Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 197 Blood Sacrifice To Hundreds Of Millions Of Lives, Chaos God Realm, God King Breaks The R

All True Immortal panicked!

This is a major event throughout the ages. The Kun Kun God Realm is about to fall, and this is an Immortal king attacking.

No one can stop it except the Immortal King!

Under the terrifying combat power of the Immortal King, everyone will die, and this place is about to turn into a dark realm!

Many True Immortals were shocked, and in panic, they used secret methods to call the ancestors of all races!

The news is out!

All the top immortal clans, orthodoxy, and Immortal Dynasty shook the world. It is hard to imagine that if the king of Immortals breaks through the world, it will cause turmoil in the world!

With Immortal King-level resuscitation, I sensed everything, and my mind was shocked!

Some ancient existences also woke up and realized that the Immortal of the Chaos Kun God Realm is about to come!

There is no way to stop it, the news is too late!


At this moment, there are many temples among the many heavenly realms, and the statues of gods are shaking and shining, and the rich atmosphere of chaos is permeating from them.

In the fairy palace, a middle-aged man opened his eyes, ignored everything, and said lightly.

"12 let's start!"

The Immortal Palace shook, and an Immortal King-level powerhouse stepped out of it. In the dozens of heavenly realms under the control of the Immortal Palace, a pair of tortoise shells appeared to shield the Celestial Secrets.

Under everyone's dull eyes, the god statue erupted with hundreds of millions of immortal rays, covering all major heavenly realms and hundreds of millions of god realms.


Someone screamed one after another, was pierced by immortal light, and was absorbed into the King of Idols wearing Blood Essence.

"This is a blood sacrifice!"

"How dare the Immortal Palace use thousands of divine realms, and hundreds of millions of life sacrifices!"

There was a roar of the Great Emperor, and above the God's Domain, the Immortal King looked indifferent.

The Great Emperor, Supreme, and the hidden True Immortal were all pierced by the immortal light and dragged into the idol.

This scene is also staged in other gods.

Countless creatures wailed and wailed. They never thought that the master of the fairy palace they believed in would kill them!

When the last trace of sound disappeared, the boundless sea of ​​blood had been formed and absorbed by the statue!

The chaotic air shrouded, and the pure divine brilliance was extracted from the sea of ​​blood. Countless statues of gods with different appearances bloomed with blood, which looked extremely strange.

The blood and light are connected to each other, and a passage connecting the chaotic heaven is constructed.

The bloody thunder surged in the void, and the chaotic pressure collapsed the mountains and rivers.

On this day, a boundless rain of blood began to fall in the Xuanhuang Great World, and all living beings in the Thousand God Realm and the Three Thousand Heaven Realm felt palpitations.

Indistinctly, people saw that there were several blood-colored figures shrouded in chaos, crossing from the other end of the world, stretching their fingers to open the boundary wall of the Xuanhuang Great World, and coming across the boundary

Some Immortal Kings who were about to go to support the Kun Kun God Realm were shocked when they saw the cracks in the boundary wall!

"Chaos protoss, God King breaks the boundary!"

"Is this going to destroy the Xuanhuang Great World?"

In the fairy clan, some people sighed that everything that happened on this day was too terrifying, the world of darkness and the world of chaos came hand in hand and descended one after another.

With a boundless sea of ​​blood to guide, the God King of Chaos descends directly from the air!


An astonishing battle broke out in the mysterious and yellow world, and one chaotic phantom after another descended from the outside world, blocking the Immortal King.


A big bell, huge and boundless, stretches across the void for hundreds of millions of miles, suppresses the universe, bursts out the light of immeasurable killing, and sets immortals in bursts!

That is the ancestor of the Gu family, he is like an immemorial fairy mountain, domineering and powerful, he is making a move, shaking the big clock to fight against the supreme God King.

This is a peerless battle, with the God King on the sidelines and the Immortal King fighting on the other side.


The big bell vibrated Nine Heavens, powerfully defeating the invading enemies. This is the supreme God King among the Chaos tribe, and the true blood of Chaos spilled, crushing an unknown number of Galaxy Clusters.

No one opened their mouths, as if they had expected it, they were forced to enter the game, not to mention that the Great Chaos Realm had enmity with the Xuanhuang Great World.

When old enemies meet, just fight directly!

A large chaotic hand flew out, Shrouding the Heavens to cover the sun, across the universe, covering the sky and the earth!

The Immortal King in the ancient fairy clan was beaten to the point of bleeding, his body was chapped with fine cracks, he spit out Immortal King blood, and kept the chaotic energy in his body. Unfortunately, he couldn't get rid of the chaotic air of the supreme God King. He exploded and regrouped, Has been hit hard!

The God King of Chaos planned to go to the various Immortal King families to prevent the Immortal King from going to the Chaokun God Realm.

Battles are happening everywhere, Immortal King-level breaths are constantly erupting, confronting people and fighting!

The ancestor of the Ye family held a black sky knife, and the dark and deep light of the knife continued to bloom, dyeing the star fields red.

The Heavenly Knife is suspended in the void, and the Law of the Great Dao is constantly jumping above, obliterating each other with the divine substance in the God King's blood.

He has met his match!

That person's head hangs a blue lantern, illuminating the heavens and worlds, full of the vicissitudes of life, the blue light and the heavenly knife are constantly fighting, the laws of the great way are intertwined, and the chain of order is flying, colliding fiercely!

The whole Xuanhuang world was in chaos, and the Jueding God King came across the border to block the Jueding villa in the Xuanhuang world.

The world is in chaos, the sky is falling apart, the violent Chaos Qi and Immortal Qi swept the surrounding Stars, tearing the Universe apart!

But they didn't make a deadly move, they didn't dare to force the opponent too hard, they just blocked it.

Terrible duels broke out in the three thousand heaven realms, and countless people died in the aftermath of the battle. Those below the Immortal King were powerless to intervene!

Everyone knows that this is a huge conspiracy, but there is nothing to do?

Yuxin opened her eyes in the Closed Door Training, she is too familiar with this scene, but unfortunately her Cultivation Base is not fully integrated, so I can't help you!

The vast fluctuations, like the universe collapsing and exploding.

The outbreak of the Immortal King class battle made everyone tremble with fear and dare not pay too much attention.

His eyes pierced through the outer nest of Kunpeng, and looked at the three heirs of Su Changsheng. This time, no one can escape!

His whole body was glowing, and the Immortal aura lit up the Kun Kun God Realm in the darkness, announcing his arrival with great conceit.

The time has come, he no longer hesitates!

They are still too young, facing Ran Zun Immortal, such a terrifying existence, they are almost powerless to fight back, like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Everyone can feel that the whole world is about to collapse and be divided into countless broken Minor Worlds. The big black world that lacks the world tree has already begun to be overwhelmed, shaking and vibrating.

Su family.

Once it is affected, there will be no place for burial!

Everyone looked serious and uneasy.

He was waiting before, waiting for the Chaos God King to descend from the sky.

These God Kings are too powerful, and they came across the border quietly, just like the Immortal Kings, breaking into the Xuanhuang World with force.

Follow the King of Immortals again, raise your hand and blast towards Kunpeng's lair!.

"Immortal brilliance, shine on the heavens!"

The endless starlight was dim, and Su Changge's three daughters were pale.

At this moment, an earth-shattering sound came from outside Changsheng Tian, ​​Immortal King 003 fought unknowingly, and was pulled here.

Sensing the turmoil in other heavenly realms, Ran Zun laughed loudly, took a step forward, and landed directly on Kunpeng's nest!

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