Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 308: Immortals And Demons Come To The Nine Heavens, And Fairy Sounds Rise From The Underworl

Su Changsheng's punch seemed to explode the Star Domain.

The bright light shines, and the terrifying shock wave sweeps across billions of miles, and everything in its path is annihilated in an instant!

And Yun Lingxiao's expression turned even colder at this moment.

After all, the shield in front of her was hastily formed and could not withstand Su Changsheng's unparalleled fist. Crystal cracks soon appeared.

The cracks spread like a spider web in an instant, and exploded in the next second, turning into radiance and dispersing in the void.

However, although he failed to block Su Changsheng's punch, the short time delay was enough for Yun Lingxiao to respond.

I saw Yun Lingxiao's already crystal body suddenly burst into light, and the light was extremely Anomaly.

It even looks a little blurry, as if it doesn't belong to this time and space.

Next second!


Su Changsheng's punch was actually Anomaly's and hit the air!

Yun Lingxiao, who was clearly under his fist just now, was actually moved several hundred meters away by Anomaly, silently and without any warning!

It has even broken away from the category of speed.

"Is it similar to the Immortal King's magic technique of Shrink the Earth to an Inch?"

Su Changsheng's eyes flashed slightly, a little surprised.

This Yun Lingxiao is indeed the most amazing and brilliant genius monster in the ancient era, and he actually controls the fifth part of time and space.

When Su Changsheng's punch failed, the Huangquan Emperor Sword behind him also struck out!

At this distance and speed, there is no possibility of evasion.

However, Su Changsheng never thought about hiding from the beginning to the end.

I saw a fairy light flashing in Su Changsheng's eyes, he suddenly turned around, moved his left arm backwards, and actually knocked the Huangquan Emperor Sword away.


The Huangquan Emperor Sword made a harsh metal collision sound, as if it was screaming!

The sword body trembled. If it hadn't been for the blessing of Immortal Yun Lingxiao, I'm afraid that the palm just now would have turned it into powder!

The fierce fighting paused, and the two men confronted each other in the distance.

Huangquan Emperor's Sword also buzzed and returned to Yun Lingxiao's side.

Looking at the Huangquan Emperor Sword that was constantly shaking and even had a crack on it, Yun Ling's cold face remained calm.

After all, it's just an imperial sword. Facing Su Changsheng, who has a physique beyond the ordinary Immortal King, it is still a bit reluctant.

Putting away the imperial sword, Yun Lingxiao was dressed in white, with clear eyes and long white hair, as if he was standing in the pure land of the Immortal World.

But there is an extremely terrifying coercion surging, and the surrounding void begins to ripple. This is a sign that it has reached its limit and will break at any time!

Yun Lingxiao's figure is becoming more and more ethereal. Even though he is standing very close, it gives people an untouchable feeling, as if he is standing in a dimension that cannot be touched at all.

Su Changsheng was also standing in the void. His black hair was shining and dancing freely. His whole body was naked and covered with magic patterns. He was just standing there, but he was hiding endless magic power, and there was a faint potential for heaven and earth to collapse!

Fortunately, the two of them fought in this boundless Star Domain. The space here is relatively more stable and tough, otherwise it would have collapsed and been destroyed long ago!

"You've been fighting for so long, it's my turn, right?"

Su Changsheng twisted his neck, making crisp bone sounds, with a bright smile on his face, and suddenly looked at Yun Lingxiao, his eyes full of fierce fighting spirit.

After the words fell, Su Changsheng took action and finally used means.

I saw that Su Changsheng's body was filled with immortal and demon light soaring again, but this time there was actually chaotic black and yellow energy gushing out, and the light was so bright that he actually evolved into a strange phenomenon!

The vision is huge, sitting high in the Ninth Layer sky, the two qi of immortals and demons are condensed, and the black and yellow chaotic qi surrounds the body, just like an immortal demon looking down on the people, aloof, dominating everything!

And if you look closely, you will see that the strange demon body is exactly the same as Su Changsheng, both in appearance and body!

Use your own body to manifest the Immortal Venerable vision, sit in the nine heavens, and suppress the eternity!

This vision is too terrifying!

Even Yun Lingxiao, whose expression had not changed much until now, changed slightly at this moment, and a look of shock flashed in his eyes!

"This is………………"

"One of the most terrifying visions in ancient records, immortals and demons descending from the sky!"

Yun Lingxiao's pupils shrank, staring closely at the huge vision behind Su Changsheng, as if overwhelming for eternity, he couldn't help but exclaim in a low voice.

"As expected of the empress of the ancient heaven, I'm sorry..."

Su Changsheng still looked unserious and joked, but his subordinates had no intention of showing mercy to her.

The huge fairy-demon body directly stretched out a big hand, across the stars, and grabbed Lingxiao!

Yun Lingxiao's brows suddenly frowned. She felt a great threat from Su Changsheng at this moment.

This guy is definitely not in the True Immortal realm!

He's not even an ordinary Immortal King, he's so powerful!

However, Yun Lingxiao was not afraid, and soon regained his coolness and calmness. As the immortal power surged, bursts of immortal music could be heard in the starry sky.

The fairy music echoed melodiously, as if coming from nothingness, hitting the soul directly. Even if Su Changsheng closed his ears and heard it, it would be difficult to isolate it.

"What kind of magic is this?!"

Su Changsheng was slightly shocked. Although this fairy music did not show any murderous aura, he could feel that his soul was throbbing with this fairy music!

"This is the fairy music of Huangquan. Does it sound good?"

At this time, Yun Lingxiao spoke, with a completely different charming smile from before.

Yun Lingxiao is so beautiful that she looks like a Profound Immortal in the sky, and even people cannot think of blasphemy.

At this moment, he smiled, which instantly dimmed the entire Star Domain. Even Su Changsheng couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"That sounds nice, but...are you looking down on me too much?"

The immortal light in Su Changsheng's eyes was dazzling, as if he could detect all illusions. After saying this in a cold voice, the giant Great Demon behind him suddenly shook!

In an instant, the surrounding scenery changed rapidly, and everything was just an illusion!

The real Yun Lingxiao was still standing not far away at this moment, dressed in white, cold and dusty, as if she was not in this time and space, but she couldn't help but be slightly surprised when she saw that Su Changsheng broke her fairyland so quickly.

"Myriad Tribulations Immortal Shimo (Wang Qian's) body is indestructible and immortal, but this guy's soul is also surprisingly powerful..."

Yun Lingxiao couldn't help but admire in his heart.

Su Changsheng's power completely exceeded her expectations.

However, even if the fairyland did not affect Su Changsheng, Yun Lingxiao's face still showed no trace of panic.

If he can't even pass this level, Su Changsheng is not qualified to listen to the complete fairy music of Huangquan.

The faint fairy sound echoed, and an invisible terrifying murderous intention surged in the void.

Ripples appeared in the void, and among the countless stars, meteorites and fairy sounds around them, they disappeared silently without any warning!

The fairy sound is curling up, and the murderous intent is endless!

If it were an ordinary Immortal King, his internal organs would have been severely injured at this moment, his soul would be destroyed, and even his bones would be melted by this fairy sound!

A cold light flashed in Su Changsheng's eyes, and his expression finally became more serious.

"What a terrifying fairy sound..."


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