Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 189 Great Saint-Level Fierce Beast, The Terrifying Kunpeng Lair

Outside the Kunpeng nest, there was an uproar in the Kunpeng Academy.

Many strong men are ready to move, eyes reveal murderous intent.

The appearance of a Great Saint-level ferocious beast in Kunpeng's lair has exceeded their expectations. This is no longer a trial, but a unilateral massacre.

It is true that the new generation is very strong, but they can only face Saint-level area growth.

And the appearance of the Great Saint-level ferocious beast made all the experts point their fingers at the Kun Kun Academy.

Many Great Emperors, Supremes, and True Immortals cannot just watch their outstanding descendants fall into such a desperate situation.

It can be said that the Great Saint class has basically stepped into the ranks of the strong, and many arrogances will not stop here, but at this time the appearance of the Great Saint class beasts has exceeded the limit that the new generation of Hundred Years can achieve.

"Don't the Kun Kun Academy plan to give us an explanation?"

There is a True Immortal floating above the Kun Academy, and the True Immortal device releases amazing killing intent, and the Immortal Qi hangs down in strands, bursting out billions of brilliance.


An old man walked out of the Kunkun Academy. He was ordinary, and his body was like a bottomless pit, devouring the energy released by True Immortal.

"Why should a fellow daoist get angry!"

"We need an explanation!"

The two Supreme True Immortals confronted each other, and the terrifying True Immortal-level coercion, except for the Supreme True Immortal present, few were able to resist.

"Hunting Kun Academy must wait for an explanation for me!"

"Why does the Great Saint-level monster appear in 720 in the Kunpeng nest!"

"Even now, please fellow daoist open the Kunpeng secret realm, let me wait in!"

Shouts resounded throughout the Kun Kun Academy, and the top True Immortal uttered, even some Great Emperors and Supremes also asked questions one after another.

The old man showed bitterness. Although he was a peerless True Immortal and almost entered the existence of a quasi-Immortal King, he couldn't stop the public outrage.

"The Kunpeng secret realm is left by the true spirit Kunpeng for inheritance!"

"Ten Evils-level Kunpeng has reached Immortal King, and there is an Immortal King-level aura within it, and the law of the avenue, which can only allow the new generation of geniuses in the Hundred Years to compete!"

"Kunpeng inherits the treasure technique, the stomach is an existence that my gland thick academy can interfere with?"

The old man spoke slowly, in a word, the Kunpeng Academy cannot interfere with everything in Kunpeng's lair.


"Then our sons and daughters have only a dead end!"

The faces of many True Immortals changed upon hearing this. Under the pressure of many parties, it is impossible for Hun Kun Academy to tell lies.

After all, this is Immortal King-level inheritance, Kunpeng from one of Ten Evils!

They have also seen the power of this Kunpeng's nest, and the Great Emperor of Ri Zun will die at the touch of it.

"Hmph! You have to try it!"


There are extremely True Immortal shots.

The vast immortal power shook the heavens and gods, and a long spear of immortal soldiers blasted towards Kunpeng's nest with immeasurable power.

"So what about an Immortal King, what is gone is always gone!"

The supreme True Immortal roared loudly, and his body bloomed with fairy light. He walked extremely long in the True Immortal Realm, and he is an ancient creature.

He made a strong move, and hit the Kunpeng's nest directly in the most domineering way, trying to force it in with his supreme strength.


A layer of barriers prevents the immortal soldiers from advancing an inch, layers of incomparable terror can easily annihilate the vibrations and vibrations of the Great Emperor Nine Heavens.

Everyone stared at this place, hoping that this top True Immortal could get in.

"It's just a dead thing, break it for me!"

This top True Immortal is flying wildly, with bursts of immortal light dazzling, it seems that he is the only one left in the whole world, peerless!


The barrier that blocked the immortal soldiers shattered cracks one after another, as if The next moment would shatter with a bang.

Seeing this, the old man from the academy shook his head, except for the Immortal King, no one could enter.


"It really went in!"


The hustle and bustle of the sky was suppressed, and everyone's eyes were horrified!

The barrier was shattered, and an illusory figure appeared in Kunpeng's lair, surrounded by the sun and the sun. Once it appeared, it would suppress the Nine Heavens.

That figure is exactly the same as the figure in the Dao Manifestation screen.

It was an illusory, hazy woman, overlooking the ancient and modern years, striking across the three thousand heavens.

I saw him lightly raising his hand, the air of the sun and sun in Kunpeng's nest seemed to give life, a slender big hand manifested, and shot the immortal soldier horizontally.


Immortal King-level breath, suppressed (aici), almost in an instant, the immortal soldier was shattered, and the extremely True Immortal was wiped out by the big hand.

All this happened so fast that people had no time to react, and True Immortal present was extremely shocked.

"That's Kunpeng!"

"Immortal King made a move, the absolute True Immortal couldn't catch even one move!"

Xu Ying glanced at it lightly, but just stood there quietly, no one dared to take a step forward.

The old man looked calm and said lightly.

"Kunpeng's nest is like suppressing where Kunpeng's hand is. If you don't believe it, you can give it a try!"

Absolutely True Immortal was shocked, and he firmly believed in the words of the old man of the academy.

Besides the Immortal King, who can easily obliterate a supreme True Immortal!

However, most people think that this old man did it on purpose. It was suppressed by Immortal King. Why didn't he speak up in advance?

Facing these questioning gazes, the old man smiled lightly.

After a long time, the phantom on the sheet slowly disappeared.

Seeing this situation, many arrogances felt hopeless. The elders of the family could not enter, so they could only die in the face of this Great Saint-level beast.

"If you give me another Hundred Years, I will kill this Great Saint-level monster!"

"I can not be reconciled!"

"What kind of trial is this? It's clearly a peerless burial pit, just to kill us!"

Regret, resignation, and despair filled the entire Kunpeng outer nest. They couldn't even enter the real nest, which is ridiculous!

The fog dissipated, revealing the true face of this Great Saint level beast.

With a wingspan as long as 10,000 zhang, the figure is huge, the feathers are shining with colorful light, and the broad scales on the back are shining with a gnawing luster.

"Is this Kunpeng?"

"How can this be!"

All the descendants of the fairy clan were shocked. If it was an ordinary Great Saint-level beast, they would fight desperately, but if it was a Kunpeng, they would surely die.

"No, this is not Kunpeng!"

"And the fish tail!"

All eyes were on this strange species with seven or eight Divine Partition-like Kunpeng, and behind it was a long scale tail.

You can be sure this is definitely not the real Kunpeng!


The ferocious beast roared, this group of ants dared to provoke him like this, they really didn't know how to live or die.

His scarlet eyes scanned the crowd, his eyes froze, and he stopped at Su Qingying's figure, roared, and rushed towards him.

The Great Saint peak-level ferocious beast was majestic and imposing, and its sharp claws mercilessly grabbed at Su Qingying.

The void shattered, and the breath shattered the fairy soil, causing the entire area to shake.

With a ferocious and tyrannical aura, this Great Saint-level ferocious beast, resembling a Kunpeng, is uniquely positioned here, able to display almost the Cultivation Base of a Quasi Emperor.

Let everyone be discouraged, without the slightest thought of competing with it, this kind of beast, placed outside, may have already become an emperor-level beast. .

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