with boundless terror, causing some Great Emperors to follow closely and echoed.

"That's right, a small academy, even if it has some contacts, so what!"

01 "Let's join forces and force him to hand over the secret of Kunpeng inheritance!"

"Fellow daoists, make a quick decision, this is to sacrifice the safety of the disciples in the clan!"

Someone spoke out, and almost tore the skin off.

"You are deceiving people too much!"

A few Quasi Emperor Elders from the Kun Kun Academy couldn't help but confront each other here. This is the territory of the Kun Kun Academy, and it's nothing more than a cultivator from the foreign domain, but they even coveted the secrets of their academy. They couldn't sit still if they targeted them like this!

"Heh! It's not that I'm bullying you, it's that you are too weak to protect this secret. The weak should give it up obediently, otherwise there will be a catastrophe!"

"The secret of the Immortal King, if you can't keep it, hand it over!"

A True Immortal in white stepped forward and said.

He comes from a long-standing fairy clan, extremely powerful and conceited, and his ethnic origin is terrifyingly large.

This fairy clan intersects with the Immortal Palace, and has confronted the top fairy clans such as the Ye family and the Gu family. They can fight against each other, which is extremely terrifying.

Several Quasi Emperor Elders of the academy, their faces flushed and very angry, some people still forgot about life and death, and couldn't help moving forward.

"I advise you to hand over your secrets honestly, and don't be overwhelmed!"

He is indifferent to each other, disdain to take action against these Quasi Emperors, and will lose his face.

at this moment.

An old, full of the breath of time, the grand voice exploded in the ears of the immortals!

The hearts of many Great Emperors couldn't stop trembling, and they kept fighting cold wars!

"Hehe, fellow daoists, please come to the Kun Kun Academy. The old man has served tea, and I hope you will give me your advice!"

"This.....This is definitely the breath of True Immortal!"

"Hunting Kun Academy actually has the ultimate True Immortal?"

"This is impossible!"

Many Great Emperors were puzzled and shocked. If True Immortal exists, then before they...

Many True Immortals looked at the digital top True Immortals. They were the Elders of several top fairy clans, and their words were extremely authoritative!

"It's true!"

"I'm afraid this one is almost going to take that step!"

The hearts of the True Immortal present were awe-inspiring, and with the overwhelming True Immortal affirmation, they were all thankful that they did not offend the one from the Kun Kun Academy.

That Immortal's True Immortal's complexion turned red. The aura just now was specially aimed at him, causing the immortal power in his body to almost stagnate, and the aura of Death lingered in his heart.


With the affirmation of True Immortal, many Great Emperors who had spoken before suddenly felt uneasy.

Someone once said bad things about the Hunkun Academy, even threatening that the Hunkun Academy is so weak that it can be suppressed with a raised hand!

Now they all feel suspected fear, worrying about being settled by Qiuhou.

The jumping out of this old monster made many strong people dispel the thoughts they shouldn't have in their hearts!

In the void, surrounded by chaos, Su Changsheng showed a clear look.

When he went to the devil's lair, he vaguely sensed the existence of this person.

He was not surprised that Academy True Immortal jumped out, but this was not the time to show up.

Su Changsheng narrowed his eyes slightly, looked in the direction of the Immortal Palace, and thought to himself.

"Yaoyao girl, no one who captured the Great Dark Realm knows about it!"

Seeing everything in the void, if he doesn't want to show up, no one can force him out, he is just watching the changes.

Looking at the camp of the Immortal Palace, Su Changsheng's eyes flashed a touch of coldness.

He has already been able to confirm that the Immortal Palace is indeed in collusion with the Great Dark Realm, working in collusion with each other, acting as an internal response during the dark and turbulent period.

Moreover, it seems that the downfall of Kunpeng may have something to do with their ancestors of the Immortal Palace!

"Hee hee, how did that guy's face become like an ape's ass?"

The aura of Immortal Immortal that had almost taken that step in the academy was crushed, and many True Immortals were terrified, but the original silent atmosphere was completely broken by Su Qingying's words!

"Ape butt?"

"That's True Immortal, darling, this doll, how dare you say it!"

"It's really impressive!"

Many strong men suppressed their laughter one after another, not daring to speak, bursting out laughing in their hearts.

However, there are some forces who have no scruples and wanton laughter, for example, the Gu family, the top True Immortal of the Ye family.

"Haha, the child is right, this man's face is like an ape's butt!"

They look at Su Qingying more and more pleasing to the eye, which fits their temper very well!

Su Changge quietly gave Little Sister a thumbs up, unexpectedly she dared to say that she is a True Immortal, and Realm is more powerful than Dad!

Of course, in terms of combat power, he will be crushed by one finger of his father!

That True Immortal's complexion was livid, and he was really not very good-looking. He stared at Su Qingying intently, full of anger.

"Why, a True Immortal still wants to bully a female doll, so why not show her face!"

The top member of the Gu family, True Immortal, stood in front of Su Qingying, staring at the surroundings, extremely domineering, mocking the powerful True Immortal of the immortal clan.

040 At this time, a figure appeared behind that True Immortal, whose aura was not weaker than that of True Immortal, the top of the Gu family.

"Immortal Clan, don't be insulted, will your Gu Clan fight against my Clan's immortals?"

The top True Immortal spoke amazingly, and a big hat was put on instantly.

However, at this time, an old woman walked out of the Ye family, and she was also a true Immortal, her breath was released.

"So what about Immortal War, you are called Immortal Hall!"

"Is this about to break out a fairy war?"

"It's terrifying. Three top True Immortals are fighting each other, and the aura here is extremely dignified!"

All this is just because of a girl's unintentional words, but this is enough to show how much the two great immortal clans attach importance to the Su family!

Su Qingying wanted to speak, but was blocked by Su Changge in time. Otherwise, with the strength of this aunt, it is estimated that a big war would break out immediately.

If the three great immortal clans fight in a scuffle, together with the Immortal Hall, it will be enough to affect half of the Xuanhuang Great World.

"Everyone, how is it going so far?"

The top True Immortal from the college spoke up, acting as a peacemaker, and he didn't want a fairy war to break out in the college, and Hunkun College would lose at that time.

The Gu family and the Ye family looked at each other and smiled.

"Nothing is impossible!"

They just wanted to express their importance to the Su family, and they didn't really want to start a war with the Immortal Palace and the Immortal Clan who had been friends with the Immortal Palace.

After all, fundamentally, they didn't want to fight, they just wanted to suppress that guy's arrogance!.

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