Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 317: One Of The Nine Palaces, Fengli Palace!

Looking at Ji Huang's pouting little mouth, Chang Yue raised her hand and flicked it on Ji Huang's white forehead with a doting look on her face.

"What? You think my sister speaks slowly?"

Chang Yue looked at Ji Huang and asked with a smile.

Ji Huang groaned in pain and covered his forehead, but when he heard Chang Yue's words, he hurriedly showed a bright and flattering smile, leaned forward, took Chang Yue's arm, and cuddled up coquettishly.

"How could it happen?! I didn't, sister, don't talk nonsense, it's... it's him? He has a problem with my sister!

Ji Huang turned around and pointed the finger directly at Su Changsheng.

Su Changsheng looked confused and his eyes widened a bit.


Ji Huang was also amused when he saw Su Changsheng's appearance, but he knew he was in the wrong and did not dare to accuse him. He could only turn around and continue to act coquettishly towards Chang Yue and change the subject.

"Oh, my sister Changyue, you just said that we have met the first condition, is it this Golden Dragon Token?"

The golden light flashed in Ji Huang's hand, and the Golden Dragon Disciple Token exuding a strange golden light suddenly appeared in front of the minister in his heart.

"That's right, only core disciples, that is, those with dragon-level tokens, are eligible to compete for the opportunity to enter the Celestial Immortal pool27."

Chang Yue said, and upon seeing this, Gu Hongchen also took out his White Dragon Token.

Fortunately, although I am only a disciple of the White Dragon, I still have a dragon-level token and can enter the Celestial Immortal pool.

This made Gu Hongchen breathe a sigh of relief.

"Besides this condition, what other restrictions are there?"

Gu Hongchen continued to ask, presumably the dragon-level token was only the most basic and simple restriction.

Chang Yue smiled slightly and continued: "In addition to the dragon-level disciple token, you also need to be recognized by the Jiugong and hold the Jiugong token before you can enter the Celestial Immortal pool."

"Although the ancient Heavenly Palace has changed greatly, the Nine Palaces still seem to be intact, so this rule should still be retained."

Gu Hongchen and Ji Huang heard this and nodded thoughtfully.

Since you have gone through all kinds of difficulties to reach this ancient heavenly palace, you cannot miss the Celestial Immortal Pool.

"Do you know the specific location of the Nine Palaces?"

Gu Hongchen looked at Chang Yue and asked, obviously more urgent.

"That's natural." Chang Yue smiled, then raised her head and looked northwest.

"Fengli Palace, one of the nine palaces, should be in that direction. It was there at least ten thousand years ago. We can explore it first."

“The previous palace master of Fengli Palace was also a strong man in the True Immortal realm, and there should be many treasures among them.

Chang Yue looked in that direction, her eyes suddenly brightened.

Recalling that she had been to Fengli Mansion back then, there was a treasure there that she really liked.

It's a pity that the master of Fengli Mansion is very stingy, so she didn't force it so she missed it.

I don’t know if that treasure is still there today.

"In that case, let's start treasure hunting!"


Su Changsheng also began to get excited, his eyes were fiery, and without too much hesitation, he jumped up and turned into a stream of light, which quickly flew towards the northwest.

Although it has experienced countless changes, the scenery on many islands has undergone tremendous changes.

But fortunately, the geographical location does not seem to be too different.

So under the leadership of Chang Yue, everyone quickly transmigrated across the stone islands and stopped in front of a stone island that was completely green.


"Could it be Fengli Palace, one of the nine palaces?"

Ji Huang looked at the seemingly inconspicuous stone island in front of him with an expression of incredible surprise and asked in shock.

Gu Hongchen and Su Changsheng also looked at the inconspicuous and even shabby stone island in front of them, with a look of surprise on their faces.

These nine palaces obviously have a very high status in the ancient heavenly palace.

The palace master's status is probably second only to the five palace masters. If it were placed now, he would definitely be the top powerhouse in the Xuanhuang Great World. His power would not only dominate a domain, but at least his palace would occupy an area of ​​100,000 square meters. Even though it's tens of thousands of miles away, it's still considered low-key.

But how could Fengli Palace in front of him be so shabby?!

It’s too low-key!

"Yes, this is Fengli Palace, I can feel the familiar atmosphere."

"Although the previous Fengli Palace was also shabby, it was not like the scene in front of me. It must have been destroyed in the battle in the ancient era...

Chang Yue stared at Qingdao in front of her and thought for a moment.

"It doesn't matter if it's shabby or not, as long as it's a treasure, it'll be fine?"

Su Changsheng didn't care at all, and even looked forward to it.

In his opinion, the more inconspicuous something is, the more unnatural it may be.

This place looks low-key and shabby, but it often hides extremely powerful treasures. If you don't keep a low profile, you won't be able to protect it!

When Su Changsheng's words fell, Gu Hongchen and Ji Huang were immediately awakened.

"You're right, the lower the profile, the more surprising it will be!"

Ji Huang also became excited again. Without saying a word, he approached Qingdao and shot a burst of spiritual power with a flick of his finger.

When Su Changsheng saw this, he couldn't help being slightly surprised for a moment and smiled.

"Hey! When did you become so smart? Do you still know about temptation?"

Listening to Su Changsheng's words that were obviously mocking him, Ji Huang didn't care at all. Instead, he raised his chin and said proudly.

"That's right! I traveled all over the country with you and visited so many Secret Realm ruins. I still understand this process." 597 After saying this, Ji Huang seemed to have just realized the ridicule in Su Changsheng's life, and his pretty face suddenly sank and wrinkled. He frowned and glared at Su Changsheng with a cute and fierce look on his face before he retorted.

"It's so ugly to talk. I've always been so smart!"

"Hahahaha.........Yes, yes, you have always been so smart!"

Ji Huang's reaction obviously made Su Changsheng laugh.

Even Chang Yue, who had always upheld justice and fairness, couldn't help but almost laughed out loud.

Gu Hongchen, who had always been indifferent, could not help but have a smile on his face at this moment.

When she reacted, she was shocked.

I don't know when, but I was infected by these two living treasures.

However, this feeling seems to be very good......

Gu Hongchen thought in his mind and smiled helplessly and shook his head.

Not to mention that she entered a certain Secret Realm to look for opportunities. Even if she got along normally on weekdays, she would either encounter flattery or endless schemes.

But these days when she spent time with Su Changsheng and Ji Huang Changyue, she really felt what sincerity meant, which made her feel extremely relaxed.

The extremely vigilant and tense nerves that I had previously had relaxed. I don’t know when.

Maybe, this is the real partner......

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