Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 199 Striking The Immortal King, Ran Zun's Shock

The immortal light exploded, causing chaos to rise and fall, allowing everyone to clearly see the great battle above Kunpeng's lair.

"He could actually fight the King of Immortals!"

"We were all wrong!"

Everyone was stunned, looking at Su Changsheng's figure, it was hard to believe and accept this fact.

It is possible that the Immortal King has arrived, and the Immortal King is blocked, only they can come here.

I thought it was a fight to the death, but I saw this scene!

Su Changsheng fought undefeated against Ran Zun Immortal by himself. This scene was so shocking that the three quasi-Immortal Kings were all stunned on the spot.

Su Changsheng is surrounded by immortal light, giving people a feeling of going through vicissitudes of time, which does not seem to belong to this era.

"This is... Hongchen Fairy?!"

"Throughout the ages, almost no one has made it this far in the Great Emperor Realm. It's amazing. No wonder he can hit the Immortal King with the Great Emperor Realm!"

The Immortal King is sure to tell the reason, he has survived from the ancient times, he is an old antique, few people are more knowledgeable than him!

"It's actually a red dust fairy!"

There is a true Immortal exclamation, eyes revealing surprise, this kind of existence can no longer be named after Emperor, Su Changsheng has already transcended, surpassing True Immortal.

It is rarer than the Immortal King!

Every mortal fairy, as long as he does not fall, can become the strongest in the Immortal King!

"No wonder he can strike the Immortal King horizontally!" You Zhun Immortal King exclaimed 217.

Immortal Palace is the top True Immortal, eyes reveals surprise, but he doesn't think Su Changsheng will be the opponent of Ran Zun Immortal, and then he is relieved.

Among the Immortal kings in the dark world, even following the Immortal's real name, they are also high above the rest, and there are very few Immortal kings who can match them.

This time, only one person was given to Ran Zun because of his strength.

Su Changsheng raised his hand, moved all the Tianjiao out of Kunpeng's lair, and looked at Ran Zun Immortal with a calm expression.

Immortal light intertwined with Immortal energy, passed away, and then followed Immortal to confirm that the person in front of him was Su Changsheng.

To his surprise, this person's strength has exceeded his expectations. In his opinion, Su Changsheng is probably an old immortal reincarnated, so that he will become an existence comparable to Immortal King in less than ten thousand years. .

This person is enough to make him take it seriously.

"My hands are stained with the Immortal King's blood, and I have long been invincible in the world!"

"Now, you are just adding another Immortal victory for me!"

He stared at Su Changsheng and spoke indifferently.

"You have survived for too long, your invincible heart has decayed, now I will kill you!"

Su Changsheng was very calm, and his words contained endless killing spirit, Nine Heavens.

Immortal is furious again, today he will bathe in the blood of Immortal King, cut off the faint head of Su Changsheng, and hang it on the Immortal battle flag, he will make his wild words pay the price!

Everyone could see that the Immortal King was irritated by Su Changsheng, making them uneasy.

When the king of Immortal got angry, his corpse spread thousands of miles away. It would be the darkest turmoil, and dozens of heavenly realms would be robbed for this.

Although Ran Zun Immortal has been the King of Immortal for a long time, he is still in the golden age, and the years have never left traces on his body. He is majestic and majestic, with a murderous look, and there are black bloodstains on the golden armor, which is the blood of the Immortal King Imprints that flowed.

It can't be washed, it's regarded as glory!

With the immortal light shining in his eyes, he raised his palm slightly, and the Great Luo Immortal Sword appeared in his hand, which he held firmly.

This is destined to be a bloody battle. His Realm of the Red Dust Immortal has not been completely perfected, and it is short of a Samsara imprint.

They are confronting each other, wanting to see each other's weaknesses clearly, Ran Zun Immortal has been in the Immortal King Realm long enough, he is not afraid to confront anyone at all.

The Da Luo Immortal Sword followed Immortal again, with a murderous aura, and Sword Qi drew cracks in the void, boundless terror.

No one can stand within a hundred feet of them, not even a quasi-Immortal King. This is caused by the terrifying coercion of the Immortal King level, which makes hundreds of millions of living beings worship and kowtow unstoppably!

Su Changsheng is like an immemorial fairy mountain, blocking the Immortal King in front of him. At the same time, his whole body bursts out a steady stream of fairy lights, like an eternal cauldron, where the essence of immortality is bred.

Blooming an astonishing aura, piercing the universe and filling the entire star minister.

The war is about to break out, and there is no room for maneuver!

The Mother Qi of All Matter tripod flew out, suspending Su (bcfh) Changsheng's head, suppressing the starry universe, and isolating the Kunkun God Realm from the impact of the Immortal King battle.


The world-shattering war broke out completely, and then, the void was blurred, hazy, as if it was opening up the world!

"I haven't seen you in the past years!"

Zun Immortal roared again, very surprised, Su Changsheng's shadow was not reflected in the long river of time.

He is constantly shooting, Su Changsheng must be killed here, otherwise, there will be big changes in the future.

As soon as he made a move, many stars outside God's Domain shook, and the entire universe trembled, feeling the aura of the Immortal King. This kind of scene was too terrifying. Unimaginable, earth-shattering.

"King of Immortals!"

Those who have fallen into the darkness of Immortal call out loudly, and all those who have fallen into the darkness kneel down. They are excited and their eyes are wild. It is their glory to be led into the brilliance of Immortal by the King of Immortal!

The dark Immortal is mighty, like a boundless sea, and it will soon cover the entire Kunkun God Realm!

The golden Immortal soldier, who has been washed away by the long river of time, trembled, playing a murderous aura, trying to smash the entire Chaos Kun God Realm.


The Great Luo Immortal Sword cut forward, collided with the golden Immortal soldier, a big explosion occurred, and the Star exploded.

All the creatures' scalps were numb, and it was rare to see such a terrible battle. They kept fighting, and the surrounding void kept breaking and reorganizing.

The dark sword marks and spear marks were branded in the void cracks, and the universe was almost collapsed.

After all, Ran Zun was the strongest among Immortal kings. In Su Changsheng's body, many bones were cracked, and his mouth was bleeding.

However, Ran Zun Immortal will not have a good time, the boiling blood of the Immortal king spilled into the void, revealing a deep picture.

One of his arms was nearly torn apart, and both sides suffered only minor injuries.

Immortal King-level existences are hard to kill, true spirits are not popular, and the road will last forever!

They are still probing, and have not made a real fire, but even so, it still makes people look dumbfounded, as if they are destroying the world, which makes people frightened.

This is an opponent worthy of his seriousness, and the Immortal fighting spirit that has been calm for a long time is gradually boiling.

Then he brushed the hot Immortal king's blood in his body, and all his injuries were recovered, allowing him to return to his peak state. At this time, his fighting spirit was already overwhelming.

This kind of situation, or in the ancient times, he will show.

Su Changsheng changed the word secret. This supreme secret method, which claims to be reborn with a drop of blood, is truly unparalleled in the world, making him fearless of any extreme battles.

Even if the Immortal Realm is not perfect, it is enough for him to compete with the Immortal King!

"Too strong, is this the king?"

The old man in the college who had almost entered the Immortal King had a trembling tone, and there was a lot of excitement in his eyes. He watched the battle of the Immortal King and felt the principles of the Immortal King.

He was sure of taking that step!.

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