Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 187 Daughter Su Muyue, Su Muchan, The Real Kunpeng Lair

Under the watchful eyes of the powerful members of the Su family and many Elders, Su Changsheng returned.

All kinds of visions receded slowly, and he suppressed them into the tripod of Mother Qi of All Matter with his supreme power.

Knowing that it was the ancestor who made the move, many Su family powerhouses breathed a sigh of relief, kept the formation running, and waited for Su Changsheng to speak.

The eldest Elder of the Su family was not there, and the remaining Elders did not dare to make decisions without authorization.

Su Changsheng waved his hands at them, letting them handle it by themselves. He was anxious, and stepped forward in one step to the front of the girls.

I glanced around, but didn't find any trace of the child, so I couldn't help but wonder.

"Where's the child?"

Su Changsheng looked at the ladies who were smiling at him.


In the sky full of divine flowers, two small figures shuttled through the bursts of immortal light and saw Su Changsheng's arrival.

Like a suckling swallow returning to its nest, it fell into Su Changsheng's arms, and his big eyes looked curiously at the stalwart and handsome man in front of him.

The inexplicable fluctuations in Bloodline made them no longer doubt that this was their father.

Su Changsheng was puzzled for a while, and then realized that this should be due to their physique. The vision of heaven and earth was similar to that of Su Changge, which caused them to be born with such a size.

Gently put down, two girls who looked twelve or thirteen years old, Su Changsheng08 visited Lu Qingchan and Chu Yue immediately.

Children have special physiques, but they have suffered from their mothers. Since they were pregnant, their Cultivation Base has stagnated, and their whole body's energy is fully supplying the fetus in the womb.

If it weren't for the Su family's wealth and the use of many Heavenly and Mortal Treasures to nourish the fetus in the womb, I am afraid that the birth of the child will still be throat.

Today, the two are a little weak, but after all, their Cultivation Base has reached Quasi Emperor, which is much better than ordinary people.

This is one of the reasons why the visions at the birth of the two daughters are so horrific.

Su Changsheng took the hands of the two ladies and said.

"Qingchan, Chuyue, you have worked hard!"

All the sweet words are inferior to this sentence, they said with a smile.

"Husband, return the child's name?"

Su Changsheng patted their hands, naturally he had already thought about everything.

"It's called Su Muchan, how about Su Muyue?"

When Lu Qingchan and Chu Yue heard this, they were naturally filled with joy. This name contained the word Chan and Yue. They were delicate-minded, so why didn't they know what their husband meant.

"Well, listen to your husband!"

Su Changsheng laughed loudly, and kissed Lu Qingchan and Chu Yue's pretty faces, causing them to blush.

The two little girls outside the door rolled their big eyes, wondering why their parents did this?

But then cheer up, they have names!


The little girls threw themselves into the arms of their respective mothers, looking at them with distress.

Su Changsheng asked Lu Qingchan and Chu Yue to rest well, and walked out with the two little girls in his arms.

Own big girl, Su Changge was born in the Saint realm.

As for Su Muchan and Su Muyue, although they are not as good as Su Yaoyao who was born as a quasi-sage, they have also reached Saint King, which made him sigh a little.

Back then, he failed several times to break through Saint, almost breaking his Dao heart, and his own daughter almost surpassed her original self when she was born.

This is the horror of the fairy body!

Of course, this is not to say that their physique is better than Su Changge's Eternal Beginning Demon Physique, but because they were bred in different environments.

After all, the strength of the Cultivation Base of the offspring is not only related to the physique of the parents, but also related to the Cultivation Base.

If he didn't have such a strong Cultivation Base, he would be surprised!

"Come, meet your aunt!"

Lu Qingge, Jihuang, Changyue, Lin Miao and many other fairies stand in a row, making the two little girls dazzled.

But they still called out sweetly one by one.

It caused the flood of maternal love here, and the little girls were hugged and hugged, making giggles like silver bells.

Both of them felt that the aunts, who were so beautiful that they were like fairies descending to earth, would not come down from their arms.

"Husband, what happened to Kunpeng's nest?"

"Don't worry, I've got tricks for the girls, danger can come at any time!"

Lu Qingge felt relieved, touched Own's lower abdomen, and was held in Su Changsheng's arms, with tenderness in his eyes.

"Husband, I want to hug too!"

All the girls acted like a baby one after another, ah, how can Su Changsheng bear it, then how can he deal with it!

Naturally, hehehe...

Hold the naughtiest dragon girl, take the opportunity to hide her abdomen, and pamper her a lot. Of course, he will not pamper only one person, and it is his consistent style to soak in the rain and dew.

"Sister, why did you spank your aunt's ass?"

Su Qingchan pretended to think for a while and said.

"They're playing a game!"

"Then shall we play?"

Gu Qingge, who was looking after them, blushed pretty, and dragged the two little girls to another place, so as not to teach the children badly!

Kunpeng outer nest.

Skeletal spirits comparable to the Saint level fell one after another under the siege of many arrogances.

Many Tianjiao, more or less, are covered with scars, these are too simple for them.

In order to kill these dozens of skeletal spirits, they teamed up to win easily.

"I thought how dangerous the Kunpeng Lair was!"

"It turns out that it's nothing more than mediocre!"

Someone laughed and walked into the depths easily and freely.

The further you go, the more dangerous it is, but the value it brings is also high, and some good survival medicines have been found one after another.

It made people's hearts hot, and they joined in one after another.

Someone dug up the broken Great Saint soldier in the waste fairy soil, which contains many rare materials, if extracted, it can sublimate one's natal Dao Item.

However, some people dug up the world-shattering killing array, but unfortunately it was only a fragmentary corner, but it also attracted many arrogances to compete for it.

There were also people who touched the Quasi Emperor level murderous intent, and were beaten into a blood mist, and everyone retreated one after another.

Su Changge stepped on the wasteland and felt that 820 was a little bit cramped. He kicked it away with a shocked expression on his face.

"Dark Immortal Gold!"

"Such a big piece!"

Seeing that there was no one else around, she quickly put it away and looked at Su Qingying without changing her expression.

But this scene was seen by the descendants of the Immortal Palace, showing a cruel smile, and said.

"I'll let you collect it for a while, later, including you, it's all mine!"


The darkness vibrated, the sun, the power of the sun frantically gathered, and dozens of holy beasts stepped into the Kunpeng alien species from the boundless sea.


Everyone's complexion changed drastically, they fell into a dilemma, and were locked by the holy beast.

The heirs of the various immortal clans stood up and shouted in unison.

"Shoot, or we'll all die here!"

Everyone looked at these holy beasts solemnly. Without exception, they were all ancient alien species. Only this kind of creatures could survive in the cruel environment of the boundless sea.

Naturally, the strength of the ferocious beast is much stronger than that of ordinary ferocious beasts.

If they don't join forces, they will only end up being slaughtered. This may be a test that Kunpeng gave them!


There's a big fight going on here!

All kinds of methods and visions have been revealed one after another. These ancient alien species are too powerful, even if there are many arrogances, they are caught in a bitter battle!

However, after a while, their eyes could not help but look in one direction. .

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